Highway Survival: Start Awakening Golden Legend

Chapter 21: Golden Treasure Chest and Bullet Blueprint

On the highway.

Zhao Ang drove and looked at the message of the healing ointment sent by Ye Li in the chat channel.

His face was livid.

Originally, he thought that he had opened the condenser today and was almost catching up with the progress, and was about to become the strongest man on this road.

Unexpectedly, Ye Li was one step ahead of him.

He opened the healing ointment.

So, he started to repeat the old tricks in the chat channel.

He ridiculed Ye Li for not knowing how to be grateful to the country.

He did not know how to love his compatriots.

He talked a lot.

It resonated with many people.

Many people followed Zhao Ang and scolded Ye Li for making money against his conscience.

Forget about water.

The healing ointment can save lives.

Shouldn't it be shared with compatriots?

Some people even asked Ye Li if he had obtained the drawings for making the healing ointment.

Let him contribute selflessly and everyone can use it together.

Seeing so many remarks, Ye Li couldn't help laughing.

[Ye Li: Hey, I was wrong. I shouldn't have taken out the healing ointment and told you. I should have watched you die! From now on, no matter who is injured, don't come to me. I won't sell it. As for the blueprint, I hid it in the bushes on the right side of the kilometer. If you want it, go find it yourself! 】


"Not selling it?"

"Throwing away the blueprint?"

"What if we get injured?"

All the people who were paying attention to the chat channel were stunned.

They were putting pressure here, and their main purpose was to make Ye Li sell it cheaper.

They didn't want him to throw away the blueprint.

"Master Ye Li, please pick it up quickly, please, I'm still waiting for your ointment to treat it!"

"Master Ye Li, I was wrong, I was really wrong, please pick it up!"

"Damn it, who just said that Master Ye Li didn't care about his compatriots? If he didn't care about his compatriots, could he take out such a precious blueprint?"

"Anyway, it wasn't me. I've long disliked those of you who said that about Master Ye Li. Master Ye Li is doing it for us!"

"I support Master Ye Li!"

"I want to support you too, not only that, I want to be Master Ye Li's woman, I want to give birth to Master Ye Li's children!"

"The person upstairs, go to the back to line up, I'll go first!"


The wind direction in the chat channel suddenly changed.

They really didn't want to spend so many resources.


Compared to life, what are a few resources?

Looking at these people changing their faces faster than turning a book.

Ye Li sneered and continued to drive forward.

It was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

The sun was setting.

There were only three hours left before it would get dark.

These three hours will be the last light they can see.

Ye Li exhaled deeply.

He unconsciously increased the speed of the car.

Taking advantage of the last three hours.

He wanted to find a few more treasure chests.


[A resource box is detected 60 meters to the left of the car! ]

Hearing the prompt sound on the screen.

Ye Li quickly parked the car.

Looking to the left of the car.

60 meters away from the road.

A huge wild elephant was circling there.

Every time the sturdy pillar-like limbs stepped down, the ground would vibrate slightly.

It seemed that the whole earth was resonating with it.

The iron-like nose would occasionally roll up some grass and put it into the mouth to chew.

And not far from it, there was a treasure chest.

It emitted a golden halo in the sun.

Ye Li widened his eyes.

He unconsciously leaned forward.

He wanted to see it more clearly.

Yes, it was indeed a golden treasure chest.

A touch of excitement appeared in Ye Li's eyes.

However, when he looked at the elephant, his expression was still slightly solemn.

Ye Li did not hesitate and took the Desert Eagle in his hand.

Get off the car.

Walk towards the grassland on the left.

The elephant, who was eating grass, saw someone coming and slowly raised his head.

There was a bit of vigilance in his eyes.


The elephant raised its nose and made a loud cry.

Warned Ye Li not to come over.

How could Ye Li let go of the gold treasure chest that was so close.

Not only did his movements not slow down, but they also accelerated.

The elephant saw that Ye Li did not retreat, but instead accelerated.

There was a hint of anger in his eyes.

Moved his four long legs like giant pillars and rushed towards Ye Li.

Looking at such a huge monster, Ye Li's heart was about to jump out.

He stood in place, holding the gun in both hands, and did not dare to relax at all.

If he was hit by such a huge monster.

I'm afraid all the bones in his body would be broken.

"Bang! Bang!"

As the elephant rushed within ten meters.

Ye Li fired two shots without hesitation.


One shot hit the elephant's eye.

One shot hit the elephant's head.


The elephant let out a mournful cry, and its body staggered a few steps, but it was still able to walk towards Ye Li.

It just slowed down.

Like a candle in the wind.

It could fall down at any time.


Ye Li fired another shot without hesitation.


A ball of scarlet blood burst out from the muzzle.

The elephant's huge body finally fell down.

At the moment it fell.

Even the ground was shaking.

The elephant raised its head slightly and looked at Ye Li.

His eyes were full of reluctance and anger.

It panted heavily until its vision became increasingly blurred.

It waited until the elephant's chest stopped moving.

Ye Li walked over carefully.

[Do you want to collect the wild elephant carcass? ]


[Get: high-quality elephant meat*1000, high-quality elephant whip*1, high-quality ivory*2, high-quality elephant skin*1, gold coins*20]

[High-quality elephant meat: can enhance physical fitness after consumption. ]

[High-quality elephant whip: nourishes the kidneys and strengthens yang, strengthens tendons and bones, increases size and thickness, with significant effects, and makes you a real man for two hours. ]


Ye Li looked at the elephant whip with a smile, and his eyes were like looking at a young wife.

Put everything away.

Ye Li came to the golden treasure chest.

[Golden treasure chest: can open some high-level materials and drawings, and occasionally some rare materials. 】

With excitement, he quickly opened the treasure chest.


[Obtain: Gunpowder*15]

[Obtain: Fine Steel*1]

[Obtain: Good Grade Gasoline 60L]

[Obtain: Armor-Piercing Bullet (Normal) Production Blueprint]

"Fuck, my luck has exploded!"

Ye Li took out the blueprint from the box, took a look, and almost fainted with excitement.

[Armor-Piercing Bullet (Normal) Production Blueprint]

[You can use the workbench to make various types of bullets]

[Required materials: Gunpowder*1, Iron Ingot*1]


Ye Li only took a look and ran back to the car with the blueprint and materials.

Put the materials and blueprint on the workbench.

[Please select the caliber of the bullet you need to make]

[Selection completed]

[Ding, ordinary armor-piercing bullets are successfully made]

[Obtain: Ordinary armor-piercing bullets*50]

"50 rounds?"

Ye Li looked at the number of bullets on the workbench.

This is just the number made by one gunpowder.

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