High Priest in Japan

Chapter 985: yin

"No, this guy is delaying time!" At this moment, Yue'er on the side suddenly reminded.

"Did you find it..." The whole body's yin energy disintegrated, the resentment dissipated, and the wailing undead began to appear and entangled around. If Qin Heqing hadn't been there, Zhi Zhixiong, who had been swallowed by the undead for the first time, chuckled.

"It's late! As long as I completely dissipate, this space will immediately collapse completely, taking you to be buried with me!"

At the end, Zhi Zhixiong, who didn't hide any motives, laughed completely and completely crazy.

"Are you Satarou?!" Qin Heqing changed his expression after hearing this.

"Satarou? Yes, I'm Satarou, the true master of the world in this book, Fusangshen. It's a pity that that guy awakened too late, and didn't notice himself until he was swallowed by me and was about to be merged. No, in the end, I can only be unwilling to be assimilated by me and become a new body that the old man can survive in this world." Zhi Zhixiong said truly proud.

"I just didn't expect that I ran into you, and I ran into you, the spreader of the flying sword holding a magical weapon. I have to say that fate is really amazing."

"It's no wonder that Satarou didn't show up until this time, or did other things." Qin Heqing said suddenly.

"To blame, blame you for being nosy, you shouldn't use Fei Tian Yujian Liu to compete with me, otherwise, even if I am defeated and die, I will never take you so hard to bury you."

"What you said, do you believe it yourself?" Qin Heqing sneered.

I'm not a young man anymore, what kind of white lotus I still pretend.

"...I don't believe it." Zhi Zhixiong truly shook his head.

"But what about that? After all, you failed to escape my calculations, and you are about to leave this world with me and fall into eternal sleep. On this point alone, I still won."

"That's not necessarily." Qin Heqing shook his head.

Zhizhixiong did not refute the truth, but looked at him with a head that was about to be completely stretched.

"Yue'er." Qin Heqing shouted.

"It seems that only divine power can be used." Yue'er muttered.

Then, without verbosity, he immediately moved his mind into a state of deification, unfolding his own painting and calligraphy world, and while wrapping Qin Heqing and Ayu Chuan, it quickly swallowed and eroded into the surrounding space.

And I don’t know whether it’s because the space is about to die, so the various rules are no longer rigorous and easy to be eroded, or because the nature of the painting and calligraphy world is too similar to the world in the book, so the erosion is relatively simple, just a moment. The space of tens of meters around Qin Heqing and others was completely replaced by the space of Yue'er's painting and calligraphy world, and the rules were merged to obtain the authority to return to reality.

"By the way, you can't waste it."

After speaking, Qin Heqing stretched out his hand and took a real shot of Zhi Zhixiong, who had only his eyes and the above part of his head still not gone, and threw it into the demon refining pot.

"Let's go." Qin Heqing said.

"it is good."

Then the next moment, the surrounding light and shadow changed, and Qin Heqing and Ayu Chuan returned to the Amemiya Bookstore.

"Yue'er?" Qin Heqing, who didn't see Yue'er's trail, said with a slight concentration.

"Wait, I will come out after I swallow this space." Yue'er replied with a resounding voice.

"Well, then you are careful." Qin Heqing said.

Then, without talking nonsense, with a thought, he released the Amamiya Liuli family and the two customers, a man and a woman, who had been rescued earlier, and threw them aside, waiting for Yue'er's return.


Fortunately, after a short while, Yue'er, who had regained her original appearance, reappeared in Qin Heqing's sight.

"How is it?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"Earned." Yue'er smiled at Qin Heqing with a thumbs up.

Obviously, this wave of devouring gave her a lot of benefits.

"That's good." Qin Heqing smiled and nodded, took out his cell phone, and while sending a message to Kasaka Kasuke, who was guarding outside, asking him to come in, he said to Yue'er, "Hide it first, I will call Kasuke to come in."

"Good." Yue'er nodded, and then disappeared into the void.

"Ding Ling Dang Cang"

Following the sound of the store door, Takabakagawasuke, who looked a little impatient, hurried into the bookstore.

"Where are people?" Gao Banchuansuke who saw Qin Heqing asked immediately.

Needless to say, I knew that it was his girlfriend, Amamiya Ruri.

"Over there." Qin Heqing lowered his lips, and somewhat dissatisfied with Takabachi Chuansuke's behavior of valuing his friends, pointing his mouth to one side, and replied in a perfunctory manner.

"Luri!" Takaban Chuansuke looked at it, exclaimed, and quickly walked to Amemiya Ruri, the youngest of the five, hugged her upper body and called.

"What's wrong with Liuli?" Gao Banchuansuke asked anxiously, who had never seen Liuli wake up after yelling a few times.

"It's okay, it's just being cursed by Fu Mengshen, and you just need to untie it." Qin Heqing didn't talk nonsense. He reached out and pointed at the five Amamong Liuli, and a ray of light instantly spread over the five. , Did not enter the bodies of a few people.

Then I saw Amamiya Liuli's eyelids tremble, and opened his eyes blankly.

Then other people sat up from the ground one after another, looking at other people and the surrounding environment inexplicably.

"Kawasuke? This is..." Amamiya Ruri, who was the first to recover, said bewildered.

"Let my friend talk about this." Takayuki Kawasuke smiled bitterly. "Oh, yes, let me introduce you to him. This is Qin Heqing, my best friend is the best friend, and he is also a priest."

"Amamiya Ruri, my girlfriend." Then Kasuke Takabashi introduced to Qin Heqing.

"Hello." Amamiya Liuli greeted a little shyly.

It was not how shy she was, but that she suddenly remembered where she is now-Amamiya Bookstore, which is the shop where her parents are in charge of looking after and operating. Naturally, her parents are by her side, so she blatantly compares herself with Takasakagawa Jie’s relationship is exposed ~www.ltnovel.com~ She is still somewhat embarrassed.

"Hello there."

Then Qin Heqing didn't pretend to be sentimental, and calmly explained what happened in the Amamiya Bookstore to the Amamiya family and the two victims.

"Fu Sangshen... I didn't expect this kind of existence in our family. Thank you, Qin and Qingjun." After listening to the story, Amamiya Liuli's father gave a wry smile and thanked Qin and Qing on behalf of the family.

"Uncle is polite, I'm just a matter of effort. So if you really want to thank you, thank Kawasuke. If he hadn't called, I wouldn't be here." Qin Heqing shook his head and helped Gao Banchuansuke to send it. A father-in-law assisted.

"Of course, I won't forget Takayama-kun's kindness." Father Amemiya glanced at Takaban Chuansuke and chuckled.

As for how much of this is grateful, and how much of it is the bad mood of seeing his daughter about to be a pig, then only he knows.

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