Highway Survival: Start Awakening Golden Legend

Chapter 137: Soul Devouring Beast Snake Dog


Just as the monster appeared in his field of vision, the Barrett also sounded.

A blue energy beam whizzed out from the muzzle.

The monster obviously felt this powerful dangerous breath.

Its eyes were wide open, and it struggled with all its strength, trying to dodge to the side.

However, the speed of the light was too fast.

In the blink of an eye, it had penetrated the monster's body.

Countless green blood spurted everywhere.

The monster that was hit fell from the air to the ground.

It was not completely dead.

There were still tentacles on its neck that were constantly moving.

There was a blue halo above it, as if it was still making its last dying struggle.

"Really tenacious,"

Ye Li looked at the monster that was pierced from mouth to buttocks but still not dead.

A touch of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He was about to walk over to take a look.

A series of subtle sounds suddenly echoed throughout the building.

Ye Li's eyes immediately became alert, and he scanned the surroundings vigilantly.

The stone sculptures located in the church actually moved.

Their heads turned to Ye Li one after another, and low gasps came out of their throats, which sounded creepy.

"These stone sculptures... are alive?"

Ye Li frowned.

The stone sculptures had already pounced on him.

Ye Li pulled the trigger again.

The blue energy stream swept towards the stone sculptures.

In an instant.

All the stone sculptures that rushed over were shattered.

Even the dilapidated stone wall opposite was cut into two by Ye Li.


Accompanied by a heavy sound.

The broken stone wall fell to the ground, stirring up countless dust.

Inside the building, scarlet mist spread from the shattered stone sculptures.

In the blink of an eye, it covered the entire incomplete building.

"What is it?"

Ye Li murmured and retreated hurriedly.

Although he didn't know what it was.

But Ye Li's intuition told him that this was not a good thing.

Ye Li stood under the mound and waited until the scarlet mist completely dissipated.

He took out a piece of rag to cover his mouth and nose, and climbed up the mound carefully.

After confirming that there was no other danger in the building, Ye Li walked into the church.

Put his hands on the broken stone sculptures.

[Meat Soil]

[The product of the source of life being absorbed, the body of the soul, only the most primitive killing instinct. ]

"Meat Soil? The source of life?"

Ye Li's pupils suddenly contracted, his eyes were full of shock and confusion, staring at the broken stone sculptures, muttering: "These... Were they all living people before?"


Suddenly, a low whimper came from not far away.

Ye Li hurriedly turned his eyes over.

The monster with a pierced body was already dying.

The tentacles on its neck fell weakly to the ground.

The originally flickering light gradually became dim.

As if it had sensed Ye Li's gaze, the monster's eyes moved slightly, revealing a strong desire to survive.

It struggled hard to get up.

But no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't move at all.

With the complete loss of blood in its body.

The monster's body completely lost its vitality and lay quietly on the ground.

The blue-black skin quickly shrank as if all its vitality had been taken away.

Ye Li watched all this silently and confirmed that the monster was no longer moving.

He put away the Barrett and took out the Soul-sucking Blade, and walked towards the monster carefully.

Ye Li leaned forward slightly and carefully observed the terrifying monster in front of him.

[Low-level Soul-eating Beast - Snake Dog]

[Intelligent creature, high defense, strong attack power, and fast speed. ]

[They can send signals to their companions through the tentacles on their necks. At the same time, the tentacles are also their eating tools. ]

[The tentacles are their weaknesses. Damaging the tentacles will affect their ability to move. ]

[Possessing extremely strong recovery ability. 】

"Using tentacles to eat?"

Ye Li was full of doubts, and he couldn't help but reach out and pull the tentacles of the Soul Devourer, but he didn't find anything unusual.

There were no mouthparts or other organs on these tentacles.

"Could it be that it absorbs the essence of life through these tentacles?"

Ye Li turned his eyes to the flesh and soil that had lost the essence of life, and pondered.

But, he was not interested in practicing this kind of thing.

He only had one life, and he didn't want to become like those stone sculptures.

Ye Li collected the corpse of the Soul Devourer.

There were only 300 gold coins on the ground.

There was nothing else.

Not even a piece of meat.

"It will be troublesome to get food in the future."

Ye Li put all the gold coins into the space ring and said lightly.

But this is not a troublesome thing for him.

With his current food reserves, it is still no problem to hold on for a month.

Ye Li walked towards the diamond treasure chest.

Open the treasure chest.


[Obtain: Plant essence*1]

[Obtain: Black iron*1]

[Obtain: Perfect car headlight upgrade blueprint*1]

[Obtain: Perfect Desert Eagle production blueprint*1]

[Obtain: Legendary vegetable seeds*1 pack]

"Legendary vegetable seeds?"

Ye Li picked up the seed package.

100g of seeds.

There was no label on what kind of vegetable it was.

Only a piece of information about legendary vegetable seeds flooded into his brain.

[You can randomly grow various legendary vegetables. ]

[The growth cycle is 10 times that of ordinary seeds. ]

[It can adapt to any geological growth. ]


"What you need is what you get."

Ye Li looked at the seeds in his hand with satisfaction.

Vegetables have always been a scarce food.

Even cabbage, which is worthless on Earth, can be exchanged for 30 ordinary resources in this world.

The only pity is that there is no place to grow vegetables in the RV.

Ye Li put the legendary vegetable seeds into the space ring, and took a look at the production drawings of the perfect Desert Eagle.

Now he has a mythical Barrett energy cannon.

Unlimited bullets, huge power.

He no longer cares about the perfect Desert Eagle.

He put it into the space ring casually and walked out of the building.

Quickly returned to the car and let the little stone monkey continue driving.

Ye Li upgraded the premium headlights to perfect level, picked up the screen and sent a message to Li Qingge and Zhao Lu.

"I have seen two kinds of monsters in this world. One is the soul-eating beast, which absorbs the life essence of humans, and the other is called meat soil, which looks like a human-shaped stone sculpture. After being destroyed, it will release scarlet mist. It is best not to engage in close combat when encountering these two monsters."

"How did you encounter a monster so soon?"

Zhao Lu received Ye Li's message and asked curiously.

She had just set out not long ago, and she hadn't figured out the surrounding environment yet.

Ye Li had already encountered a monster.

The speed was too fast.

"I don't know whether this is good luck or bad luck."

Ye Li replied helplessly.

If it weren't for the powerful weapons in his hands, it would be unpredictable to encounter those monsters.

"If this happened to someone else, it would definitely be bad luck. If it happened to you, it should be considered good luck."

"What do you mean?"

Ye Li looked puzzled.

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