Highway Survival: Start Awakening Golden Legend

Chapter 329: Lighthouse Movement (Part 1)

"Oh my god, it's so terrifying. Even Ye Li can't beat him. How can we be this guy's opponent?"

In the chat channel, a survivor screamed in horror.

"This, can our weapons really cause harm to this giant?"

"Lie down and do whatever you want!_(:3 ⌒゙)_"

"Life is short, enjoy yourself while you can. If any girls want to have fun with me, please contact me. I don't care about quality, just quantity..."

"No, buddy, how long has it been and you still want a woman?"

"It's only at times like this that I miss women! I've been solo for 30 years and I'm still a virgin... I don't want to die without experiencing anything! /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~"

"It's so pathetic upstairs!"

“Poor +1”

“Poor +2”


“Poor +9527”

"Auntie can't help you with anything, but Auntie's original underwear can be sold to you cheaply!"

_:(´ཀ` ∠):_

"Just drink it when you hear the smell..."


Ye Li shook his head helplessly, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He didn't know whether these survivors had a good mentality or were too arrogant. Even though the situation was so critical, they could still talk leisurely in the chat channel.

It was as if he was the only one in the entire area who was working hard on his career.

At this moment, a beeping sound suddenly came from the screen.

Someone sent a private message.

Ye Li opened the private chat interface and found a message from Zhao Lu: "Idiot, are you still alive?"

Seeing this sentence, Ye Li couldn't help but rolled his eyes and sent a message: "What do you think? ◔_◔"


Zhao Lu was a little surprised to see Ye Li replying to the message so quickly. She usually contacted Ye Li because he was busy with his career, but he didn't expect that the reply to the message was quite fast this time.

Zhao Lu continued to ask: "Why do people in the chat channel say you are dead? It scared me!"

Ye Li smiled bitterly and explained: "It's just a rumor!"

"Oh...that's it, then where are you now?"

Zhao Lu asked again.

Ye Li replied truthfully: "I'm chasing boos!"

"Be careful!" Zhao Lu reminded: "If you really can't fight, don't fight. There are still more than 600,000 people in the world!"


Ye Li said.

"Then I won't disturb you anymore, please be safe!"

Zhao Lu said.


Ye Li simply replied and closed the private chat.

Reopen the chat channel.

Number of people online: 639,999.

The number of people is still declining, but the chat messages of the survivors in the chat channel have returned to normal.

A survivor took a video of a lighthouse suspended in the sky.

There were loud noises from above.

All the flamethrowers supporting the flight of the lighthouse were fully fired, and actually pushed the lighthouse to move in the air.

"The lighthouse suddenly moved just now. I don't know what the natives on the lighthouse are going to do!"

The survivor who posted the video posted a message.

"Which direction did it go?"

A survivor asked.

"Which direction? Brother, there is no compass, how do I know which direction it is! Anyway, it flew to my left!"

The survivor who posted the video complained.

"Did Boos escape? Are these people at the lighthouse going to deal with Boos?"

"Haha, it's a beautiful thought. Have you forgotten how the Rogue King's motorcade failed a few days ago? I think the people on this lighthouse are probably there to pick up the boss!"


Looking at the information in the chat channel, Ye Li frowned slightly and murmured: "The people on the lighthouse also moved?"

Although I don’t know the purpose of the lighthouse and the direction of movement.

However, it doesn’t move early or late, but it happens when the giant is born.

Ye Li vaguely guessed that he probably also got the news and came to Ningchuan City.

an hour ago.

Above the lighthouse, Charles lay leisurely in the room, tasting the hot tea in his hand.

Suddenly, a knock on the door came from outside, breaking the peace.

"Come in!"

As Charles's voice sounded, the door to the room was pushed open.

Fanti twisted her slender waist and walked to Charles' side.

Charles sat up straight, his eyes fell on Fanti, and asked: "What happened?"

Fanti bowed slightly and replied in a respectful tone: "There is news from the Communications Department that there are abnormal life energy fluctuations in Ningchuan City, and it is suspected that a new Soul-Eating Beast Emperor has been born!"

"Ningchuan City..." Charles murmured the place name in a low voice, his eyes darkened and he seemed to be deep in thought.

After a while, he continued to ask: "Counting the time, that woman should have arrived in Ningchuan City, right?"


Fanti said.

Charles nodded, his eyes became sharp, and he murmured: "Maybe that thing is alive!"

When Fanti heard this, she couldn't help but feel doubtful, and asked cautiously: "That thing?"

However, Charles did not respond to Fanti's question, but simply asked: "Where are they?"

Fanti quickly replied: "They have been capturing Earthlings all the way, and they are still on their way to Ningchuan City!"

When Charles heard this, his eyebrows couldn't help but raised, with a trace of anger on his face, and he snorted: "That guy who follows you is really working hard!"

Vanti stood quietly, looking at Charles expressionlessly, without giving any response, just silently waiting for Charles' order.

After a while, Charles continued to ask: "How has the experiment been going these two days?"

Vanti reported: "Curry's spinal gu reserves have been used up..."

Hearing this news, Charles frowned a little deeper.

Then, Vanti continued: "According to the current situation, the energy available to our lighthouse can only support the hunters to lead the team down once at most. If we can't bring back new energy next time, the lighthouse will face an energy crisis!"

Hearing this, Charles' face became even uglier, as if he was shrouded by an invisible pressure.

Originally, the energy on the lighthouse should have been replenished ten days ago.

But later there were more changes, and coupled with Suiying's betrayal, the energy on the lighthouse has not been replenished until now.

Not only that, later Hero used the lift several times in a row, which caused a huge consumption of the energy on the lighthouse.

Charles stood up from his chair with a gloomy face, and said as he walked out: "Let's go to the communication room!"

Fanti followed Charles step by step.

Soon, the two came to the communication room.

Just when Fanti opened the door of the communication room for Charles, a person suddenly rushed out.

He was in a hurry and bumped into Charles, saying: "Ouch!"

The man who rushed out staggered back a few steps, raised his head and looked at Charles with a somewhat unhappy look.

However, when he saw that it was Charles, the look on his face suddenly became panic.

His legs softened, and he knelt on the ground in an instant, kowtowed hurriedly, and apologized incoherently: "I'm sorry, Lord City Lord, I, I accidentally bumped into Lord City Lord, Lord City Lord, spare my life!"

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