Compared to the leisurely backstage, the tense air of glaring people at each other on the adjacent stage rose to an explosive level.

Or rather, it tried to.

*Snap, crack, crunch* The sound of something hard being crushed echoed, eclipsing the panting voice of the maidens (Pucelle).

Of the four stages, there was a strange object set on the north stage.

A bench that looked like it was carved out of a log.

The four stages were adjacent to each other, and it turned into corner position as the three sides were facing each other

It was known who had placed the bench there, or when it had been placed, but it could probably be said to be a prime seat in terms of camera angle.

*Rustle* Putting one hand into the plastic bag in their hand, a soy sauce-colored hard-baked senbei was taken out.

It must be very hard.

*Snap, crack, crunch* The sound of destruction, as if they were gnawing on concrete, leaked from their mouth.

The boy who was grandly seated on the bench and eating senbei was expressionless like a mannequin.

The other boy, holding his resigned face with his hands next to him, for some reason seemed as if oozing air of melancholy.

He must have noticed that they were receiving indescribably dubious expressions from the three of them.

He closed his very sturdy and healthy looking white teeth for once.

「I don’t mind. Go on.」

The boy was hit with a full swing to the back of the head, raising a dull thud, but he took out another senbei from the bag as if he hadn’t noticed it.

The other boy, shaking, trembling and holding the wrist of the hand he used to hit him, seemed to be very pained.

「… You guys, we’ve got the whole place to ourselves today. Care to get out at once?」

「… Huh. Don’t you dare talk down to me like that.」

「… This is troubling. We have no intention of going into a fight, though.」

The representative members of each club formed an agreement to act as if they saw nothing.

The air reading of tacit agreement could sometimes be very compelling.

「Listen well. Even if we don’t particularly resort to force, with words we can… Hey, you!」

One of them, who couldn’t stand the sound of boom, bang, crash like a demolition construction site, ended up readily breaking the taboo.

「Just how hard of a senbei is that?! No, that’s not it, what’s the deal with you?」

After swallowing the senbei and silently turning his gaze at her for a while, the boy quietly held out the senbei bag.

「That’s not it, I’m not demanding you for it or anything!」

「My oh my, the tension sure is declining, huh…. But you’re someone I have no recollection of. To which club do you belong, I wonder?」

「Ooi, ooi. Are you fascinated by the boy? You sissy bastard.」

「Huh? Oi, what did you say to a lady? I’m going to crush you, you third-rate bastard.」

「I don’t want potato chips either! I don’t want a candy eith…. Huh, the heck is that? Caramelized? Why do they all look so hard?」

The balance in the name of the tense air at the intersection of the stage, which had gotten out of hand, was beginning to collapse.

「Rather, to begin with, what’s the deal with you? Are you trying to watch a show or something, you small fry?」

The soft Mohawk, his face twitching, stepped out from his own area to the north side of the stage to take out his irritation on the easy target.

This was a clear act of hostility that went beyond tacit agreement, a signal that he was picking a fight.

Silently brushing away the presented bag of senbeis, he brandished his leg.

「C’mon, fly and disappear. You small fry basta… rrgh!」

Crack! Giving rise to a vigorous and painful-sounding sound, the soft Mohawk had his head stuck into the cobblestones of the stage.

With a torn bag in one hand and a fist in the other, the boy slowly stood up from the log bench.

「… Those who waste food should all die.」

「Hey, idiot, sto… shit! Stop it, why did you snap?」

Be it those who were clinging to the maidens (Pucelle) or those who were petrified in the back, the whole member of the『Idolatry of the Holy Night (Noel Choppers)』 present there shifted to a battle stance.

「You women should stand back.」

「… You, seriously, what’s the deal with you?」

「… Oh my.」

Pushing away the girl, who clearly snapped due to being treated as a woman, and the boy, who was dazed and taken aback due to being treated as a woman, as if it was only a matter of course, he stepped out onto the stage.

「Oi, shithead! You’re dead meat, you bastard!」

「Imma educate you so that you never walk with your face up again, you bastard!」

「I’m gonna blow off that pretty face of yours!」

「Now, fight. Show me your glimmer of life, humans.」

Facing the members of the『Idolatry of the Holy Night (Noel Choppers)』 who were bustling and gathered on the west stage, he spread my arms to the left and right and lifted the corners of his mouth.

「… Crap. Humans he said, that guy, did he secretly shift to rampage mode….」

「Are you out of your mind, you bastard!」

「Now now, calm down a bit, you guys. If the commotion gets too loud, the security forces will come out, you know?」

A hand was pointed at him as he stepped in to mediate with a pleasant-sounding voice.

「It’s not a place for a lady to step in.」

「… Do stop with the teasing there. I’m a man, okay.」

「The flesh is but a vehicle for the soul. If your heart is that of a lady, then you can be nothing but a lady.」

「Hihhihhi, that guy’s a sissy homo bastard too, huh!?」

Getting launched diagonally upward with his body bent into aくshape, the boy fell off the stage.

「Now. Time for chit chat is over. Pick up your swords, raise a war cry! Bare your fangs, go on a rampage! Kill, fight, strife is pleasure in itself! Kuhaa, hahaha, hahahaha!」

Intimidation and awe spreading through the air.

Not only that, but under the physical pressure, cracks ran through the cobblestones of the stage.

The pressure that seemed to engulf their minds was a sensation they had recollections of.

It was a passive skill of the stratum guardians of the deep stratums or super class raid bosses that inflicted bad status toward those of lower ranks.

In a state of panic and recklessness, the『Idolatry of the Holy Night (Noel Choppers)』 readied their weapons and charged at the tyrant on the stage.

「What the hell was that?! Is that your guy’s doing? Hey, it’s the time to be dazed.」

「… E, err. No, it isn’t. This is also my first time meeting such a nice guy.」

*Boom, bang* Along with his carelessly around swung fists, human figures were launched like a firework.

It was an overwhelming power, but there was no rational technique to it.

The proof was in the fact that the opponents were blown away along with their SP barrier.

It could be said to be a common type of power-type beast-type boss.

Therefore, as long as you were not swallowed by the intimidation, it was not a scary opponent for those who continued to conquer the front lines of the dungeon.

「Haa… Geez, it can’t be helped. That, let’s take it down. Do help me.」

「You’re right. He looks like a frenzy-type Irregular after all, I doubt he’s going to come to his senses on his own.」

『Out of Standard (Irregular)』 that strayed from the class change architecture were not such an unusual existence.

It was common knowledge that『Out of Standard (Irregular)』, who were sharpened to an extreme degree, could exhibit unequaled prowess in one aspect, but were brittle on the other aspects, to the point of them being of no use.

The only『Out of Standard (Irregular)』 classes that were deemed strong and had great usability were the『Hero (Brave)』 and those that bore close resemblances to the standard architecture.

「At best, I’m going to cut your head while trying to make this as painless as possible.」

Unfastening the sheath mouth of the katana at her waist with a click, the girl took a katana-drawing stance.

「You’ll be revived soon after, so there’s no need to worry, okay, Nice guy-kun.」

The safety system in the『Arena (Colosseum)』 was different from that of Rashomon.

In the field that pronouncedly retained the characteristics of the raid quest『Tartarus Arena (Colosseum)』, the essence continued to stay in the flesh that had ceased its life activity.

As long as the flesh was not annihilated, which was forbidden by the rules of the arena, if you healed the damage to the flesh with potions or something, they would return to life.

However, if left unattended as it was for a long period of time, it would result in the dissipation of the soul and death.

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