Him and their stars

Chapter 1109 The delicate balance of the ring

Colonel Silva was probably really shocked by the news. He directly picked up the wheat soda that Yu Lian ordered and drank half of the bottle in one go. Only then did he calm down a little and had time to sigh. Said: "Huhu, it's a pity that it's not rum... If it doesn't work, whiskey will do."

This old senior is not a drunkard. He sounds like he is trying to get himself drunk.

At this time, Luo Zeshi had already used his own authority to enter the internal database of the National Defense Commission. From the latest military information column that only officers above the school level could access, he saw the news that had been released less than an hour ago. .

Then, even he, who was always known for his calmness, couldn't help but break his defense. At that moment, he even thought that the intranet administrator of the National Defense Committee was making a stupid joke and posted a CG from the movie. To be fair, there are actually quite a few temporary workers in the National Defense Commission who perform administrative tasks. If they accidentally owe some salary, it is not impossible to do such a thing.

Of course, it is also possible that the website of the National Defense Commission has been hacked. However, now that the topic is here, we still need to be reasonable. Although this kind of military intelligence website requires certain permissions to log in successfully, to put it bluntly, it is just a service website that provides military intelligence information to senior officers. The above information can be considered a secret to ordinary people, but it can only be regarded as public news to the intelligence agencies of various countries.

It's not important enough to require high-level hacking.

Rozez looked at Colonel Silva across from him with a puzzled expression, and saw that the latter nodded vigorously with a heavy expression. Then his expression gradually became horrified, and he couldn't help but trembled: "This huge The ring... I, to be honest, it is really hard for me to imagine what kind of power can build such a miracle of the universe. This, I can understand, is that this huge ring is equivalent to being hung with empires and Are all the inhabited planets in the Alliance?"

Not bad, Yu Lian thought, at least there is no mineral on that ring. Moreover, judging from the experience of the past life, although this ring claims to be a continent with more than 10,000 million square kilometers, only one-tenth of it can be used immediately. With the current level of civilization in this generation, if you want to fully grasp all the great power of that ring world, you will need at least centuries of inverse research.

But, is there actually a ring world hidden in the Dawn Star Territory of this new continent?

Yu Lian understood Luo Zeshi's current reaction very well, so he took the initiative to pour him a cup of wheat soda.

You know, when I learned about Huan's existence from the news in my previous life, I was not as calm as him. What's more, within twenty-four hours, major events that overturned one's world view happened twice at once, and normal people's understanding of the real world would be greatly shaken.

Although Luo Zeshi was shocked and even horrified, at least he was not crazy, which showed that he was a good boy with a strong will.

Seeing that Yu Lian across from him still looked calm and peaceful, Luo Zeshi immediately stood in awe, drank the wheat soda in the cup, and then regained some sense.

"It says that Horatio and the others were the first to discover it?"

"Yes, if according to the "Galactic Exploration and Development Convention", we have priority to explore and develop that galaxy and giant structures." Colonel Silva said: "Unless we cannot carry out effective exploration within one year, five years Without sustainable colonization, exploration will be handed over to subsequent discoverers."

The so-called subsequent discoverer is, of course, the Empire.

"But, does the scope of application of the "Galactic Exploration and Development Convention" include this new continent?" Luo Zeshi said quietly.

"This is indeed a problem!" Colonel Silva's expression suddenly became more distressed, and he decided to pull out the full text of the convention and take a closer look.

"And...even the Arms Limitation Treaty has been abandoned! It's just a contract signed eight hundred years ago. It can be modified now." Luo Zeshi added.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't scare me, you guy!" Colonel Silva shouted.

Yu Lian is still thinking.

In the previous life, the "Ring World" first discovered by this generation's civilization was located in an obscure galaxy in the middle of the fifth cantilever of the New World. In April 867 of the Common Calendar, it was accidentally discovered by an official expedition team from the Republic of Rusia.

The Republic of Ruthea is a small, third-rate country with little sense of existence. Most people have never even heard of the name of this country. If it hadn't become the first country to discover the world, it probably wouldn't even have a chance to be on the third page of international news.

That huge ring orbits the star and is dotted with 2,600 man-made continents covering an area of ​​10 million square kilometers. Therefore, the Galactic Civilization Council named it "Ring World".

