Him and their stars

Chapter 1022 Now, they are an uprising

Tan Jize was holding a cup of strong tea, standing on the balcony of the third-floor apartment, watching the crowd holding various banners high and shouting various slogans as they strode past the street he overlooked. He kept a cold and even stern expression as he watched them cross the path, enter the avenue, and merge into the huge flow of people.

He finished the strong tea in his hand, sighed, opened the terminal and wanted to record something, but in the end he shook his head. He crushed the finished paper cup and threw it into the brazier on the balcony. At this time, quite a lot of paper materials, texts and notes have been pushed into the brazier, which is still being swallowed up by the flames.

He saw that most of his paper cups and notes were reduced to ashes, and then returned to the room and began to pack his luggage quickly. In fact, there were not many things, just a change of clothes, emergency travel medicine, and various travel documents. and bills. As for the most beloved pens and notebooks, they are always kept close-fitting in the lined pockets.

When he finished all this, Miss Chunjun also entered the house after knocking gently three times: "Sir, the boat has been arranged. We went to the No. 4 Yacht Pier in Nancheng, and we can directly take the Alliance The Pelican leaves.”

She paused and then said: "I have made six copies of the things you photographed, and all of them have been entrusted to private express houses. They will be sent to the Pioneer Party headquarters on Earth within a month at the latest, and to the headquarters of the Pioneer Party on Earth. The little master uncle from the alliance."

"Private express houses are the kind that are informal and gray, right?"

"Normally something will happen at this time, right?" Miss Chunjun said: "These express houses are run like workshops, and they have some cooperation with Lingyan Association, so they are trustworthy."

Tan Jize nodded gratefully to Miss Chunjun. If he hadn't brought along this assistant lady, he was an "ordinary" traveling scholar and traveling lawyer, and he would have no connections in this area.

"Moreover, I talked to them seriously and they agreed to give us a discount."

Although Tan Jize was curious about what kind of "reasoning" this girl was talking about in the air, after thinking about it carefully, he felt that there was no need to think too carefully.

"Also, the intermediary company's phone number can't be reached, and the deposit really can't be recovered..." She said with a look of shame on her face.

Tan Jize said: "Miss Chunjun, if you think so, it is very likely that the intermediary company has closed down due to this impact. You can't even pay a fraction of the liquidated damages with this little money. If you think so, don't you think Feeling better?"

"...Well, it seems to be much better."

The two of them carried their luggage downstairs with Gujing Mubo's calm mood. Then, Tan Jize saw two men in civilian clothes lying on the sofa at the entrance of the foyer on the first floor, whose life and death were unknown.

"This is..." Tan Jize wondered.

"The uninvited guest who came to visit me just now when I was packing my luggage claimed to be an agent from the Sector Government Security Department. He said that there were some procedural errors in the ferry tickets we booked tonight. I hope we can stay in Lonely Night City for another twelve days. hours. I saw that what they said was completely inconsistent with normal legal procedures, so I had to ask them to take a break," Chunjun said.

Tan Jize just said "Oh", then walked through the kitchen without a care, opened the back door, and entered the alley behind the apartment. The two of them waited in the alley for another three minutes until the crowd passed by the road at the entrance of the alley. Then they got on the road and walked in the opposite direction of the crowd.

However, after walking not far, they found that the way was blocked. It was a large-scale group fight, with as many as two to three hundred people involved. Both sides have used handmade Molotov cocktails and built simple roadblocks and throwing facilities at the street entrance. Several nearby shops facing the street have already caught fire.

On such a disorderly night, such behavior is simply unavoidable.

Tan Jize knew that there was nothing he could do to stop him, so he could only change the direction and take a detour into a nearby park. In the past, this large-scale municipal park was a place where Tan Jize liked to take a walk, and there were not a few citizens who came to take a break. But today, there are not many people still active here. The dilapidated flower beds, damaged fountains and burnt black lawns constitute a messy and desolate scene.

Only the dim street lights were still flickering on and off.

Miss Chunjun said: "The time we were in the Big Apple City on Earth the year before last, the trouble did not reach the level it is today."

"Were you there at that time?"

