Sea firefly Illusory Lantern

Moby Dick, which suddenly begins to move as if the switch has been turned on, rises in a straight line.

Using the whale harpoon, which is deeply embedded in its epithelium, as a support, I secure Doggy-san, who is about to tumble down with one hand.

Reaching the curtain of light that seems to be the surface of the sea in no time at all, we jump out into the world of sky and sea.

Perhaps it is the effect of coming outside for once, but after Moby Dick goes splash into the sea, the sea coils around it with watery resistance.

I hope Doggy-san, who is gurgling and flailing about, can calm down a bit.

After diving deep, Moby Dick suddenly rises straight upward once again.

The target is the bottom of a ship, which is as small as a leaf compared to the boss, visible on the surface of the sea.

Giving rise to a grand splash as it jumps out to the sky, the huge body of Moby Dick is completely flying in the air.

The ship that carries Shizuka and the others on its deck is speeding across the ocean, avoiding the large waves that are akin to an explosion.

It’s super cool.

I’d like to get on board too, but for the time being, let’s just take down this boss.

Asking Doggy-san, who has turned into a drowned rat, to deliver my verbal massage, I do a full swing before we hit the water.

「What~ are~ you~ doing~…!」

My duty is to do the preliminary preparations for the cooking.

◇ ◇ ◇

「Unforgivable… I’ll never forgive you! Moby Dick belongs to me. This『World (Story)』 is my tale!!」

With harpoons and ropes entwined around him, Captain Ahab had come to be stuck on the head of Moby Dick, which once submerged into the sea.

Warped in madness, his face warped, and his eyes glowed red, just like Moby Dick.

With half of his body assimilating into the sperm whale’s head, which protruded like a hammer, he was shouting his vindictiveness.

「A, avoid it~」

「T, the engine’s going to explode.」

Cracks were running through the cylinder that was vibrating abnormally, and white water vapor was leaking out of it.

The outer rings, which were pushing their way through the surface of the sea, raised a groan, and broke away by hair’s breadth before the gigantic white head collapsed into the stern of the ship.

「…u~ doing~!」


Piercing through the curtain of water around where Moby Dick had landed on the water, the dispirited Asura descended to the deck.

Kaoru jumped up and successfully caught the rolling, spinning human cannonball.

「Kaoru-chan, Nice catch~.」

「Geez, geez. Geez you, Asura-chan, to make me so worried!」

「…. Err, I’m sorry.」

Getting held tightly in the sturdy arms, Asura was dried.

「Oh, looks like Doggy president-san has joined us.」

「What about Danna-sama?!」

「Whoa, that startled me! Ah, hey, can you believe it? That boy is so terrible~. He threw me with all his might, you know?」

As she was shuddering and draining herself, Asura’s tail was tightly gripped.

「Mutt-san… What about Touma-san?」

「E, err, you see. I, I’m going to stop the boss’ movement, so use that opening to attack it, he said.」

Getting glared at by Shizuka’s still gaze, which seemed like it could kill, the shriveled Asura hugged Kaoru’s waist.

「Well, true enough, if it dives into the sea, there’s nothing we can do about it, I suppose.」

「B, but how do you stop the movement of such a monster?」

At the words of Otoha, who was clinging to the handrail on the side of the ship, Mikan, who was leaning forward from the stern of the ship, looked back.

「It’s okay! If it’s Touma-kun, I’m sure he’ll manage somehow.」

「Th, the sea ahead, the sea is rising.」

「Hawawa, the rudder is already at the limit~.」

*Wooooosh* A waterfall-like seawater was spilling down from the huge white body that towered like a wall.

「We, we, we can’t avoid it~.」

If they exceeded the inertia force, water resistance, and above all, the tilt tolerance limit by turning, they would have no choice but to capsize.

Moby Dick, which emerged from the surface of the sea, had gone beyond the realm of breaching and was flying up from the sea into the sky.

Its huge body, which was over 100 meters in length, casted a shadow that was threatening to crush the Neo Pequod.

「Hahahahahaha! Foolish gentiles (Ishmael)! Wretched gentiles (Ishmael)! You bastards shall be eaten by Moby Dick and become a part of this world too. Hahahaha! Hahahahaha!」

It was at this moment when the huge white tower soaring from the surface of the sea reached the divide between rising and falling.

「O Armor of Heavy Pressure. 『Turn the tide』…!」

The back of Moby Dick, which had sunk with a crack at the beginning, was then engulfed by the sound as if the space was creaking.

