High Priest in Japan

Chapter 983: real

"True adults." Hearing the voice, the members of the new group who were watching the situation at the station immediately got a straight look and turned around and bowed in salute.

"Who can explain to me what is going on now?" The man named Zhen repeated again with a hoarse voice.

"I'm very sorry, real adults, we don't know exactly what happened. We only know that about three minutes ago, a terrifying wave of falling leaves suddenly appeared in the station, like waves on the sea, in a very short time. It flooded the resident and swallowed some of the team members who could not escape." The team member who was suspected of being the team leader replied in a solemn voice.

"Suddenly..." Real murmured, and walked slowly to the edge of the leaf tide, crouched, and picked up a few pieces from the ground to feel it.

"Did it lead to fire?"

"Who caused the fire?" The leading team member stopped for a moment, and immediately turned to shout to the other team members behind him.

"I have it here." Then the clever team member walked up quickly, handed the fire lead to the team leader, and then passed the team leader to the real adult.

The latter took it, got up, set ablaze, and threw it into the leaves.


However, it failed to catch fire.

This is also inevitable. After all, the leaves produced by the Wanye Flying Flowers are not withered, dry leaves that have no moisture in the sun, but are still very fresh, as if they are new leaves just picked from the trees. In other words, there is also a touch of wood power, and it is simply not ignited by a mere touch of a fire!

At least you have to wait a while.

Therefore, after three or four breaths, the leaves that were dried by the heat of the ignited object suddenly burned, and then together with the ignited object as the source of flame, ignited more leaves...

I was really not afraid of a fire, so I ignited the entire new building.

Then a wave of energy emerged, and the figures of Qin Heqing, Yue'er, and Ayukawa appeared above the station, officially exposed to all the members of the new group.

"Good courage." Qin Heqing lowered his head and glanced at the flame at his feet, and then walked down from mid-air like a god-man, and fell to the periphery of the flame, looking at the real chief who lit the fire with his own hands with a strange expression.

Not for his courage, but for his image!

What kind?

It’s almost the same as a mummy, or a victim who has just suffered from a fire. The whole body is wrapped in an off-white bandage. Whether it’s hands or feet, face or other places, only the five senses are exposed. The part of the fingers that came out were the same, dark skin, as if they were the skin of black Africans, and looked significantly different from Asians!

He was thin, holding a long sword that was longer than the length of the sword held by a normal samurai, but did not meet the standards of the Nodachi, and the simple kimono on his body made Qin He clear his mind for a moment. A very strong sense of sight emerges in the middle-

Is Zhizhixiong real?

It’s just that your identity is wrong, right?

Although Qin Heqing also forgot his origin in the anime Rurouni Kenshin, he was by no means a so-called shogunate, a member of the Xinxian Group, but an executioner of the Reform School. And the protagonist Rurouni Kenshin is a colleague.

"Hey, this world is really getting more and more weird." Qin Heqing murmured in his heart.

"You made the things here?" Qin He, who was suspicious of Zhi Zhixiong's true real Chief Chief, silently looked at Qin He who showed extraordinary ability.

"It's me. So I think you should be the last guardian that Satarou arranged in this space, right? Restoration martial artist, Zhizhixiong is real." Qin Heqing smiled slightly, and put aside those who have been out of the mind. Asked the truth.

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Truly said coldly.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I know that you are the last boss here." Qin Heqing flipped his wrist and used the refining power of the refining pot to fuse the eight holding swords of the ten gods, and then upgrade them into divine tools and divine implements. Daimomaru took it out and said.

Shizhixiong is real, one of the most distinctive villains in the anime Rurouni Kenshin, a guy who almost put Rurouni Kenshin to a dead end! As the Shanzhai'Jianxin' who once performed with Feitian Yujian Liu, Qin Heqing doesn't mind to perform the original classic scene again if he has the opportunity.

Even though, he is probably not Zhizhixiong's true opponent.

But what does that matter? There is no fatal danger, Qin Heqing naturally has the confidence of waves.

"This is exactly what I want." Zhi Zhixiong said coldly, who understood what Qin Heqing meant.

Then he drew out his own knife without hesitation and locked Qin Heqing.

Qin and Qing did the same, staring at Zhi Zhixiong's truth with the technique of using the eye sword.

Then the next moment, the two sides moved together, like two dark shadows, rushing to each other instantly.


The fire flashed, and the real figures of Qin Heqing and Zhi Zhixiong appeared in the eyes of the onlookers of the new team members. Only for a moment, they disappeared again from everyone's sight.

It can be seen that the speed of the two people is far beyond what ordinary humans can describe.

At least in terms of speed.

Then more sparks and afterimages flashed, sending more sword strikes into the ears of all onlookers.

"So fast! Is this the strength of Master Chief and the enemy, so strong, so terrible! Replaced by us being Master Chief's opponent, we may have been killed without even the time to react." A player murmured with lingering fears. Tao.

"So you are a team member, and the chief is the chief." Another team leader took the conversation.

"Is it completed...or is it just because of the sublimation of the physique to be able to display more skills?" Yue'er muttered.

"What has been completed, and what more skills?" Ayukawa asked inexplicably.

"I'm talking about Heqing's swordsmanship. Compared with his previous performances, the Fei Tian Yu Jian Liu this time is obviously more practical, sharper and more terrifying. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is a real one that can be used. Killing combat swordsmanship! So I was wondering whether Heqing used the knowledge he inherited to supplement it, or was he simply using the convenience of physical fitness to force the fancy to become practical." Yueer explained Tao.

"What do you think?" Ayukawa asked.

"From the current situation, the former should be a little bit more." Yue'er observed and judged.

And the fact? It is true.

As an inheritor who has inherited nearly two thousand years of experience and knowledge from the last generation of Huzhongxian, an evolving immortal who makes up for the ancients, it is not a big problem to complete a set of island-country swordsmanship schools with its own traceability.

Not to mention, the previous generation of Huzhongxian had a not-so-weak swordsmanship cultivation base—learned from Xuanyuan Sword, he was a first-class figure of Jianxian, so from the perspective of Gaowu Jianzhu, it complemented Feitian Yujian Liu and made it It is easy to change from fiction to real.

This is the reason why Qin Heqing suddenly wanted to have a real fight with Zhi Zhixiong.

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