Him and their stars

Chapter 102 That incident

That incident happened the year before last, in September 828, when Yu Lian had just entered the third grade.

According to the tradition of the college, all third-year students will parachute into an uninhabited jungle on Mars to conduct a three-day team confrontation exercise - Mars has undergone large-scale environmental transformation and has become an Earth-like planet. ,Have you mentioned this before?

Yu Lian's side is on the red side, and since the brothers of the "Blue Blood Brotherhood" are already blue blood, they naturally have to be on the blue side.

The course of the battle is not worth mentioning. The outcome of the battle was uneventful. Anyway, after the two sides went through several twists and turns, the blue side where the young masters were located won the victory.

However, something happened next that made no one care about the process or the result.

Since it is a "real combat" exercise, there should naturally be a gap that existed before Young Master.

On the red side where Yu Lian was located, a classmate named Thomas Pullan disappeared during the battle and was judged as a prisoner by the exercise director. Since this is a "real combat" exercise, of course there are prisoners, which is of course nothing surprising.

However, when the exercise ended, no one found Thomas Quinn in the "prisoner of war camp". It wasn't until the next day that the search and rescue team finally found him in a deep ditch in the jungle, missing one arm and one foot, with scars all over his body, and almost only one breath left.

Fortunately, he finally discovered it in time. Moreover, the disabling injury of one hand and one foot is really nothing to the current gene therapy technology. However, the mental trauma he suffered is not so easy to overcome.

Pulan spent nearly three months in the petri dish before gradually regaining some sanity. During this period, the mother who came to take care of him lost two or three times of weight, and her whole body became skin and bones.

He told everyone that someone from the Blue Bloods had hurt him. They wanted to interrogate the red side for information, and they were even mainly asking student Feifei about where they were camping. Pu Lan felt that since this was an exercise, he wanted to show his heroic spirit of preferring death over surrender, so he retorted "toughly".

But immediately afterwards, he was severely beaten and abused. The other party was not practicing, nor did he really regard him as an "enemy", but just to satisfy his cruel desires.

Several of the assailants got mad at the game and finally cut off his hands and feet and threw him into a deep ditch in the jungle.

"If you haven't been eaten by the wild beasts here by tomorrow, it means that the meat of the common people is really smelly." Someone said to him.

"However, I must admit, common man, you are quite durable despite your delicate skin and tender flesh.

The perpetrators laughed loudly and walked away, leaving only the young man who suffered great physical and mental injuries, slowly rotting in the depths of the jungle.

The hospital said it would get to the bottom of the investigation.

But just a few days later, they suddenly said that they had found no reliable clues and that all the murderers named by Pulan had "perfect" alibi. The school believes that perhaps Pulan was attacked by a wild beast in the jungle and suffered a huge trauma that caused a stress reaction, which led to his hallucinations... To put it harshly, it was being polite not to directly say that he was taking the opportunity to make false accusations. Yes.

The hospital stated that it would still bear all of Pulan's medical expenses. After all, it was considered a "work-related injury" during the exercise.

The more Thomas Plant thought about it, the more humiliated he became. The injuries he suffered were not only physical pain, but also mental trauma. For more than 20 hours, he could feel mosquitoes crawling into his wounds and feel the blood flowing out bit by bit. Carnivorous beasts seem to be roaring deep in the jungle, ready to appear at any time and tear themselves into pieces.

This young military academy student was born in an ordinary family, but he was admitted to the Central Defense University based on his own ability. Even in this elite university, the results are quite outstanding. If I work harder, I might be able to get the Tiger Talisman after graduation.

All in all, he carries the family's hope of improving their class, and has basically succeeded.

...if there are no surprises.

Now, the "accident" just happened. In the evaluation of the exercise, he only received a passing grade, which greatly dragged down his average score. He was also evaluated as "mentally too fragile, suspected of persecutory delusion, and with doubts about his personality and will."

For a moment, Pu Lan felt as if he had lost his efforts and even the hope of living. He silently walked to the top floor of the hospital. Just when he was about to let himself die, he was pulled back by Yu Lian who came to visit.

Yu Lian vowed to get a fair verdict for all this.

He knew that several of the people who had hurt Pullan were members of the "Blue Blood Brotherhood." Among their elders are politicians, wealthy businessmen, literary and artistic celebrities, and senior military generals. However, he did not give in, and even put aside his achievements in the past. He was running around appealing for this matter, collecting information, and looking for evidence.

Fortunately, he is not completely alone. Feifei and her little sisters are completely on their side. In addition, although his popularity among boys seems not to be very good, there are still quite a few classmates who are secretly helping him.

It is said that there are several fourth graders in the Blue Blood Brotherhood who want to take revenge on themselves, but there has been no movement. Anyway, Horatio Wayne, who had just become the president, did not create any obstacles for himself.

Of course, the school wants to downplay this matter, but Yu Lian knows that he is not alone, and most of his classmates have his backing!

All in all, after a story that could make a wonderful investigative and legal TV series, Yu Lian finally collected a complete chain of evidence and handed over the report to the school. However, the result in exchange was warnings, coercion and inducements from the school.

Yu Lian was very moved by the school's response and reasons, so he directly bypassed the school and handed it over to the Supervision Office of the Ministry of Justice.

