Him and their stars

Chapter 986 Expectations?

"Oh, how do you say this?" Bai Yantang was a little surprised. He always remembered that the current Chairman of the National Defense Committee and Keith Nichta, who had already set foot in the presidential palace, should appreciate Yu Lian.

As a non-party person, Mr. Bai has always been unpretentious about the major parties in the current Congress. He feels that the Co-Prosperity Party is a "crook" and that most political friends are compradors. Even the AfD, which carries the banner of nationalism, is nothing more than a group of rhetorical guests.

In comparison, Keith Nicita may be the only person that Mr. Bai still likes. That guy's family background and marital relationship are potential security risks, and his usual behavior always feels a bit over-acting. However, compared to the Gungun Lords of the Earth who were full of insects, he finally did something.

Mr. Qi had a different opinion and pondered for a moment: "Perhaps it is because of appreciation that Yu Lian cannot be allowed to stay on the front line. Bernard, have you read this battle report?"

Mr. Wood, who was huddled in the corner of the room, never expected that he would suddenly be cueed. He could only say: "Your Excellency, this official is really not familiar with military affairs, and this is indeed not within the scope of my authority."

"So, in your civil service system, if there is a colleague who has just joined the job, he is very capable and has a tough background. He is very good at doing things and making contributions, but he is also very popular. How will you deal with him?"

If such a person can achieve meritorious service, we senior civil servants will all commit collective suicide.

Although Mr. Bernard Wood thought so, he said: "Of course I will fully cooperate and sincerely wish him success."

If the boss is too tough in the background, it will definitely not be possible to use conventional methods to make him become honest, but there are still ways to find ways to promote him, as much as possible.

Mr. Qi smiled noncommittally and started making tea. Bernard Wood, who had been hiding in the corner of the room installing furniture, quickly ran over and added new hot water.

"If all the credit is given to a young man in his twenties, how should those generals who have been famous for a long time deal with themselves? Even if it is just to protect him, he can no longer be allowed to stay on the front line of New Yumen. Moreover, strictly speaking, he is only the liaison officer of the Expeditionary Force Logistics Department. Originally, he only went to the front line to serve as a mystical consultant because of the invitation of King Suliuka. Now he has openly taken over the Thirteenth Fleet and the Third Fleet. The unified command of individual division marines is actually a bit illegal."

When Mr. Qi thought of this, he couldn't help but begin to suspect that this was not the conspiracy of Miss Sulyuka King Brunhilt. After all, the Dawn Royal Family is full of geniuses and lunatics. If you think about it carefully, it seems that this kind of thing is not impossible.

"...The main attack over there, in the direction of the Devil's Throat Galaxy, has also made breakthrough progress."

"However, the biggest contributor is Yang Xiyi. He is Yu Lian's best friend and a member of the youth club."

In an army with a strong imperial (feng) (jian) legacy (can) style (liu) like the Community, there are countless "quasi-party" organizations of various large and small officers, but as long as they do not directly engage in As for the matter, the higher-ups just turned a blind eye. However, it is acceptable for the young members of the "quasi-party organization" to engage in club-like activities to exchange resources for replacement, but it is another matter if the achievements of its members are shining through the annals of history and their status and reputation soar. .

"Hahaha, the children and buddies of political bigwigs such as the Co-Prosperity Party and the Political Friends Party, aren't they the ones who form cliques in the military and plant parties for private gain? There are at least double digits in private party organizations that are several times larger than the youth club. But it wouldn’t work if it were someone else? If you stay with these insects, not only will you not be able to do well in politics, but will you be able to do well in the military?” Mr. Bai sneered and knocked the tea cup heavily on the table:

"What the hell, why did the army left behind by Marshal Li become like this?"

The head of the Bai family is indeed a person of temperament, and his temperament is a clear-cut double standard. The rest of the young officer groups are just forming cliques for personal gain, but the youth club must be concerned about the country and the people. This is probably because his precious grandson Bai Ziya is already a member of the club.

Bernard Wood rolled his eyes in his heart, thinking that only you two would think so. Now that the front line is in full swing, people across the country are proud of the brilliant attack.

From which aspect, our Blue Star Community is indeed the third largest military power! And if you take away the issue of quantity, they are even better than the league.

How can this powerful army be described as "how did it become like this?"

