Behind the Ankun United Team, there were other survivors following closely.

They didn't know what happened in front, but they saw that all the members of the Ankun United Team suddenly got off the car and ran forward.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know!"

"This is a ruin. Is it because the road ahead is blocked, so the people of the Ankun United Team got off?"

"What should we do? Should we follow?"

"Of course, if anything happens, there are people from the Ankun United Team in front of us. What do we have to be afraid of!"


Seeing the survivors around them getting off the car, more survivors also got off the car.

Even the people from different teams gathered together at this moment and moved forward cautiously.


Suddenly, a loud noise broke out in the bloody vortex.

The entire ruins of Ningchuan City trembled violently at this moment.

The surrounding buildings also swayed wildly.

Some of the already damaged and crumbling high-rise buildings collapsed, stirring up countless dust and red mist, burying the survivors on the street.

The survivors were shaken so hard that they could not stand steadily and had to lie on the ground to lower their center of gravity.

Fear enveloped everyone's heart, and the team of survivors who had been quiet suddenly became chaotic.

Many people's faces were filled with despair.

The vibrations in the vortex became more and more intense, as if the whole world was about to collapse.

The survivors desperately hugged their heads, fearing that they would be shattered by this force if they were not careful, and kept shouting in fear:

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

"Is there a monster?"

"Help!! Help!! Help!!!"


However, no matter how hard they screamed, the vibrations in the vortex did not weaken at all.

Instead, it became more and more intense, as if it was going to swallow everyone in.

"Squeak, squeak!"

--Master, get out of here!

Jiji, who was walking beside Li Qingge, frowned, as if he had sensed some danger, and urged Li Qingge to leave.

However, the violent vibrations around him made it difficult for Li Qingge to move.

Although he was not as embarrassed as other survivors who were shaken to the ground, he also staggered every three steps.

Seeing this, Jiji directly carried Li Qingge on his back and quickly jumped forward. His agile figure was almost unaffected by the violent vibrations around him.


There was another more terrifying and earth-shaking sound, which almost stopped people's hearts.

"Crack, crack!"

Accompanied by the creepy cracking sound, the survivors lying on the ground suddenly widened their eyes.

They were horrified to find that the streets under them began to crack, and the cracks spread rapidly like a spider web.




The survivors were completely panicked, and screams of fear resounded throughout the street.

Some people tried to stand up, but were soon knocked to the ground again by the strong vibration.

Some survivors with stable chassis staggered to both sides of the street, hoping to find a safe place to avoid the disaster.

Others chose to roll to the side or crawl to the side with all their strength.

In the chaos, some people were trampled by the crowd, and some were hit by collapsed buildings. For a while, cries and calls for help resounded everywhere.

"Bang, crack, crack!"

Suddenly, there were another series of loud noises, and the whole street suddenly cracked.

The wailing of terror came one after another, and many survivors fell directly into the bottomless cracks before they could even escape.





All the surviving survivors leaned against the building behind them, staring at the bottomless abyss under their feet with fear on their faces.

The vibration slowly eased, and the surroundings returned to calm.

Zhao Jingguo swallowed hard, his heart pounding, and it was difficult to calm down for a while.

He looked around nervously and shouted: "How is everyone?"

"Still... still alive!"


Lei Qing and Cai Xiaokun stood beside Zhao Jingguo, and the two responded first.

The members of other teams also responded intermittently.

However, the team of hundreds of people originally, at this moment, only less than a hundred people escaped.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, a sharp sound of breaking wind suddenly came from under the crack.

Some brave survivors carefully stood at the edge of the crack and looked down.

I saw countless thick vines suddenly rushing up from under the crack.

The black and red skin looked like octopus tentacles, and many vines were still wrapped around a survivor who had just fallen down.




The survivors were not dead. They were still struggling and could still make weak cries for help.

No survivor dared to step forward.

Even those survivors who had the courage to climb to the edge of the crack and look down were so frightened by the vines that suddenly sprang out that their faces turned pale, their legs became weak, and they sat down on the ground. Driven by fear, their hands and feet And used the ground to crawl towards the building behind him.

It was like seeing the ghost of Yama, water stains could not help but flow out from his crotch, leaving a water line on the ground.

The bodies of the survivors wrapped up in the vines shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was as if the essence and blood had been sucked away, and in the end only a bunch of foreskin skeletons were left. Teng Man swung them and threw them directly into the crack.

Zhao Jingguo stared at the strange vines in front of him, and then thought of the huge vine that the Kayou Alliance burned down in the third mission point.

Without any hesitation, he immediately shouted: "Run, run!"

When Lei Qing and Cai Xiaokun heard the sound, they did not dare to hesitate at all, and hurriedly followed Zhao Jingguo and hid in the building behind them.

The vines growing out of the cracks absorbed all the life sources of the survivors who were rolled up.

Then, these vines turned their targets to the survivors standing on both sides of the crack.





The vines twisted like a hunting python, rushing towards the survivors at an alarming speed.

This time Tengman was no longer as gentle as before, but became extremely ferocious.

They mercilessly pierced the chests of those survivors who had no time to escape. In an instant, blood spattered everywhere and screams filled the land.

"Don't come here!"

"Don't come over!"


"Help me!"


Screams of fear come and go,

The survivors panicked and fled in all directions, but there was nowhere to escape.

Even if someone tries to hide behind the rock, they will be instantly pierced by the vines and the rock together.

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