Him and their stars

Chapter 112 Enjoy your last youth

"Unfortunately, there is no good news." Yang Xiyi looked almost constipated.

When he saw Yu Lian pointing to the general star on his collar, he said angrily: "This is damn good news. Do you know who the newly appointed commander of the Outer Rim Fleet is? Bonaparte, that Ferdinand General Bonaparte."

"Oh, Senior Eleanor, her eldest brother? Isn't this a very suitable candidate? There are not many generals left in the community who can still fight, and he should be one of them. What, he appreciates you very much? So? Give you a general star directly? No, just the appreciation of the new commander is not enough. So, it must be that you have caught the eye of more important people!"

"However, I don't need their appreciation...I told you, I'm not being modest, but I really want to return to the Institute of Military History, so can you please hire someone else?"

"Recite the poem. Maybe you will be able to think more clearly after reading the poem." Yu Lian felt that the expression he looked at the other person at this time was almost the same as that of "Hui Chuang Ali" and "Ordinary Family" .

"...I don't know what you are talking about. Anyway, I have been promoted. However, Yu Lian, some members of the Earth Government always believe that this victory is the result of the Outer Rim Fleet's own actions. The statement put forward in the parliament is also It's quite high-sounding. Using the wrong method to get the right result is more terrible than getting the wrong result! In summary, anyway, we must characterize this battle as a border conflict, rather than a self-defense counterattack against foreign enemies. This The characterization of the battle will have a decisive impact on many legal issues. But in this way, the soldiers who died in the battle will also be classified as work-related injuries instead of being killed in the line of duty."

In other words, is the reporter named Prince telling the truth? The news is so well-informed!

Yu Lian was silent for a few seconds, and then said in a dry tone: "...In other words, including Colonel Reznov and the stormtroopers who died together with Lieutenant Colonel Price, there will be no state funeral. , and no medal. Right?"

"General Bonaparte made such an incident just after he took office, and is now fighting with the investigation team sent by the central government. In addition, we will also argue with each other. However, I was actually blamed for formulating this combat plan. And I got promoted. In this case, wouldn’t I just suck the blood of my comrades and climb up the ranks?”

From a consequentialist perspective, it really is. Yu Lian now somewhat understands Teacher Yang's dilemma.

"In addition, there is a fierce turmoil in Cathay, and there may be a civil war. Now that the empire has also turned its attention there, Gibraltar can feel at ease for a while. However, the empire has imposed a threat on the earth. There is a lot of pressure, and I am afraid that all of us will be blacklisted by the central government figures."

Of course this is not good news, but Yu Lian doesn't care too much. Anyway, it was a matter of time.

"Then, it's your side. This matter ended really anticlimactically. Although we won, we didn't gain much post-war benefits... At least, the post-war benefits couldn't convince all the big shots. So. , and a considerable number of congressmen have questioned this, saying that the current government is betraying the country. The National Defense Committee has also received a lot of criticism for this."

Yu Lian was not surprised at all. This is the current situation of the community. History has given the independence heroes a good opportunity to fight, but it has not given them enough time to unite all the political forces and ideas in the country.

Extreme radicals, moderates, doves, remnants of the imperial era, compradors backed by the alliance, everyone can sing a big show on the stage, but they never sing the right notes.

The brain is almost too sophisticated, so it’s no wonder the body is healthy. Even though he looks relatively strong and can occasionally wield a club to make some noise, he actually can't kill anyone.

"In this case, the National Defense Committee seems to be thinking of setting a model and finding a young warrior with a clean family background and who has participated in battles. This can be regarded as an explanation for the radical forces."

"...So, it's just me." Yu Lian, a top student at the Central Defense University, whose mother was a martyr in the military and whose father was a civilian martyr, and who was definitely born in Miaohong, sighed.

"You should be awarded a medal during this period. It seems that General Schwartz came here in person. I heard that he was also planning to come to inspect the Lunar Military Academy. Therefore, you should be the first in your class. A man who has won the Order of Swords. So, can this be considered good news?"

Yu Lian's teeth were a little sour, and he didn't know if this was good news. Anyway, he definitely didn't want to see Admiral Schwartz.

Yes, that guy is also a textbook celebrity, but certainly not in a positive way.

Then, there is the situation on the New Yumen and New Continent side.

Senior Sister Eleanor was officially transferred to the Andromeda Galaxy Guard House and served as the commander of the Sixth Guard Fleet. She was originally a marine, and now she was finally off the ground. However, the fleet under his command only has one destroyer and two assault ships, so it is a bit reluctant to encounter slightly larger pirates.

Of course, I don't know what tricks she used to actually convince the New World Guard Fleet Command to order a batch of "transport ships", plus some "accessories" and so on.

All of the above will definitely enter the Andromeda Galaxy through the Gibraltar Star Gate, naturally passing through the defense zone of the Outer Rim Fleet.

Yang Xiyi took a deep look at Yu Lian and raised his eyebrows: "The transport ships you are talking about are not the Ranger class of the Alliance Fu Xun Shipyard, are they?"