Moby Dick, which was about to fall into the Neo Pequod right at this very instant, was held up in the air as if it had been pecked by a giant bird.

「Haha… ha, haa?」

The sense of weightlessness that had softly seized Moby Dick was trapping it into a cage of embodiment of weight that had materialized on its back.

With his right hand placed on the back of Moby Dick, Touma’s『Armor of Heavy Pressure (Stressor Armor)』 was gushing out a pitch-black aura.

The inscription of the awakened『Heavy Pressure』 had reversed all the object mass in the range.

The Armor of Heavy Pressure, which in addition to SP had also been infused with GP, had expanded its domain space to a diameter of 100 meters, with Moby Dick serving as the center.

From the surface of the sea that came into contact with the domain, seawater turned into water bubbles and began to float in the air.


◇ ◇ ◇

「… Ah, it’s the anti-gravity power of armor, huh.」

Mai – who was once thrown into the air the moment she stepped into the awakening domain, failed in her landing and broke her legs – was looking up at the whale.

「Rather than anti-gravity, it’s more like things are being pulled toward Touma, the base point…. And he can even hang that huge body, huh.」

「What a mysterious power it is. I don’t get it at all!」

「The trivial details could be damned for all I care. It’s a chance that Touma-san has created. Everyone, please commence your attack.」

「That’s just ridiculous. There’s a limit even to an Irregular!」

Kaoru groaned as he looked up at the Moby Dick that was pinned in the sky.

「Awright! 『Condenser』, beam!」

「Even knights have throwing skills, you know. 『Assault! (Jost Shot)』」

「I can’t reach it. I wonder if he can lower it a bit.」

「I can’t take this anymore! Off I go!」


Saki, who had sunk her body deeply in the iai posture, jumped out to the sky with a momentum that made the ship sway.

If she dashed through the sky and rushed into the domain of gravitational anomalies as it was, she would fall into the belly of Moby Dick.

「I see…. Then, I guess I’ll get going too. Okay!」

「That’s not fair, Kaoru-chan! I’m also coming with you.」

Jumped out with a pomf, Asura’s body let out a crackling sound and transformed into the form of a single wolf.

The werewolf(lycanthrope)-like power, which was said to transform a human into a beast during a full moon, was the form she assumed when she awakened the『Watchdog of the Bottomless Pit (Over-Gluttony Gear)』.

Even though it was a super class raid boss which was endowed with an enormous amount of SP, as it covered every inch of its entire gigantic body, the intensity of the SP barrier was low.

Saki’s blade, which was wielded as she pleased, and Kaoru’s fists, which were smashed onto it like a rainstorm, scraped off Moby Dick’s flesh.

Above all, the wolf, which pierced through the skin and devoured the flesh greedily, had its large and ominous body gigantified little by little every time it ate flesh and SP.

「… Mikan-senpai. At this rate, Touma-san won’t be able to hold out until we defeat it.」

The attacking group was steadily chipping away at its flesh and SP, but given its huge size, it was nowhere near fatal.

「Y, yes, but….」

「It’s, okay. Mikan-chan. We’re all here with you after all.」

In the bow of the whaling ship Neo Pequod, there was one large harpoon gun installed.

Not only was a special whale harpoon set in the barrel of the gun, powered by gunpowder collected from all over the town, it could shoot out bombardment.

Shooting at monsters with firearms.

Everyone in the craftsmen’s group gathered, formed a circle and linked hands around Mikan and Rinko.

「Yes! Here I come…. Summon, 『Armed Golem』, Goliath!」

Goliath, who was summoned to the deck with a thud, grabbed the harpoon gun, and aimed it at Moby Dick above.

「Special armor-piercing harpoon, loaded! Spider rope, connected! Angle of Fire, aimed!」

The arm of the Goliath holding up the gun barrel was equipped with a spider thread shooting mechanism that was installed from parts of Ushi-oni.

In order to penetrate the SP barrier, you ought to use a weapon that was clad in your own SP.

However, if it was a weapon that was integrated with SP, it didn’t matter even if the power source was gunpowder or a mechanical device.

「Here I come… Shoot!!」

*Boom* The harpoon that, along with an explosion sound that echoed in the bottom of the stomach, made the white thread let out a groan as it was shot out, pierced the tip of Moby Dick’s nose.

The harpoon tip, which had penetrated its thick skin, was then pulled by the rope to fix the barbs.

Given Moby Dick’s gigantic body, the sting was akin to being bitten by a mosquito.

Even compared to the damage from the attacking group who are rampaging on its stomach, it was nothing.

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