Him and their stars

Chapter 1058 New Year’s Eve at the Devil’s Throat

The ship test, which took place on the last day of the common calendar year 832, officially ended at five o'clock in the afternoon.

This lightweight battleship, temporarily named R33-1, has truly demonstrated amazing and extraordinary performance in front of the builder and the top military officials.

It is indeed difficult for Lieutenant General Carter to imagine what kind of effect this ultra-high-speed small warship can have on the battlefield. However, he can at least be sure that the performance of the new ship is at least enough to replace all assault ships and assault ships.

If the price is moderate, he is even ready to lobby the gentlemen of the National Defense Committee to buy them in bulk, so that he can at least replace those old small battleships for the two main forces of the Solar System Fleet and the Outer Rim Fleet.

However, this mature and prudent senior general soon realized that if the right things were carried out, the whole universe would be at peace. But in the real world, right and wrong are always relative terms.

As discussed before, the combined establishment time of Xinyumen Shipyard and Tulong Machinery Factory is only one year, and they have no foundation at all on the earth, let alone the small treasury of any big boss. Such a factory, because it is close to the front line, can only do contact repair and ship material work. How can it possibly win an order to replace a new ship?

In other words, if they really get the order, it may harm them.

Even so, Lieutenant General Carter still felt it was a pity, so he lowered his voice and said: "...Actually, we can try to find room for breakthrough from the local fleet in the star area."

The two old factory directors looked at each other and suddenly realized that as the leaders of the factory, they seemed to focus all their energy on production management and technological innovation, and never considered the issue of sales.

However, let’s talk about next year’s matters. In any case, the last test of the 832 was indeed a complete success. The performance of the finished product even exceeded the most optimistic estimates of Dr. Xie and Director Johnson, fully worthy of their hard work this year.

Therefore, Lieutenant General Carter, who was naturally optimistic, quickly put all the unpleasant associations behind him and dragged the two old factory directors back to Tulon to attend the New Year's banquet that he had prepared long ago.

What they didn't know was that the moment the test was completed, all the test data and reports had been immediately transmitted to the "Devil's Throat" galaxy two thousand light-years away.

The Deputy Chief of Staff of the Community Expeditionary Fleet, Major General Yang Xiyi, looked at the detailed analysis report and various data, with a very obvious joy on his face: "The performance is actually so good?"

"Yes, it's so good that it's almost artificial." Major Akinayama Hachiman, who had just been transferred to the staff department, pushed up his glasses: "It's a pity that the source wave terminal we have now is a medium-sized one. It can only ensure smooth instant communication between Xinyumen and Limingguan, but the traffic is really limited, and at most it can only provide data reports. For clear videos, it will take at least a week to transmit them."

The implication is that it is very easy to falsify data reports, as long as you fill it in casually, which requires clear video evidence. Of course, videos can actually be faked, but it always takes some effort.

Opposite him, Major Michiel Kent could tell that he was showing off from his friend Mo's poker face and his smooth pronunciation.

Yang Xiyi said: "A data report is enough. Lieutenant General Carter is an open-minded and kind person, but he is not a falsifier. You can start to be proud now, Major Qiu Mingshan, during the year you served as governor, New Yumen built two factories and built the best small battleships in the universe."

"I have never been a governor, I am just a representative of military control." Akinayama Hachiman lowered his head slightly and hid his eyes under the reflection of the lenses, with a "Don't harm me" look.

"Xinyumen does not lack labor and resources, and when Dr. Xie and the others arrived with support from Hongfeng Factory, there was no shortage of technical teams. Everything fell into place, and the official just did some insignificant things. It's just coordination work." He explained seriously: "However, according to Xiaguandi's calculations, the reason why this R33-1 achieved such test results is that on the one hand it uses the top operating team and pilots, and on the other hand In terms of light wing structure, the MK2 type uses new composite materials."

"MK2 type?" Yang Xiyi pondered.

"Yes, the type 1 is equipped on the White Devil fighter. The type 2 used on this test ship is also the type currently preparing to go to the alliance to participate in the racing competition. Compared with the type 1, the main beam structure of the light wing adopts New materials, longer battery life, and even more amazing absolute speed.”

"new material?"

"Yes, it is a new material provided by Major General Yu Lian to the design institute. Professor Zhuang and others believe that this is an epoch-making composite ship material. It is not only a light wing, but can even be used in larger space creations."

