Him and their stars

Chapter 1020 Have you ever heard the singing of the people?

"The nature of society is by no means so superficial, but in the Atlantis sector, such problems do exist." Tan Jize finished recording the above paragraph on the terminal, and then stood there and thought about it. , then walked to the bed, opened the curtains, and looked at the skyline of the city in the distance.

At the end of his sight, there were a large number of skyscrapers towering into the sky. Countless gorgeous lights, colorful pictures and characters dance on the coffin where the lights meet, as if they are posing among the giant-like buildings, which is extremely exaggerated and extremely charming.

However, in Tan Jize's eyes, he could not feel the prosperity and wealth of any civilization, but could only feel the depressing weirdness.

This is the capital of the New Atlantis sector of the Blue Star Community, a metropolis called "Lonely Night City". This city with a permanent population of more than 65 million is not only the largest city on the planet Olympus, but also almost the largest city in the Blue Star Community.

Although it is located in the border star region of the community, unlike the remote New China, the Olympus galaxy where "Lonely Night City" is located is a well-connected transportation hub. One road connects to the Cantilever Star Sector and crosses the Explorer Star Gap to enter the sphere of influence of local powers such as the Iron Army Complex and the Minlan Republic. The other road leads all the way "south" to the Gibraltar Galaxy and directly to the Terra Star Sector itself and the Alliance. Even to the New World; the last direction is "northward" bordering the Kingdom of Cirke, the Grand Duchy of Hyrule, the United Patriarchate of the Talon, and other countries in the Neverwinter Star Territory that have territorial disputes.

After crossing the Neverwinter Star Territory, we arrived at the largest source of chaos in the Milky Way, the Fermor Nebula that had not stopped since the emergence of the Common Calendar—that is, the homeland of the Eero Empire back then.

With such a superior geographical location, during the empire's rule, the Olympus system where Lone Night City was located naturally expanded into a huge military-industrial center, as well as a financial and trade center.

The military industrial center is naturally close to the Neverwinter Star Territory and the Feimo Nebula, so products can be sold nearby. The Lianzhuhong Arsenal, which was once famous in the early days of the empire's ruling morale and the founding of the community, was the star industry of this planet.

As for financial trade? With convenient transportation conditions, shipping trade is naturally developed. Trade nodes will naturally produce developed financial industries and money laundering industries...

One can imagine what kind of style a city like this will look like.

In Tan Jize's sight, the lights in the distant city seemed to start to stir, and there was something more complicated and crazier that seemed to be beating in the dazzling light.

"The light mist tonight is a little manic!"

Tan Jize sighed, reached out to close the terminal, and took out a thick antique folder from the drawer next to him. After opening it, a stack of documents was revealed. The first page was marked "Problems of All Classes in Blue Star Community Society" analyze".

He turned to the second page, took out a somewhat bulky pen, filled in a grid at the top of the triangular pattern, filled in the words "Comprador", and then added the words "Comprador" at the bottom of the triangle. The word "lumpenproletarian".

He took a long breath, with a heavy expression on his face, and drew a big circle on "lumpenproletariat" with a pen.

Tan Jize held the pen in his hand and fell into deep thought.

In such a "technologically prosperous" space era, personal terminals contain almost all the functions needed for personal life and work, and the tool attributes of paper and pens almost no longer exist. These things are not so much necessary stationery for study and work, but rather some collections with emotional filters. Generally speaking, those who still use pen and paper to record are most likely pretentious.

As one of the three scumbags of the Pioneer Party, Tan Jize is undoubtedly a pretentious person. Of course, when he was thinking deeply about society, politics and history, he did like to use a pen to record his thoughts. It is said that this can help him organize his thoughts.

The piece of steel in his hand was also given to him by Yu Lian. It is said that it was ordered from a time-honored handicraft workshop in the Empire. It is indeed his favorite personal belonging now.

As long as he held the pen, he felt full of strength.

