Him and their stars

Chapter 1112 Don’t be anxious, everyone

The problem of the Lothar people is currently a social problem, but it is nothing in terms of the scale of the community. However, since this incident is related to the previous Pearl Coast assassination incident, it is worth considering.

In addition, Gongsun Qing, Taina Moen, and Ya Xiu are investigating this matter behind the scenes, but there is no news yet. They can only use some occult props to prove that they are still healthy for the time being. Once you take this into consideration, the shadow behind it always makes people think about it.

Yu Lian believed that Miss Bei would not simply believe that the ghost fire incident in Steel Flame City was the work of a "snake". So, when she left Nephi during this period and went to the edge star area where law and order had just been restored, it seemed that there was another layer of factors involved.

Only then did Yu Lian realize why Luo Zeshi said his attitude was more important than he thought.

"So, what kind of reactionary conspiracy is she planning in the Lotak sector?"

"...I think this is just an overreaction on your part. Yani is actually not a person who likes to engage in conspiracy." Claire said helplessly.

Yu Lian nodded: "I admit it, Yani is actually a very sunny girl."

Therefore, she actually likes to stand by and watch other people's conspiracies and finally take advantage of the situation. She can get the most benefits without getting her hands dirty and put herself on the moral high ground. This is the real high-end player!

Krell added: "In any case, although the Golden Gear Company has been dismantled, the lives of the Lothar people will still continue. In the final analysis, it is to let them have a head start in life. As long as the Lotak sector can be Once the local industry develops, most of the nearly 10 billion Lothars wandering around the country will be able to return to their hometowns, and some racial issues will be effectively resolved."

Well, it still sounds reasonable. My home country, the beautiful country, wanted to do this in the 19th century.

"So, the Rainbow Rose Foundation organized many Nephi companies to develop tourism, animal husbandry, ecological agriculture, oh, and many light industries in the Lotak star area, which are very capable of absorbing labor. Yani personally I invested in a sea view resort there in my name, isn’t it normal for me to want to check it out?”

Well, aside from the fact that the Alliance took away the heavy industry pearl of the Lothar people, they at least did a better job than the Great Beautiful Country. After all, the former really got things done, while the latter spent more than a hundred years just doing things. Half done.

"However, since such a big thing has happened in the New World, Yani should be coming back from Lotak immediately." Krel added.

"Haha, Claire, what is Yani's current position?"

"Ah...here, the executive director of the Red Rose Foundation? The vice president of the Institute of Rationality of Ocean University?" Claire blinked.

"Where's the official side?"

"Well, the just-retired commercial representative in the empire, and the first-level inspector of the Extraordinary Administration... But he has been on the job for several years. By the way, he also has a consultant in the Grand Commandery Mansion? But I didn't see it. She went to work."

"So, why did she come back?"

"...That seems to be the case!"

In any case, if the majestic Princess Red Rose really ran back in a hurry and ended up with a discerning person, wouldn't it be creating anxiety? The more tense the situation, the more determined you must be. There was no reason why the white-furred fox couldn't figure out things that Luo Zeshi could figure out.

Yu Lian felt that Yani would never change her actions because of this unexpected situation. At most, while doing things step by step, she would have some brains to give orders behind the scenes and let a group of dogs trained with Pavlovian reactions run away. Go west.

…Anyway, she just doesn’t need dogs.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian couldn't help but glance at Corell opposite with sympathetic eyes.

"I always feel that you are thinking of something very rude." Claire said suspiciously.

"Hahaha, what's rude is your malicious speculation on your friend, right? This guy has been jumping around in terms of progress and depravity. I don't want to be the same as you, but the darkness of human nature is still there. At this moment, it became clear. How can the people of the Alliance rest assured if the Alliance is handed over to such a person? Claire Belmont, you can't always let them down, you have to know your shame!"

"...Yes, I'm sorry." Although Claire always felt that he should not be the one to apologize, he still completed this process very skillfully.

"I just think that it may be very hard for you in the future." Yu Lian thought for a while and added: "It will be as hard as a grinder."

"The grinding is too much, at least it has to be a sled."

So you still don’t deny that it’s a dog?

With full of resentment and sorrow, Claire sighed heavily: "Brother Yu Lian still understands me! It has been a really troubled time recently. You see, after the airport workers' strike in Green Locust City, Mai A major safety accident occurred at the combustion dust factory in the Kara Union Republic. Because they could not agree on compensation, the workers detained the factory director and the board of directors representatives in the factory area, and they are still confronting the military and police!"

"Nice job!" Yu Lian applauded, stroking his hands.

