High Priest in Japan

Chapter 967: condition

"Okay, I can go and take a look, but I have conditions." Qin Heqing thought about it, and finally agreed.

The reason is also very simple. He is also worried that Ms. Higurashi, who has been driven by the countermeasures room, will go crazy, and then the six relatives will randomly collect the lives of ordinary people to recover his injuries. In that case, even if this matter was not caused by him, Qin Heqing will be more or less. Some regrets.

It's like there was a couple of men and women quarreling near you. You could obviously go up and persuade the matter to calm down, but you didn't get started. In the end, the man who was irritated by the brain-disabled woman decisively walked away and gave the woman a bucket. Would you regret it in your heart, what would happen if you wanted to persuade you?

"You said." Mr. Tanaka did not refute or bargain, but agreed directly and simply.

"First of all, the number of college places. Regardless of whether this matter can be solved or not, as the price of inviting me to take action, you must handle it for me." Qin Heqing was not pretentious, and immediately demanded on the topic the two had talked about first.

"Yes, which university do you want?"

"National Academy of Sciences," Qin Heqing replied.

This is the university he originally wanted to take!

Even if he has obtained the qualifications of Quanzheng-rank priest in advance through the channel of the countermeasure bureau, but the abnormal channel is still a bit troublesome for the future promotion, it is better to take advantage of the opportunity now. It's done.

This is also the reason why he chose to take the entrance exam to the university.

Because I have traveled throughout the entire island country, except for Kokugakuin University, which is also located in Ise, Ise can provide professional diplomas at the level of Shintoism.

Moreover, the address is still as far away as Ise, and it is completely incomparable with the university of Kokugakuin which is located in Tokyo. Qin and Qingdan choose that university to study when he is in pain!

Even if Ise Jingu stands behind the Shinto Department of Imperial Academy University.

"Kokugakuin University? Oh, I see, it's for priest qualification certification. It's easy to say, I will get the internal admission permit for you at most three days to ensure that you will not be delayed." Tanaka smiled. .

"That's not enough. As long as I can enter the Faculty of Shinto Culture of Kokugakuin University in April next year, it's fine." Qin Heqing shook his head slightly.

He didn't want to experience college life so early.

Not an international student.


"Then I need a lot of five-element yin and yang things. The types are not limited, and the functions are not limited. As long as it is the five-element yin and yang things, I want them." Qin Heqing demanded again, looking at Tanaka in front of him.

"Five elements of yin and yang? It's okay. Are there other conditions?" Mr. Tanaka frowned, but he soon calmed down again, still without any hesitation in answering.

"There are also demons and ghosts, the same types are not limited, the number is not limited, even if it is a corpse, I want it here." Qin Heqing simply said.

"What do you want those games to do?" Mr. Tanaka puzzled.

The five elements of Yin and Yang can also be said to be used to make magical artifacts, or to achieve the purpose of the purpose-such as the need for the construction of shrines, what is the use of the corpses of the monsters or ghosts? They can’t be eaten, and it’s troublesome to raise them. Even if they are used as materials to extract certain materials, it is difficult and requires a huge amount. Tanaka really does not understand what Qin Heqing wants them to do.

Can't it be for letting go to harm other people, right?

"I naturally have my purpose, you just leave the things to me." Qin Heqing secretly said.

"Okay, I can mention it to the director. As for how many corpses or living monsters and ghosts can be obtained for you in the end, it will only depend on the director's meaning." Mr. Tanaka precautions.

After all, things have a certain degree of danger. It's okay in the hands of their countermeasures bureau. Let them go and give them to private individuals?

Even if the other party is a priest, they have no bottom in their hearts and need to be treated with caution.

"Yes. But my ugly words are in the front. If the quantity is not satisfactory to me, then don't blame me for not accepting the tasks given by your countermeasures bureau in the future." Qin Heqing also responded with a villain before a gentleman.

"I see." Mr. Tanaka smiled bitterly.

"Well, I'm still busy, so I won't delay your review here anymore. Let's go first. We will contact you by phone for the rest."

"I see you off."

Then Qin Heqing got up and sent out Mr. Tanaka who had finally completed his mission.

"Sure enough, this matter finally fell on you." Yue'er, who saw Mr. Tanaka leaving, glanced at his mouth and muttered.

"Let it fall on the body, as long as I can change the things I said, I still want to let things fall on me."

After all, modern times are not like the Warring States Period. The natural environment is not damaged. Although all the Five Elements are difficult to find, they are not so difficult to find a copy of the world.

Not to mention the various monsters and ghosts that were active in the Warring States Period. Qin Heqing alone killed more than a thousand in those ten years. Replaced with modern ones?

It is estimated that killing the monsters in a region may not be able to catch up with the quality of the Warring States period.

So instead of trying to search for it yourself, it is better to mobilize the power of the countermeasure bureau and use the power of the island country behind it to do it, which is simple and simple.

"Yes." Yue'er agreed.

Then Qin Heqing didn't think about it anymore, and sat back in front of the computer again and became a codezier again, typing on the words of "Imagawa Yoshimoto's Ambition", filling in the number of words for the new book.


"Qin and Qingsang."

"Huh?" Qin Heqing, who was about to head to the nearby subway station, stopped, and looked at the young man standing next to a black Honda car with a puzzled face. "Are you?"

"Hello, Qin Sang, I am the logistics staff of the Headquarters of the Countermeasures Bureau. My name is Hachio Shimamoto. I am waiting for you here on the order of Director Tanaka." The strange young man replied respectfully~www. ltnovel.com~Mr. Tanaka? What do you tell you to wait for me? "Qin Heqing said in surprise.

"As your temporary driver, to facilitate your travel." Shimamoto Yaao replied.

"Ha, he even gave me a special car. Mr. Tanaka is very interested." Qin Heqing pulled his lips and smiled without emotion, "Okay, then I will also take the opportunity to experience the feeling of leadership."

After finishing talking, he didn't be polite with Shimamoto Hachiman, and directly pulled the door of the back seat of the car and sat in with Yue'er and Ayukawa who didn't show their figure.

"Qin Sang, where are we going now?" Yano Shimamoto, who sat in the driver's seat, asked Qin Heqing in the back row through the rearview mirror of the car.

"Shinjuku, Kabukicho." Qin Heqing said directly without talking nonsense.


Then the car started and drove towards the Shinjuku area next to Toshima.

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