"What's going on?"

The people who had just been frightened to death suddenly fell into extreme panic again.

The light of the flashlight instantly focused on the direction where the sound came from.

I saw a spinal worm rolling down from the chassis under an off-road vehicle next to it.

Its belly was facing the sky, and more than a dozen pairs of bone claws were waving wildly.

Trying to restore its body to balance.

This time, the people present were finally able to see the true face of the spinal worm up close.

Its head was very similar to the human skull, except that it had two more tentacles on the top of its head.

It looked extremely hideous and terrifying.

And at its bone joints, a large amount of scarlet blood mist was filled, which was constantly spreading around.

However, there was only one of it, and the scarlet blood mist it emitted was not thick.

Despite this, there were still a few survivors who were already scared and screamed in fear.

"Monster, monster..."


However, just as their screams sounded, a gunshot suddenly sounded like thunder, forcibly suppressing everyone's voice.


Then, an explosion sounded from under the SUV.

The body of the spinal worm was blown into pieces.

"Why are you panicking? It's just a stink bug. Look how scared you are!"

Zhao Jingguo shouted angrily.

His eyes were full of deterrence, making the panicked crowd lower their heads and dare not make any moves.

Seeing this, Cai Xiaokun hurried out to appease: "Okay, everyone, stop arguing. Let's have a good rest tonight and get enough energy. We will go back tomorrow night to see the situation."

"Ah? Going back tomorrow?"

Someone asked in horror.

"Won't going back mean committing suicide?"

Another survivor echoed.

"Captain, why don't we just forget it!"

"That's right, we all managed to escape death with great difficulty, why do we have to go back?"

"In my opinion, let's keep moving forward, maybe there are other resource areas!"

"Isn't it just a military base? Although it's a resource area, there may not be guns in it!"

"That's right, and even if there are no guns, we are still alive and well."

"If we hadn't insisted on entering the resource area, maybe what happened tonight wouldn't have happened."


When everyone heard this, they immediately fell into chaos again.

Some people were emotional and expressed their dissatisfaction loudly.

Some people seemed very hesitant and didn't know how to choose.

Others fell into silence and were a little undecided for a while.

Those soul-eating beasts and spinal worms were like a shadow, lingering in their minds.

As long as they closed their eyes, the scenes that had just happened in the camp outside the resource area would flash through their minds.

"Shut up!"

Finally, Zhao Jingguo exploded, his face once again filled with anger, his eyes wide open as he scanned the people around him, and he shouted, like thunder, interrupting everyone's complaints.

His voice was filled with an unquestionable majesty that shocked everyone.

"Without a gun, do you really think you can survive in this world?"

Zhao Jingguo's tone was full of anger and disappointment: "Didn't you see the video that Zhao Ang's team sent to the chat channel? If that was really a mission point, without a gun, were you going to take a crossbow to do the mission?"

Before he finished speaking, a faint voice came from the crowd, muttering softly: "There are more than 800,000 people in this world, and we are not the only team. Why should we worry?"

Although this sentence was said in a low voice, it was still captured by Zhao Jingguo keenly.

He turned his head sharply, staring at the survivor who was speaking, with more and more anger in his eyes.

Seeing Zhao Jingguo looking at him, the man lowered his head, but still said stubbornly: "Even if we don't do the mission, there are still others who will do it."

"We are only a few dozen people. How much can we do? Why take the risk?"

Although his voice was not loud, it attracted many people to echo.


"We are so few people. We will die if we go."

"It is better not to worry about so many trivial matters and let those who are capable do it."

"That's right, just let those who are capable do the mission."

"Don't we have Tianli in our area? The final boss of the last area was defeated by himself. Maybe he doesn't need our help this time."


These people talked at once, all revealing a negative state.

Zhao Jingguo listened to these words, and the anger in his heart gradually turned into sadness.

He sighed deeply, and a hint of disappointment appeared in his eyes.

These people were not the core members of his team after all.

Zhao Jingguo took a few deep breaths and tried to calm his excited emotions.

When the noise around him gradually subsided, he asked again: "How much food do you have left?"


The sudden question hit the hearts of many survivors like a heavy hammer, and they were all a little confused for a while.

"How much food do you have in your car?"

Zhao Jingguo raised his voice and asked again.

This time, someone finally came to his senses and answered carefully: "I still have about 10 kilograms of lizard meat and two cans of food."

"I also have 100 kilograms of high-quality meat and 2 boxes of instant noodles in my car."

"I still have 50 pounds of meat, 10 green onions, and 3 heads of Chinese cabbage in my car."

"Captain, I still have more than 40 kilograms of rice in my car..."

"I still have some pieces of meat and some snacks in my car..."


With the first person taking the lead, others began to report the remaining food in the car.

As for whether there were false reports, Zhao Jingguo didn't care at all.

He raised his hand and pressed it down, signaling everyone to be quiet: "Didn't you realize that collecting the corpses of soul-eating beasts can only obtain gold coins, but not food?"

Everyone: Σ(꒪ȏ꒪)

Everyone started to look at each other.

There are indeed many among them who don't know about this.

Ever since they came to this world, most people would choose to flee without hesitation whenever they encountered a soul-eating beast.

"What? You can only collect gold coins?"

"Really or not?"


There were bursts of doubts from the crowd.

After all, food has never been a scarce commodity since time travel.

"It's true. I used all my strength to kill a soul-eating beast, but in the end I only collected a bunch of gold coins!"

Some people in the crowd who knew the situation nodded in agreement.

Now, the unsuspecting survivors were even more panicked.

Especially those who don’t have enough food in their car.

"This, this... why didn't you say it earlier!"

"What will happen if there is no food in the future?"

"If I had known, I shouldn't have thrown away all that meat."


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