High Priest in Japan

Chapter 969: 1 disagreement

"Master Oda?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

As usual, Oda will also be Oda. Although the last name sounds special, it doesn’t seem to think of anything. But in Qin Heqing’s ears, who had just returned from the Warring States period within 20 days, he almost subconsciously Think of Oda Shinna!

Or say Oda Nobunaga!

Especially since the person who said this name was Shizuko Yamamura, who had only recently returned from the **** side, if the Oda-sama in her mouth was not Oda Nobunaga, Qin Heqing would not believe anything.

As for the reason?

It's very simple. Only because of the history of the island country, you can be named, and can make trouble in hell. Except for Oda Nobunaga, the so-called sixth day demon king, other Oda adults are It's free! It is not unusual to be swallowed.

"It's Lord Oda Nobunaga." Shizuko Yamamura didn't know whether he was not prepared to keep it secret, or had a back hand, and was not afraid of some news leaking out. He didn't mind Qin Heqing hearing the news that could not be heard by outsiders. Is calmly replied.

"Uh...you mean that Oda Nobunaga has returned to this world again?" Qin Heqing said in astonishment.

"Yes." Yamamura Shitsuko affirmed.

"Just like you, you have obtained a living body?" Qin Heqing continued to ask.

"An adult he disdains the use of other people's bodies, and the adult's own strength does not need to be like ordinary ghosts, and needs to avoid sunlight. Therefore, Oda-sama still keeps his original body in this world." Yamamura Shizuko replied.

"..." Qin He Qing silently felt that the world hurts more and more.

What's the matter, I just lost him to the Warring States Period for thirteen years. It doesn’t count. Just return to this world and let him experience the Warring States rendition again. In history, no, with the legendary sixth demon king Oda Nobunaga. hate?

Is this too worthy of him?

Or is it that the world doesn't want to be better, and wants to change the material environment where science is dominant, and play a so-called aura recovery?

It's too cheating.

"Sadako, come with me, go to Master Oda, and help him re-make this world into a world suitable for special people like you and me." Yamamura Shizuko looked at the silent Sadako and invited him. Tao.

The expression on his face looked crazy.

I don’t know if it’s her own character, or she’s been in **** for a long time, which changed her originally kind character, or it’s affected by Oda Nobunaga’s devil’s spirit and turned into the present one. Looks like.

"No, I feel that life is pretty good now." Zhenzi looked at Qin Heqing next to him again, shook his head, and refused.

"Is it because of him?" A strange light flashed in Yamamura's eyes when Shizuko heard the words, strange way.

Sadako was silent.

"Or do you have forgotten that you died for what reason?" Yamamura Shizuko didn't care about Sadako's feelings, and directly exposed her scars.

Sadako remained silent.

"Don't forget, you are already an evil spirit now, what can you do even if you continue to stay with him? You know, a woman who is barren can never keep a man's heart." Shizuko Yamamura's face was cold. Destroy Road.

"What if you can give birth? Father hasn't stayed yet." Zhenzi retorted in a low voice.

It looks like a child who has made a mistake and is unwilling to ask his parents for their mistakes, but is worried about being beaten and scolded. It feels very interesting.

"That's all because your biological father doesn't even understand the existence of a special person like us, and he chose to leave me because of fear and fear!" Shizuko Yamamura said angrily.

Obviously he was irritated by Sadako's words.

Majestic resentment then erupted from her body, almost instantly turning the apartment into a ghost domain.

"Qin Jun understands." Zhenzi's eyes flashed, and her grievances were also expanded, while resisting Yamamura Shizuko's influence, she said solemnly.

"Then I will ruin him! It just so happens that what we said can't be known by outsiders. If you want him to be alive, then resist me, and let me see. You have lost a lot of resentment and become weak. It's not worth taking you to work under Lord Oda's account!" Yamamura Shizuko said, turning her head and looking at Qin Heqing with red eyes.

"Sure enough..." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly, but he wasn't surprised at all. He didn't even change his expression, and the radiant aura of divine power bloomed from him, acting like a barrier, immediately stopping Shitsuko Yamamura's attack from his body. .

Following Sadako's grievance barrier, Shitsuko Yamamura's attack was dispersed.

"God!?" Yamamura Shitsuko, who felt Qin Heqing's breath, changed his way.

After he didn't hesitate, he immediately flashed his figure, appeared at the door of the room, flashed again...


"Heqing is not a place where you want to come and leave!" Yue'er who directly kicked Yamamura Shizuko back into the house said coldly.

If you don't even say hello, you just want to run, when she doesn't exist.

"Firming!" Qin Heqing fought back, and the body fixation in a fairy technique was applied to Yamamura Shitsuko.

Suddenly Yamamura Shitsuko stiffened, staying in place like a statue.

Resentment rolled around her body, quickly cracking the power that imprisoned her.

It’s just that she’s fast, Qin Heqing, Yue’er, and Zhenzi are faster, and she didn’t give her extra time to recoil. Zhenzi’s thought motivation once again acted on her, confining her, and then Yue’er shot. One kick kicked Yamamura Shitsuko to Qin Heqing, and then Qin Heqing took over, absorbed her into the refining pot, and threw her into the refining pool that naturally appeared after the pot world was opened, waiting for further processing.

"Good job!" Yue'er turned her head and praised the silent Sadako. After a meal, he looked at Qin Heqing and continued, "It seems that the reason for the environmental change this time is not simple. Even the evil spirits who have been in **** have reappeared. This world is going to be chaotic~www .ltnovel.com~Oda Nobunaga, I don't know what he wants to do when he comes back this time? Will he fight the world again?" Qin Heqing also shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"However, the most important thing is that he has been out for so long, and he hasn't even exposed any news. If he doesn't stay in the deep mountains and old forests, he is very conspiring. It is not impossible to say that he wants to recreate the universe!" Yue'er's complexion condensed in agreement.

"More importantly, it seems that he didn't come out on his own this time. He also brought his subordinates. I don't know how many people there are..." Qin Heqing said irritably, "I don't understand, is Huang Quanguo a sieve? A monster can run out of hell. What about Yixie, how about the army of Huangquan Kingdom? All decorations?"

As for blame Hades?

When people abandoned Taishan Mansion's sacrifice on this side of the island country, they didn't bother to pay attention to the **** here. If they wanted to throw the pot on others, they had to be willing to accept it.

"Well, can you not refine my mother?" At this time, Sadako, who had been silent, suddenly asked.

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