Him and their stars

Chapter 1001 A small change

Sometimes, Yu Lian really had to admire the Gungun princes of the earth. Such a good thing as the arrival of the new dreadnought ship always caused them so many troubles.

But no matter what, work and life must continue. So, Yu Lian and his team, after staying in Gibraltar for 48 hours, officially boarded their special envoy ship Friendship set aside by the Foreign Affairs Committee. Prepare to complete the final leg of the journey to Nephi, the capital of the Alliance.

It stands to reason that this kind of diplomatic envoy ship, which is quite elegant in appearance and decoration, is specially used by consuls and senior foreign affairs personnel above when visiting foreign countries. Yu Lian remembered that the last time he went to the Empire to take office, he took an ordinary merchant ship chartered by the Imperial Cultural Exchange Troupe. Although he took a first-class cabin paid for by the public, after all, the specifications were far inferior to that of a special passenger ship.

"Unknowingly, I have become such a big shot!"

"You are indeed such a big shot." Luo Zeshi said: "Your current opinion is the first-hand reference for the National Defense Committee's subsequent military purchases, involving orders for trillions of satellites. I estimate that all alliances The military and industrial giants are waiting to corrupt you."

Yu Lian carefully imagined the scene, but for the first time he found that his imagination was a bit poor.

"For example, think about Mr. Belmont. He invited you to board his boat two days ago."

Naturally, this is about Claire Belmont. This man arrived in Gibraltar along with Yu Lian and others on a military transport ship. As soon as he arrived at the port, he suddenly discovered that the famous luxury cruise ship "Black Cloud" had been waiting at the Star Port for almost a week.

Yu Lian looked at the cruise ship named after the Rose Princess. It was impossible to say that he had no interest in the extravagant furnishings. However, after all, he still had business to do in Gibraltar, so he could only reject the other party without hesitation after being very moved.

Belmont was a little sad, saying that he obviously wanted to go all the way with his spiritual friend Yu Lian, but after all, we are all adults who can't help themselves in the world, and we really have to take official business first. Besides, after all, Master Krell also has a military position in the alliance, so it would be a bit sensitive to get involved in the community's diplomatic ship, so he could only leave first.

"Then brother, let's go first. Your ship has to stop in the Turanka galaxy before entering Nephi. We will meet again then. Hehehe, brother, I will make arrangements in advance, so don't worry."

Yu Lian wanted to ask him what he was planning to arrange in advance, but Brother Krell had already gone offline with a very layered and malicious smile.

This guy must be sure that he was up to something, but Yu Lian's cosmic perception didn't give any warning, so he simply put the matter behind him and focused on business.

In this way, at 12:45 on October 27, the Friendship officially left the Gibraltar Star Port and sailed towards the Alliance.

Of course, there was an episode during the voyage. When the diplomatic ship Friendship passed through the D02 gravity well passage in this system, it traveled together with a large passenger and cargo ship.

It was an interstellar Camel-class transport ship, a very common mass transport ship in the community. Although the absolute performance can only be said to be adequate, and the appearance is not beautiful, it is durable and affordable. However, Yu Lian saw the New China Transportation Company logo on the side of the ship.

This company is not large in scale, but it has a long history, which can be traced back to more than 400 years ago, when the ancestors of the Bai family discovered the New China Star Region.

Of course, the current New China Transportation Company is not so much an industry of the Bai family, but rather a collective enterprise under the New China Star District Government.

When the two ships were parallel, the Camel-class transport ship directly used its lights to send a message of friendship and salute.

"They are paying tribute to you." Colonel Silva said. As Yu Lian's deputy (who had only been there for forty-eight hours), a trace of proud pleasure inevitably flashed across his face.

The colonel then explained that it might be rude to send an instant message directly. At least some big shots would find this offensive, but if it were a light signal it would be fine.

Yu Lian asked: "To me or to this diplomatic ship?"

"Of course it's for you. The people of New China have always been very unruly. If they don't agree, even the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee or even the President's ship will not give him face." Luo Zeshi smiled and said: "You are here I was in Gibraltar for two days and it was no secret that I would be on this ship.”

Yu Lian smiled and said: "Then let's respond too."

Therefore, the Friendship first sent a friendly signal to the Camel-class opposite, and then opened an active communication request. In this way, the consular ship and the transport ship were chatting across the space while moving forward... Well, it was quite like a taxi driver using a walkie-talkie to chat with his colleagues on the opposite side.

