Ye Li first opened the friends list, found Li Qingge and Zhao Lusi, and sent a message: "I have specialty coffee here, do you need it? The price is fair, and you are good with me!"

"Specialty coffee? Does it have any effect?"

Li Qingge was eating the exquisite barbecue from the treasure chest and was startled when he saw the news from Ye Li.

This was the first time in so many days that Ye Li took the initiative to contact her.

This specialty coffee is obviously not ordinary.

"Five premium materials, 250ml coffee! If you have rare materials, you can exchange them for one rare material. I won't pick."

Ye Li directly sent the price.

"Can I have a taste first?"

Li Qingge sent a message.

She also knew in her heart that since Ye Li took the initiative to find her, this thing must have a certain value.

However, she also wanted to see if this so-called specialty coffee was worth her five high-grade ingredients.


After Ye Li sent the message, he found an empty bottle and poured 50ml of coffee into it.


"You really don't suffer any loss."

Seeing that he only had two sips of coffee, Li Qingge complained helplessly.

"It would be nice to let you taste it for free."

Ye Li responded unceremoniously.

Li Qingge unscrewed the bottle cap and drank the entire 50ml drink in one gulp.

Feel the changes in your body.

Li Qingge's eyes brightened a lot.

His mental state, which was originally a bit sluggish, suddenly became energetic after drinking coffee.

"nice one!"

Li Qingge looked at the empty bottle in his hand and murmured.

Not only does it work well, it also tastes good.

It tasted better than most of the coffee she had had before.

"Buy one."

After Li Qingge sent the message to Ye Li, he directly initiated the transaction application.

Ye Li took a look at the materials and readily traded the 250ml of specialty coffee that had been packed.

Then, she looked at the message from Zhao Lu.

Compared to Li Qingge, Zhao Lu was much more cheerful.

"(*I want!"

"Exchange materials!"

"Haha, money addict!"

Zhao Lu cursed angrily and then initiated a transaction application.

She has opened a lot of silver treasure chests in the past two days.

There are also a lot of high-end materials.

“Man perishes for money, and birds perish for food!”

Ye Li didn't mind at all, but was quite proud of it.

"Don't drink too much, or you won't be able to sleep!"


Finished the transaction with the two of them.

Ye Licai opened the chat channel again.

【Number of people online: 16488】

[Ye Li: Brothers, I have specialty coffee here. One sip will refresh you, you will never feel tired after two sips, and you will be fascinated by three sips... If you need it, buy it quickly. You will never be disappointed. You only need 10 high-grade ingredients or 1 You can have some rare materials. 】

"He's coming, he's coming, he's coming with good things again, he's coming, he's coming, he's eyeing our supplies again, big brother's heaven, big brother's earth, big brother can stand up to the heaven and the earth..."

"Damn, why are you singing upstairs?"

"Oh my God, Wu Tianli! Why is he here again?"

"The supplies I have received so far are not as much as the supplies I have paid out, /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~!"

"Oh my god, who will punish him? He even drinks coffee now..."

"I've forgotten what coffee tastes like!"

"Ye Ligiegie, this person really wants to drink..."

"No, why is your coffee so expensive? Does it have any special effects?"

"Didn't I say that one mouthful will refresh your mind, two mouthfuls will never fatigue you, three mouthfuls will make you immortal, oh yeah~"

"I suddenly remembered the Shenbao advertisement I saw many years ago!"

[Ye Li: My credibility is obvious to all, so I won’t say much. Anyone who needs it can come! Don’t disturb me if you don’t need to! 】

"Brother Ye Li, you have blocked people. Even if they want to drink, they have no way to contact you!"

"Yes, please take us out of the blacklist first!"


Ye Li ignored these people and had already started to check the private chat messages.

At this moment, on a highway, more than a dozen cars formed a circle outside.

A bonfire rose in the middle.

A dozen people grilled meat around the campfire.

"Damn it, why do all the good things belong to him!"

Zhao Ang looked at the message on the screen with an angry look on his face.

"I don't know what kind of bad luck this Ye Li has had to open up so many good things!"

The man sitting next to Zhao Ang also said.

His face was full of jealousy.

"Dongzi, go to Ye Li to trade a piece of coffee and come back. I want to see what effects this coffee has!"

Zhao Ang said coldly.

"I got it, Brother Ang!"

Dongzi nodded in response, quickly found Ye Li, and started chatting privately.

This kind of thing doesn't just happen to Zhao Ang's team.

Zhao Jingguo, Qin Tian...

Many people in the motorcade either gathered together or hid in their cars, looking at the screens in their hands with cold eyes.

From water resources in the beginning, to healing ointments and anti-night-stalker serum.

Ye Li almost monopolized everything along the way.

Now, there is another specialty coffee that can instantly refresh your mind.

They could no longer imagine how rich Ye Li was now.

The captain of each team wanted to attract Ye Li to his team.

However, Ye Li rejected them all.

"Damn it, if I meet Ye Li in the future, I must strip him naked and cut off his penis to feed the wolves!"

Someone said viciously.

"Hey! I am so great!"

Ye Li traded the prepared coffee to those who sent private messages.

At the beginning, there were not many people.

But, as time went by.

He believed that more people would come.

Because of the coffee, Ye Li was not sleepy at all.

He lay on the sofa outside until twelve o'clock in the morning.

"Chiji! Chiji!"

The little stone monkey lying quietly beside Ye Li suddenly opened his eyes, jumped onto the table, and looked out the window.

Hearing the unusual cry of the little stone monkey, Ye Li immediately became alert, quickly put down the screen of his mobile phone, and turned to look out the window.

The originally dark world has now turned into a strange red.

Ye Li stared and looked at the sky in astonishment.

At some point, a blood-red moon quietly rose.

The blood-red moonlight fell on the grassland, covering the whole world with a strange and terrifying veil.

It was as if you were in hell.

The chat channel, which had gradually calmed down, became lively again.

Many people who had not yet slept began to marvel at this spectacle.

"┗|`O′|┛ Aw~~!"

Ye Li had not had time to look down at the chat channel.

A creepy scream had already sounded outside.

Ye Li hurriedly put on the night vision goggles on his head.

On the grassland.

Endless wolves were rushing towards his RV.

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