He began to record seriously: "Under the social conditions of socio-economic crisis and even collapse, many proletarians will be separated from the social class to which they belong, and are extremely vulnerable to reactionary ideologies and political movements. They will also inevitably It will become an important tool for rentiers to divide working people.”

As soon as Tan Jize finished writing this paragraph, he heard a knock at the door, and then a gentle and gentle young female voice sounded, which is quite healing, like a good wife and good mother: "Teacher Tan, Mr. Marius is here."

Tan Jize sighed slightly: "Where are the others?"

"...Only him."

Tan Jize paused for a few seconds, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, and then slowly stood up, his expression regained his composure: "I understand. Miss Chunjun, please ask Mr. Marius to wait in the living room. "

"Understood." The person known as "Miss Chunjun" said.

"Also, it's almost time to pack your luggage. We don't have to pay next month's rent for our house."

There was a pause outside the door for nearly five seconds, even longer than Tan Jize's pause just now, and then the voice of "Miss Chunjun" showed a very obvious wavering.

"Then, what about the deposit?"


Three minutes later, Tan Jize had already seen tonight's guests. He was a young man of about twenty-three or four years old. He had a dignified appearance, a tall figure, and an elegant but not heroic temperament. At first glance, he looked like a good young man with a bright future. However, at this moment, the young man could not help but frown, full of sadness.

Seeing Tan Jize coming over, Marius said: "Mr. Tan, Andrew and the others..."

"It seems that he didn't listen to what I said, otherwise you wouldn't be the only one here." Tan Jize shook his head: "I always thought that my eloquence was good, and I was quite confident in my judgment. I thought that I I convinced him."

He was silent for a moment and then said: "Andora is indeed one of the most outstanding young people I have ever seen. He is full of justice, infectiousness and action. But he should understand that there is only one step between action and stupid blind action. .The power between the two sides is unbalanced. When Blue Label Group and Deep Space Mining begin to hire workers from refugees in large numbers, the foundation for your actions will no longer exist. What's more, John Blackknee's Blackfoot Gang of Android, now Are you still cooperating? Once the forces of the underworld get involved, it will not hurt the decision-makers of big companies, but will only hurt the refugees at the bottom. By that time, you will even be bankrupt on a moral level. .”

"So Andra said that he will always act with John Black Knees. If the situation really gets out of control, he will die with him. In this way, he can let people see clearly who is our friend and who is our friend. They are friends on the surface, but enemies in essence. This is also your teaching."

After Tan Jize fell into an unspeakable silence, Marius squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying: "Teacher Tan, actually, Andra has listened to what you said."

"...I only knew that he was a very capable guy, but I didn't expect that he would actually want to leave?"

Marius didn't know what the "wind of departure" meant, so he just said: "Teacher Tan, you'd better leave quickly. You have taught us a lot of lessons in the past two months, whether it's the people from Blue Label or Deep Space Mining. Know you.”

"They are all decent people, but they dare not touch me." Tan Jize said with a smile: "My backstage is bigger than you think."

Marius agreed with this point. Such a well-known barrister was always a guest of dignitaries. Even for the sake of the most basic dignity, it is impossible for the big shots to attack him. The limit is to send gifts out of the country.

"But the Black Knees are not respectable people."

"I understand. So I don't have to be a decent person when necessary."

Marius heard the footsteps of people packing their luggage downstairs and was doubtful. In his opinion, Mr. Tan is just a weak scholar, and his assistant is a pitiful housewife.

Tan Jize pondered for a moment, then took out a small note from his pocket and stuffed it into Marius's hand: "Remember this address and just state my name when you come to the door. The things will be handed over to you."

The other party was slightly startled, and when he opened it, he immediately showed a shocked expression: "Sir..."

"I have told you before that those who have the courage to sacrifice are martyrs, but those who have the courage to live are the true revolutionaries. Since he is willing to teach me Teacher Tan, I hope he can listen to every word he says."

