Him and their stars

Chapter 1078 The Ghost Fire Incident in Steel Flame City

Of course, Miss Selina Mayo has no idea that she has been used as a tool to define people's hearts by a white-furred fox who is particularly suitable as a space station pendant. Now she simply felt that the guests in front of her were indeed a group of hypocritical people. They were obviously moved by her singing, but they had to stare at her with a stiff face, as if they were staring at a thoughtless person. A monster that wants to devour the world.

She obviously looks very cute? In this case, my singing voice must not be powerful enough!

I will definitely do my best to listen to this song "The Dark Side of the Starry Sky"!

Thinking of this, her high-pitched singing voice rose again, but this time it had penetrated all the constraints of space and time, as if it sounded in the human soul.

Feifei showed a suitably surprised expression: "She's awakened?"

"She is now a 'believer' and can enter the second ring at any time and choose one side of the star ring." Yamida smiled and said: "However, this child has no interest in extraordinary abilities. She just added something here. The reason why I do it is to strengthen my singing skills."

She looked at Yu Lian, who had a poker face, and said with a smile, "You don't seem to be surprised at all."

Yu Lian glanced at the other party expressionlessly: "In this idealistic universe, geniuses in any field may be psykers. In other words, isn't it strange?"

Although he said this, Yu Lian still felt a feeling of "future" and "reality" intersecting.

In that era that should never come again, the "Elf of Stardust" once sent off the last soldiers of the Volunteer Army with a song that resounded in the soul.

The current Selina Maho is not her in another timeline, but she can finally see the beginning of it.

Of course, he has actually experienced this feeling many times, but he is still relatively calm.

Yu Lian asked back: "However, there is always an opportunity for awakening. The last time I saw her in the New World, she was still very normal. No matter what, something happened here."

"This shows that the Alliance is a treasure trove that is very suitable for that girl." Miss Bei shrugged: "Haha, the universe is very big, the Alliance is also very big, and there are so many psykers. Even I can't possibly know everyone. A personal awakening.”

At this time, Selena's "Dark Side of the Starry Sky" was finally completed. She also peeled off the excitement just now, regained her listless and numb face - the media described it as "cold" and "chilling" - and bowed to everyone. She gave up her C position to the seniors of the Ice Vapor Band, and retreated all the way to stand with the harmonies.

Looking at the harmony row, there are already more than a dozen people, and it can almost be regarded as a choir.

Then, I saw this group of veteran band members playing a prelude. The melody changed from the intense and high-pitched tone just now to a low, yet more solemn and tragic tone. Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of the host uncle, the "chorus" composed of Harmony and Miss Selena sang "You Can Hear the People Singing" on the spot.

This is also the war song sung by the uprising workers in Lone Night City last month, and it is now spreading and fermenting to the universe.

This time, Yu Lian was really moved by the ability and enthusiasm of this old-school left-wing band.

You know, the Lone Night City incident happened last Christmas, less than two weeks from now. All the band could collect were fragmentary arrangements and arias left by the uprising workers, but they completed the reorganization and arrangement in such a short period of time.

Is there any other explanation other than the power of passionate courage?

Of course, to the big guys in the league, this was just another "Mi Mi music" that made them very unhappy, and their reaction was considered normal. However, to the insiders on this side of the earth, it was as if they heard the cry of rebels, and everyone suddenly became a little restless.

Yu Lian guessed that there might be some earthly boss who thought it was the alliance boss who had some objections to his side, and he might have been in a state of panic all day long.

But at this time, Miss Bei glanced at Yu Lian faintly and sighed: "It's such a good song."

Feifei smiled and said: "It's great! It's well done and well edited! Therefore, I still hope that the soundtrack of "Skeleton Squadron" can be given to the Ice Vapor Band."

"Of course, but I thought you would film "Green Star Princess" first."

"I also want to experience what it's like to do something with more than a billion dollars!" Feifei said with a smile: "In short, it's best to sign the contract before the Yage Mi Awards are presented. I guess they have a lot of money. It may win Best Score and Best Movie Theme Song, but then the price will be very expensive.”

