Before, he didn't have time to take a closer look. Now that there was no danger outside, Ye Li took a look at his RV.

It can only be described as horrible.

Fortunately, it was only the armor outside that was horrible, and the RV body inside was not damaged.

Ye Li turned around and didn't see any obvious scars on the RV body, so he returned to the car with peace of mind.

He directly activated the flight mode and chased in the direction where the giant left.

Ye Li looked down from the car window and saw a mess below. No matter how tall and solid the high-rise buildings were, they looked so fragile in front of the giant.

Wherever the giant went, everything was razed to the ground.

Ye Li looked at it, and suddenly, an idea came to his mind. He frowned slightly and asked worriedly: "Will the anti-aircraft missiles in Ningchuan City bombard us again in a while?"

Bai Yuekui shook his head and said uncertainly: "It should... not..."

Despite this, Ye Li still didn't dare to take it lightly. He immediately stepped on the throttle, increased the speed to the limit, and drove out of the whirlpool at a high speed.

Even though the perfect RV was resistant to explosions, he didn't want to experience the feeling of being a live target again.

Outside the vortex, no collapsed buildings could be seen.

The sky was dim, and it was impossible to tell the direction in which the giant left in the air.

Ye Li had to lower the RV to the ground again.

Because the giant was too heavy, a series of footprints were left on the ground wherever he passed.

Following these footprints, Ye Li followed all the way.

At the same time, he took a photo and sent it to Li Qingge: "There are footprints left outside when the giant left. Follow the direction of the footprints!"

Not long after, Li Qingge replied: "Received!"

At this time, Li Qingge also returned to the car.

The vehicle that was originally following him had completely disappeared.

Li Qingge didn't care too much.

After all, many people were probably scared away when they encountered such a terrible thing as soon as they came in.

Li Qingge turned the car around and rushed out of the vortex.

Just when he was about to drive out of the vortex, a team of vehicles suddenly appeared in front of him.

It stopped at the edge of the vortex fog.

These vehicles were parked neatly, all along the right side of the street, leaving most of the street on the left completely free.

In this way, even if they encounter any danger, the survivors parked in the front will have enough space to turn the car around and retreat.

They will not be stuck inside.

At this time, the people hiding in the car raised their heads in fear after hearing the sound coming from the front.

When they saw that it was a motorhome driving out of it, many people showed confusion in their eyes.

"There is someone inside?"

"Who is this person?"

"Is it Ye Li? It seems not, the motorhome is too small."

"Why did she come out?"

"Could it be that the boss has been eliminated?"

"Why didn't you receive any prompts?"

Although they were full of doubts, no one dared to step forward to stop them, and they all looked at Li Qingge's motorhome driving out of the vortex.

Just as they were about to successfully escape from the whirlpool, suddenly, a motorhome rushed out from the convoy parked on the side of the road, parked diagonally on the side of the road, and blocked Li Qingge's way.

Li Qingge frowned slightly. She was in a hurry to get on the road and really didn't want to get involved with these people.

However, after the motorhome parked diagonally on the side of the road, the door opened soon.

A man jumped out of the driver's seat.

At the same time, the five motorhomes parked in front and behind this motorhome also opened their doors one after another. Five people jumped out of the motorhomes and followed the people who stopped the car to the door of Li Qingge's motorhome.

"Hello, I am Zhao Jingguo from the Ankun United Motorcade. Excuse me, can I ask you about the situation inside?"

Zhao Jingguo stood outside the car and shouted respectfully.

Not to mention that there are only a few of them left in the Ankun United Motorcade now, even if all the members are there, he dare not be disrespectful to Ye Li's woman.

Li Qingge rolled down the window upon hearing the voice, glanced coldly at the people outside the car, and asked, "What do you want to know?"


Seeing Li Qingge's face, Cai Xiaokun and those who saw Li Qingge for the first time were almost all stunned.

That beautiful face, like a fairy descending to the earth, makes people can't help but fall for it.

Even Cai Xiaokun, who has seen countless women, can't help but feel a little bit of control at this moment, staring at Li Qingge, as if he wants to engrave that peerless appearance in his heart forever.

If he didn't know that the woman in front of him had a special identity, he would have seduced her in the past.

Zhao Jingguo had seen Li Qingge's appearance before, so he didn't lose his composure like the others, and asked directly: "I want to ask what happened inside just now? Where is Brother Ye Li? The boss inside..."

Li Qingge interrupted him without waiting for him to finish his words: "The boss ran away, it seems to be a giant, Ye Li is chasing, if you want to help, you can go and see."

"Run away? It turns out that the rumbling vibration just now was caused by the giant!"

Cai Xiaokun pinched his chin, posed in a pose that he thought was very handsome, and murmured in a low voice.

Li Qingge didn't even look at Cai Xiaokun, but said coldly: "Get out of the way!"

"Yes, yes!"

Zhao Jingguo hurriedly apologized with a smile, quickly returned to the car, and returned the RV to its original position.

Cai Xiaokun, Lei Qing and others also quickly made way for Li Qingge.

Close the car window.

Li Qingge drove out of the vortex without looking back.

She didn't have much good feelings for these people in her heart, and didn't want to have any intersection.

Now, the most important thing is to catch up with Ye Li and find the escaped boss.

After leaving the vortex, Li Qingge stepped on the accelerator, accelerated, and quickly chased in the direction Ye Li pointed to her just now.

When she left, the survivors in other vehicles opened the doors and jumped out of the car, ran over to stop Cai Xiaokun and others, and asked curiously: "Brother Kun, what did the woman say just now?"

"Yes, yes, what's the situation at the mission point now? Why did she leave in such a hurry?"

"How is Ye Li?"

"Did the mission fail?"

"Oh my God, if even Ye Li can't complete the mission, then we will just sit and wait for death?"


As soon as these survivors gathered around, they started talking in a flurry.

Like a group of annoying flies, buzzing in the ear.

These people made Cai Xiaokun upset and could no longer bear it, and shouted angrily: "Okay, stop arguing!"

Suddenly, everyone shut up obediently, staring at Cai Xiaokun and his group, waiting for an answer.

"The boss ran away, Ye Li chased him, if you want to join in the fun, you can follow him now, maybe you can catch up!"

After Cai Xiaokun finished speaking, he squeezed through the crowd and walked towards his RV.

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