Of course, the reason why it was successfully passed on was not because Zhixia had a father who was a senator, and Liuli had a mother who was a senior civil servant in the Ministry of Justice, but because Yu Lian learned through them that the newly appointed judicial officer The prosecutor general of the Ministry was a political enemy of the then Chairman of the National Defense Commission...

Judging from these memories, former student Yu Lian was not a die-hard guy either!

In short, Ranger Yu Lian once again applauded student Yu Lian for his toughness, intelligence and action.

Thinking of this, he sighed again. If this guy hadn't died, in the glorious history of the 830 Party in the previous life, there would have been someone named Yu Lian, who would have left a mark.

However, he is still unknown in that historical line.

Maybe it was just a stray bullet, maybe it was a sandstorm, or maybe it was a sneak attack by a monster.

Well, now that I'm back, you should get the historical status you deserve. At the same time, I will try my best to do it for you regardless of your regrets. For example, the ending of this matter!

"So, those people did so many things, and they were just fired!" Yu Lian sneered silently.

"They were really sent to the Military Justice Department. I saw them getting into the military police car with my own eyes," Feifei said.

"If you really want to be punished as you should, shouldn't it be sent directly to the Ministry of Justice? I don't need to tell you how deeply influenced the Military Justice Department is by the military bosses, right? The reason why Toby was asked to sign a confidentiality agreement and to send him to the Ministry of Justice early Didn't he drive away just to suppress the matter as much as possible and let it end quietly?"

Yu Lian shrugged, thinking that he had already remembered their names and faces, so don't think it was over like this! Student Yu Lian may be a good boy who tries his best to act within the rules, but ranger Yu Lian is not.

Feifei continued to drive, but still secretly glanced at Yu Lian through the rearview mirror.

"Yu'er, Director Weige has suffered a lot from this incident. It is said that he and Vice Principal Luo Bunan were the ones who assigned you to Xinyumen."

Yu Lian nodded, feeling a little troublesome. After all, one of them is a colonel and the other is a brigadier general, and they are staying in a tightly monitored school. It is really difficult to find an opportunity to crush them into balls and throw them to the amoebas.

Leaving aside Vice Principal Luo Bunan, Yu Lian has indeed never met him face to face. However, when he mentioned Colonel Weigel, the director of the school's student management department, he immediately began to feel a little bit sour. This was a physiological disgust like a conditioned reflex.

He recalled a private discussion he had with Colonel Wigg about this matter.

"Student Yu Liang, we need you to know that fairness and justice are actually just relative concepts. This matter has certainly caused great harm to Pu Lan, so our school will discuss a compensation plan soon." He said sanctimoniously, His words were sincere and his face was full of sadness, as if he was really grieving for the young student who had lost half of his soul.

But then, he immediately changed his tone and whispered: "In addition, we will also make certain modifications to Pu Lan's evaluation of the exercise. You see, Student Yu Lian, the matter can be resolved through negotiation, we have not This kind of thing needs to be made known to the whole world! If reporters outside know this, where is the reputation of the Central Defense University? Isn’t this also your alma mater?"

"...I don't want to make all this a big deal. After all, if it makes a big deal, Toby's life will be completely ruined." Yu Lian replied.

Reporters will definitely pounce on him like hyenas that smell blood. Thomas Pullan, who was the most injured in this incident, is flesh and blood that can arouse their appetite for them.

mercy? Have you ever heard of hyenas showing mercy?

"Yes, I don't want to make a big fuss. But those who hurt Toby should be punished as they should!"

"Why don't you understand? In many things, harm is actually relative! What happened to Pu Lan is naturally a tragedy, but there is currently no concrete evidence for what he said. So, what are his words? What about an injury caused by a classmate?"

"In that case, why don't you want me to continue the investigation? If the truth is clearly investigated, won't the harm cease to exist?"

Colonel Weige frowned with a headache. He did not expect to meet such a difficult student. He held back his anger and said: "Well, as long as you start investigating, it will be a harm to those students who are listed as suspects." Now, you have caused panic in the college, and they have also been unreasonably accused and ostracized by other students. If this continues, it will be a matter of time before the media discovers it. And..."

"Moreover, those people Toby pointed out include the son of Representative Mel and the grandson of Mr. Chen. There is also the son of Lieutenant General Salbato. Oh, yes, that man is also your nephew, right?"

"...You are really too young, classmate Yu Liang. I understand that young people like you have heroic dreams, but a society like ours naturally has its own direction. You are an excellent student, but at this time... We should put academics first. Do you understand? Academics are the most important thing!"

At this point, he made a joke with pretense of humor: "You can leave things like chivalry and justice to the legendary Earl of Black Moon! You are still young and there is no need to bear such a heavy responsibility. So, You can hand over some of the clues you have collected to the school, and we will definitely continue the investigation. You know, we are more experienced and can be more particular about investigation methods. We will not cause any trouble and can better investigate. Protect all classmates. This of course includes Pu Lan."

"Director, I am neither a thief nor an immortal demon, and what I am doing now is only what a normal person can do. Who is it that makes all this so heavy?"

Yu Lian looked at the other person's livid face. It was no longer possible for him to continue the conversation with this person, so he stood up directly: "I have classes soon. The director has nothing to do, so I will leave."

"Take a break." He said with a sullen face, as if squeezing out the words through his teeth.

"Student Yu Lian, you will stay in this college for two more years! I hope you can spend the last two years happily and fulfillingly." When Yu Lian was about to leave the office, he added this sentence.

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