Him and their stars

Chapter 1107 People’s League?

In the final analysis, the light wing structure is actually a whimsical idea of ​​Eisen French when he was a student, and it is an advanced product of the solar light sail. No matter how exquisite it is, it is only in terms of craftsmanship and design. Sooner or later, someone will complete the imitation through reverse research. In this case, it’s better to liquidate it before the sale starts.

"Okay, I still reserve my opinion. But since it is Lian Jun's decision, there should be no problem." Liuli nodded, looking like a good wife.

"I will advance the negotiations with Thor Industries. However, as you said, we have to wait until after the finals to advance specific matters."

She smiled: "Besides, you are right. If the light wing is only installed on a fighter plane, it will only be an auxiliary military equipment. But if it is placed on a small ship, it can at least improve the performance of the cruise ship a lot. This This is the real reason that makes major shipyards excited.”

This is of course very reasonable. If there is anything in this world that is more profitable than military industry, it must be luxury goods. In the age of space exploration, luxury goods like cruise ships that can be disguised as industrial consumer goods are even more important.

Of course, Yu Lian also hopes that others will continue to regard small ships equipped with light wings as high-speed luxury cruise ships. This is actually the reason why he hopes to let New China No. 1 participate in the racing competition.

"Speaking of which, Ship No. 1 is over here. Where did Ship No. 2 in Anne's hands go? Didn't you guys carry out unified preparations in Gibraltar before?"

"Didn't she say that she would take No. 2 on a trip to the mountains and seas for a long-distance navigation test?"

"I know that. I also know that she killed a famous pirate in the mountain and sea channel, and she happened to be encountered by the patrol fleet of the Far Coast Military Region. Brigadier General Bazan over there also invited her to go to the New China Sector with him. We are conducting an actual combat exercise in the Tianshu Galaxy." Yu Lian said suspiciously: "However, this was news last week."

New China is indeed very remote. In addition to transportation problems, it is thought that the general territory of the star region is beyond the influence of the source mass wave terminal located on the earth, which of course includes the mysterious Tianshu galaxy. It is reasonable for the news to be somewhat delayed.

However, after all, it is still within the scope of the Milky Way, and it is not a new continent where communication relies on roaring (gravitational waves). No matter what, the results of this exercise should come out.

Liu Li said: "This can only show that Lian Jun is taking care of everything. The situation in the New World, the construction of New China and New Yumen, and the four dreadnoughts under his command, which one is not more important than a small light wing? Not to mention it is No. 2 is practicing in a remote galaxy, and even the person who brought No. 1 to the largest racing stage in the universe has been forgotten by you? Haha, even a blessing can last three days!"

Speaking of this, she also showed a sad smile just right.

Yu Lian suddenly felt a heavy sense of guilt again. He quickly stood up and apologized, and swore to the spirit of the universe that if it weren't for the fact that the dreadnought ship project here really couldn't escape, he would never forget it and would definitely go to the scene. Come on, so on.

He once again said that when the finals come, if conditions permit, he will definitely be there.

Liuli chuckled: "Forget it, I don't dare to have such extravagant hopes. Once you say that the conditions are allowed, it must be that the conditions are not allowed."

Yu Lian had to admit that what the other party said made sense.

"Let's wait until after the finals. I have already received the invitation letter for the Yagemi Grand Prize on March 1. Let's meet in Nephi then." Liuli said quietly: "You may not care about me too much, but this It’s a big event for Feifei, but you can’t help but attend, right?”

Yu Lian once again felt like he just had nothing to say.

He has indeed booked a four-day vacation from the end of February to March, just to attend the Yagomi Award Ceremony. After all, during this period, I have been working an average of more than fifteen hours a day, and even the news and gossip from the outside world are almost blocked. Moreover, if all construction plans go smoothly, by that time, most of the outfitting and initial testing work should have been completed, and you can take a little rest.

Although Feifei's "Lengqiu" is a literary film, thanks to the huge promotion and distribution capabilities of the Universal Group, it still received box office revenue equivalent to more than ten times the production and promotion costs, and was also shortlisted for eight awards. It also includes the all-important Best Director and Best Picture.

Although it is unlikely to win these two awards, it is already a huge success for a new director like Feifei. Even within the community, there was a roar of gongs and drums, as if they were preparing to establish Lieutenant Colonel Fina Lee as a cultural icon.

Under such circumstances, it would be a bit deliberate for Yu Lian not to go to the party.

If time permits, Yu Lian is even planning to visit the crew of "Skull Squadron" which has already started filming. And his name is still written in the screenwriter column.

"Haha, speaking of which, the firm also has a stake in Feifei's personal studio. Counting the box office and continuous streaming media and video rentals, our revenue will be around three to four billion. Movies are so profitable ah!"

"Cultural works have always been in urgent demand, and they have always been blue oceans. The key is to see how they are managed. It doesn't matter whether it is for economic gain, for nipple fun, or for exporting ideology. It is nothing more than setting a direction and then letting it go. Professional people do professional things. Even if it is a capitalist operation just for the sake of looking forward, as long as we don't engage in the feudal underworld operation of "unknown punishment, unpredictable power", we will prosper no matter what. "

Liuli suddenly became happy: "Yes, fortunately we are not in the empire."

"Yes! I'm talking about the empire." Yu Lian also smiled back.

Liuli said: "However, now that we have said this, Lian Jun, there is one more thing that you need to decide. Our Red Star Office, in addition to research institutes and design institutes, has controlled many industries. In addition to heavy industry and military industry In addition, there are even sugar and wine factories, game companies, and film and television companies, and they are all developing well at present."

Of course, the development should be good. If the development is not good, it will be a problem.

