High Priest in Japan

Chapter 988: Simple weekend

what! ! ! "

"What happened?"

"There are ghosts! There are ghosts, there are ghosts!"

After shopping in the mall, the dress change was finished, and when he was about to leave, Qin Heqing and others suddenly screamed hysterically in the last women's clothing store where Qin Heqing and others were located, and then the curtain of a dressing room was torn open. The woman with disheveled clothes and the exposed jacket ran out of the locker room with a panic face, rushed to the waiter's side, and pointed to the locker room road where she rushed out.

Suddenly, everyone in the store was dumbfounded.

What's more, as if to avoid disaster, he directly dropped the clothes he was looking forward to, turned around and ran out of the store, looking like he was afraid of being contaminated, which aggravated the panic.

So except for a few such two or three stupid or stunned women, and customers with male companions beside them, everyone else ran out, only the service staff of the store looked at each other and cautiously turned to the dressing room. Go over...

"Don't do it?" At the same time, he put on a conservative dark long dress and dark coat, wearing a beret on his head, dressed up like 18th century European ladies The same Kuroda Kanbei asked.

"Do you want me to shoot?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"Aren't you a priest?" Kuroda Kanbei shook his head.

"Who has stipulated that after the priest sees the supernatural phenomenon, he must deal with it immediately?"

"Well, I forgot. You are different from ordinary priests." Kuroda Kanbei was shocked, and then he suddenly said, "Then leave here, and quickly finish what you want to experience and see with us, so that I go back and continue to study my project."

"Everyone, let's go." Qin Heqing nodded, and said to the four Hojo Soun who are also all dressed up in modern clothes, who appear to be moving and elegant.

"it is good."

Then several people turned around and left the store and returned to the streets of Shinjuku.

However, he didn't stay long, and then he took a turn, got into the subway station next to him, and took the subway towards Chiba Prefecture.


"This is the place you want to show us? Playground?" After dozens of minutes, Officer Kuroda, who was standing with Qin Heqing outside the gate of the island's Disneyland, was surprised.

"Playground? Is it a place specially used for entertainment?" Holding Qin Heqing's arm, Zonglin, a big friend like a koala, asked in confusion.

"Yes." Qin Heqing nodded affirmatively.

"What's the point?" Kuroda Kanbei asked puzzledly.

"It doesn't make sense." Qin Heqing smiled.

"Then what brought us here?"



"Sure enough, I shouldn't have any extra expectations for the so-called itinerary." Kuroda Kanbei said helplessly.

"Then do you know the term combination of work and rest?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically with a smile.

"You mean, I shouldn't always focus on studying and experimenting, but also devote more energy to entertainment, right?" So smart that it was almost impossible to find a few of the same kind in her era. Kuroda officer Wei Wenxian said elegantly.


"I don't feel that such behavior will help me much in my study."

"Then treat it as being with me."

Officer Kuroda looked at him for a while, sighed, and did not say any more discouraging words, and acquiesced to what Qin Heqing said.

"Heqing, the ticket is ready, you can go in." At this moment, Aykawa returned, who was sent to buy the ticket.

"Okay, let's go in."

Then everyone walked to the door, passed the ticket gate, and entered Disneyland.


However, after I went deep into it, I found out that they really make this group of very people feel interesting, or it is worthwhile to play only so different-the big carousel and the shuttle train like a roller coaster!

Among them, the former is able to climb high and look into the distance, giving people a relaxed and happy feeling.

The latter is thrilling and thrilling. It is a relatively normal game for their group of masters who can enter the battle against the enemy chiefs and can play in the dojo.

As for the others?

Whether it’s a haunted house, a make-up show, or a theme castle, it doesn’t make much sense for the well-informed Qin Heqing and others. After seeing the novelty, it is dull and not as interesting as shopping at the beginning.

"It seems that you chose the wrong way of entertainment." Yue'er, who noticed this situation, said with a smirk.

"Yeah. But what can be done? I can't really do things like provoking war to arouse their interest, right? I'm not that crazy." Qin Heqing shrugged, looking helpless. Sighed.

"You are wrong. Although we are the military commanders and daimyos of the so-called Warring States period in history, it does not mean that we are really keen on the killing of war, but because we are in that era, we have to focus on Compared with this, any novel and interesting things are worthy of our attention and try. For example, these performances in front of us, although they look monotonous and naive, are also a qualified program as a fun children’s project." Hojo Zao Yun walked to Qin Heqing's side and said.

"Yes. Compared to war and killing, I still prefer the time with You Qing." Otomo Zonglin echoed.

"It doesn't matter to me. Because for me now, any moment of free time is worth cherishing and savoring, otherwise, why should I leave Masamune and the top family behind and choose to come with you in this space? "Zi Shang Yi Ji also took over the topic and expressed her thoughts.

"I am about the same as Yihime and two big friends. As long as I stay with you, even if it's rough tea and light rice, I can enjoy it without suffering." The last Ayami responded with a smile in front.

"You...It seems that I am really guilty of sins. I don't know how to cherish them with good women like you, but are thinking about others~www.ltnovel.com~ It seems that I really need more in the future. Stay with you." Qin Heqing opened his arms, wrapped his arms around Otomo Zonglin's waist, and embraced Hojo Soun with the other. His eyes were affectionately looking at the beautifully dressed top Yihime and the elegant and dignified, like Aya Mizen like a strong woman. , Wen Sheng said.

"As for Guanbingwei, how about I send you to university for further study?" Finally, Qin Heqing asked Kuroda Guanbing who looked to the side again.

"Can you?" Kuroda Kanbei asked in surprise.

"Of course. It's just that you may have to work harder before that. Work with me to complete the review before the university admissions exam, and then go to the university admissions exams together and pass the pre-selection." Qin Heqing reminded.

"That's okay. With my ability, I don't think that kind of thing can get me hard." Kuroda Kanbei responded confidently on his face.

Then everyone skipped these unremarkable topics, and once again immersed themselves in the amusement park project.

Until about ten in the evening...

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