Yang Xiyi breathed a sigh of relief. If the core of the light wing construction is only reflected in the exquisite design, sooner or later it may be copied by the enemy. But if there are advantages in materials, it will not be so easy to imitate.

"The new material provided by Yu Lian..." Yang Xiyi prolonged his tone and slowly picked up the black tea mixed with brandy.

"He did not directly tell us the source of the material." Akinayama Hachiman said: "But we all know that it must come from the ruins of the Enlightened One that we have explored before."

"Yes, this is the most reasonable explanation." Mihir said.

"Yes... technological progress is always inseparable from the relics of our predecessors. This is our era. However, fortunately, although the materials are the legacy of the enlightened ones, the light wing structure is ours after all. In this era, the hands of a smart and hard-working young engineer." Yang Xiyi showed a pleased smile.

"Yes, after obtaining the new materials, Red Star Design Institute immediately started to improve the MK2. The reason why it was able to come up with the finished product so quickly was because the first version of the design anticipated room for optimization. Classmate Eisen French , is indeed a true genius." Mihir Kent said in an admiring tone.

What he was even more emotional about was that if it wasn't for Yu Lian. This talented designer is probably working in a car repair shop now.

Yang Xiyi also had the same question: "Yes! So there are so many geniuses, where did they find them?"

"It's probably the house...like aggregation effect." Akinayama Hachiman pushed up his glasses seriously.

"You just wanted to say that there are thousands of cockroaches in the house, right?" Kent said: "Don't forget, he is still the chairman of our organization. He is a cockroach, who are we?"

Hachiman said expressionlessly: "Being a cockroach is something to be proud of."

Yang Xiyi was happy: "Major Qiu Mingshan. In fact, when I was still in school, I always thought that you should be the one who lives the longest among you."

Akinayama Hachiman was slightly startled. Before he could say anything, Yang Xiyi changed the subject: "So, can the type 2 light wings used on small battleships be miniaturized? Equipped on fighter planes?"

Kent nodded and said: "No problem. When designing, the MK2 light wing originally included a small version for fighter aircraft, and the cost is cheaper and lower at the same time."

Now, the White Phantom fighter jets have indeed performed magnificently in the previous battles, which shocked the members of the military observation groups from various countries. Second-tier powers such as Minlan and the Iron Army Alliance, which have good relations with the Blue Star Community, have secretly asked the Earth about the possibility of exporting this new type of fighter aircraft.

Only the Empire, forced by the face of the largest military power in the universe, never opened its mouth.

There is no way around it. The Galactic Empire, which is full of military virtues, has always been a weapons exporter, but here it has to import weapons. If the news spreads, it will not be able to see anyone.

Technical cooperation is okay, and it sounds respectable. However, this is not something that the frontline generals can decide.

But even so, even Congressman Pecker, the leader of the observation team, could see the expectations and arrogance of the empire, and the vanity of this veteran politician was immediately greatly satisfied.

When he sent the report back to China that exaggerated the performance of the White Ghost fighter, the vanity of the Gongun princes of Earth was certainly greatly satisfied. What followed was the approval of the National Defense Commission and the order from the military.

All in all, the Solar System Defense Command placed an order for 240 aircraft, as well as an order for 120 aircraft from the Far Coast Military District. Falcon Company, which is wholly controlled by Red Star Law Firm, is ramping up its efforts to put into production. This aircraft company, which was almost out of control, immediately became more prosperous.

However, it is a pity that the high-level evaluation of the White Phantom fighter itself comes from the high-level officials of the Earth. Although this is indeed an excellent fighter that can stand alone with the Empire's new Purple Lightning Dragon fighter, almost no one Notice the secret of those gorgeous light wings.

Kent guessed that Teacher Yang probably hopes that these new fighters that are still in production can be directly replaced with Type 2 light wings.

However, the fighter plane is not bad. After all, after thousands of years of the big universe era, everyone has ingrained in regarding small fighter planes as auxiliary weapons, but when it comes to ships, even the smallest warships, it is another matter.

"If you want to convince the National Defense Committee to replace the existing assault ships with R33... it is still very difficult." Kent said.

"It must pass the investigation of six specialized armament supervision organizations composed of members of Congress, the professional evaluation of the National Defense Commission and the Equipment Supervision Department under the Military Command Headquarters, and also involve the operational needs of each major fleet headquarters, with reference to frontline commanders and ship We should all come together to unify our opinions." Akinayama Hachiman pushed up his glasses: "This is no easier than fighting a large-scale battle."