"Penglai's beer sales this week are as good as last month. Right? Bernard."

"You are absolutely right." Mr. Bernard Wood, the chief political secretary of the district government, could only respond.

At this time, Mr. Bai restrained his anger and looked at the other party with a hint of appreciation on his face: "Hahaha, speaking of it, I always thought that the wise brother should be a scholar like Tao Yuanming and Ruan Ji. If you are willing to go out, I will naturally I was happy, but I thought you would have to adapt to the previous year and a half. But I really didn’t expect that you would get into the role so quickly. If I had told others a year ago that Qi Bingwen was talking to me about the central government’s bugs, He will definitely be regarded as an old fool."

"After all, I used to be a scholar. And after middle age, I wrote best-selling commercial books about ghost fights."

"Ah, this..."

"I think that people who can write best-selling books must at least absorb a lot of consultation and try to understand knowledge in all fields. Even if the Eighteen Weapons are sparse, they at least know a little bit about them. As a politician , this kind of knowledge reserve is enough.”

Mr. Bai suddenly felt that what the other party said was so reasonable.

"The rest depends on whether you are willing to study. Brother Bai also knows that I have been in high spirits recently, but I am very motivated to learn." Mr. Qi laughed.

The current and former chief executives of the New China Sector Government directly discussed the battle situation on the front line in the office, evaluated the abilities and achievements of its generals, and also talked about the party affairs of the newly established Pioneer Party and the national affairs of the earth. , and even more unspeakable future possibilities. These two elderly people, whose combined age is indeed over 150 years old, are probably really interpreting the concept of "old children".

Mr. Bernard Wood almost wanted to twitch his eyebrows when he heard this. He is indeed an experienced and well-trained elite professional bureaucrat. He has already straightened out a series of situations in the sector government in just over a month since he took office, and he has also dealt with the local snakes under his command - of course, there is also this here The star area is vast and sparsely populated, and the location is remote. The overall political environment is relatively simple, but this is enough to prove his excellence.

However, even such an excellent Mr. Bernard was not sure whether he should continue listening.

However, as a senior bureaucrat, he would definitely not dare to leave if his boss refused to let him go. This elite bureaucrat now regrets his decision to run to New China. He originally thought that his new boss would be the type of boss that ranks highest among civil servants, "famous adults who are high-ranking, easy to get along with, don't like to mess around with, and don't know their stuff." However, he never expected that he would become the most popular among civil servants. The troublesome "knowledgeable and fond of tossing" type.

"Why did I fall for that kid?" Mr. Bernard.

He felt that this dangerous topic could not continue, so he hurriedly said: "There is one more thing that needs to be reported to you. The Nine Chapters' exploration of the Tianshu Galaxy discovered new situations."

The current and former chief executives looked at each other. The latter was half surprised and half puzzled: "Successive governments have been exploring the Tianshu Galaxy for more than a century, but they have found nothing. He is truly a great scholar!"

Probably using the most advanced sky surveying eye. However, although this thing was sent by the Red Star Office, in the final analysis, it still has to be paid for by the district government.

Bernard was in pain as he said: "Dr. Zinov believes that the star parameters of Tianshu Galaxy have very abnormal fluctuations... In addition, Miss Taia also sent a report, thinking that he was observing stars. There is an ominous premonition and we need to be vigilant and ready for support.”

Mr. Qi was thoughtful. Mr. Bai said angrily: "That girl has been to Tianshu several times, why did she start nagging her so much this time?"

"My dear granddaughter is a member of the Spiritual Research Society after all, so be careful." Mr. Qi comforted, "I will make the New China's security forces prepare."

The hinterland of New China is indeed geographically remote. There is only one known waterway that connects the main road of the "Interstellar Highway" and the hinterland of the star region. It has a population of only more than 500 million people, making it the first-level administrative region with the smallest population in the entire Blue Star Community. Naturally, the central government of the earth will not station any direct space fleet here.

However, the Bai family, who was born into a family of adventurers, is considered to be very martial. They maintain a large-scale marine force with excellent combat effectiveness and equipment in the form of a star district garrison. There are also ten marine troops. There are more than ten thousand people. In addition, there is a local guard fleet and more than fifty warships and auxiliary ships of various types. If most of them were not auxiliary ships and second-hand ships, in terms of scale, they would even be above the Thirteenth Fleet.

