Him and their stars

Chapter 1105 Cloud Giant Engine

To be honest, Yu Lian assured the spirit of the universe that he was completely unaware of this sudden demonstration. We don’t know the names of the organizers, nor their number and organizational structure, nor even their demands. However, it must be admitted that this labor movement is still very mild. Although 300,000 people blocked the main roads and airport entrances of Space City 8, they did not restrict the travel of ordinary citizens, and no zero-dollar purchases occurred. Overall, they were very restrained and could even be considered civilized.

The parade lasted for nearly a week, and the airport was blocked for a week. Only then did Yu Lian realize that the shipbuilding workers' request was only for an "average monthly salary increase of 50 stars."

...Well, okay, according to statistics from 832, the average monthly salary in the league is 1,100 Xinxing. Considering that in many remote star regions and franchised countries, there are still a large number of workers who do not even have basic social security, 50 yuan should still be a lot.

However, in Nephi, where prices are relatively high, this is only enough for a family of three to go downstairs and have a meal.

Therefore, the capitalists expressed very frankly that they absolutely cannot accept this price.

Finally, it is said that it was because the leading organizers were found to have various problems, such as tax evasion, cheating when they were students, drunk driving, hitting an old woman crossing the road, and running away with a big belly. Or something like that, or be arrested or executed.

As a result, this large-scale workers' movement came to an end.

But no matter what, if the construction period is delayed, the construction period is delayed.

Now, the crew members from the community who are preparing to come over to accept the battleship have gathered at Nantianmen to begin initial training. If the ship is still unusable after the people arrive, it will be a considerable expense for tens of thousands of people in the alliance to eat horse chews.

Of course, the alliance still expressed with confidence that the reputation of the alliance in doing business is world-famous after all. Since the construction period has been set, it will definitely not be completed on time. Not to mention that Space City No. 8, where the problem occurred, is at least seven to eight million kilometers away from the slipway. Even if the slipway is burned down, it will definitely not delay the construction period of the battleship.

As a result, within a week after the equipment arrived, the workers at Taita Shipyard began to work in full swing in three shifts day and night.

Now, within Yu Lian's sight, there were busy workers and machinery everywhere. It was a bustling scene of large-scale industrial production, except for the loud gongs and drums and the waving red flags.

After the final equipment plan was determined, all the rest of the construction company were present. Naturally, they could see at first glance how these best shipbuilding technicians in the entire alliance and even the entire universe had made exquisite plans and arrangements and advanced equipment to sacrifice the workers. The liver came to catch up with the construction period.

It must be admitted that, putting aside ethics, the technology and management level in the alliance's manufacturing field is something that people on Earth will take a long time to learn.

"The reason why the psychic array platform sent before was not working has been found, and now a new one has been made..." Krell said again.

"Sure enough, it's because someone took advantage of it and embezzled the high-purity zero-element materials and replaced them with low-purity ones, right?" Yu Lian said with a smile.

The other party coughed and said quickly: "Actually, some engineers who were dissatisfied with the results of the march and strike took action. We have already instructed the security department to solve the problem."

"Tsk tsk tsk, is it true? Brother Krell, do you think I believe it or not?"

"Well, just believe it for now. Our alliance also has national conditions here. The water here is very deep. Brother Yu Lian, unless you officially decide to give up your community nationality and join Yani, don't take this matter seriously." Claire had no choice but to squeeze out another smile and said:

"In short, the preliminary test of the new psychic array went very smoothly, and it has been completely connected to the main energy source of the Fuxi. Wait until next week, the main gun and shield can be installed. If everything goes well, even 3 In less than a month, we can leave the slipway for fire tests." Clair, wearing work clothes, grinned proudly.

He did indeed spend this time on the slipway and participated in a lot of construction work. He was exactly the same as those enthusiastic young engineers, but he really looked like a working class man with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

"Look, I told you before. A small workers' movement will not delay her going to sea." Claire said seriously.

I do see a perfect street light pendant thriving! Although Yu Lian wanted to say this, but considering that the other party was busy with things here, he just sighed and said casually: "Speaking of which, didn't you tell me last time that your Sixth Machine Repair Shop and The director of the Ninth Outfitting Workshop also went to participate in the parade?"