Yang Xiyi took off his military cap and scratched his scalp in distress: "Oh my, this sounds like a lot of trouble... I'm the most afraid of trouble."

"Alternatively, you can also ask your wife to initiate a proposal in this regard in the cabinet, so that the president can take the upper-level route and connect with each other privately first." Kent added.

"That would be even more troublesome. My wife is the Minister of Women and Children's Rights and has nothing to do with the National Defense Committee. Moreover, the majestic cannon and giant ship that the new president likes is not a small sampan like this." Yang Xiyi sighed. , put down the tea cup, but then asked: "Where is the Thirteenth Fleet now?"

Mihir Kent and Akinayama Hachiman quickly exchanged glances, and the latter quickly opened the star map and turned the background of the entire "Devil's Labyrinth" star field into gray. Galaxies controlled by your own side are colored blue, galaxies controlled by the Empire are colored gold, and areas still controlled by the Predators are colored red. In this way, the entire war situation is intuitively displayed.

Now, everyone can clearly see that the red color has been compressed into a very small piece and completely divided.

Hachiman looked at his watch, stretched out his hand and clicked on a galaxy: "In the report 46 hours ago, the Thirteenth Fleet, and the 4th Sweeping Squadron affiliated with the First Fleet, here, DL123 fought with the Predators. , all the enemy ships were wiped out. From the battle report, it can be seen that the Marauders have reached their limit, both in terms of strength and fighting spirit."

In fact, ever since the Imperial Fleet led by Brunhilt and the Community's Thirteenth Fleet jointly cracked the last line of mystical defense in the "Devil's Labyrinth", there has been no suspense in the war. It's just a matter of the length of time.

Of course, once the two defense lines were broken through and entered the interior of the star domain, the internal interstellar transportation network suddenly expanded in all directions. Some of the remaining Predator warships launched a fierce attack on the main force of humanity and died, some gathered in the last galaxy to prepare for a final decisive battle towards death, and some were broken into pieces and played hide-and-seek to fight guerrillas.

Therefore, while the main fleet of the coalition forces is marching in force, a considerable part of the squadron will be reserved to be responsible for the mopping up work in the rear.

The Thirteenth Fleet, which all has high-speed battleships under its command, is currently responsible for this job.

By the way, the 4th Sweeping Squadron actually consists of one light cruiser and four destroyers, and Horatio Venn is also one of the captains. They have been operating with the Thirteenth Fleet during this period, so the temporary command has been assigned to the Aurora.

Yang Xiyi said quietly: "Strictly speaking, the ownership of the Thirteenth Fleet is somewhat controversial... Although it is also the Central Navy Fleet under the jurisdiction of the Military Command Headquarters, it also has organizational relations with the New Continent Star Region! At least the initial military expenditure is the New Continent Guard. Self-funded.”

The two young officers exchanged glances again.

However, the three people present were all smart people, and they did not continue talking. They just raised their glasses at the same time and touched them lightly.

"New Year's greetings?" Hachiman asked.

"Here's to the past year," Kent said.

"Let's respect the upcoming final victory and the beginning after the end." Yang Xiyi said: "The higher-ups have made up their minds to launch a general offensive on January 10."

"You are the second chief of the staff. During the general attack, you will not sit on the flagship, but will be on standby here?" Kent said with a smile.

"The people on board the Independence are Commander Connery and Chief of Staff Tivington. I'll be on standby here, and everyone will be more relaxed. Anyway, I took down this fortress, and the limelight is enough. Look, Suo Didn't King Renn and King Weirent also hand over the unified command of the front line to King Suliuka? How noble and honorable." Yang Xiyi stood up: "Then, let's disband. Today is New Year's Eve, and those two highnesses invited me Drink. The election emperor invited me to drink. Would you have believed it a few years ago?"

The deputy chief of staff of the Community Expeditionary Force, who was also the highest military officer left on the Earth side to guard this fortress, walked away with a leisurely pace that was not at all military.

As for the remaining two people, they drank the remaining half bottle of wine with peanuts, thinking it was New Year's Eve, and then got back to work full-time again.

"Now, how many of us are left in this fortress?" Akinayama Hachiman asked bluntly.

"Three Marine divisions, two Torren brigades, and one Maran brigade." Kent said: "Only two-thirds of the empire."

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