Highway Survival: Start Awakening Golden Legend

Chapter 128: Killing the Desert Emperor

"Since I can't kill your sand soldiers, then I will dismantle your disc."

Ye Li's voice suddenly sounded, with a hint of amusement.

He directly lifted Barrett in his hand.

The black hole's muzzle was accurately aimed at the disk suspended above the desert emperor's head.

After hearing these words, the desert emperor who was originally calm and composed.

His eyes instantly became panicked.

"How dare you... kill him..."

The Desert Emperor's voice became urgent due to nervousness, even with a hint of trembling.

He hurriedly waved his scepter.

The sand soldiers who were halfway through the attack threw their sand spears at Ye Li.

Li Qingge, Zhao Lu, and Little Stone Monkey hurriedly stood in front of Ye Li, holding shields in front of them.

Ye Li turned a blind eye as if he didn't see it.

Keeping his eyes fixed on the disc, he pulled the trigger.

The power of Barrett's energy cannon is increased to its limit.


Accompanied by a deafening loud noise.

A dazzling energy ray spurted out like a volcanic eruption.

It struck directly on the disc with thunderous force.


In an instant, a powerful energy burst out from the disc.

This energy is like a surging tsunami.

It is also like a storm that destroys the heaven and earth.

Sweeping around with overwhelming force.

The entire space was shaken by this powerful force, as if it was about to be torn apart.

The runes on the disk flickered, bright and dark.

The transmitted energy also began to become extremely unstable.




Several dull voices sounded.

The sand sculpture soldiers summoned by the Desert Emperor instantly fell apart.

It turned into a pile of broken sand and scattered on the ground.

Even the sand spears that had been thrown in front of everyone collapsed.

The original threat is lost.

"What's going on?"

"What happened to his gun?"

"Why is it so powerful?"

"It seems to be even stronger than when we dealt with the Speeding Racing Team a few days ago."


The melon-eaters lying on the steps let out bursts of exclamations.

They squinted their eyes and blocked the sweeping wind and sand with their hands.

He opened his eyes wide and watched everything that was happening on the high platform.

The scene in front of them was completely beyond their cognitive scope.

"Where is this Barrett? This is obviously a laser cannon!"

"How many weapons does Ye Li have that we don't know about?"

Someone couldn't help shouting loudly.


Suddenly, a slight but extremely clear cracking sound echoed throughout the high platform.

The Desert Emperor was startled and quickly raised his head.

His eyes were fixed on the disk above his head.

On the disk, where the energy light hit, tiny cracks spread quickly like a spider web.

The endless flow of solar energy also stopped abruptly at this moment.

"No - humble slave, how dare you... how dare you do this..."

Feeling the energy disappearing at an alarming rate within his body, the Desert Emperor's eyes were splitting.


There was another deafening explosion in mid-air.

The disk could no longer withstand the continuous attack of Barrett's energy beam.

Countless cracks extend to the limit.

The disc exploded with a bang.

Countless rubble poured down from the sky like a torrential rain.


A large amount of solar energy stored in the disk also burst out like a flash flood at this moment.

They lost control and unleashed their power wantonly.

All of it was backfired on the Desert Emperor directly below the disk.


A shrill scream sounded from the high platform.

The blazing golden energy completely engulfed the Desert Emperor.

Ye Li and the others could not see the situation inside at all.

"Hide first."

Ye Li said, turned around and walked towards the high platform.

Li Qingge, Zhao Lu, Little Stone Monkey and Jiji also hurriedly retreated to the steps.

Suddenly, countless eyes were cast towards Ye Li and the others.

However, most people's eyes only stayed on Ye Li for less than two seconds.

He couldn't help but transfer to Li Qingge and Zhao Lu beside him.

There is no way, the two beauties are too eye-catching.

They are like two bright pearls, exuding charming light.

Especially in such a critical situation.

Almost all other women chose to stay under the ascension platform to protect themselves.

Only Li Qingge and Zhao Lu followed Ye Li.

Stand at the top of the ascension platform.

"At this time, these two women are following the boss closely. It makes people envious and makes me want to cry, /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~"

In the crowd, all kinds of envious and jealous eyes intertwined and flickered.


Ye Li took in all these gazes, glanced at the people lying on the steps watching the excitement, and said hello casually.

"Hello, boss..."

"Hello, boss..."


Everyone greeted and responded.

Almost all those who can climb here are powerful people.

But in front of this real super boss.

Their strength seems...

It's not that outstanding.

Ye Li ignored them, but turned around and told Little Stone Monkey and Jiji to keep an eye on this group of people.

He put on his goggles and looked at the ascension platform again.

The blazing golden energy had exploded to the extreme and was gradually dissipating.

And in the dazzling golden light, a black figure slowly emerged.

"I am... the emperor of Kavada... I... am immortal..."

Accompanied by a hoarse and low voice.

The figure was finally completely exposed to everyone's sight.

The desert emperor who was still majestic and wearing golden armor just now.

But now he looked horrible.

The golden armor on his body had completely collapsed.

The muscles on the surface of his body were even burned black.

Some parts were even burned directly by the scorching sun energy.

The black skeleton inside could be clearly seen.

"Humph, it's just a walking corpse."

Ye Li murmured softly and raised the Barrett in his hand again.


Countless eyes were focused on the Barrett in Ye Li's hand.

Everyone was eager to see the power of this weapon up close.

"I am... God..."

The Desert Emperor's voice was extremely shrill, and he moved towards the steps of the Ascension Platform with difficulty, leaving a blood mark with every step.



His eyes were bloodthirsty, and his eyes revealed deep unwillingness.

He wanted to kill all those who hindered his ascension.

"Poor God"


A gunshot rang out.

A bullet shot into the Desert Emperor's chest.

His upper body exploded instantly.

Countless pieces of blood and meat mixed with broken internal organs splashed everywhere.



[The Desert Emperor failed to ascend, and the mission was successful. ]



"We... won?"

People stared at the half-fallen body on the Ascension Platform and the broken meat on the ground, and murmured in disbelief.

They did nothing when they entered the Golden City.

Ye Li was the only one who cleared the entire dungeon.

"Long live Master Ye Li!"

"Master Ye Li is our savior."


I don't know who roared.

Then, the steps of the entire ascension platform were filled with shouts like a tsunami.

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