"I rushed over to investigate afterward. It is said that it was just an urban reconstruction project. The demolition conditions were not negotiated with the citizens, which led to the demonstrations. The reason why the city-wide commotion was caused was because of the influence of the mental array. I Some occult remnants were indeed found at the site.”

"What about this time?"

"Master Tai has taught us that mysticism can affect emotions, but it cannot affect people's hearts, let alone history." Chunjun said: "Although I haven't read much, I can still tell that this time it is people's hearts. It’s more history, but definitely not emotion.”

Tan Jize pondered for a moment and nodded slightly: "But whether this action is based on people's hearts or emotions depends on those who record history and have the right to interpret history. Miss Chunjun, I can feel that this is more important than the action itself. difficult."

Chunjun was silent for a moment, and said helplessly: "I haven't read much, so I don't understand it well. However, both master and junior uncle have said that listening to you is always right."

"I can't always be right." Tan Jize said: "I hope that if you have any questions about my approach, you can raise it at any time. This should be able to correct my mistakes in time."

"I'm not Senior Brother Juque. I studied hotel management and kitchen administration in college! My original ideal career was to help my uncle run the sect's theme resort..." Miss Chunjun blinked her big eyes. , showing a troubled expression: "Can you not have any unrealistic expectations of me?"

Before Tan Jize could say anything, she suddenly calmed down her expression and said in a deep voice: "Okay, now I can really feel the difficulty you mentioned..."

She stopped and stopped in front of Tan Jize. Only then did the latter realize that under the flickering street lights opposite, several figures had appeared in his sight. As the light and shadow alternated, they approached him little by little, their movements as strange as ghosts.

After looking behind him, there were also seven or eight figures who appeared at some unknown time and had blocked all the directions in which they could escape.

If it were an ordinary person, seeing this scene that looked like a horror movie brought to reality, he would have been so frightened that he would be so scared that he would be unable to move even an inch. However, Tan Jize was unfazed.


"There are two. The rest are wearing optical camouflage." Chunjun gently rubbed his fingers, and the state of one of the street lights suddenly became more stable, and the brightness seemed to increase by several orders of magnitude. The light flashed over the heads of the two people in the row, revealing two expressionless but sinister faces. They were both strong men in their forties.

"Oh, it's them!"

"Do you know him?"

"I met him last month when I attended a law seminar. He is an important leader of the Black Knee Gang. He seems to be in the third or fourth position."

"The gang leader actually went to attend a law seminar?"

"How new. The Empire and the Alliance still attend the Galaxy Peace and Development Forum every year." Tan Jize sighed: "However, a dignified psychic has gone to become the leader of a gang. Is the current employment situation so bad?"

"After all, it is a super gang with hundreds of thousands of members. The money is actually very rich. And as a psychic, it is much easier to get ashore than ordinary people." Chunjun said: "But, why do they want to harm you?"

"I stayed in Guye City for more than a month, gave lessons to at least a thousand people, and issued at least 10,000 copies of "Principal Theory" and a combined volume of your uncle's manual. I also gave lectures to deep space mining and The Blue Label Group's dismissal document has rectified twenty legal loopholes. The local gangsters here have long disliked me." Tan Jize shrugged: "It's just that they still don't dare to do it themselves, so they have to let the underworld do some dirty work. Alive.”

"Well, this is their job."

Looking at the two gang leaders and their subordinates, they are still shrinking their encirclement step by step, as if they are a pack of wolves hunting large prey. They probably think that this can scare the prey as much as possible.

They seemed completely unaware that their identities had been completely exposed, and they didn't even notice that Tan Jize and Chunjun were having a conversation.

"Then, you just wait here and I'll take care of it first." Miss Chunjun said, "It might be a little noisy."

Tan Jize thought for a while, took out two headsets and put them in his ears, then opened the terminal and called up a short video.

Miss Chunjun smiled brightly, put down the suitcase in her hand, and walked straight towards the crowd on the opposite side. With a show of her hands, she conjured two chain saws with sword blades almost as high as herself. sword. The roar of machinery was accompanied by the colorless light wheel composed of the disintegrating force field, as if it had torn apart the gloomy night.

The deafening explosion of the machine seemed to have a telepathic effect, making their mysterious stealth effects invisible on the spot. The assassins showed up one by one with horrified expressions on their faces. It was impossible for them not to be frightened, just like a group of hungry wolves preparing to round up two fawns who were forced into a desperate situation. But not only did the fawns not tremble and wait for death in despair, one of them even roared towards them.

