Highway Survival: Start Awakening Golden Legend

Chapter 313: The Transformed Survivor

The building was full of strange plants, which emitted a faint blue halo, like natural lighting lamps, illuminating the entire building.

Under the guidance of Bai Yuekui, the two quickly came to a deep pit.

I saw a giant vine extending from the ground, winding and circling like a dragon, majestic.

Ye Li stood at the edge of the pit and looked down for a few times. It was also bottomless.

Because it was inside the laboratory, the floor of the lower layer could be seen every few meters.

Some branches also branched out from the ground vines, extending to those floors.

It was not like other fishy whirlpools, straight up and down, just a simple deep pit.

"Are you going to jump from here?"

Ye Li couldn't help asking.


Bai Yuekui nodded lightly, his eyes searching the lower layer.

He found a suitable foothold and jumped directly.

Then he took two steps to the side, raised his head and looked at Ye Li and the little stone monkey, as if waiting for them to come down.


Seeing this, Ye Li had to grit his teeth, as if he had made a difficult decision. He imitated Bai Yuekui just now, looked at the landing point, jumped, and landed perfectly on the next floor.

The little stone monkey followed closely and landed.

Ye Li's eyes habitually swept a few times around this floor.

After the branches connected to the ground vines touched the ground of this floor, they turned directly into a giant plant net, completely covering this room.

And on the plant net, fruits with white halos flashing were produced.

These fruits looked like cocoons, with a round shape, smooth surface, and a soft light.

Faintly, the figure of the little soul-devouring beast curled up inside could be seen through the shell of the fruit.

The six limbs were tightly hugged together, looking a little cute.

If you haven't seen the disgusting appearance of those soul-devouring beasts outside, it's really hard to connect this little guy with those grown soul-devouring beasts outside.

Bai Yuekui walked to a fruit, pulled out the straight knife in his hand, and stabbed it directly.

Suddenly, a thick milky white liquid burst out from it, emitting bursts of fishy smell.

With the stroke of Bai Yuekui's blade, a sharp cold light flashed, and the fruit was easily cut open.

The little soul-devouring beast inside, which had not yet fully formed, slid out directly and fell heavily to the ground.

Its body was soft and fragile. It struggled on the ground for a few times, made a few weak squeaks, and soon there was no movement.

"It's worthy of being the main body. Even the number of soul-devouring beasts it breeds is more than that of other vines in the fishy vortex!"

Ye Li picked up the body of the little soul-devouring beast with the soul-sucking blade and sighed.

Bai Yuekui didn't respond as if she didn't hear it.

She had walked to the other fruits and cut out all the soul-devouring beasts that had not yet formed.

After dealing with the small soul-devouring beasts on this floor, Bai Yuekui jumped down lightly.

The structure of the vines inside was almost the same as that on the upper floor, and there were also several fruits that bred small soul-devouring beasts.

Bai Yuekui raised his knife and cut them all off mercilessly.

Soon, the two came to the 17th floor underground.

Bai Yuekui focused on cleaning up the soul-devouring beasts, while Ye Li was responsible for searching the surrounding environment, trying to find some valuable resources.

Unfortunately, after looking around, there was nothing.

"How many floors are there?"

Ye Li walked to the edge of the pit and looked down.

As they went deeper and deeper, the fog below became thicker and thicker, and now only the scene of the lower floor could be seen clearly.

After Bai Yuekui dealt with the soul-devouring beast cubs on the negative 17th floor, he walked to Ye Li and whispered, "A total of 33 floors!"

"It's more than half."

Ye Li murmured.

"Yeah!" Bai Yuekui nodded, and at the same time reminded: "Be careful!"

"I know!"

Ye Li responded.

After saying that, Bai Yuekui continued to jump down to the negative 18th floor.

Ye Li was about to jump down with him, when suddenly, a low roar came from the negative 18th floor.

Then, a black shadow jumped out from the negative 18th floor at a very fast speed.

Together with Bai Yuekui, he jumped on the branch that stretched out from the ground vine.

Ye Li's face changed drastically when he saw this, but before he could make any move.

The branch suddenly broke, and the black shadow and Bai Yuekui fell into the deep pit below.

"Fuck, what happened to the promise of being careful?"

Ye Li couldn't help but burst out a swear word, with an anxious look on his face.

Just as he was about to jump down to see the situation, several more black shadows jumped out from the negative 18th floor. They flexibly grabbed the ground vines, jumped up a few times, and then suddenly pounced on the negative 17th floor.

Ye Li and the little stone monkey hurriedly dodged backwards to avoid being attacked by these black shadows.

Ye Li looked closely. These monsters looked quite similar to the Soul Devourer, but if he looked closely, he would find that they only had four limbs, two less than the real Soul Devourer.

"Another experiment?"

Ye Li frowned slightly as he looked at the monster in front of him.


While Ye Li was still observing, the monsters suddenly roared and pounced on Ye Li and the little stone monkey like a tiger.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Ye Li had no intention of fighting with these monsters at all. He directly raised the pistol in his hand and emptied the magazine at the monsters.

"Boom boom boom!"

Accompanied by explosions.

All the monsters that rushed towards them were blown to pieces.

A large amount of blood mist burst out and merged into the surrounding red mist.

"Wukong, go save Lao Bai!"

Ye Li shouted.


--Watch me, Master!

The little stone monkey responded and quickly ran to the edge of the pit and jumped down.

Taking advantage of its flexible body, the little stone monkey shuttled back and forth between the branches of the vines and soon disappeared.

Ye Li did not delay any longer and quickly jumped to the floor below.

However, he was not as flexible and agile as the little stone monkey, so he could only jump down one floor at a time.

As for the soul-devouring beast cubs bred in those floors, Ye Li was in no mood to care at this moment.

After jumping to the negative 18th floor, he quickly jumped down to the negative 19th floor.

Then he jumped to the negative 20th floor.

Just as he was about to continue jumping down.

A voice suddenly called him.


This voice was like the roar of a monster, a little hoarse.

Ye Li frowned and looked, only to see a pair of eyes suddenly opened in the corner of the room.

It was like two red gems flashing in the red fog.

"Bang, bang!"

The figure was extremely tall and walked towards Ye Li step by step.

Every step made the whole room tremble.


Ye Li's heart tightened and his eyebrows frowned deeper.

This guy actually knew his name!

No matter from which angle, it was a little unscientific.

Ye Li held the Soul-sucking Blade in front of him, his eyes full of vigilance.


As the last footsteps fell, the tall figure finally appeared in front of Ye Li.

It was a monster with a sturdy body and covered with black and red scales.

However, that face made Ye Li feel familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

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