At that time, the Empire and the Alliance had successfully established a standard administrative sector on the fifth arm of the New World that was the same as the mainland, and the colonial population exceeded 10 billion. The star sector map they established only included less than 10% of the galaxies in the fifth cantilever. But even so, the entire galaxy must pinch its nose and acquiesce that this vast starry sky is already the exclusive domain of the two overlords.

As a result, the Serua Republic very consciously entrusted the exploration and development rights of the galaxy where Ring World is located to the Galactic Civilization Council and prepared to put it up for sale.

At that time, the Galactic Empire had entered the era of Queen Brunhilt, and Commander-in-Chief Amida Senge Berenkeist was entering her third term as Commander-in-Chief. The Blue Star Community has been completely dismantled, and all the flames of the Feimo Nebula have been extinguished. The balance of terror established between the two countries under the deterrence of the Colossus can be considered established for the time being. The entire universe is entering a subtle era of peace.

For the two hegemons, this "ring world" is of course the greatest legacy of enlightened beings in history, but it must not be precious enough to warrant an immediate fallout between the two countries.

In this case, it is natural to "put aside disputes and develop together."

...I always feel like I’ve heard it somewhere.

In short, the Empire and the Alliance teamed up to buy the development rights to the world, and began large-scale research and even trial immigration. However, until Yu Lian encountered the Star Dragon King deep in the starry sky on the other side of the new continent, there were no more than twenty continents that could actually be activated in this giant structure orbiting the star. The population that immigrated to the world did not exceed 100 million, and not even one ten thousandth of the available area was filled.

There is no way, no matter how great the Kaibao looks, it was still made by enlightened beings. No one knows where the flowing water, the endless circulation of fresh air, and the endless energy come from, and whether they will suddenly stop one day. Even this huge ring might suddenly collapse.

No matter how reactionary the two overlords of the universe are, they are both pragmatic leaders after all. It is impossible for the country to devote all its energy to an ancient creation that does not know the principles and structure.

Even the sovereignty of the galaxy where the ring is located has been "properly" resolved in a harmonious atmosphere. The two countries are preparing to establish a new autonomous territory here as a transit point for free trade and financial services in the New World. In this way, it can play the role of economic, trade, cultural exchanges and geographical buffer.

What a joy!

However, when Yu Lian embarked on his last journey to explore the unknown starry sky (in his previous life), he heard the lady commander say at the press conference: "The Alliance has mastered the core of the ring world, and it is time to build our own The world around us. No matter how many generations it takes, we will unswervingly let our own wonders appear in the universe of our time."

Miss Bei...she was already Mrs. Bei at that time. Although she liked to lie to others, she would definitely not deceive the world with such things. Since she said that, she must have really mastered something.

In other words, with the current level of construction of this generation’s civilization, is it possible to build your own ring world as long as you break through some core technologies?

This is the reason why Yu Lianhui asked Xiao Hui if he had the technology to build a ring world.

What a pity, in the end, we still didn’t see the ring world created by humans come into being! Yu Lian sighed in his heart, calmed down from the memories of his previous life, and began to think about the practical problems of this world line.

"Wein and the others were lucky. They encountered King Suliuka's fleet. If the leader at that time was the old... King Wei Lunt, he might have been silenced." Yu Liandao.

"This shouldn't be the case, right?" Colonel Silva said: "The Imperial Fleet is more than a day behind us. Moreover, when Major Wien and the others discovered the Ring World, they sent the only gravitational wave machine left in the fleet to The beacons were set up, and messages were quickly sent to Unity Fort and the Independence. Then, the empire’s fleet arrived at the scene, and there was no chance to silence them.”

Rozes had already turned to the last attachment of the report, which contained a detailed report written by Wayne himself. He continued in a gloomy tone: "Actually, there is no chance. Horatio and the others only have a few ships, and the Empire The fleet is enough to burn them into evidence of particle destruction. Anyway, there are still remnants of the Marauders in the Dawn Star Territory, and Khan has not caught them. It is normal for Horatio and his fleet to be attacked and all members disappeared. As for the previous ones Communication reports and so on... Since everyone is gone, the authenticity of the report can be discussed carefully. As long as the empire shamelessly advertises that they were the first to arrive, there is nothing we can do."

