Highway Survival: Start Awakening Golden Legend

Chapter 59: Supply Station Business

"I never take other people's things for free. Don't worry, when I find something suitable for you, I will give it to you for free!"

Ye Li sent a message.

[Li Qingge: Get out! 】

Close the private chat page.

Ye Li played with the silicone doll curiously.

In addition to being lifeless, it will not move on its own.

Everything else looks exactly like the real thing.

Ye Li opened the chat channel and sent a message: "Good evening fellow male compatriots, I found another magical item. In order to serve the needs of the public, I specially put it up for auction. There is only one piece, and the highest bidder will get it! "

"It's Ye Li again!"

"Dad, did you find something good again?"

"Can it be cheaper this time? All the things I prescribed were traded to Dada for therapeutic ointments and anti-night demon serum! Woohoo┭┮﹏┭┮"

"Is it something that men need? Is it that thing?"

"Which thing?"

"Upstairs, you are still too young. Listen to your uncle and get off the car as soon as possible."


Seeing that the passion in the chat channel has been completely ignited.

Ye Li didn't even bother.

He sent a message again: "I have a brand new high-quality silicone doll, which feels the same as a real person, can control temperature, scream, and can promote secondary male development! You deserve to have a high-quality silicone doll!"


“Damn, it’s really a silicone doll!”

"Master Ye Li, how come you can fire everything?"

"I admire you so much! Please accept my thigh!"

"Upstairs, which leg are you talking about?"

"Ah! I hate this world that can be understood instantly!"

"I'll pay you 10 gold coins."

"I'll pay you 20 gold coins!"

"Damn this bunch of people digging around, I'll pay you 100 gold coins!"

"I'll pay you 200 gold coins!"

"Upstairs, your name seems to be that of a woman. Why would you, a woman, buy a silicone doll?"

"I want you to take care of it. This silicone doll must have Ye Lida's breath left on it. I want to buy it and hold it to sleep to feel Ye Lida's warmth."

"Ugh~ You're so disgusting upstairs!"

"Didn't you see what Ye Li said? It's brand new and must have never been used. Besides, how can a person like Ye Li be short of women? How could he need such a thing! I'll pay... 500 gold coins."

"What do gold coins count for? I'll give you two pieces of fine steel!"

"The man upstairs is maliciously driving up prices. I despise you!"

"If you have money, just follow. If you don't have money, don't push me. You can solve it yourself!"


As people got to bid.

The final price was set at 30 pieces of gunpowder, 10 pieces of fine steel, and 1,000 gold coins.

The prices above are all false claims.

After all, silicone dolls are not real people.

There is no alternative.

Ye Li didn't care too much about such a price.

In this auction, he was just bored and watching the fun.

"Brother, be more moderate!"

After the transaction was completed, Ye Li kindly reminded him.

"I got it! Big Ye Li!"

The man responded, looked at the silicone doll in his arms, and couldn't wait to use it.

Time flies, and a night passes in the blink of an eye.


[Tip: The free use time of the trading mall has ended, please note. 】

A crisp and cold electronic sound suddenly sounded.

Ye Li didn't pay too much attention.

Last night he had moved all the things hanging in the mall to the car locker.

Ye Li opened the mall interface at a familiar location.

Carefully browse the latest rules and regulations displayed on the screen:

[For the same item, 10 gold coins are required as commission for every 10 copies put on the shelves. 】

[If the quantity is less than 10 copies, it will be calculated as 10 copies. 】

[The shelf life of products is limited to 24 hours. 】

[Both buyers and sellers need to pay a certain amount of gold coins. 】

"Haha, this plan still has some conscience!"

Ye Li murmured softly.

These new rules and regulations are aimed at those who use the mall as a mobile warehouse.

It does not affect usual transactions.

At this moment, many people in the chat channel were crying.

"Wow! I collected all the animal meat before, but now I can't put it on the shelves in the mall. Where should I put this meat? qwq"

"Yes, if you put this in the car, it would break down within two days!"

"Oh my god, I packed the car full and my gas mileage is so high!"

"No way, no way? Isn't there someone who hasn't opened a car locker yet?"

"I threw two thousand pieces of animal meat on the road. Everyone, hurry up and pick it up!"

"Haha, I threw away 4,000 yuan!"

"Hehehe, I'm too lazy to check now!"


After breakfast.

Ye Li got out of the car and collected the corpses of the beasts below.

Take all the gold coins and skins back to the car.

As for the meat, it is all made into healing ointments and put on the store shelves.

Finish these.

Ye Li returned to the driving seat, started the vehicle, and continued to move forward.

Driving forward a hundred miles.

Ye Li also saw the sign on the roadside!

[There is a supply station 500 meters ahead! 】

"Supply depot?"

Ye Li originally learned about the supply station from Zhao Lu.

Now that I encounter it, I naturally want to take a look.

Just as he was driving slowly towards the supply station.

Only to find seven vans parked in front of them.

It just blocked the position in front of the supply station.

Obviously he doesn't want people to get close.

As Ye approaches the car.

Doors on two of the vans suddenly opened.

Seven men with fierce expressions jumped out of the car.

They all had weapons in their hands and were menacing.

However, when they saw the RV parked in front of them, the fierce expressions on their faces suddenly froze.

Nowadays, almost everyone on this road doesn't know that Ye Li is driving the RV.

The originally fierce expressions of these people suddenly turned into compliments.

It's just that the weapons they held tightly did not let go easily.

Deep in everyone's eyes, there is still a little bit of vigilance.

"Is it Mr. Ye Li?"

A man standing at the front asked with a smile.

"Are you trying to rob you here too?"

Ye Li did not answer their questions, but asked coldly.

The successive killings had given him a sense of oppression without anger or authority.

Just one sentence made seven people tremble.

"No, no, absolutely not! We are not robbing, we just want to do some small business here!"

The man shook his head quickly and explained eagerly.

They have identified the person in the car as Ye Li.

This is a ruthless man who even destroyed the Black Dragon convoy.

How could a small team like theirs be an opponent?

However, when they looked back, they did not find Ye Li's other companions.

"Could it be that... all of Ye Li's teammates are hiding in this RV?"

This thought flashed through the minds of the seven people like lightning, appearing in everyone's mind almost at the same time.

And this guess was quickly confirmed.

After all, it is easy to hide several people in such a huge RV.

"Oh? Doing business? What kind of business?"

Ye Li asked with interest.

"Haha, don't laugh, Mr. Ye Li. Isn't there a supply station on the roadside? We are just occupying this place to get some materials for those who want to come and use the supply station!"

Someone explained: "However, we have never done anything like killing people and stealing goods!"

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