The weather was not hot at noon.

There was even a bit of cool breeze blowing in through the cracks in the glass, which felt a little bit comfortable.

When Ye Li woke up, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

From time to time, prompts will sound on the screen.

From time to time, people send friend requests and private messages.

Some scolded him.

There are also those who want to maintain previous resource transactions.

Ye Li blocked and ignored all those who scolded him.

There are also some who want to maintain the previous resource exchange.

[Ye Li: 3 drawings or 50 basic materials for 500ml of water, no negotiation! 】

I saw Ye Li's reply message.

Everyone's face turned green.

Only 3 items can be found in the bronze treasure chest at a time.

Each material can be used to produce 5 copies.

Even if a bronze treasure chest contains all materials, it can only produce 15 materials in total.

Ye Li opened his mouth and asked for 50 materials.

Three treasure chests don't have enough supplies.

The supplies they worked hard for most of the day could only be exchanged for a bottle of water.

Everyone couldn't help but curse Ye Li as a profiteer and capitalist.

What these people think.

Ye Li didn't care at all.

He looked outside the car and found no danger.

I got out of the car and washed my face.

Pour the last 40L of gasoline into the fuel tank.

Drive towards the front.

The Walkman plays Star-Lord's exclusive BGM.

Ye Li's body twisted with the vibration of the car.


Just when Ye Li was immersed in the BGM and couldn't extricate himself.

Another beep sounded on the screen.

[A resource box was detected 80 meters to the left of the car! 】

Ye Li immediately stepped on the brakes.

Turn off the BGM and turn to look at the grassland on the left.

There are a group of cute little white rabbits in the grass over there.

Jumping and eating grass.

After observing for a while, no trace of any beast was found.

"Is it another poisonous snake?"

Ye Li couldn't help but feel a sense of vigilance in his heart.

In a sense.

Poisonous things like snakes and scorpions are more terrifying than lions and tigers.

Those beasts are big after all.

You can see it at a glance.

If you can't fight, you can still run.

And those poisonous snakes and scorpions are hiding in the dark.

There could be a sneak attack at any time.

A bite, a sting.

All fatal.

Ye Li sat in the car and thought for a while.

Finally, I decided to go and have a look.

Ye Li found a few more rags and wrapped his calves tightly.

Jump out of the car.

Ye Li held the Tang Dao in his hand and opened the grass in front of him.

After making sure that there was no danger around, he speeded up and rushed towards the location of the treasure chest.

The little white rabbits grazing around saw someone coming.

They all jumped away.

Go back to their nest.

Soon, Ye Li came to the bronze treasure chest.

He first walked around the treasure chest twice.

No trace of the existence of any beast was found.

No venomous snakes or scorpions were found.

For safety reasons.

Ye Li took out the iron ax from the space ring and threw it towards the box.


The ax struck the box.

There was a sound of gold and iron colliding.

There is also no danger.

"Am I too sensitive?"

Ye Li thought to himself and walked carefully to the box.

Standing far away, use Tang Dao to pry open the box.

A golden halo fills the air.

Ye Li immediately jumped back.

The golden halo disappears.

Still no danger.

Only then did Ye Li walk to the box with confidence and look at the contents inside.

[Obtain: Iron Ingot*5]

[Obtain: Rubber*5]

[Obtain: Gearbox (normal) production blueprint]

Ye Li took all the things away.

Quickly ran back to the car.

Look at the blueprint in your hand.

[Transmission (normal) production blueprint]


[Required materials: iron ingot*50]

【Can be used once】

Ye Li curled his lips and threw the drawing into the trunk.

Keep driving.


[Detected a resource box sixty meters to the right of the car]

Ye Li quickly parked the car.

Look to the grassland on the right.

An ocelot is chasing a rabbit in the grass.

Ye Li walked over and quickly dealt with the ocelot.

Then come to the bronze treasure chest.

Open the treasure chest.

[Obtain: Iron Ingot*5]

[Obtain: Melon Seeds (500g)*1]

[Obtain: Car Engine (Normal Level)*1]

Ye Li returned to the car with the loot.

The surroundings have gradually darkened.

The sunset in the western sky is as brilliant as yesterday.

Ye Li returned to the car and took a look at the time.

It's already half past seven in the afternoon.

Ye Li is not ready to leave anymore.

While there is still some light in the sky.

Ye Li cooked a bag of instant noodles.

Cut the two chicken legs you got yesterday into slices and cook them.

Served with seasoning packets for instant noodles.


A pot of freshly baked braised chicken noodles is ready.

Ye Li took the screen and clicked it at the rice cooker.

Then send the photo to the chat channel.

[Ye Li: Hey, it’s delicious boiled noodles, but it’s a pity that there’s no sausage or eggs, but it’s good to have chicken legs! 】


At this time, most people choose to stop the car to rest and prepare dinner.

When they see what Ye Li is eating, and then look at the blackened meat they roasted.

They all burst into swear words.

"Ye Li, you will die!"

"Ye Li, just eat it, you won't choke to death."

"Why is there such a big difference between people?"

"I still haven't opened anything that can light a fire, and I rely on the two bags of bread I opened yesterday!"

"We are almost dying of thirst, and you are still using water to boil noodles. Ye Li, are you worthy of being a Dragon countryman?"

"Ye Li, it is my shame to be a compatriot with you!"

"Brother Ye Li, I want to be not only your compatriot, but also your woman. Give me a mouthful of noodles, just one mouthful, and I'll let you see below!"

[Attached picture]

While eating, Ye Li clicked on the picture and took a look.

Good guy.

It's too spicy.

All appetite was gone.

Ye Li quickly turned it off.

At the same time, he blocked the woman who sent the picture.

[Ye Li: Haha, I just like to see you guys want to hit me but can't! ]

People saw the message from Ye Li.

They gnashed their teeth.

They wanted to get into the screen and beat Ye Li up.

[Ye Li: I'm full, take a shower. I haven't washed for two days, and I stink! ]


"I want to build a team to attack Ye Li. Who will join?"

"+ me"



"I'll come too!"


"No matter who it is, if they dare to have contact with Ye Li, they are our enemies. We will attack them together!"

"That's right!"

"Together we will attack!"


Ye Li chewed an apple and smiled at the messages sent by those people in the chat channel.

It's more interesting than opening a treasure chest.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The screen sounded one after another.

At the same time, there were several friend requests.

Ye Li ignored all the friend requests.

Then he looked at the private chat messages one by one.

[Ma Rong: Ye Li, I was too loud at noon. I apologize. Please give me a bottle of water. I am dying of thirst! /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~]

[I still like your unruly and stubborn look before! ]

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