Krell lamented again: "The ranchers in the Lamo Star District took their herdsmen to the streets with guns because of the increase in feed prices. They almost had a conflict with the law enforcement agencies. If it weren't for the people from the Guerrilla Association, It still has some prestige in the local area, and the mediation was timely, and now it has started a fight.”

"Tsk... So there's still no fight."

"Even in the Central Star Region, Perrog's alchemist craftsmen have asked the Supernatural Management Bureau for a salary increase."

"It's so unspiritual! They could have made this request five hundred years ago. He is obviously an outstanding alchemist, but his average income is not as good as those sanctimonious fund managers on Libra Street. There is something wrong with this. ." Yu Lian shook his head and said: "However, the way to fight for the rights you deserve should not be to propose, but to demand. Aren't Perot's centaur craftsmen a spiritually sensitive race in the legend? The combat effectiveness should be very strong. Is it just because of being beaten? The evil dead capitalists of the Alliance have been working as tools for alchemy for a long time. After using the carving knife and silver wedge nails for too long, have they forgotten how to hold a sword?"

"Hey, hey, hey, no matter what, I am also a member of the capitalists you are talking about! In front of me, can you save some face for me?" Krell said angrily: "You can just say capitalists. , can you not add the word "death"?"

So you’re not against “all evil”, are you?

"As a result, before the matter over there was resolved, such a big thing happened again in the New World. Even our alliance is really at a loss for what to do."

Yu Lian looked at the frowning Claire, but his heart was unmoved and he even wanted to laugh. Whether it is a safety accident or a riot or riot, in the final analysis, isn't it the most basic demand of workers?

Even in such a cosmic era where the development of civilization has stagnated and thoughts are extremely reactionary, this kind of thing is happening all the time in various parts of the alliance. However, what happened happened, and that’s it.

To put it bluntly, aren’t there slave rebellions in the opposite empire all the time?

Again, for the size of the two overlords, this little thing is not even a hives.

And for people like Claire Belmont, all the actions of pretending to be pitiful are nothing more than looking for opportunities to behave. No, we can see that he squeezed out three parts of determination, three parts of unyielding, three parts of passion, and finally one part of encouragement and incitement amidst the overwhelming hardships: "But we will definitely completely defeat those main gods." level, and even exceeded the target! Brother Yu Lian, don’t worry, you are never fighting alone.”

Yu Lian nodded: "I understand, now I know that you are indeed fighting against the fire."

But this time, Krel did not avoid it, but shrugged with a smile: "But believe it or not, I did receive the news for real. But, brother Yu Lian, don't you think that this kind of Isn't it better to have someone taking the heat in a situation than to have everything remain calm?"

Yu Lian was silent for two seconds, and then he burst into laughter: "Indeed, it is truly an honor for us, the people of Earth, to have such an unbreakable ally as the Alliance!"

There is one thing to say, and what Krell said is not wrong. It should obviously be the first news received from Earth, but nearly a week of anticipation was wasted. If you are hesitant at both ends, don't blame others for taking the lead and taking advantage of this news.

Moreover, the fate of the Alliance means that they should find ways to involve the Galactic Civilization Council in the ownership of Ring World. Although this is not in line with the conventions of the Age of Exploration, we all know that once something makes sense and is involved in an international joint organization, it will definitely turn into a protracted lip service lawsuit.

However, is this really the purpose of the alliance?

Yu Lian pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "It would be great if I had the opportunity to meet His Excellency, Commander-in-Chief Tatos..."

Krell showed a strange expression and was about to respond when he saw Yu Lian said again: "Forget it, Commander Tatos will step down next year anyway. Even if I take the political risk to visit at this time, the price/performance ratio is really good." It’s too low.”

"Hey, hey, he is the head of state of our country after all! You are so realistic!" Krell said.

"I'm just an ordinary head of the arms purchasing delegation. I don't have any diplomatic functions other than that. If I really want to meet the head of your country, it would be unreasonable both for public and private purposes." Yu Liandao: "And, as far as I know, , Commander Tatos is a very popular and gentle gentleman. So, what can he decide?"

"...Brother Yu Lian, the Alliance really does not have any behind-the-scenes rulers or shadow governments. Most national affairs are indeed decided by the commander-in-chief and cabinet members. Of course, larger policies require the approval of Congress."

"I haven't said anything yet. I know you are anxious, but you don't have to be anxious."

Krell coughed and lowered his voice: "His Excellency, Commander-in-Chief Tatos, is actually a movie lover. Moreover, he has an uncle who was the pilot of the original ground aid squadron. I heard that he planned to go to "Skeleton" Squadron" Go and visit the class."