"This, isn't this just like a gangster who is trying to get into trouble? Can the imperial nobles be so shameless?" Colonel Silva found it difficult to accept. At first glance, he looked at the imperial nobles who were full of martial virtue and had a high-level filter.

This is also a common problem among academic "moon people" who were born into wealthy families.

"The martial ethics of the imperial aristocrats is actually the same as the spirit of contract and the rule of law of the alliance plutocrats. They are both a metaphysical concept that jumps left and right." Yu Lian said seriously: "However, in comparison, King Suliuka should be regarded as the most powerful She is one of the bottom batch. She is the type who is obsessed with grandeur and royal ways."

"Maybe." Rozez smiled and said: "Of course, it is more likely that I let Horatio and the others go because of your face."

Well, this brother is indeed a strong-willed type, and he recovered from the shock to his world view so quickly. Now you actually learn how to use personal attacks?

Colonel Silva was slightly startled, then looked at Yu Lian with gratitude and envy, and nodded silently.

Are you nodding your head?

Yu Lian snorted angrily: "This happened last month, right?"

Luo Zeshi nodded: "After all, the New World is not the home of the Milky Way. All news needs to be relayed through gravitational wave beacons. One month can be transmitted from the depths of the Dawn Star Field to the Milky Way, which is already the fastest. I guess , the Earth may receive it before the Heaven.”

The other party should be referring to a mass wave terminal located in New Lushun. That was the booty captured by the Thirteenth Fleet from a certain unlucky pirate king who was eaten up by the swarm of insects.

Although that terminal is only a star domain level with a radius of no more than a thousand light years, it can at least establish an instant communication network between Unity Fortress and New Jade Gate. In this way, the news will be transmitted from the front line of the Dawn Star Realm to the Earth at least about a week faster than it is transmitted to the Sky Realm.

...However, even if we buy the earth one more week, what can we do? Expect them to prepare in advance and create a beautiful time difference?

Yu Lian really has no extravagant hopes in this regard.

"What's the current situation? Teacher Yang, what's the opinion of Chief of Staff Yang?" Yu Lian asked.

Chief of Staff Yang should be Major General Yang Xiyi, deputy chief of staff of the expeditionary fleet, right? Wouldn't it be normal to ask the commander, Admiral Connors, for his opinion first? The last one should be Chief of Staff Tivington, right? Colonel Silva glanced at Yu Lian and felt that something would happen if he asked such a question, so he quickly shut up.

"Not yet, maybe still on the way." Rozez pondered for a moment: "However, the military intelligence report said that Admiral Conneris has led most of the main battleships, plus half of the Marine Corps division. That's true. Very decisive decision.

"Then there should be no problem. Our frontline troops are not inferior to those of the empire. As long as we deal decisively, the empire will respect our priority development rights. Probably..."

Well, even he, a nerd who has a filter for the empire's martial ethics and sense of honor, is not so firm. You can imagine how delicate this situation is.

Yu Lian felt that Commander Conneris' move to directly overwhelm all the main fleets sounded very spirited and courageous, and that he looked exactly like a brave and fearless general, but he always felt that there was something wrong with him.

However, he couldn't grasp what was wrong.

"Let's wait for the news from Teacher Yang. Others' analysis at the scene is first-hand. Moreover, we are now more than two million light years away from the New World, and there is nothing we can do at the moment. What we can do now is to let a few main gods , it was completed with quality and quantity." Yu Lian could only conclude like this.

Colonel Silva nodded with a heavy face, and then raised his head as if he heard the Charge: "The Alliance Congress has approved our introduction of Raytheon Industries' wide-area gravity source radar, and we are preparing to install one on the Fuxi . I will see the headquarters of Raytheon Industries tomorrow to keep an eye on it, at least to prevent them from getting us a second-hand one."

"Thank you for your hard work." Yu Lian expressed his gratitude sincerely.

There is a saying that although this old senior is a bit of a dull academic, he has really done his duty during this period, and he even lost weight for half a circle.

Luo Zeshi also said: "Let me go to the Poseidon Shipyard in the Titanium Galaxy. The second batch of four ships will be built there next month. Some people on the Earth side hope that these ships will use traditional equipment. plan, but this is going backwards. At the shipbuilding site, you must have the right sound!”

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