Him and their stars

Chapter 1056 Is Red Maple Factory a cow?

Of course, although the engineering tasks were arduous, Mr. Ainewman, who was in charge of the engineering, did not draw manpower from the factory. Instead, he recruited a large number of laborers from the surrounding Rumina tribe who still lived in the agricultural era.

...Although this sounds a bit like artificially dividing professions into high places, we have to admit that the technical content of metallurgical workers is indeed a little higher than that of construction workers. In addition, with the universal version of the Labor Type 5 power gloves, Lumina young adults who are good at farming and grazing are also good at digging earth.

To be honest, although construction work is arduous, it is not necessarily more tiring than farming and grazing. What's more, the salary including food and accommodation is much more than working in the fields.

In short, for the locals in Rumina, the past may have been difficult and dangerous, but the present is full of life, and the future is full of hope. After the completion of this workers' club located on the site of the original ancient capital of Seruo, everyone was even more certain of this.

"When this place is repaired, will it be ours?" asked the construction workers who were just herdsmen and hunters half a year ago.

"Yes, this place belongs to us! From now on, we will all be workers of Lumina Construction Company! The apartments in the new city have been repaired, and every family is eligible to get one." Cadres transferred from the Red Maple Factory Explained: "Except for the projects in the Palace of Culture, except for shops opened by merchants, other items are free with tickets."

"Long live the Red Maple Factory!" the construction workers cheered.

In such an atmosphere, a stage has been set up in the main entrance square of the Sero Palace, which has been restored one to one. Two Rumina and three Earth youths have climbed onto the stage, carrying various musical instruments along the way. Among them, the Rumina man, who was the largest and strongest, even hung a four-sided drum around his waist.

Then, with a rumbling sound like a war drum beating, the remaining young men also picked up their own instruments. Then, the only human girl on the stage sang loudly.

“Everything you touch, see, taste, and feel!

Everything you love, hate, disbelieve, and save!

Everything you give, trade, buy, beg, borrow or steal!

Everything you create, everything you destroy, everything you say and do, everything you eat!

Encounter, contempt, struggle, everything is going on!

What has been lost will come!

Everything is fine under the stars, but it's obscured by the abyss! "

To be fair, this little girl's singing skills are at the level of KTV Maiba, and she can't control the high notes and is somewhat off-key. However, although the technique is so-so, the emotion is full of it.

What's more, for ordinary workers, high-pressure court music and wonderful avant-garde music are really too low-key, but such passionate tunes and straightforward lyrics are indeed easy for them to sympathize with.

Mr. Ainewman said in surprise: "This song?"

The theme song "Under the Stars" of "Cold Hill", although the movie was only officially released in mid-January, the original soundtrack has already been released. I asked Fina to send a copy in advance. After listening to it, the Thai Metal Band decided to sing it in the New Year We sang at the celebration." The young mayor smiled.

"Haha, this is not a commercial concert. Huanyu won't come looking for trouble, right?" Mr. Ai Newman said happily: "Those little guys in the Thai Metal Band can't afford a lawyer."

The Thai Metal Band was a band founded by the workers of the Red Maple Factory. The earliest leader was Babalu who was also the drummer, and the first vocalist and vice-leader was Busca. It's a pity that one of the two went to study abroad in the Alliance, and the other went to the New World to aid construction - of course it was said that he was coming back soon - and the second lead singer and leader was replaced by a little girl who works as an accountant in a textile factory in the third industry.

To be honest, they are just amateurs who entertain themselves. Their main job is to work in the factory. They have no professional ability, let alone any superb artistic achievements, but the workers just like them. This amateur band even went to New Seville next door to participate in the celebration party after the completion of the cross-sea light rail, and it was also very popular among the fishermen on that ocean planet.

Now, since it is a New Year's party for the workers of Lumina, the protagonists should be the "artists" who have emerged from the workers. Even if their artistic level is actually not that professional, not that elegant, not that serious, nor is it in line with the aesthetic temperament of "Bright Spring and White Snow".

Director Ruhr said: "If the copyright is in the hands of Huanyu, it's best not to get into trouble with them. What's more, we will soon cooperate with them to build this dreamland."

"It's okay, okay. The copyright is actually in the hands of Ice Cream Band and Selena Mayo. Fina said that they are all her own. As long as they don't take it out for commercial performances, then there will be no problem." Zhixia smiled Said: "Today is the party, and the cinema in the Palace of Culture will officially open for business at noon tomorrow. I have found all the film sources of "Galaxy Ranger" and "The Treasure Hunters" for everyone, and they can be rotated."