Yu Lian immediately understood that this was just a chance encounter.

However, the youngest rear admiral in the history of the Blue Star Community, the chosen champion of the 250th God of War Festival, and the hero of the Dawn War in the New World, did not want to do this at all.

"This may be a method, this may be very good, but I just don't like it."

Claire was speechless for a moment.

"To put it bluntly, even the Lords of the Earth are not in a hurry, so why should I be in a hurry?" Yu Lian said with a smile: "Besides, as long as we are not in a hurry, others will be more anxious. Krell Dude, what do you think?”

Krell's eyes suddenly became sharp, but the refreshing smile that immediately filled his face covered up his eyes.

"Ah hahaha, you are right, don't be anxious, we shouldn't be anxious."

To be honest, the Lords of the Earth are actually very anxious. After all, His Excellency President Nishita, who has just taken office, is an energetic and dedicated person. After receiving the news from the New World, he immediately notified all cabinet members to hold a meeting. For the sake of safety, he also ordered that everyone must be present in person. It cannot be replaced by remote projection.

Even so, he gathered all the cabinet members into the conference room within an hour. This can be considered a resolute move. You know, if it had been the era of President Noxham and President Manson, there wouldn't even be people there.

President Nishita is satisfied with this.

Of course, although meetings were held for five consecutive days with an average meeting time of more than 3 hours each day, the top decision-makers of this government still did not come up with a charter.

Yes, Nishita said it was understandable. Because this kind of thing has never happened in the entire universe, and there is no history for everyone to copy their homework.

However, the news from the league broke the news first, which was a bit uncomfortable.

"I've said it from the beginning. We can't hide it anyway, so we might as well let GNN and the Independent Daily report it first. In this way, we earthlings can at least enjoy the honor of being the first to discover the ring world." Watts, the Minister of Development, said in a dull tone, like a robot repeating the pronunciation of stick.

"How to report? That we were the first to discover ten thousand continents? We have four destroyers in that galaxy, and the brave captain is confronting the Titans of the Empire! But we will never give in? Let the news spread in the press , it will only pull the hanging door higher and higher." Information Director Galde said angrily.

Mrs. Valcone, the Minister of Culture and Education, agreed with this view and showed an elegant and reserved smile: "Indeed, gentlemen, the mud-legged people don't understand what strategic determination is, and they will only turn into a group of violent people following the high-profile door. Africa’s honeypot. I don’t even think about how much trouble it will cause for us rational leaders.”

"Yes, yes! Madam is absolutely right."

"Madam is simply my mouthpiece during cabinet meetings."

Most people get back together immediately. The few who really disagreed couldn't be bothered to get to know her. After all, the most cost-effective thing in this world is to argue with a pretentious old woman.

"Speaking of which, isn't Captain Venn the one who causes us the most trouble? It wouldn't be fun if we had to discover the ring world at this time. Tsk, if the empire discovers it first, everything will be in trouble. No more?" someone else said.

These words were completely different from their nature, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

In the conference room, Ms. Jessica Yang, the youngest Minister of Women and Children's Rights, sneered and was about to make a mockery. Mr. Bai, the eldest Minister of Labor, had already jumped up, his beard and hair were sprouting, and he was about to pounce on the chair, but he was stopped by the Minister of Interior and Public Safety, Mr. Shona, and the Chairman of the National Defense Committee, Mr. Maxer.

"Mr. Bai, it's not that bad, it's really not that bad."

"Brother Bai, Brother Bai, for the sake of my drinking and fishing friends, give me a face. Give me a face."

As for the Minister of Border Development opposite who spoke so freely, he was obviously a big man with a rather hefty figure, but now he was squatting on the ground with his head covered and screaming, as if he was pushed to the edge of a cliff by a lion. takin.

What the hell did I find? President Nishita sighed inwardly.

After struggling for a while, it finally ended with the Minister of Border Development wiping away his tears and apologizing. Mr. President also slammed the table and said loudly: "Everyone! It's meaningless to talk about this now. Let's discuss practical issues quickly."

"Yes, yes! The current real problem is that Congress thinks we are hiding the truth from them! Let's think about how to deal with these people tomorrow." Vice President Yellen said very sincerely.

There was silence for half a minute again. Because Mr. Vice President's attitude is so upright, everyone feels that what he says should be true.

However, precisely because it was true, it was really difficult to continue.

What kind of cabinet ministers did I find? Mr. President once again had the idea of ​​killing all these insects.

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