To put it bluntly, most of the so-called "business geniuses" are just average in their knowledge, ability, vision, structure and courage. The reason why it has gained momentum is that it is either standing on the cusp of the trend and flying with the pigs, or it has a background as a banker.

Miss Takaji Ruri was originally from a well-known family, and she was also a good girl who was careful and conscientious in her work. She was also a top student at the National Defense University. She usually looked at Nobita and Nadeshiko, but she also had a decisive and decisive side. She already has all the prerequisites for success in business.

As long as someone solves the problem of forward-looking investment, it will of course be a matter of time before she takes off with the red star. Under Yu Lian's occasional "tips", all Liuli needed to do was not only be a good housekeeper for the technical geeks and technical bugs of the Red Star Institute, but also be a perfect angel investor.

Even so, Miss Takaji Ruri also has nicknames such as "Red Lakshmi" and "Inari Daimyojin". If the protagonist of this world were her, the style of painting would be a typical "rebirth" entrepreneurial article, right?

"However, if we keep negotiating with others in the name of Red Star Firm, it will appear that we are very unprofessional."

"I know, industrial restructuring. Feifei and Zhixia both mentioned it to me. Didn't you start doing it a year ago?" Yu Lian smiled: "I understand, after being an angel for a long time, you will only understand one thing. Logically speaking, being an investor has its limits after all. Since you are already Inari Daimyojin, you should be the real queen of the military industry."

Liuli rolled her eyes at Yu Lian angrily: "Haha, to the outside world she is a queen, but internally she is at best a housekeeper who works hard but is not grateful."

These words immediately reminded Yu Lian of the chairman of Huanyu Group. Externally, he was the emperor of the entertainment industry of the entire alliance, and even half of the universe, but in front of a certain white-furred fox, he was no different than a servant, and his hair stood on end.

"So, it is necessary to set up a special company to separate from the Red Star Institute and manage all industries." Liuli said: "We have obviously discussed many names, but you are not satisfied. Even Jun, they are not I understand, what’s wrong with calling me Lianhua?”

"I told you it sounds like a gangster." Yu Lian pressed his temples and said helplessly:

"Since it is an organization that manages all our assets in a unified way, it also represents our image in the business world. It should have a sense of grandeur and formality. It cannot be mystical or appear too refined. For example, the Spiritual Research Association It’s very good. It sounds like a decent academic institution, which has given mysticism a logical and scientific spirit. We can also work in this direction, such as the Federation of Industrial and Economic Cooperation and the like.”

"Lian Jun, Lian Jun, you really don't understand anything." Liuli shook her head helplessly: "What if you say this to Mr. Aisen or Mr. Wein, who only thinks about his family, country and world? It’s easy for men, but it’s of no use to a little girl like me.”

Tsk tsk tsk, even Inari Daimyojin is about to become a little woman. Then the so-called independent women can only be found in the ranks of orange cats and white-furred foxes?

Liuli looked directly into Yu Lian's eyes and said firmly: "Lian Jun, your achievements are yours. Red Star is yours, and the new company is also yours. Although you always say it belongs to everyone. But I feel that this It's yours. I hope you can be more selfish... No, I ask you to be more selfish. So, Lian Jun, you must have at least one character "lian"

So, every Yamato Nadeshiko actually has a yandere side, but everyone always ignores this.

"Tsk, if you have to add a lian, you can't just call the People's Union, right?" Yu Lian said helplessly.

Liuli was startled for a moment, then her eyes lit up with a solemn expression: "I think this is a good name. Lian Jun, you have to know that in a biological sense, humans refer to us This race. However, in terms of sociological concepts, this is actually a general term. All intelligent races that have created civilization can actually be called 'human beings'. All intelligent creatures and all civilizations unite, Unite? This is the dream you want to realize with everyone, right? Haha, you really deserve to be Lian Jun!"

Yu Lian thought to himself, I just made a random joke that no one can understand. Thank you, Miss Liuli, for being able to explain it so elegantly! It should be said that it is indeed you.

How about adding another piece of leather? Yu Lian flashed this idea, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was too strong and might attract a lot of hatred, so he decided to take it slow for now.

In this way, the new asset management company was officially registered as the "Human United Development Management Foundation", simply called "Human United". Although it sounds like an evil country with many flags, it is still much more formal than a design office.

After saying goodbye to Liuli, Yu Lian saw that it was getting late, so he decided to go to the restaurant for a late-night snack before resting. With his current "saint" physique, less than three hours of deep sleep a day can ensure abundant energy for more than twenty hours in the following. Of course, he can also rely only on the essence of the sun and the moon and the spiritual energy of the universe to ensure the heat required by the body. and nutrition.

However, as the saying goes, food and beauty cannot be disappointed. He felt that he might have let down the beauty, so he must not let down the food.

Even if it is just to ensure that as a psychic, I will not forget my roots and always remember to empathize with ordinary people, I still have to ensure that I have three meals a day.

Coincidentally, the workers' restaurant on Slipway 4 also provides meals that are very suitable for working people. Yu Lian said that this is a perfect way for him to not forget his original intention and keep his mission in mind.

He arrived at the restaurant and ordered a bowl of spaghetti with meat sauce, a dozen fried chicken, a grilled lamb chop and a whole cherry pie, plus half a dozen wheat sodas. When he was about to feast, he saw Rozes coming in too. He walked straight to the restaurant and sat down in front of him. He lowered his voice and said, "The call I just called you didn't work. I guess you should be here."

"Something happened?"

He lowered his voice: "Encrypted communication is coming from the New China Star Region. Something big has happened over there in the Tianshu Galaxy."

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