Him and their stars

Chapter 1046 You can’t do everything yourself

"In short, that's it. Famous detective, Miss Gongsun Qing, a famous guerrilla. She is extremely quiet and thoughtful, and she is very obedient and thoughtful. After becoming a C-level guerrilla for half a year, she finally wants to fulfill the role of a qualified guerrilla. It is my duty as a sergeant to investigate this matter." Yu Lian said to the holographic projection of Feifei shown on the communication terminal.

"So, this is why you tricked the heroine I booked into participating in the adventure game?" Feifei sneered.

"I told you that it wasn't me who fooled her, but she decided on her own... Wait, the heroine you booked? Isn't it a fair audition opportunity at most? And it's a supporting role."

"That's not the point. The point is that the important actor I considered ran away."

"She can't run away. She wants both the truth and the role in "Green"!" Yu Lian imitated Gongsun Qing's appearance at that time and made a very steady hand grabbing movement.

Feifei let out a sneering laugh.

Yu Lian nodded and said proudly: "Okay, you are right. Your actor has indeed gone to participate in the exploration and adventure game. But please don't use deception, but guide. I will take all risks to her. It’s made clear.”

Feifei looked at the other party's confident look and could only say helplessly: "Yu'er, have you ever thought that since this matter may involve the Lotak sector, it is very likely to involve the alliance's central unified government and Conflicts between participating countries. This is the most sensitive political issue in the alliance."

As we all know, the Alliance claims to be the beacon of civilization in the universe, the birthplace of democracy and free systems, and the starting point of all beautiful visions of fairness and justice. But even so, it is still the country with the most extensive territory and the largest population in the galaxy. The largest superpower.

Compared to the military conquest of the Galactic Empire, which was based on absolute force, since the alliance established by the Gaborians was a democratic republic, it adopted a much softer approach to the development of the universe in the Age of Discovery. At least it looks very "soft".

Military means are of course inevitable. However, under the offensive of the propaganda machine, everyone has come to believe that the military operations conducted by the Alliance during the pioneering era were just acts and were necessary analgesics before the integration of civilizations and the great unity of multiple races.

Similarly, in the era of foreign development, the so-called franchise country system came into being. As long as there is a stable alien race civilization and is willing to accept the "military protection", "diplomatic guidance", "business and cultural cooperation" and other win-win projects from the alliance central government, the alliance central government will even allow these alien civilizations to retain their original status. Some political systems.

Even if the other party adopts an autocratic monarchy or even a theocracy.

What if the regime is more reactionary? As long as the heads of the alliance kingdom come to Nephi every year for meetings, the alliance commander will be happy to call them "Your Majesty" and even bow to them in person.

It would even be better to be a little more reactionary. Because of the existence of the franchising countries, there are two concepts of identity, the so-called "citizens of the alliance" and "citizens of the franchising countries". If all the population within the alliance enjoyed the same benefits as the former, a beacon of civilization, the superiority of the alliance's system would not be easily reflected. And with the existence of a large number of the latter, decent gentlemen can ensure that the labor market will always be high-quality and cheap.

In short, the alliance is of course a beacon of civilization that will always progress. However, if any of the participating countries has cultural traditions that are not in line with the historical trend, it can only be said that these are leftover problems left by history and can only be solved through history. According to the constitution, the central government of the alliance cannot interfere casually.

Although the Free Galaxy Alliance is a country, its essence is actually a "very close" alliance of countries, a community with a shared future and the like.

Compared with the empire, this method of expansion seems to make the situation more stable and the society more harmonious. It also puts a gentle and respectful veil of equality on top of the status level. It is indeed a beacon of civilization.

As a result, there are real dissidents fanning the flames, and it is much easier to recruit troops than in the empire.

This constitutes the "separatist forces" that are one of the largest sources of unrest within the alliance. Among them, the Lothar people in the Lotaka sector are the most troubled group recently.

Of course, no matter how noisy they are, it doesn't mean that they can really escape the control of the alliance. After decades of turmoil, the Losar people have achieved nothing except changing their national image from simple and honest border people to crazy terrorists.

In the past few years, the Lotak sector has finally regained a little stability. The new district government is vigorously developing agriculture and tourism, and is preparing to put aside historical revenge and get back on the road. It is said that the current development prospects are still very good. For the time being, this can be regarded as a happy ending where benevolence is rewarded.

However, after so many years of trouble, there really were no sequelae at all. Yu Lian really couldn't believe it.