"Yes! We also brought more than two thousand skilled workers." Krell also sighed with a sad face: "If this incident hadn't happened, they would have become branch factory directors sooner or later. It's true. What a pity... But there is nothing we can do, after all, it is a sensitive period. Moreover, the military industry is a major national matter, and we must pay attention to it."

After all, some time ago, the "Ghost Fire Incident" occurred in Steel Flame City, which is less than 300,000 kilometers away from the No. 4 Slipway. Although everyone believed that it must be a terrorist activity caused by snakes, it is understandable that the alliance officials would be a little overreacted. of.

Therefore, the two workshop directors who participated in the parade went in because of some "unfounded" charges. The unit they took over was not an ordinary police station, but the National Defense and Security Bureau.

"Don't sympathize with them. Strictly speaking, this matter has nothing to do with you." Claire said to Yu Liang.

"...I don't even know who they are."

"But they must know you! The leader of this parade is named Mai Kui..."

"I know that engineer Wa Ying from the Communications Quality Inspection Department of the Poseidon Ship Group, right? I heard that the Security Bureau arrested him for drug possession. Haha, he couldn't have sent someone to secretly store the moon candy in someone's home. , and then send someone to the door to catch the thief, right?"

"Well, he has type 7 radiation sickness and needs to be injected with liver wash fluid once a week. That stuff does contain illegal drugs. In the past, he always bought injections one at a time according to the doctor's orders, but this time two injections were found in his backpack. Year. Find a reliable master and it will be enough to make a ton of moon candy." Krel said seriously: "Mr. Maikui himself said that he happened to come across discounted medicines on the Internet, so he placed an order for a year. . However, when I looked for the website he mentioned, there was nothing. Since I couldn’t provide any evidence to prove my innocence, it is actually reasonable to say that I was charged with drug possession.”

If you don't have medical insurance, liver cleansing medicine is very expensive. Normal people would be tempted to place an order when they see that they can buy an entire vintage at a discount, right?

Yu Lian understood immediately, showed an astonished expression, and couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "Krell, you betrayed them again!"

"I, I am not betraying... How can things like strikes or things that affect the construction period be called betrayal? And I have never joined their organization. Anyway, anyway! Our alliance has national conditions and cannot delay business. . Most of the labor leaders in this strike did get into some minor trouble, but the ordinary participants were fine, and each of them also received a 200 yuan shopping voucher." Belmont turned his head away a little and saw Yu Lian's face was already very ugly, so he hurriedly said:

"Even Mr. Mai Kui will not be detained for too long. As for the drug possession prosecution, there is insufficient evidence after all. The Poseidon Ship Group has already spoken privately. After he is released from prison, he will not be held accountable. He will just be dropped from one position. Therefore, he confessed that he had read "Yuan Lun". In addition, the workers' uprising in Guye City also inspired him."

"It's a pity that the encouragement is not enough." Yu Lian sneered: "If he really imitated the uprising workers in Guye City, he would not be a prisoner, but would become your guest."

Claire took two seconds to think through the logic and felt that what Yu Lian said was indeed very reasonable.

"You admit now that this matter has nothing to do with you, right?"

"It's just a ghost rising." Yu Lian sneered: "If you have to get involved, you can also give me the entire drug possession case. I am happy to do it and am proud of it."

"Ah hahahaha, if it is really a drug possession case, it would be too childish. In your opinion, it must be at least a disgusting espionage case that endangers national security...ahahhaha, you are just kidding."

In short, thanks to the previous "ghost fire" in Steel Flame City and this strike of 300,000 workers, there are now more than 5,800 workers in Slip No. 4, but the security department is a fully armed reinforced company.

There shouldn't be any potential dangers in such an environment. There shouldn't be any assassins coming here to refill their bullets from tens of thousands of meters away, right?

Probably not...

"So, when will the Cloud Giant Engine start testing?" Yu Lian decided to focus on business.

"Well, I don't know if it's my misunderstanding. Brother Yu Lian, I always feel that you are more interested in the Cloud Giant engine than the observatory and the new Type 12 deflection shield." Krell said with a belt He glanced at Yu Lian with a little bit of scrutiny.

Although our Belmont guy once again jumped from a model worker to a perfect street lamp pendant, he is a street lamp pendant with engineer qualifications after all, and his sensitivity in this regard is indeed quite high.