"Let everyone have a good rest for two days and go back to work on January 3." The old engineer from Minlan said with a smile: "I originally wanted to take a week's rest, but everyone said that only two days would be enough."

Ye Zhixia nodded and said nothing else, but she had already begun to think about what benefits should be given to everyone.

Before the Chinese New Year, the year-end bonuses and various welfare New Year goods had been distributed, and everyone was very satisfied. After the Chinese New Year, the working hours that everyone has sacrificed during holidays should be counted as overtime pay. In addition, think about what sweets, wine, snacks, and daily necessities to send to everyone’s homes. Next year, some new leisure facilities will be added to the Palace of Culture, and the latest blockbusters will also have to be arranged for the cinema.

Although the worker brothers all wanted to build the new city as soon as possible, were full of morale and high morale, and were ready to sacrifice their New Year holidays for voluntary labor, she herself could not think about the problem in this way. Since the factories and offices are both financially wealthy, we must not sacrifice the interests of the workers casually. Otherwise, path dependence will definitely develop, and it will be difficult to recover by then.

These expenses will all come from the budget of the Planetary Administration. If the civil servants who came to "support" from the central government objected, or were acting in secret, she would have every reason to put order in order.

Anyway, the current population of such a large Lumina planet is less than 300 million, and some of it is uncultivated wasteland. It is quite reasonable for a civil servant to be accidentally eaten by a chocobo when he went to the countryside for inspection.

All in all, the workers were very motivated and were waiting to continue their hard work after two days of rest, so as to put the city they had built brick by brick together as early as possible. Of course, only better rest and fun can lead to better work.

Ye Zhixia and his party (for now) still believe that they are also a member of the workers, so naturally they are inevitably affected by such an atmosphere, so they put aside their worries and join in happily.

At the climax of the party, even the young mayor herself threw away her coat and jumped on the stage in a red dress, along with a group of dancers who were guest dancers from the textile workers of the third factory. , performed a passionate flamenco dance for everyone, which immediately raised the atmosphere at the scene to its peak.

After the dance ended and Zhixia stepped down, she said to the two elderly people with some pity: "It would be great if Lilia would lead the dance. She taught me this part. It's a pity that Lilia's Colonel is expanding her militia." . There is also a warlord lady on the left and right. Once there are more people and guns, she will manage everything day by day like a real queen."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw that Director Ruhr and Mr. Emmanuel opposite had strange expressions on their faces.

"What's wrong?"

Director Ruhr raised his personal terminal and saw a half-length projection popping up directly on it, but it was none other than "Colonel" Lilia Alfonso.

"Oh, you heard everything?"

"Now please call me Major Lilia Alfonso." Miss Lilia Alfonso said seriously.

Zhixia was slightly startled, and when she took a closer look, she saw that the other party was not wearing New Seville's own snow-white militia uniform, but a serious Community Marine Corps uniform, and she immediately became happy: "Ouch, he was recruited? Recovery? Got a military job?"

Of course, going from "colonel" to major is not a demotion. You must know that because most of the immigrants from Earth in New Seville are Hispanics, "colonel" is not a military rank, but the top officer of the militia. Although he is a major now, it is a formal military position, which sounds much higher than the rabble of the militia.

"Tsk, you got promoted faster than me." Zhixia was a little jealous.

She was also a top student at the Central National Defense University. Even if she chose not to join the army after graduation, she still had the rank of reserve lieutenant. Unfortunately, she never got promoted again.

Although she is now the administrative director of this planet, theoretically in charge of 300 million people, and is actually the most powerful among the 830 graduates, in terms of military position, she is still in the middle of the reserve force.

"Who told me someone with a gun is a warlord?" Lilia said with a smile.

Ye Zhixia couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Tell me, what's going on? Isn't it destroying another batch of materials? Fifty thousand tons of Taishi alloy, already 1.2 million tons of ordinary steel, I just gave it to you ten days ago It has been sent out. Haven’t your longitudinal cross-sea light rails been repaired? The horizontal ones are still being planned, and construction will have to wait until the year after next, right?”

Lilia smiled and said: "Not only that, but now even Lines 3 and 4 are being planned. Our current plan is to build 10 light rail lines within 30 years, so that all inhabited islands can be connected." It’s connected.”

"Subway? Are you building a subway on the surface of the planet?"

