High Priest in Japan

Chapter 970: discuss

"It's rare that you would beg me. If you didn't say it, don't practice it." Qin Heqing looked at the completion of the contract with a little surprise, and basically didn't take the initiative to joking with Zhenzi who had spoken to him. After a while, he continued to say, "Okay, I sealed your mother, and if you want to see her in the future, tell me, I will take you to see her."

"Thank you." Sadako whispered.

"What are you being polite to me?" Qin Heqing said with a straightened face pretending to be displeased.

Sadako was silent, and after taking a deep look at Qin Heqing, she took the initiative to retract her consciousness and handed back control of her body to Ayukawa.

"You are shy?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"Who knows." Yue'er shrugged.

"It's really an interesting change." Then, with a thought, he released the five elite daimyos of the Warring States Period, Kuroda Kanbei, Hojo Soun, Mogami Yoshihime, Aya Gozen, and Otomo Sorin.

"This is..." Hojo Soun looked at the strange environment in front of him in surprise.

"One of my residences in this era, the place is relatively small, so let's take a look first." Qin Heqing replied.

"Sit down."

"Why are you thinking about letting us out?" Sugami Yoshihime unceremoniously sat down at the table and asked curiously.

"Well, some things may need your help for reference." Qin Heqing said.

After that, I didn't talk nonsense and told a few people what happened here before, especially about Oda Nobunaga's return from hell.

"Oda Nobunaga..." Otomo Zonglin frowned.

She knows who Oda Nobunaga is. It is the homomorph of Oda Shinna in the time and space they live in. This is when they read the historical materials that Qin and Qing Gang Kuroda Kanbei bought by the way when they bought textbooks. They have already understood that the time and space in which they lived in the Warring States period and the later generations in which Qin Heqing lived are different historical continuations. Although they are related to each other, they are quite different.

Take gender, for example, all of them are different from historical records except for Aya Gozen and Sugami Yoshihime.

At that time, they received some shocks.

"I'm not familiar with her situation, so I can't tell what he will do after returning from hell, or where he will go. But from the perspective of strategy and Shinna's intelligence we know, Nobunaga should not be A reckless general is very good at adapting to current events, so if I were to replace me with his current situation, I would first go back to the fat to check the status of my family and the retention of forces, and then understand the current situation clearly, and based on the current situation According to the current situation, we will formulate the corresponding plan of activities, and then launch our own actions." Dayou Zonglin mused with Qin Heqing's arm.

"I agree with Zonglin's statement that if I were in that position, I would do the same. And this has been basically confirmed now-that is, after such a long time, there is no governing Oda Nobunaga. The spread of information about him shows that his actions are very careful and cautious, so coupled with the statement of the Yamamura Shizuko, I have reason to believe that Oda Nobunaga is conspiring with some major event and needs a comprehensive plan. Will act." Hojo Soun also nodded in agreement.

"Then where do you think he might be now?" Qin Heqing asked instead instead of questioning the two's statements.

"Owari?" Sugami Yoshihime guessed.

This is the modern Nagoya area.

"Compared with his whereabouts, what I care more about is the number of Oda Nobunaga's subordinates, and who among them exist." Aya Mizen looked around at the crowd, and finally announced that he was different from Hojo Sounka. Otomo Zonglin’s opinion: "Since his goal may be to recreate the universe, he will definitely not only have two or three big cats and kittens in his hand, but there should be a military force. Then if you consider this aspect , Can we catch the clues of the Oda gang?"

"After all, if he really returns with the entire Oda family, then the number of ghost pawns under his hand is not something he can hide if he wants to."

"You mean, let me determine the whereabouts of Oda Nobunaga from the active range of ghost pawns and the main appearing areas of Warring States type ghosts?" Qin Heqing frowned.

This is not something he can handle as a scattered priest. You need to contact the Countermeasures Bureau, or even curse the Forbidden Dao to monitor the types of ghosts and active ghosts across the country.

This is not the result he wanted.

"Compared to these, I'm more curious about your plan, Master Qing." Officer Kuroda looked up at Qin Heqing in thought.

"What?" Qin Heqing wondered.

"According to what you said, you are just an ordinary priest in this world. Although you have the power to search for the entire island nation, you are not affiliated, nor at the national level, or similar. The employees of such extraordinary organizations as Yinyangliao that are directly responsible for the ghost disasters of the entire country, if this is the case, sir, why should you bother yourself?" Kuroda Kanbei regained his gaze on the book that he had not dropped.

"and so?"

"Just report this news to the corresponding organization. As for your sir... you can sit on the wall and wait until those organizations get bloodshed before reaching out and inserting it. That is, you can easily get the information you want. You can maximize your own interests after the incident.” At this point, Kuroda Kanbei paused again, tilted his head slightly, and looked at Qin Heqing with a look similar to squinting, and asked, “Sir, you want to be a hero of salvation. Before the people at the national level can react, they will kill the disaster directly in the cradle?"

"Uh...I don't know." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly. "Or I didn't think about it so much at all. I just felt that the situation was a bit serious, so I subconsciously wanted you to help me consult..."

"But now it seems that I do think too much."

"It's also possible that you are used to being the yin and yang in our time and space, so you haven't been able to change your thoughts back for a while and let yourself stand on the stand of ordinary people again." Kuroda Kanbei added.

"It's also possible. It seems that I really need to reflect and adapt." Qin Heqing smiled lightly.

After discussing with a few people about Oda Nobunaga's possible movements after returning to the world, he skipped this topic and talked about other things~www.ltnovel.com~ For example, turning on TV to watch variety shows.

For example, turn on the computer to search for technical information.

For example, being crooked with Qin Heqing.

Naturally, it is indispensable to notice and criticize Qin Heqing Nong's "Imagawa Yoshimoto's Ambition"-

Why is the protagonist Yoshimoto Imagawa! Is it because she was pushed to the position of general in their time and space by you? It would be fine for me to be supported by you! No, we have to change the protagonist, or we won't do it.

Besides, it's your age, and Imagawa Yoshimoto was placed in the main palace, so what are we?

"Fanwai, Fanwai, right? Fanwai all take you as the protagonists, and promise that there will be nothing with Imakawa Yoshimoto." Qin Heqing, who was a little helpless by his great friend Zonglin, promised with a wry smile.

Okay, the main story hasn't been finalized yet, so I booked it first, and this writing process is no longer there.

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