Yu Lianyuan was happy and smiled innocently at the other party. The other party then also laughed.

It’s truly a “walking database”! Of course, like the "Fox of the Outer Rim", this title will be obtained in the future.

"However, the security fleet's funds are limited. Even if you just buy a transport ship, the funds required are not a small amount..."

"The Andromeda Galaxy is a new continent." Yu Lianda said. Currently, only one-third of the preliminary exploration of the entire galaxy has been completed, let alone a complete star map.

Everyone is moving forward, exploring, discovering, developing and fighting. Pirates and gangs are rampant in this place where rule and order have not yet come, gathering in the mountains and forests, free and easy.

Except for the core star field where a few garrison buildings and colonial stars are located, the rest of the area is a gray lawless land. These places are naturally not suitable for good people, but they are very suitable for people who want to cause trouble.

"Senior Sister Eleanor will definitely get the money." Yu Lian was very confident.

Yang Xiyi didn't know where his confidence came from, so he chuckled noncommittally and said: "Then, there is the problem of the newly discovered alien species numbered UC829 on Yumen Star."

Yes, UC829 is currently the community’s official name for the bug. Official names such as "Insect Swarm" and "Zerg" with a sense of fear have officially appeared, and I don't know what to wait for.

The large exploration ship sent by Yang Xiyi has scanned the New Jade Gate four times, and has also dropped thousands of autonomous detectors on the surface of the planet. Then, after more than half a month of work, still nothing.

The newly appointed commander of the garrison, a colonel named Larsi, even began to suspect that all members of the No. 12 Military Station were suffering from collective hysteria.

This is also understandable. Deserts, sand dunes, high temperatures, and temperature differences between morning and evening all sound like an environment that is particularly prone to hallucinations.

If Yu Lian hadn't left behind actual shooting information and the casualties of so many people were laid out here, this might have become the conclusion of the Guard Headquarters.

"However, after searching the entire planet, nothing was found. Isn't this the biggest problem? Thinking about it carefully, don't you feel chills running down your spine?"

"...Yes, that's what I said. But it took the colonel, who looked quite smart, nearly a minute to realize the logic of this statement. Yu Lian and the Institute of Military History both got Azhai Mo’s researcher, in comparison, Colonel Larsi’s brain is not very good, but overall he can still communicate, I’m very lucky.”


"He will agree to continue the search. However, you'd better not have too much hope, let alone expect that the national intelligence agency will intervene in the investigation."

Yeah, luckily I didn't count on them from the beginning.

Yu Lian was silent for a moment and whispered: "Teacher Yang, during this period, I have roughly drawn up a defense plan for insect...similar natural disasters. Can you help me forward it to Governor Jiang Yudong?"

If the senior sister was still in office, Yu Lian would definitely be handed over to her, but now that the newly appointed commander of the garrison is probably not very intelligent, Yu Lian had to be handed over to the governor. Although that guy is an unreliable politician, at least he's not stupid.

"In addition, please also give a copy to Sergeant Major Carl Johnson and a farmer named Mr. Wang Yougui. His plantation is near Sunset Town, and he also has a certain appeal among planters and mine owners. . If he takes the lead, he can at least organize the residents in the wild to save themselves."

"Okay." Yang Xiyi agreed without saying a word. Of course he knew why Yu Lian asked him to hand it over. As a dignified general, the Governor's Mansion still needs to pay more attention to the plans given by the current popular figure in the Outer Rim Fleet.

Yu Lian nodded, feeling a little relieved. No matter what, he can be regarded as having achieved everything that his understated self can do now.

The only thing that can be slightly fortunate is that since the forces behind the insect swarm have wiped out all traces of their existence, it at least means that they will not show up again for a while. At least, he won't show up casually in the community anymore.

"You see, this is life! Yu Lian, although the perfect process I created did not get a perfect result, such things will happen all the time in your later life. We just Soldiers always have regrets, and they can only do their best within the scope of their responsibilities, which is considered an explanation for themselves."

"I understand..." Yu Lian wanted to laugh a little.

Although the other party also seemed to take care of me as a newbie who had not been beaten by society, it was actually quite good to feel that someone cared about me.

"So, young man, frankly enjoy the rest of your youth. You are already the best in this class, you just need to show a little courage, a little domineering, and a little pride! So, Only then can others trust you. Only in this way can the drama of youthful college years be brought to a successful conclusion!"

Yu Lian really couldn't understand this time: "What words? What drama? What trust?"

"Hehehe, this year is the 50th anniversary of the founding of the army, you understand, right?"

"...It seems that there is such a thing." This matter is not important, so Yu Lianzhen forgot about it.

"The army was founded in July, and your graduation is also in July. Right?"

"...Um, that's it, right?"

"So, enjoy it. Hohohoho~~~" He ended the conversation with a sly smile and hung up the communication directly.

The most intolerable thing about this guy, apart from his fast thinking, is his unfathomable blabbering. As long as you take a step further, you can go dancing with your hair disheveled.

This is the second update today. There is no update today.

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