Him and their stars

Chapter 1114 Sense of Responsibility and World Affairs

What then unfolds is just as everyone imagined. Now that the alliance has pierced the window paper, there are not many choices left for the community.

The subsequent discussion in the meeting was not what to do, but how to do it. However, once we get to this point, the efficiency has improved a lot. The cabinet members have expressed that they will smooth out the members of the party and minimize the possible backlash in Congress.

Then, there is the resolution of foreign affairs. Let the embassies in the alliance and the empire inquire in detail about the opinions of the other party and talk about it separately. Then I have to reiterate at the Galactic Civilization Council that "peaceful development" is the mainstream of the universe, and the community has always been a peace-loving country. In order to prevent the world from being destroyed, to maintain the peace of the universe, and to implement the prosperous scene of love and truth, the Blue Star Community will definitely work hard to the last step for the white hole and the white tomorrow.

...In short, one must first hold moral principles in hand. Mr. President said so.

"Yes, but the ring world belongs to the universe and the galaxy, but in the final analysis it belongs to the community and the people of the earth. Don't worry, we will not give up the legacy of the greatest enlightener in history." He added.

Mr. Shona sighed, but it was just a sigh.

There is no way around it, Mr. Nishita's persona is that of a sunny and majestic husband, a hard-core tough guy who fights to the death to defend the Blue Star Community. It is precisely because of this persona that he became the most successful elected politician in the history of the community. Once he really takes out the ring world and shares it with the whole universe, some political opponents will label him as a "ball traitor" and directly pull him down.

Therefore, we can only deal with the problem in an orthodox way.

As a result, the National Defense Commission will instruct all fleets, marines and local security forces in the country to enter a certain level of combat readiness, especially the outer ring fleet stationed in the Gibraltar system. This is the current situation of the community. They were the only mobile troops available. Whether it was rushing to the aid of the New World or filling in the border on the far coast, they had to be there. In addition, all military industry departments must be urged to speed up progress. The top priority is naturally the few dreadnoughts that are still under construction in the alliance.

The sooner the order for the four God-class dreadnoughts is completed, the more confident the community will be.

"Don't put too much pressure on the alliance's arms purchasing group. They have already worked hard enough. At least it left us with 6 billion in shipbuilding funds, and it also helped me purchase an entire Marine division's equipment for the front line of the New World. .So, it’s okay to ask about the progress, but not to rush it,” the president told the chairman of the National Defense Council.

His tone was gentle, but his aura was domineering.

Some cabinet members flashed disapproving looks. In fact, in the meetings over the past few days, some people have already raised questions about the equipment plans of the four main god-level "super-era" ships, and some even said that Yu Lian should be contacted for his position.

However, this time, under the powerful intimidation of President Nishita, it was hard to say anything else.

Mr. President announced the adjournment of the meeting, and then walked out of the conference room with the pace of an eagle hunting for prey. The rest of the cabinet members also filed out.

Mr. Bai, the Minister of Labor, was a little upset. He always felt that the matter seemed to be solved, but nothing seemed to be solved.

He looked at Ms. Jessica Yang who was silently collecting information next to him, and felt a little sympathetic.

As the representative of the Pioneer Party in this coalition government, the Minister of Women and Children’s Development held by Ms. Jessica Yang looks like a special position specially prepared for political vassals. Of course, she is only in her early thirties, and she is still an intellectual beauty in her prime. In the political world, she is certainly young and attracts attention. Even being a vase minister is already an amazing success.

A normal person only needs to be a vase for a few years, waving the flag behind the president, and then he can gain a rich political resume.

However, Jessica Yang didn’t think so. She really seems to have done something practical while in office. Just after taking office as minister, he began to conduct workshop surveys on issues related to child labor, migrant female workers, and out-of-school children across the country, and now he has finally compiled a report.

Mr. Bai knew that she was also planning to formally propose a bill to ban child labor and provide subsidies and assistance to out-of-school children based on this report. Because these issues will involve the files of the Ministry of Labor, Mr. Bai naturally knows about this matter. He also knew that Jessica was preparing to bring this proposal to the cabinet meeting for discussion last Monday.

