


Ye Li fired several shots in succession.

The skulls of those skeleton monsters were flying everywhere.

This was still the state where Ye Li had suppressed his energy suppression to the lowest level.

If the firepower is fully used and one shot passes, none of these skeleton monsters will be left.

In the end, only a skeleton monster with a machete was left.

It charged onto the road like a lone wolf.

He slashed at Ye Li's RV crazily, venting his hatred for his dead companion.

However, this seemingly ferocious attack had no effect.

Its knife struck the car skin and could not cause any substantial damage to the RV except for scraping off a thin layer of paint.

Ye Li took out the Desert Eagle and aimed at the monster's head.


With the crisp sound of gunfire.

The monster's head shattered like a watermelon hit by a heavy hammer.

The broken skull and skeleton were instantly scattered on the ground.

Ye Li walked out of the car calmly, picked up a leg bone from the ground and looked at it.

There is no collection reminder in my mind at all.

"Is there no reward?"

Ye Li murmured to himself, feeling a little disappointed.

He took the leg bone and pulled at the pile of bones.

Only 10 gold coins were found at the bottom.

"What's the use of a pile of rotten bones? They can't be used to make soup."

Ye Li complained and inserted his leg bone into the desert.

He picked up the machete held by the skeleton and took a look at it.

"Ordinary-level machete? Too rubbish."

Ye Li threw the machete into the desert with a look of disgust.

Go to the unowned vehicle nearby and collect it.

As for the gold treasure chest in the desert, naturally it cannot be let go.

No matter how small a fly is, it is still meat.

Anyway, he also has a desert motorcycle, so there is no need to walk over.

Collect everything.

Ye Li got back into the car and continued driving forward.

The chat channel was already noisy.

Many people have encountered those skeleton monsters today.

Those who are lucky and strong can successfully destroy monsters and obtain resources.

There are also those who are unlucky and die in the desert.

Just less than half a day.

The death toll has reached more than 3,000 people.

"Those skeleton monsters are too scary. My crossbows can't do any harm to them at all."

"I have discovered the weakness of those skeleton monsters. As long as I slap their heads away, they will fall apart."

"Oh my God, doesn't that force us into close combat?"

"I'm just a little girl with no strength, how can I defeat those monsters? Wuwuwu..."

"Haha, how can a little girl with no strength survive to this day?"

"Those skeleton monsters are actually nothing to be afraid of. They are holding ordinary-level weapons. I have good-level armor here that can withstand the attacks of those skeleton monsters. If you need it, you can contact me privately."

"Armor? It's 70 degrees outside right now. It's too hot even without those monsters attacking."

"I have a shield here, a high-quality shield. You don't need to wear it on your body. It's easy to wear. If you need it, you can message me privately."

"Can you cover your whole body?"

"It's enough to cover your chest."

"If you ask me, I have to go to Ye Li to buy high-quality scale armor. I'm wearing one. It not only provides heat insulation, but also has a very good defensive effect. Those monsters' weapons can't cut through it at all."

"Huh? Real or fake?"

"You are not the one invited by Ye Li, are you?"

"You lied to someone and killed your whole family."


Ye Li looked at the information in the chat channel and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Unexpectedly, at this time, someone actually helped him get good reviews in the chat channel.

Ye Li drove while looking at the screen.

After some compliments from the guy in the chat channel.

Many people began to chat with him privately about buying high-quality scale armor.

Ye Li simply gave up the driving seat to the little stone monkey.

He went to the back carriage to prepare goods for those people.

Drive until noon.

Ye Li closed the private chat directly.

For half a day, he mechanically repeated the two tasks of production and trading.

Not only boring but boring.

Most of the items obtained through transactions are high-grade materials and rare materials.

Ye Li has already accumulated enough of these.

He even looks down on those advanced materials now.

After lunch, Ye Li lay down directly on the massage chair and lit a cigarette.

Start enjoying your free afternoon.

"Ding ding ding."

[Zhao Lu: Ye Li, look at the chat channel. 】

"What's wrong?"

Ye Li opened it curiously and took a look.

"Everyone, I should be the first person walking in our area. I discovered a golden city."

"Golden City?"

"Golden City?"

"Where are the pictures? Show me a picture."

Under the strong demand of everyone.

The man quickly sent a video to the chat channel.

In the video, a majestic Great Wall made of golden rocks stretches across the desert.

The city wall towers hundreds of feet high, reaching up to the heaven.

At the entrance to the Great Wall.

That is, in the desert on both sides of the road.

There are two fifty-foot stone statues standing there.

The stone statue on the left holds a long-handled giant axe.

The stone statue on the right holds two half-moon blades.

Their expressions were majestic and solemn.

Like two killing gods.

It's shocking.

"What the hell? Is this a safe zone?"

someone exclaimed.

"I'm so envious. It's only the sixth day and someone has already reached the safe zone."

"Wow, I really want a teleportation array to teleport me in."


There was a lot of envy in the chat channel.

However, the person who posted the video soon spoke up.

"It's not a safe zone."

This sentence seemed to pour a bucket of cold water on people's hearts.

"It's not a safe zone?"

"What is that?"

"Why don't you go in and take a look."

"Yes, don't be afraid, go in and collect some information for us."

"See if there are any monsters."

"It may be a resource area. I saw it on the previous road."

"Oh my goodness, such a large resource area, I don't know how many treasures are in it."

"It's always crooked, even if there are resources, you have to be alive to get them."

"This is not a resource area."

Soon the person who posted the video sent a message again.

"If it's not a safe zone, or a resource zone, then what is it? Can you stop panting when you talk?"

"That's right, tell me what it is?"

Someone couldn't help but curse

"A replica."

"A replica?"

"What replica?"

"Stupid, have you never played a game? You don't even know what a replica is?"

"Haha, I have hundreds of small goals at home, who would waste time on boring games?"

"Show off, what can you spend on thousands of small goals in this world?"


"Stop arguing, listen to what others say."


Soon the chat channel became quiet again.

Many people began to urge the person who posted the video to continue sharing information.

"I don't have anything else to say, you will know when you come..."

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