Yu Lian did not participate in the chat. He also knew that joining in at this time would only put a lot of pressure on the opponent. Of course, not speaking does not mean not listening. Anyway, there is nothing to do now. He has been very interested in the gossip of these ordinary crew members in his previous life. These sailors, who have traveled all their lives, are almost the most well-informed group of ordinary working people. Although it is inevitable that they will be full of gossip in small talk, they can still collect a lot of information after squeezing out the water.

No, Yu Lian knew from these chats that half of the cargo holds on the ship had been loaded with various machinery and industrial products, and the other half was prepared for food. They planned to stop at Xin Shuntian, the capital of the Far Coast Sector, transport food from there, and then transfer back to New China.

In addition to the cargo, there were more than 100,000 immigrants supporting the elderly and young in the cabin. They were either war refugees coming from the Atlantis sector, or unemployed residents of the community connected from the Gibraltar system. Many of them were Humans were even once residents of the Terra star region and even the Earth itself.

Anyway, the decision-makers of the Earth are kind-hearted and do not want to see poor people. This way they can not only plan the development of the Terra star sector as they imagined, but also force the labor force to migrate to remote star areas to complete the expansion of civilization. Isn’t this a win-win?

Of course, for hundreds of years, the "barren" and remote New China star region has been accumulating population bit by bit in this way. It doesn't sound very efficient, but generations of people have persisted in doing this for hundreds of years. This obsession alone is very admirable.

"Actually, New China has more potential than imagined. Although there is only one naturally habitable planet discovered so far, the mineral resources on those desert and ice planets are very rich. If a lot of money can be invested, humans can also carry out human-made changes to the planet's environment. Adaptable transformation. If they had been willing to accept the support of Tianyu during the empire's colonial period, as long as the empire sent over 500 million workers or slaves within a hundred years, the entire star region would have been developed." Luo Zeshi said.

"Probably because the old Bai family and his followers always regard themselves as unruly adventurers. If they had been willing, the Bai family would have been able to mix with at least one count three hundred years ago." Yu Lian said with a smile.

"After the founding of the People's Republic of China, they were unwilling to accept investment and cooperative development from the alliance consortium." Luo Zeshi added.

"Perhaps those unruly adventurers think that such an environment is pure. They would rather go slower and ensure their autonomy. Otherwise, the New China Transportation Company might have to be branded as the Poseidon Ship Group. .”

Luo Zeshi felt that the other party might be mocking him, but he couldn't find any evidence.

Yu Lian asked again: "But, are there actually war refugees pouring into the Atlantis sector? I thought the war between the Cirke Kingdom and the Principality of Hyrule was over."

"However, the conflict over the Feimo Nebula has become more intense. There is a Tollan warlord who is funded by someone who does not know who, and has become much stronger. He looks ambitious and wants to found a country. However, he occupied A few planets later, it was besieged by the surrounding opponents."

The Feimo Nebula is sandwiched between the spheres of influence of the Empire and the Alliance. It was also the homeland of the Eero Empire back then, and now it is the star region where the competition between the two overlords is fiercest. Precisely because the forces of the two sides are evenly matched there, a zone of three no-minds is formed, where wild warlords, gangsters, and cult forces rise and fall one after another, fighting endlessly. Of course, there do exist self-help organizations for ordinary residents who want to fight for a pure land where they can live and work in peace and contentment.

But in any case, in the more than eight centuries since the beginning of the Common Calendar, no political entity recognized by the Galactic Civilization Parliament has been born in this nebula.

Of course, it's not that no one wants to change all this. For example, the current over-spirited warlord Torron should be a typical example.

"I thought that since General Angber, known as the 'Heart of Holy Fire', was killed last time, the empire would not allow any awesome person to appear in the Feimo Nebula."

"The current internal situation in the empire is not stable. The Flemish and Sumi people have revolted again..." Rozeshi showed a knowing smile and gave a hidden thumbs up.

Yu Lian wanted to say that it really had nothing to do with me, but at this time, no matter what he said, it was too obvious.

"This kind of riot is naturally unlikely to shake the rule of the empire, but there are still looters from the New World. Since we are unwilling to invest energy there, the situation will naturally worsen."

Yu Lian nodded: "I bet Horatio Wayne's lifelong happiness. This energetic warlord Tollon and the other warlords who are besieging him are all supported by the Alliance."

"...However, although the ground on the Alliance side is relatively peaceful, the Congress seems to be quite turbulent. They are discussing the issue of all citizens' rights. Some members also expressed how to resolve conflicts between the laws of the franchising countries and the laws of the Alliance. How should we define the nobles of the franchising countries who still have a royal government system? Nephi probably doesn’t have the energy to care about Feimo’s affairs now.”