"I know what you mean. So I know that this matter is full of demons. Although I have some sympathy for General Gujiao's untimely death, I can only hold my nose and endure it now. I have a sensitive identity and am busy with official duties, so there is no extraneous matter. reasons."

The implication is that if it were Gongsun Qing, there would be no problem. They are serious guerrillas, and it is their duty to investigate unsolved mysteries. Of course, he did not inform the association's top management, which seemed to be a little out of order, but as a guerrilla, it would be mediocre to follow the rules.

Yu Lian had heard such words in his previous life, and he believed them without any doubt.

"I found a very experienced and reliable local snake to be my guide. Xiaoqing probably won't be abducted and sold in that ravine, don't worry." Yu Lian said with a smile.

This very experienced and reliable local snake, apart from our brother Ash, there is no one else. He grew up in an orphanage and on the underworld. Even the Guerrilla Association, which likes to recruit foreigners and focuses on cultivating talents from lower backgrounds, can rarely find such grassroots members. The league's game rules in various gray areas are complex and treacherous to outsiders, but to Ash, it's as convenient as going home.

Of course, Yu Lian said that if he could count his experience in his previous life, he was actually very familiar with it. But after all, he was also a general and was responsible for the important responsibility of national arms procurement. He couldn't really ignore his job and go out to make a deal with a girl, right?

In addition, compared to himself, Ash had another advantage.

"...And it's buy one get one free, right?" Feifei sneered: "You are really good at calculating."

The so-called buy one get one free, of course, refers to the frontline reporter of the Pioneer News, Miss Taina Mohn. In his previous life, Brother Ash was an old bachelor who died alone, but in this life he is not familiar with the eldest lady of the Moen family. Shouldn't this be thanks to the butterfly effect of my best friend?

He doesn't know how to be grateful and still dares to call me?

Yu Lian expressed great dissatisfaction with this, so he called back again. And he solemnly told him that if he dared to hang up the phone again, Miss Moen would receive some unpleasant black stories within minutes.

"I, what kind of dark history can I have that I can't see people? I just want to tell you, we have just come back from the New World, we are treasure hunters and fighting, can't you let me enjoy it? I will go back to my hometown to celebrate the New Year. Isn’t it possible? Is there a problem if I don’t want to answer work calls during the Chinese New Year?”

Even though he said this, he didn't dare to hang up Yu Lian's phone anymore.

"But, aren't you well-paid for your hard work in the New World?" Yu Lian smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will let you start after the New Year. I will pay the guide and bodyguard. In addition, if Taina Moore Miss En is interested,"

Miss Tanah Moon was certainly interested. She quickly called and told Yu Lian that she was preparing for a long-term investigation in the Feimo Star Territory. However, since it is a long-term investigation, the preparation work that needs to be done still takes a lot of time. During this period, she is willing to participate in the investigation of the incident.

Rather, she was very grateful to Yu Lian for giving her another opportunity to make big news.

"After the Chinese New Year, I will bring Ash here to meet with Miss Gongsun. Please leave it to us. Also, say hello to Sister Fina for me. Our "Cold Qiu" will definitely be a success." Taina finally said road.

After hearing Yu Lian's narration, Feifei was of course very moved, but she still said dissatisfiedly: "Tsk, that girl Taina is also my executive producer, deputy director, stills artist, and early promotion backbone of "Cold Hill". Ah! After all, he can be regarded as the main creator of the movie. As a result, you have time to participate in this kind of adventure game, but no time to participate in post-production promotion? "

"My job is to be an excellent investigative reporter, and a movie creator can only be regarded as a part-time job. Since this involves the local security in the Lotak sector and the transfer of local industries, there may be a scandal of collusion between politics and business. Yes. Isn’t it reasonable for reporters to intervene?”

Yu Lian thought of the interested look in the eyes of the eldest lady of the Moen family, and said with a smile: "I can finally see that Miss Taina is afraid of the world... uh, a good girl with a great sense of justice and compassion. Obviously she is She was born into a wealthy family, but she is an excellent reporter for the Pioneer. She is always willing to speak for the facts and the vulnerable groups. If she can intervene, the truth will not be lost."

Of course, the premise is that there really is the truth.

As for whether this truth is important to him, Yu Lian expressed that he is happy to see it happen.

As for whether their actions have fallen into the eyes of interested people, Yu Lian is also happy to see it happen.