"Although I have been in New China all year round, after all, I have been in politics for most of my life, and I still have some connections on Earth. When I get there, I can mobilize some trustworthy members to apply to Congress for military support." Bai Yantang road.

"Are you sure you want to accept Mr. Nishita's invitation?"

Mr. Keith Nishita, who was far ahead in the general election, probably felt that he was stable and began to prepare for his rule in the next five or even ten years. You must know that although this political star was promoted by a political friend and he is the son-in-law of the alliance's wealthy Grozzo family, his external image has always been open and close to the people. It is estimated that even if he really ascends to the presidency, he will not have all members of his own party controlling all cabinet ministries.

No, last month, Mr. Bai officially retired honorably from the position of district governor, and Mr. Nishita sent an invitation, hoping that he would serve as the Minister of Labor.

To be honest, it is a position with real power, but complicated affairs and a huge workload, and it is not ranked very high among the central administrative departments. In fact, this position is not suitable for an elder politician of this age, and Mr. Bai Yantang was hesitant before. However, since things have changed again, he has made up his mind.

"I am also a psyker...don't laugh, a first-level psyker is also a psyker! Moreover, he was also the founding father who fought head-on with the imperial devils, and his body is very strong. Even Brother Paris He can still manage tens of millions of troops across the country, I just want to be a minister." He straightened his body, which was not very strong, and looked confident.

Of course, what he didn't say was that by staying in the central position, he could take care of the development of his hometown in New China within the scope of his authority, and by the way, he could also coordinate the interpersonal relationships between Yu Lian and the Dukes of Earth.

...However, the old man has forgotten that the reason why he has been the district governor for thirty years is because the Bai family is the largest local bully in New China. No, the biggest celebrity has nothing to do with his own skills.

Of course, the Chairman, who felt that his position as president was already secure, invited an old assassin to Beijing because of his age.

Regarding this issue, he explained to his wife this way:

"I have just turned forty-five this year, and I am still very young and strong! The image I give everyone is that the vitality and enthusiasm of young people represent the infinite future. The people are tired of the stagnant center of the earth. This is what we have won. Because of the Co-Prosperity Party. You see, if I were elected, the Vice President would be 41 years old, the Prime Minister would be 46 years old, the Minister of Public Security and Homeland Security would be 43 years old, and the Ministers of Land and Resources and Health Services would not even be four years old. He is ten years old. According to the central government, he is indeed a bit young."

Mrs. Melalie, who was born into the Grezzo family, suddenly said: "So, do you need an old gentleman who looks very reliable to neutralize this image?"

The Chairman nodded: "This is just one of them. Secondly, I am not just the president of a political friendly party, but also the president of the entire earth and the community. My cabinet must not only include people from the opposite Co-Prosperity Party, but also people from the opposite party. There are independents with good reputations. I have invited Congresswoman Jessica Yang to serve as the minister of the Ministry of Minors Development. Together with an ancestor of the Bai family who is very popular among ordinary workers, it seems very diverse. melted."

Indeed, because Mr. Bai has a social awkwardness, he never hides his free-spirited character during interviews. He has always been ruthless and merciless, and is still very popular among many lower-class workers.

But Mrs. Melalie said quietly: "I have heard of Miss Jessica Yang. She is a capable and generous intellectual beauty."

"Madam, you are starting to get jealous now." Mr. Chairman said helplessly.

"I just remind you that Miss Jessica Yang is the wife of General Yang Xiyi."

"I know."

"She is no longer a non-partisan independent member of parliament and has officially joined the Pioneer Party founded by Mr. Qi Bingwen."

"...Well, outside of the three major parties, aren't all parties non-partisan?"

Well, outside of the three major parties, all independent members and members of other small parties combined only account for seven seats in Congress. Mrs. Melalie suddenly felt that her husband was right.

"So, is this an appeasement to your favorite little hero?" Madam asked, hiding a hint of bad humor in her smile.

To her surprise, her husband calmly replied: "Yes! Isn't this the true meaning of politics? Young people's thirst for achievements is endless. Now that I am withdrawing him from the front line, there will be resentment. . But, he is still young, should he still learn to be patient? You see, I am already planning for ten or even twenty years from now. If he is smart enough, he will understand. If he doesn’t understand, he is not worthy. With your current fame, there are still so many people’s expectations!”

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