Roaring like a giant dragon!

A minute later, Miss Chunjun felt that she had finally moved her body a little, and her mood suddenly improved a lot. She looked at Tan Jize over there and found that he was still concentrating on the light screen that popped up on the terminal. The latter's expression was either happy or sad, but he could feel it, and his mood should be a lot more comfortable.

She stepped forward and gently rubbed Tan Jize's back with the round end of the chain sword that had stopped rotating. Only then did he realize. When the latter took off the headset, Chunjun immediately heard the singing coming from inside: "Have you ever heard the people singing..."

"This is……"

"Your junior uncle's song." Tan Jize said: "He taught it to us when we were in the imperial capital. Later, I taught it to the young people here."

"Mr. Tan."


"Please don't act so old-fashioned. You are still young now. My junior uncle is also very young. Aren't you planning to be partners for at least fifty years?" Miss Chunjun turned her wrist, and the two The huge chain sword disappeared again as if by magic: "Is this the first opinion I have made to you?"

Tan Jize couldn't help but squeeze out a bitter smile, but he still raised his hands and bowed slightly to express his acceptance. Then he remembered something: "Where are those assassins from the Black Knee Gang?"

"Throw it into the artificial lake. Someone will come to wash it anyway."

Since you are a young person, you must be energetic. Since he is still full of energy, he will give the coldest, stiffest, and stagnant world his greatest passion.

So, when the security forces in the square opened fire on the demonstrators, the young labor leaders sang the war songs they had just learned, held weapons "obtained from no one knows where", and led many brave and fearless workers with them. They began to fight back. They shot down drones and airships with their hand-crafted ion cannons, quickly attracting the attention of most of the security forces.

While they were fighting, they followed the flow of people into the jungle of high-rise buildings on the east side of the Central Municipal Square. These urban areas with countless flashing lights are the most prosperous and towering high-speed rail jungle in this metropolis of 65 million people. The building stands here like a giant standing on top of the clouds, overlooking all the ants in the dust.

Now, the ants rushed to the feet of the giants, but the giants were helpless.

Yes, the workers had little experience in street fighting.

However, it's a coincidence here that there are actually no local police guards. Although they appear to be well-trained and well-equipped, and appear to be much more elite than the New Yumen Guards (back then), they really have no reliable actual combat experience.

Naturally, neither do the security guards of large companies.

What's more, once the street fighting enters a prosperous commercial city, the police soldiers do not dare to use heavy weapons. When they were chasing the worker rebels, they would occasionally collide with the security robots of large companies that acted without permission, causing accidental injuries or even fires.

On the other hand, we must also know that lumpen proletarians are most often used by rentiers and become tools to instigate hatred among the people at the bottom. However, the greatest characteristic of this class is its uncontrollability. Gangsters can attack refugee camps, but when they see the embarrassment of the big shots, they will happily go to the rich area to get a piece of the pie.

This includes the peripheral organizations of the Black Knee Gang, which have long had some tacit understanding with the "big shots".

With the hard work of Marius and his comrades, more and more workers' self-rescue organizations joined in. Some protected the neighborhoods where their families and elders lived, and some entered the square area for rescue. Thanks to their efforts, more than 80% of the more than 300,000 demonstrators who first entered the square to voluntarily withdraw from the police blockade safely.

By the early morning of December 26, the song "Have You Heard the People Singing" had already resounded throughout half of Lone Night City, and there was no sign of relief.

At 2:15 in the morning on December 26, GNN, which has been live broadcasting the situation here, also inserted a video. It is true that the leader of the Black Knee Gang is well-known on the streets of Guye City. Mr. John Blackknee, disgraced, admitted to everyone that he had indeed made a deal with some big shot to attack the ordinary baby gang.

Of course, the identification of a gang leader is unlikely to have any legal effect, but in many cases, what matters is never what the big shots who make the "rules" think, but what the public who are bound by the rules think.

This is why Tan Jize finally felt relieved.

"With this step, the workers' actions are no longer riots." He said to Miss Chunjun: "From now on, they are insurrection!"

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