At the beginning of the Blue Star rewash, both animals and plants will carry out a series of extinctions on a large area.

But in the end, the lucky ones survived.

Like the age of dinosaurs, dinosaurs became extinct, and a small number of animals reproduced in large numbers after they lived.

Finally, it was slowly stepped on the top of all animals by human ancestors.

Take a look at Blue Star’s first five mass extinctions.

The first mass extinction, which occurred 440 million years ago at the end of the Ordovician period, led to the extinction of about 80 percent of species, and biologists believe that this extinction was caused by global climate cooling.

The second mass extinction occurred in the late Devonian period, about 365 million years ago, and marine life suffered a catastrophe, also due to the cooling of the Earth’s climate and the retreat of the oceans.

The third mass extinction occurred at the end of the Permian period, about 250 million years ago, resulting in the extinction of more than 96% of life on Earth, which was caused by a series of reasons such as sudden climate changes, desert expansion, and volcanic eruptions.

The fourth extinction occurred 200 million years ago during the Triassic period, when reptiles were hit hard.

The fifth creature 15th mass extinction occurred 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous period, and the dinosaurs that have long ruled the earth since the Jurassic became extinct.

This time, Bluestar was rewashed again.

The so-called sixth mass extinction officially began.

Maybe it’s just an appetizer so far, and the main course hasn’t been prepared yet and served.

After all, after extreme cold, it is possible to enter a long-term period of extreme heat, and then a large area of the world desertification, until thousands, tens of thousands, or even millions of years to slowly recover.

Time is not fixed, and it is difficult for humans to calculate accurately.

Naturally, it is not ruled out that the Great Ice Age will continue forever, until the end of the Great Ice Age, the time is at least thousands or thousands of years, and more is a million years to start.

Both the former and the latter are unimaginable crises and torments for mankind.

The good thing is…

Human beings have acquired extremely high intelligence, and are no longer animals that can only survive by instinct.

In this environment, human beings can finally exert all intelligence and human limits to slowly survive.

Blue Star wants to completely exterminate humans?

Unless a global earthquake completely kills mankind.

Or even more terrifying heat, whether it is inside or outside the land, all of them die for the master.

Then don’t say that it is a human being, all living things will die.


In the evening, the car stopped, and the geographical location at this time was on the outskirts of the city.

Because of the sudden mention, Ye Kun cut down a few dead trees on the nearby hillside, and the women took out the last frozen chicken and duck to prepare to bake and eat.

I haven’t eaten these main meals lately, and I’m not used to eating these big meats.

By the way, the flame can also keep warm.

Let’s grill it over a wooden fire, and don’t taste as good as charcoal grilling.

However, under Ye Kun’s cooking, the remaining spices were used for pickling and cooking, and the taste was generally considered to be the past, and the taste was slightly worse.

The night temperature is minus 88 degrees, and the next barbecue in a windless environment, holding a warm kettle and a warm baby’s insulation patch in the body, is quite comfortable.

This is also thanks to their physical fitness because the primary gene evolution potion has improved somewhat, and they have improved their attributes by 50 points, otherwise they will definitely not be able to bear it, and they will not want to come down cold!

Humans’ ability to adapt may be worse than animals, but don’t underestimate humans!

After eating the barbecue, everyone was satisfied to clean up the battlefield, bury all the food in the snow, and stop after driving some distance in the RV.

It was 9 o’clock at night, and after wiping my body with hot water in the bathroom in the RV, I all lay down in bed.

But just lie down…

Yes, I still encountered animals.

The RV sent a reminder, but the car stopped, and the armor of the car was extremely strong, and the women had nothing to worry about.

Because they had encountered it once the night before.

No matter how the animal attacks, it is useless, not even many scratches, and in the end it is the kind that is fruitless. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Dad~ You said that after we went to Shudi, can we see more animals?”

On the upper bunk, Itaba Kun slept in the upper position.

Dan Jin had already finished undressing and got into the quilt to hug Ye Kun, and she was also curious about the baby’s inquiry before going to bed.

“Perhaps, after all, the further we go inside now, the more animals there are.”

“Will there be lions and elephants then? Is there a panda~”

“Well, it’s hard to say.”

What kind of animals have you encountered these days?

There are more wolves, others such as tigers, and black bears.

Come to think of it, it seems that all the hairy ones survived?

Well, this is nonsense.

Moreover, the extreme heat before Mao is more uncomfortable, right?

According to the situation, they should have found some kind of cave and hid in, which is the most reasonable explanation and the only explanation.

There will be several caves in some mountains, and it is not normal to go deep inside?

Ye Kun has also seen those outdoor adventure UP residences, that is, exploring the structure inside the cave all day, as well as the underground dark river at the foot of the mountain, which really opened his eyes.

I didn’t expect the world inside the mountain to be like this, and even 630 enough to see garbage will come in the underground river inside the mountain, and I have to admit that human beings have indeed brought damage to nature.

Of course, there are more scenes of various nitrogen boiling.

How many people were there in that era, and they could boil nitrogen in such dangerous places! I still lived in a cave for a long time.

No matter how dangerous it is, or a narrow place that will make people suffer from dark phobia, etc., you can survive it, right?

These people are really invincible.

“Dad, do we have a day to Shudi?”

“It should be soon, and it should be able to safely reach Shudi within half a month.”

“So shall we continue to live in the car or find a house to live in?”

“Hahaha, then this has to see the situation, and it’s good to live in the car.”

“Hehe, yes~”

Dan Jin grinned, and then put her arms around Ye Kun’s neck and kissed him affectionately on the cheek, and then she had no problem, lying peacefully in Ye Kun’s arms and preparing to sleep.

Qu Yunqing, who was watching the mobile phone TV series to pass the time, also looked in her eyes, she didn’t say much, just smiled faintly and silently stretched out her right hand.

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