Marius stood up and bowed deeply: "We will never forget your great kindness!"

On December 25, 832 of the common calendar, in the New Atlantis sector of the Blue Star Community, in this border metropolis called "Lonely Night", an uprising was called the "Winter Revolution" in later generations. It officially broke out on this delicate day.

The reason why the revolution happened is actually very simple. During this period, due to the war between the Cirque Kingdom and the Grand Duchy of Hyal, the empire behind the Grand Duchy took direct action, attracting the heroes of the entire Neverwinter Star Territory to join forces and fight into a pot of porridge.

One of director Fina Lee's most famous works, "The Fall of Khayal", describes the tragic years when civilians became refugees one after another amid these endless wars.

Since the Blue Star Community is the third largest military power on paper, it is of course very willing to shoulder the moral responsibility of a large galactic country, so it opens its doors to accept refugees. In a very short period of time, billions of refugees of all races flooded into the New Atlantis sector, of which tens of millions gathered on the outskirts of Lone Night City alone. The shantytowns built by the refugees stretch out layer by layer beyond the horizon. They eke out a living in the shadow of the brightly lit high-rise buildings, as humble as ants, but also as strong as ants.

So, the question is, since we have accepted the refugees, we have to give them a way to live.

Therefore, during the year and a half since the refugees poured in, the New Atlantis sector government proudly stated that they had at least accepted more than 500 million laborers from refugees.

On the other hand, many large companies whose headquarters are located in the New Atlantis sector have also seen their labor costs drop a lot, and their financial reports are also very good-looking.

What if this isn’t a win-win? What is it?

In addition, a considerable part of the labor force has been transported from New Atlantis to the Far Coast, New China and even the New World, balancing the labor demand across the country. This is definitely a win-win situation.

Then, time entered November of the year 832. It was probably because the big entrepreneurs in New Atlantis had eaten the head bonus for a whole year, and they were a little drifting. Deep Space Mining Group and Blue Label Group announced one-time layoffs of 250,000 people. The workers' representatives went to negotiate but to no avail. They were injured by the adults' bodyguards, but were charged with intentionally injuring others and participating in a fight.

General Ramakwe, a local politician who had always spoken out on the side of ordinary workers, had been running around and finally paroled the workers' representatives from prison.

This old hero during the War of Independence and retired major general also became ill due to overwork. He died in his lonely apartment before the harsh winter arrived in December.

General Ramaqua is a veteran of the Revolutionary War and is ninety-six years old this year. To be honest, at this age, it would not be a surprise when he ascends to heaven. But after all, he has reached this age, and it would not be a surprise anytime he passes. But the problem is that now that things have happened, it is very subtle.

Therefore, at the funeral of General Ramakwe, the Workers’ Friends Club took the lead in organizing labor and started a march on the streets of Lonely Night City. Companies are required to end the practice of replacing regular workers with illegal workers and compensate all workers who are fired without reason at least twice the compensation. At the same time, we must severely punish the employer representatives who harmed the workers’ representatives while also biting back at them, as well as the masterminds behind them.

The marching workers walked onto the streets of Lonely Night City singing "You Can Hear the People Singing" and marched slowly towards the headquarters of Deep Space Mining Group.

This is a song that the labor leaders heard from Tan Jize, and it is really suitable for this situation. As for where Tan Jize heard it from, it doesn't really matter at this time.

As a result, in just over two hours, more than 200,000 people gathered for the march. When the parade entered the central square of Guye City, they clashed with the military police. As a result, the march officially turned into a massive workers' uprising that swept through the entire Lone Night City.

Of course, whether it is a "revolution" or an "uprising", that is what will be said in the history textbooks of later generations. For a long time, the movement was viewed as an organized, premeditated campaign of violent looting and persecution of refugees by populist extremists and gangs.

In fact, in the beginning, this was really the case with sports.

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