Again, his dignified Colonel Yu Lian is already a mature general, so he can't do everything by himself! As long as he doesn't end up personally, there will be room for change.

"This is the adventure of the famous guerrilla Miss Gongsun Qing and her friends. It is enough for us as long as you watch their backs with pleased eyes."

Feifei sighed: "Yu'er, Xiaoqing is actually only half out of curiosity, and the other half is to help you."

"She is a good girl and a good Davarish. The position of storm captain on the big ship in the new era must be reserved for her."

Feifei couldn't help but let out a loud sigh: "Yu'er, one day, that big ship will be able to accommodate your wings. I don't know if it can sail to the new era, but maybe it has to go to Shura Hell first. It’s a walk.”

"Can't you say something nice? Don't things like the Pure Land of Thirty-three Heavens, Valhalla, Gao Tianyuan, etc. sound bad?"

"Okay, you guys really want to die in a paradise full of beauties!"

How on earth did you come to this conclusion? Yu Lian felt that he was really unjust, but considering Feifei's mental state at this time, it was best not to dwell on this topic for too long. He asked with a stiff smile: "Are you coming back for dinner tonight?"

"There is another dinner with the media platform. I will rush back on New Year's Eve." Feifei stared at Yu Lian and said fiercely: "As you said, you are here to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner, so don't go out to find trouble! "

"It makes me so sad to say this. So far, when has it been me who has caused trouble? Isn't it always trouble that comes to me?" Yu Lian complained.

Then, he received another sneer from the other party and ended today's call.

Yu Lian looked at the time and saw that it was just under four in the afternoon. Fleur had already gone back to the university to attend classes, and once Gongsun Qing made up his mind, he went to the library full of energy, presumably to investigate the origin of the string of numbers and patterns.

Yu Lian suddenly realized that he was the most idle at the moment. He couldn't help but stretch, walked out of the small building in the backyard of Fan Building, and exited the pedestrian area of ​​the commercial street through the back door. He was just thinking about whether he should go shopping somewhere when he happened to see a seven-seater family car parked in the parking lot in the shade of a tree outside the street.

Then, I saw my uncle and Aunt Lena, as well as the grown-up An An and Lele, who were carrying schoolbags and suitcases, all getting out of the car.

My aunt doesn't look older at all, and she seems to be looking better than before. As for the two naughty kids An An and Lele, they haven't seen each other for a few years, and now they already have the flavor of a fancy boy and girl. Looking at his healthy and happy family, Yu Lian actually felt a little bit emotional about the changes in the world.

At this time, the sharp-eyed cousin and cousin had already seen Yu Lian on the other side of the road. After a moment of astonishment, they were overjoyed and quickened their pace to meet him. A few years ago, they would have stretched out their hands and rushed towards me from afar, shouting "brother" while running.

Oops, as expected, now that the kids are older, it’s just not as fun as before.

As soon as Yu Liang had this thought, a figure had already stepped down from the cab. His movements were much more dramatic than those of An An and Lele Kuai, and he was already in front of him in an instant.

Before Yu Lian could even see the face of this person clearly, the other person suddenly raised his right hand, turned over his wrist, used his arm to seal his line with his wide elbow, and pointed his thumb to his forehead. At the same moment, the fingers of his left hand formed a knife and he slashed towards his shoulder. Before the palm strike had stopped, the wind from the palm had already invaded his shoulder, and half of his body was paralyzed.

However, Yu Lian didn't feel nervous at all, and even wanted to laugh a little bit. He had also raised his right hand, turned over his wrist and used his thick elbow to block the opponent's pointed thumb. With his palm spread out, a silver bead about the same size as the small marbles used in the game console room was floating in the air. The palm exudes a dangerous sheen.

The other party retracted his movements and laughed heartily. All the movements with fatal dangers naturally switched to open arms, and he hugged Yu Lian vigorously.

"Hahaha, I guessed that one day you would surpass me, but I didn't guess that this day would actually be the time when we meet again." He sighed with emotion. Of course, he was most pleased, but it was also unavoidable that he felt sad. There was a little bit of regret, and he looked like he was about to be pushed to the beach by the back waves and was afraid of death.

Now I have no problems except for occasional nasal congestion. He should be considered recovered, but of course, he really didn’t take any medicine the whole time.

However, now I really feel that Kavin is very stuck, and I can’t concentrate very well, and I don’t know what I should write to make it interesting.

Could it be the legendary long new crown? The legendary sequelae? Am I suffering from brain fog?

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