"The idea of ​​​​such a small family doesn't seem like your style." Yani suddenly showed a heartbroken expression, as if she was watching her spoiled little sister, Zhong Lingyuxiu, picking up drink bottles on the street.

"It's actually Mr. Bailu, the director of Oneworld who is in charge of film and television production projects." Feifei said: "The project of "Skull Squadron" was connected with the Board of Directors of Oneworld through him."

Yani nodded, opened the terminal directly in front of the two of them, and sent a voice message: "Mr. Lemo, I think Mr. Bailu is no longer suitable to hold the position on the board of directors."

Yu Lian and Feifei looked at each other. They have already guessed that the so-called Mr. Lemour should refer to Mr. Dal Lemour, who is the current chairman and CEO of the Universal Group. In the entertainment industry of the Alliance and even most of the universe, he is like an emperor. The presence.

However, in the hands of Miss Bei, the "Emperor" is still no different from a servant who can be commanded at will.

Feifei sneered: "Yani, can you perform that again? There is no ruler behind the scenes in the alliance."

The latter said calmly: "Huanyu Group has an annuity account specially used to provide benefits to the board of directors and senior executives. I have made a lot of money with the Hongqiangwei Foundation in the past few years. Of course I have a little bit from Huanyu." Thin face. Feifei, this is not domination, let alone arrogance, but a win-win relationship! That’s why I told you to mature."

Feifei didn't expect that this fox would dare to fight back, and she couldn't find any logical loopholes for a while.

Yani added: "However, Ms. Director, you should finalize the contract and schedule with Mr. Asham as soon as possible. He will play the captain of the Skeleton Squadron, and the actor who plays the Red Baron in the empire must be of the same level. . Again, it’s okay to use whomever you want, but you must say it in advance.”

Feifei smiled: "This is why I like big productions! Yani, only at this time, I don't want to cut your brain stem at all."

"Brain stem? If it's a joke, isn't it too harsh?" Yu Lian clicked his tongue in surprise.

"You don't understand girls' friendship. Yu'er, don't interrupt here."

"Yes, this is a little secret between our besties."

If you two are best friends, then the friendship between the community and the alliance must be unbreakable. Well, even more unbreakable than the USSR!

Yu Lian made a zipper motion with his mouth and decided to focus on the roasted whole lamb.

"So, who are you going to use as the heroine? Or Miss Selena Mayo?" Yani asked.

Feifei pondered for a moment: "In the final analysis, Selena is just a newcomer. She can star in "Cold Hill" because the role is set as a camera tool without any words or intentions. However, "Skull Squadron" is about the righteousness of family and country. , even if it is a commercial film, it needs more mature acting skills. I need a heroine who is sassy enough and capable enough to fight, but at the same time rich in emotions. Of course, the candidate is already there."

"That countess who is too energetic? She is quite dashing and capable of fighting. But can she keep up?" Yani said.

"Anyway, the official launch will be in March, after the Yagomi Award Ceremony. It's enough to take the time to come over and sign a contract." Feifei lowered her voice.

"Indeed, countess aside, Taina is an investigative reporter, and Mr. Ash is also a kid born and raised in the neighborhood. I have given them two months. This little time is enough for this guy to kill the devil from Xinyumen It's in my throat." Yani looked at Yu Lian.

Yu Lian made another zipper on his mouth and began to pack the sheep's hooves in his hands.

"But speaking of them, Yani, do you know about the ghost fire incident in Steel Flame City?" Feifei was still smiling, but her expression when looking at Yani seemed to have a bit of scrutiny.

"I know, this situation happened at the beginning of the new year. If it hadn't been handled in time, our alliance would have been like the empire during the God of War Festival, and it would have been a huge surprise on the spot."

