– Ding

【Today’s check-in gets: German Axe Enhancement +10】

The German axe has become tougher

The German Axe has added the function of getting bigger and smaller!

German Axe has added an automatic homing function after throwing!


“Can my weapon be upgraded?”

At night, Ye Kun almost forgot today’s check-in and hurriedly carried out today’s check-in.

In the morning, he came together to dismantle the wooden board, change the window and change the sliding door, and then install solar energy, all of which he forgot.

Now that he signed in to upgrade the German service axe, Ye Kun was also stunned for a moment.

After thinking about it, he went to the next door on the grounds of going to the toilet, and then went to the balcony and threw the axe out fiercely.

Probably a kilometer or two away?

The hand made a recycling motion, and the Nade suit axe flew back quickly like a spiral dart, automatically returning to the hand to be held by Ye Kun when Ye Kun just opened his hand.

Well, that’s a great feature!!

Isn’t this the same ability as the axe of Kui Ye in God of War 4!

Unfortunately, there is no freezing and other abilities, but Ye Kun has one more ability to become bigger and smaller, just like a ruyi golden hoop rod.

Not to mention, the smallest can become as small as a mosquito, and after it becomes larger, it does not know the upper limit, and it will become heavier and heavier at 357.

It will not be said that the volume will become larger, and the weight will remain the same.

If it is sharp, it will be slashed directly towards the floor.

Very crisp and neat, cut into the floor floor, even the steel bars inside were cut off, without much effort at all.


Real iron sharpening is like mud!

Reach out and fix the floor with a horse charm.


“Melee combat is not only invincible, but also has long-range attack methods, which is nothing more than not being able to experience it often.”

In general, Ye Kun likes this axe very much, full of symbols of strength, and there is also a German character, to convince people with virtue!

“It’s time to go back to sleep~”

When he turned back, Ye Kun slept beautifully.

Since today’s evening, Dan Jin has not slept with him, but she is still a little reluctant, but because Qu Yunqing took her, she gave Yan Bingbing a chance.

However, Yan Bingbing was still quite shy, and she slept very well, but nothing happened.

The relationship between the two is like candy put in warm water.

Two more days passed, and the days passed normally.

The temperature of the outdoor sky (BFFJ) also reached 55 degrees, and sure enough, it began to rise, and even the speed was very fast!

The water level has also risen by about a meter, and it has never been known where the limit of the water level rise is.


Everyone didn’t think about these things, but sang songs in the house.

Originally, Su Wan’er and Su Qianyu practiced guitar to sing, just to pass the time, which is also their hobby.

But this finally attracted the attention of all the women, and finally played the music on the computer’s stereo, which was a local file that Ye Kun had downloaded before.

At first, I planned to sing like karaoke.

That’s true, what old songs, classic songs everyone is proficient in.

Forget about the new song, nothing will happen.

However, when Su Qianxue ordered songs, she flipped through the music library, and found her older but at the same time absolutely dominating classic songs.

The DJ version of God is a girl.

And it is also the most classic version of the Phoenix Dance Nine Days.

As the voice of shouting Mai came out, the women were also stunned.

As soon as this music comes out, it is like a memory card is read in an instant, which is full of memories!

Except for Dan Jin, everyone has heard this song.

Whether outdoors or elsewhere, especially dance halls and ice skating rinks, it is a song with a high attendance rate!

For a while, they were singing and dancing in the bedroom, and that scene made Ye Kun excited.

Turn off the lights, hold the mobile phone to turn on the flash and wave, the women also involuntarily swing their postures to the melody, and even shake their heads.

Maybe it’s because everyone has more or less suppressed themselves in the apocalyptic environment, and now they are completely liberated through music? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Later, Luo Wen also proposed to take beer and sing and dance while drinking?

It’s just a carnival, isn’t that what they’re doing now?

Ye Kun also has a reserve of beer, including red wine and white wine, although there are not many, but everyone has never drunk it.

Of course, Ye Kun agreed, so he took out the canned beer stored in the warehouse, and then threw it directly into the ice cubes to freeze.

Seeing this scene, Ye Kun and the others couldn’t help but shout luxury.

You can still drink wine under the end times, and that is really no one.

The next song, the Ice Age song, is also God is a girl.

Everyone sang along this time, even if they couldn’t, they were able to hum twice.

Dan Jin didn’t understand this, but under the strong music, she also kept bouncing happily in place, and Yueyue was also jumping around with her.

Speaking of which, the real DJ is still good as before, not only the adaptation is very good, the skewers and other aspects are very good, seamless.

Today’s DJs, just like today’s idol songs, are a little miserable, and even unknown.

It’s all about hi for hi’s sake.

It doesn’t even have the taste of earth to the extreme.

Fortunately, those stars of the older generation are not completely cold, thanks to them in recent years, they still have very good new songs, the same is true for DJs, and they can even become ghost animals.

Like what……

“Back, back, bag…”

Good guys, the next song is Big Brother as soon as it opens.


Ye Kun said he also liked the song.

But he can’t open the hanging, but he himself is a hanging wall.

The eldest brother is tired, what’s wrong with opening a personal self-propelled hanging?

“Ye Kun, is this a song you like?”

“Ahaha… One of the BGMs necessary for playing games, whenever I think of this song, my state is directly full. ”

Faced with Luo Wen’s question, Ye Kun answered with a smile.

Toasted with beer in his hand and took a sip.

By the way, Dan Jin drinks coconut water, which is the one that is the old brand and the packaging has not changed much.

Next song –

Love 10,000 times is not enough.

Good guy, this directly made all the girls except Dan Jin sing, each holding a beer and shouting.

How to say, after all, it is Chinese, everyone will also sing, sing smoothly?

Especially when the climax of the song came, Luo Wen even made amazing moves.

Because the picture was too dark to see clearly, she was dancing with her pants in her hand???

Wait, you’re the character of a cold female president!!

You’re not crazy!

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