Winter was sure that there were other ways to get around this situation.

She's good with finding solutions. This problematic matter that Ace has is not even the worst she has seen. But then, after hearing the whole story from him and learning his determination to see this plan through, she eventually finds herself giving in.   

"You see, my step father started paying attention to me ever since I began spending more time with my step sister. I'm not sure what's he really thinking, but I'm getting the impression that he's going to use me like some poster boy for the company or something. He had Ms. Chloe, the daughter of their business partner and a rising teen model, to influence me on becoming a model. Then, before I knew it, he set up a meeting for us this afternoon. There, I found out that she's actually in love with me," was what Ace said the night before he parted ways with Winter.

For her part in this plan, he told her that he'll just explain it once they meet up again on the next day. With that, she decided to spend the weekend to help him out with this pretense he came up with.

'Let's be professional about this, okay? Ace and Ms. Violet had helped me out several times. I should return the favor. Also, they're the only friends I have aside from Sir Lexington - if I even consider him as one, that is...' she thought to herself as she made her way to their meeting place. 

'Besides, this only an act. Sir Lexington will understand... I guess.'

Today is the day Winter will be pretending to be her classmate's girlfriend.

She agreed to meet up with Ace at the park this morning. It just happened that the modelling agency where Chloe is working at is located near that place.

'But a girlfriend, huh? I don't know a thing about being someone's lover. Even when I'm in an arranged marriage, I didn't make an effort to act like one. But perhaps, if I just do what Sir Lexington always does, I can pull it off somehow. My former husband is the best example, after all!'

At times like this, having a flirt around her can actually be a good thing. Since she used to observe him ever since she married him, she got to learn how to charm and seduce, but of course, she never really tried it on anyone even if it's for the purpose of forming connections. For one, it's because she's not as gorgeous as him - she can't ever compare to him.

Now that Winter thinks about it, this is precisely the difference between her and Marcellus.

While she gathers people on her side by using her knowledge, he does it by using his beauty. Of course, that's not to say that he never used his smarts, which was another thing that she couldn't compare herself to, but it only happened that his usual targets were more inclined to being entertained and swooned instead of being talked serious business with.     

'So, then... That's it. I'll just do what Sir Lexington always does when he flirts.'

At long last, after hours of commuting and walking by foot, Winter arrived at the park. She found Ace waiting near the water fountain - right in the middle of a crowd which she doubts is already present when he's still not standing there like the statuesque eye candy that he is.

He's wearing a casual attire. It's this white shirt underneath a black-and-white varsity jacket, a grey cap, a pair of grey pants and rubber shoes. Even with such a simple get-up, he still gets to attract a crowd just by standing there.

'Talk about eye-catching. In five years or less, Ace will probably end up rivaling Sir Lexington and August in terms of looks.'

At that moment, Winter finds herself thinking that Ace is both fortunate and unfortunate. He may have the looks that hook like those two, but she wonders if that kind of attention isn't at least bit nerve-wracking for him, especially when it's unwanted. Her brother can handle it by acting like a cold-hearted prince while her former husband takes advantage of it since he likes playing prince charming.

But as for him, she wonders how he deals with it.

"Hey, Ace! Over here!" Winter called out from a distance.

"Huh? Winter?" Ace blurted out, wondering why she did not approach him instead.

Little did he know that she didn't really want to join him in that spotlight. But right after catching sight of her for the first time that day, he appeared to have shed a spotlight on her that was of her own - he suddenly looked astonished that it's almost like she was the only person there.   

'What's with that reaction?' she thought, tilting her head and furrowing her brows.

Winter is wearing casual clothes today as well. It's this long pastel pink skirt and plain long sleeves polo with a pink checkered ribbon. As per his request to wear something on her head, she also decided to bring a white floppy hat with her. 

"Good morning, Winter! Thanks for coming with me today. Is it alright to borrow you until noon?" Ace greeted as he walked up to her, admiring her in silence all the while.

"Good morning to you too, Ace. You're more than welcome to have me with you this day. I'll do my best to help you out," Winter said with a determined look, pumping her fists at the same time. 

After some time of talking there, Winter could no longer stand the intent stares that his captivated audience were shooting at her. To her incredulity, he seems to be unaware of the attention. Because of that, she had to take it upon herself to move their conversation to another place.

'And this guy's supposed to be the most popular kid in school. Why is he this oblivious when it comes to those who falls for his charms?' Winter deadpanned as she walked beside Ace. 

"So then, Ace, what's the next step after this morning rendezvous with your girlfriend?" she then started with a quip, making him blush a little despite her nonchalant way of saying it.

"Let's have a date somewhere near the studio where Ms. Chloe is," he answered, cool and smug.

"You know that she already knows who I am, right? She did meet me yesterday when I tried to make a diversion for you to use. I thought you would've caught on, but all you ended up doing was make it worse."

"Well, we can hide your face if you're uncomfortable. All you did was say your name yesterday, though. Not like she knew that you're really not my girlfriend."

"But won't she find it weird that I did not get jealous or try to stop you two? If I am to say I'm your girlfriend now, she might not believe it. And I don't think I'll be comfortable revealing who I am."

"Alright, then. That's actually why I told you to wear a hat. Hide your face with it. Of course, I won't let you get busted out, so let me handle the rest. I'll make sure that no one will bug you after this."

Winter thought about that for a moment. Ace waited for her response, a little nervous. That's until she said something misleading.

"I see. So, I don't need my face... You just want my body, then?" 


Wrong phrasing.

Winter does hope that Ace will take lessons on common sense, though. He burst into laughter when she said that with an innocent look - and motive, of course. Now, she feels like she's the strange one here when in reality it's actually his tendency to let his false assumptions entertain him.

"Okay, let me take that back. So, you just need to show that you're with someone?" Winter corrected.

"Yeah, that's right," Ace said, still laughing. 

"Hmmm... Then, why didn't you just ask the others? You have a lot of female friends who'll be more than willing to play this part - Courtney or Maxine, for example. They might even do better than me."

"I never recalled holding an audition for this. Besides, I'm not really that close with anyone like most people think."

"O-Oh, I see."

For some reason, he appears to be a bit dismayed. 

Perhaps, she'd been jumping to conclusions the whole time. It feels like he's not really what he first seems, after all - just like his step sister, Violet. 

"Alright, I get it. You go on and lead. I'll work hard to be your pretend girlfriend."

At Winter's sudden remark, Ace turns to look at her in surprise. She wants to reassure him that she's willing to take part in this arrangement - as a concerned friend, that is. 

But when his silence takes too long, she realizes that she might've not been convincing enough.

Thinking of trying out the flirting techniques that she stole from Marcellus, she reached out her hands and cupped the sides of his face. She then leaned closer and smiled up at him.

Though taken aback, he was spellbound in a matter of seconds. He can only stare at her from thereon, keeping himself from melting in a puddle of goo at those bright emeralds of hers. 

"But if ever we need to flirt at one point, I'll be the one to take the lead," Winter remarked with confidence, turning Ace into a blushing mess.

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