The so-called Steel Flame City actually refers to the largest space city in the Turanka galaxy. It is also an industrial city built on a dwarf planet with more than 10 million residents. However, although it is said to be a city, 70% of the urban area is actually various factory areas, and nearly one-third of the residents are industrial workers.

The reason why this city has been able to develop in this way is naturally because it is very close to the nearby asteroid belt and the huge mineral resources of the D6 planet of Turanka.

As we all know, the Turanka galaxy is the gate to the Alliance's central star region. It only takes three or four days to take a high-speed passenger ship to and from Nephi.

This galaxy is also the most important shipbuilding base of the Alliance. Almost all the shipbuilding giants in the country have slipways in this galaxy. Currently, half of the Titans and Dreadnoughts currently in service in the Alliance were built on this planet.

Now, the four God-class dreadnoughts being built by Taita Shipyard for the community are also being built in this galaxy, and the slipway is near Spark City, less than 300,000 kilometers away from the dwarf planet where its urban area is located.

Indeed, in the universe, three hundred thousand kilometers is not even considered nearby, it is almost "next door".

In fact, many important structures required for large battleships are produced in the arsenal of Spark City.

However, in such an important military industrial town belonging to the alliance, a sudden fire broke out on January 4. The location is a new factory planning area on the outskirts of Steel Flame City.

It is said that the famous Furnace Industrial Group is planning to build a biochemical materials factory here.

Of course, urea and washing powder are chemical materials, and VX and Benta are also chemical materials. Which one it is, Hearth Industries didn't say, but it depends on what everyone is willing to believe. Anyway, judging from the way the citizens of the Sea City took to the streets during the New Year, public opinion in Nephi believed it was the latter.

The old citizens of the Sea City can take to the streets to protest against the dangerous factory 400 light years away from Nephi, but both they and the Alliance's security department know in their hearts that this is actually caused by idleness.

After all, the natives of the Sea City are all the children of the Alliance's Lao Zhenghui. They have long been suffering from the disease of wealth due to their ancestors' accumulation and high welfare. However, no matter how rich they are, they still need to do something to increase their sense of social presence, so there are various kind of protest march.

Today they can protest against the construction of a dangerous factory 400 light years away, tomorrow they can march to protect the rights and interests of starfish, and the day after tomorrow they may be able to take to the streets to hold signs for the development of the mushroom farming industry.

However, these old citizens actually know very well what life is and what work is. Although they are keen to march on the streets to express their social responsibilities, they are very gentleman protesters. They rarely even block traffic, and they will not go to the supermarket to pour milk sold on the shelves.

Of course, such a perfect dissident, who is harmless to humans and animals, is even less likely to go to the Turanka galaxy and set fire to it.

However, on January 4, a fire did break out in the factory that had just been built on the outskirts of Steel Flame City. As a result, the tens of billions of funds that had been invested in the Hearth Industry in its early stages were greatly wasted.

The only thing that was slightly fortunate was that the factory building had been repaired, the life support equipment and production equipment had not yet arrived, and the production materials were still on the way. The fire finally did not spread to other nearby urban areas, so it did not cause greater harm.

As for the number of casualties, it was also controlled to double digits, and it finally did not arouse public opinion.

Of course, with the Alliance being so big, disasters of this level actually happen every day. However, the reason why this kind of thing alarmed Princess Rainbow Rose was because the security and monitoring equipment at the scene did not find any clues. Even the fire was inexplicably ignited, and the hydrogen tank next to it was also ignited.

It is said that the torch soaring into the sky was so spectacular that even the staff of the Taita Shipyard "next door" saw it.

You must know that this factory under construction is a military factory, and the various security measures are by no means easier than that of a military camp. Even the guards standing guard are regular troops.

This kind of mindless incident can indeed easily remind the security agencies of the assassination of General Gujiao that occurred on the Pearl Coast of Nephi last month.

Now, the Guerrilla Association, the Alliance Security Bureau and even the Supernatural Administration have all been dispatched, but until now, no reliable clues have been found.

The above is the so-called "ghost fire incident" in Steel Flame City.

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