Such thoughts flashed through Yu Lian's mind, but he said: "Who told Yani to praise this thing so much that it is the so-called second-generation sublight engine? However, as far as I know, once any equipment involves iteration , I always need to pay tuition. I have to be prepared."

Claire thought there was nothing wrong with this, so he took Yu Lian to the vacuum laboratory in the back cabin of the shipyard.

"The first batch of twelve sets of engines are all in place. The last simulation before boarding the ship is in progress. Do you want to take a look?"

This is a closed cabin that can simulate the vacuum environment of the universe (which actually contains a large amount of identifiable or unrecognizable radiation), simulating the navigation state of a space vehicle or engine when it is running.

It stands to reason that this kind of work has been done when the Cloud Giant engine left the factory. But this so-called second-generation sublight engine is installed on a large battleship for the first time. Based on the quality and shape of the currently formed Lord God-class dreadnought, another simulation can be regarded as a meticulous craftsman. Be energetic.

Then, Yu Lian looked through the light-shielded observation port and saw a huge indoor space that could accommodate the entire city. In the space, a mechanical device about one hundred meters high and shaped like a Mayan pyramid was pulled in mid-air by a traction light cable and spewed out a large amount of plasma flames.

The staff constantly adjusted the indoor simulation environment, and the inverted triangle was also rapidly adjusting its angle and exit rate, as if a pair of sensitive hands behind it were constantly controlling its state.

"If it is a cruiser, one set of engines is enough. However, since it is a dreadnought, more than ten sets must be used. The angle must be adjusted at any time using a phased array." Krell said proudly: "How about , so agile that it hardly belongs to a weapon, like a dancing girl.”

"I thought you wanted to say that it's as flexible as your tongue that can tie a rose vine stained with mustard." Yu Lian laughed.

"Rose vines dipped in mustard are too much. I practice with cherry vines... Uh, wait, who is saying this?"

"...Well, maybe it was Helena or Renee? I can't remember clearly." Yu shrugged: "Anyway, you told me at the last banquet."

All in all, the current large galaxy-class ships contain two different propulsion systems: jump engines and conventional sublight engines in the galaxy. Regardless of the former, the latter is also collectively called a "sublight engine".

Of course, this does not mean that they can really push the ship's speed to more than 70% of the beam, which is "sub-light speed" in the scientific sense, but it is just a speed slightly slower than the absolute speed of light. Generic term.

The first-generation sublight engine was mainly installed at the tail of the hull, and was developed in line with the mainstream concept of facing the enemy from the bow. However, after years of evolution, although the energy utilization rate has been improved, and the absolute speed and endurance of the engine have also been improved to a considerable extent, the design ideas of this generation are still essentially the same.

In comparison, the Cloud Giant engine, which uses a phased array for unified control, places different engine groups at the stern of the ship and arranges them in a fan shape. The output rate of a single engine can be adjusted at any time according to the battle, so that it can carry the entire The ship performed a very agile super maneuver.

...Although it feels like something is wrong when a giant ship tens of thousands of meters long is maneuvering.

In addition, if the phased array management system fails, all engine output rates will have to be adjusted semi-manually by the crew. At that time, the scene must be infinitely close to the sailing era, with those sailors dragging hemp ropes. By then, the battlefield performance may not be as good as traditional engines.

Because of this, this kind of phased array-controlled engine module has been around for more than 20 years, but it has always been viewed with suspicion by conservatives. Most of them are used on small assault ships and destroyers, but the Cloud Giant engine system is the first time it has been installed on the intelligent engine set of a battleship.

"As far as I know, all devices with an intelligent prefix will eventually become artificial retards that embarrass themselves and the enemy. For the sake of safety, the crew of the Lord God class must have four more damage control units than the Independence class. Group, eight energy control groups, and ten ignition groups, a total of 2,000 more people, and they are all technical arms. Coupled with the voyage subsidy, the main god level will spend several more dollars every year just on personnel expenses and daily maintenance. Billion." Yu Lian sighed: "Because of this issue, I have already taken on a lot of pressure. Brother Krell, you should know that all issues involving military expenditures are sensitive issues for the Lords of the Earth. .”

Claire nodded with a concerned expression.

"Moreover, this is leaving aside the most important issues of battlefield security and stability. Brother Krell, I think that as a guinea pig, our country can fully afford to work hard!"

Claire rolled his eyes inwardly, but continued to nod with concern on the surface.

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