"Yes, what a pair of dazzling sleeping dragons and phoenixes!" Yu Lian sneered.

But no matter what, last month alone, pirates bombed surface settlements with neutron bombs three times. Many residents of the Fermor Nebula and even the surrounding small countries have become war refugees and are flocking to all parts of the galaxy.

Many refugees would rather risk their lives to cross the Cirke Kingdom and Hyrule Principality, which had just ended the war and were far from returning to peace, and seek refuge within the borders of the Community, rather than stay in their hometown.

The only good thing is that at least there are many places in the community that are willing to take in refugees.

To put it bluntly, the refugee problem has never been a big problem. As long as the decision-makers are not just for show votes but want to really solve the problem and don't tolerate their shortcomings, refugees can quickly be turned into productive forces. At this point, Yu Lian is very confident in the old adventurers of New China, and Mr. Qi is also confident.

The Friendship and the Camel marched side by side for another forty-eight hours, and reluctantly parted ways until they reached the Black Penguin Crossing Galaxy. The former will "turn left" and pass through the borders of three small countries along the main channel called "Galaxy Highway 05" before entering the alliance. The latter will continue to "go north" and will enter the territory of the Far Coast Star Area.

After saying goodbye, it was another week-long voyage. The Friendship finally entered the alliance's borders. After a short border inspection, it took another six hours to replace the energy pack and "polishing" the outside of the ship - there was no way. , such is the endurance of small civilian ships like this. And after all, it is not a military armor plate. It has been traveling in space all year round, and the hull of the ship has been burned by various cosmic radiation to some extent, and even a naturally formed coating will be formed on the outer wall of the ship. If not handled in time, it will affect the ship's speed, communications and equipment life.

Opening "wash stations" and "car repair shops" on busy traffic thoroughfares has always been a big business.

Of course, the Friendship is a diplomatic ship after all, so it can enjoy the highest priority and top-notch services for free.

The Friendship entered the country from the alliance's Fangruo country and passed through the territories of the two countries and four star districts along the way. Hecai finally arrived at the gateway to the capital Nephi - the Turanka galaxy.

According to the original plan, the Friendship will undergo final maintenance and "refueling" here before arriving in Nephi.

This galaxy may be regarded as one of the busiest and most famous transportation thoroughfares in the universe. Strictly speaking, this place should actually be regarded as the starting point for the Gaebians' conquest of half the galaxy, not their home planet Nephi.

Although the Friendship has already been inspected at the national border, it still needs to be inspected to enter the central sector where the alliance capital Nephi is located. It is even more stringent than the first time. But after all, it is a ship used by envoys. Customs The staff is quite polite.

After a symbolic inspection, the customs official even boarded the ship in person and handed over the pass respectfully. After hearing that the captain wanted to replace the battery and polish and wax the boat, he even rushed back and forth to help everyone arrange maintenance slots.

However, as a result, the sky was getting late.

Moreover, due to the high speed along the way, the Friendship actually arrived more than three days ahead of the original plan. Seeing that the crew members were somewhat tired, Yu Lian ordered all crew members to move freely and rest in the Turanka galaxy for two days. Fourteen hours, we will set off at the same time tomorrow.

Everyone immediately cheered and said long live the General. As for Yu Lian, he also decided to steal half a day of free life. He knew that the Turanka galaxy, which was the thoroughfare of nine provinces (star districts), was a very interesting black market, and he might be able to get some good stuff. If that doesn't work, you can still find a delicious meal in an alien restaurant.

For example, in the orbital airport where everyone landed, in the southern area of ​​Yinjong City, there is a small restaurant owned by Waying people. Although it is small, it is still a time-honored brand that has been around for hundreds of years.

To be honest, most of the dishes of this ethnic group are not in line with human tastes, but there is only one thing, a river soup made from thoroughly fermented sour jam, which is particularly appetizing, refreshing, and healthy.

Well, once he recalled the taste of his previous life, Yu Lian suddenly started to salivate.

After the crew left, he changed into civilian clothes and set off. However, as soon as they walked out of the airport building, they suddenly discovered that three luxury-spec Thunderbird sedans were parked on the roadside. Even at the gate of the airport, which is crowded with people and busy with traffic, it looks full of aura, attracting at least half of the eyes. Five or six big men in formal attire stood respectfully beside the car.

All of them have bulging waists. If we rule out the possibility of wearing warm babies, then they must be wearing weapons.

However, among these big men who were not easy to mess with, there was a gentleman who looked very elegant. When he saw Yu Lian appearing, his eyes suddenly lit up and he hurried over to greet him.

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