"What's not allowed?" Lilia said with a smile: "The Empire's Azure Paradise, the Alliance's Yushan, and Mr. Emmanuelle's hometown, Oyang Paradise, all have this specification."

...Because those two are the most famous vacation and business destinations in both countries, and the last one is the capital of the Republic of Minam, with a permanent population of more than three billion.

Although Zhixia wanted to say this, she felt that she shouldn't pour cold water on others casually. After all, dreams are still very important. Anyway, it is a long-term plan that spans thirty years. Even if it comes true, I will become an old aunt... Tsk, it is really hard to imagine that day!

"Then what? You're not going to ask me to prepare the materials for your Line 10 now, right?" Zhixia joked.

Lilia seemed to hesitate and said: "It's more troublesome than this. I hope that the Red Maple Factory can prepare 300,000 tons of Taishi alloy and 100 million tons of other metal consumables for warships and space stations before June next year. .I’ll send you the list in a moment.”

Zhixia pressed her temples and looked at the two old people.

Of course, the old factory director and the old engineer were very calm, with no expression fluctuations.

"There are still 20 million tons of weapons. I'll give you the list together. Anyway, Hongfeng's arsenal has resumed work."

Zhixia gritted his teeth and said: "We have only resumed work for half a year... Also, what do you want so much for? Is New Seville ready to rebel? Don't forget, the Ninth Fleet now has a squadron and a brigade. The Marine Corps is stationed in the Lumina system."

"If it's not me, it's for the Ninth Fleet and the Far Coast Military Region. Don't worry, the military expenditure is still very abundant. You won't be shortchanged by a penny." Lilia pointed to the rank of major on her collar badge: "I am now The liaison officer of the Far Coast Military District Headquarters is stationed in Rumina. He is responsible for the procurement of this batch of good consumables and arms, and also has to recruit two divisions of defense troops from New Seville."

Zhixia frowned slightly, and then realized that things seemed not that simple.

Lilia said: "After the Luknar Star Gorge, the Bakvi and Angman people gathered eight main battleships, and also invited the Bakvi royal fleet and the imperial squadron stationed nearby to conduct a military siege exercise. .”

"Military exercise? Haha, isn't the Empire still fighting with us in the New World?" Zhixia sneered.

"That's right. So according to the other side, they are reinforcements preparing to be transferred to the front lines of the New World. The exercise is of course for troop training."

"...Hahaha, even though the noble nobleman is shameless, he is still very decent!" Zhixia was very angry.

"There is no other way. With the current strength of our Ninth Fleet, we can only rely on the strongholds in the Lucknar Corridor and Earl I Star Gap for defensive operations. That's why we need to prepare in advance."

Lilia sighed: "Just wait until the year after next. The Ninth Fleet will have three new Dreadnoughts! It's the one built under the supervision of our Master Yu Lian. When the time comes, rush out of the Star Gorge to scare those birdmen. It can also be done with Red Monkey. But now, we can only continue to stabilize the defense line. The good news is that since Yu Lian and the others demolished Kerna City, it is impossible for large troops to cross Nebula. Lu As a logistics base, the Mina Galaxy is still very safe."

"The logistics base is a ghost! It's almost turning into a cow." Zhixia said angrily: "We are still supplying the New World and New China."

Lilia smiled: "I know about New China. Mr. Qi said that they can at least support 10 divisions of garrison troops on the front line of the military region. Now even Dana is mobilizing those cowboys. Anyway, there is no shortage of manpower. I just need your weapons!"

"...How do I feel that if the empire really comes from the Lucnar Corridor and Earl I Star Gap, the military district headquarters is prepared to rely on the entire Far Coast Sector, and even the territory of the New China Sector? Did you resist?"

"This is not something Commander Sylvester can be sure of, but he is actually prepared to coexist with the far shore defense line. All mobilization and military purchases are to strengthen the defense line preparations." Lilia Said: "This has also been approved by the commander-in-chief."

"I understand. But, isn't it too sensitive? The Bakvi Birds and Angang Monkeys conduct exercises on the opposite side of the Nebula almost every year, and the Empire is often invited to participate."

Lilia nodded: "Yes...so this is the opinion of the commander's headquarters?"

"Grandpa Paris's? Or the National Defense Committee's?"

"The new president has not yet held an inauguration ceremony, and the chairman of the National Defense Commission has not yet taken office... However, I heard that this is not the opinion of Marshal Paris, but the opinion of the front line in the New World."

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