... However, before she could open her mouth, the urgent military information from the New World discovered that Ring World was sent over.

After that, it would be impossible for anyone to care about such a "trivial" issue.

There are at least 360 million illegal child laborers in the entire Blue Star Community, and there are also 1.58 billion out-of-school children who have not even finished primary school? Well, that sounds really sad. However, what is this compared to the magnificent ruins of the Enlightened Ones? Compared to the war situation in this New World, what does it mean?

"It's okay, old man, I've actually been mentally prepared for a long time." Jessica Yang sensitively noticed the old man's worries and smiled: "Actually, even if I can successfully propose the motion, the possibility of it passing is still very small. .”

"Don't you really feel it's a pity? If it can be passed, this may be the first nationwide rights and welfare bill in the galaxy. This is a pioneering work that can be recorded in the history books." Mr. Bai said.

"I calculated that my bill will increase the country's annual expenditure by ten figures, profitable child labor, and those children who are out of school, but they do not have the right to vote. Neither do their parents."

The community is an old student of the alliance in this regard, and only those with a certain tax amount have the right to vote. However, if most parents are not forced to the extreme, how can they let their children work as illegal child labor and make them drop out of school?

"But the children will thank you when they grow up."

"When they grow up, the government also changes. A policy that requires persistence for a long time to see results is destined to become a victim of the government change." Jessica Yang sighed, her breath With a hint of helplessness: "Besides, even if the bill happens to pass, I'm afraid I won't have the power to implement it."

Mr. Bai felt a little surprised. In fact, although this lady is the youngest cabinet member in this government, she is definitely the most effective one.

"...I originally thought that the situation on the front line of the New World has stabilized, and my husband can go home before May. However, once this ring world comes out, you can imagine how tense the situation will be over there. I do know that he I am sitting in the Devil's Throat Fortress, and across the internal passage of the fortress, there are five or six divisions of armored grenadiers from the empire on the opposite side!"

At this moment, this one of the youngest ministers in the history of the community is no different from most wives who are worried about their frontline husbands.

"I don't dare to rely on my old age. At the most, I fought with my comrades against a division of stormtroopers." A veteran who crawled out of the mountains of corpses and seas of fire in the War of Independence said: "However, we must admit that the Empire The style of the army is decisive and ruthless, but it is not cruel and murderous. When things cannot be done, run away if you can, and surrender if you can."

Jessica Yang couldn't tell whether the other party was sincere or making a malicious joke, and she was speechless for a moment.

"He did everything he could, so there was no need to waste his life for factors he said he couldn't control. If General Yang is the smart man he is rumored to be, he will definitely have a small boat nearby for a long time."

Jessica pondered for a long time, and then said: "You are right. My husband is indeed not the type to die for his country. He is just a soldier who earns his salary. He always wants to go home and be a housewife. But. , considering his ability to take care of himself, he still had to hire two nannies when he returned home. So he told me that he would try his best to become a general, so that he would be an orderly for life. "

Mr. Bai was startled for a moment, then laughed and said: "Hahaha, whenever something happens to this person, he always has to think about the best and prepare for the worst. Even a rough guy like me knows this. , it is impossible for General Yang not to know. He is a famous general in the world, and he will always have the most appropriate arrangements. Instead of focusing on meaningless worries, it is better to focus on your own responsibilities. "

"Senior Bai, are you New China people so comforting?"

"Ah hahaha, this is what us New China people are least good at. I guess all the elegance is concentrated on Mr. Qi." Mr. Bai laughed and scratched his face in embarrassment. , suddenly said very bluntly: "However, although we are rude, we are very sincere. Jessica, the proposal you just prepared to discuss at the cabinet meeting, how about piloting it in New China?"

The young female politician nodded and said: "I have actually... considered this issue. However, Mr. Qi has only been in office for more than half a year and is currently carrying out large-scale construction projects. I always feel that it is not appropriate to bother with it anymore."

"Hahaha, if you think about it from another angle, it's already enough trouble anyway, so there's no shortage of love." Mr. Qi said with a smile.

Jessica had to admit that she really couldn't think about it from another angle.

"Your bill does need to be implemented steadfastly for a long time before it becomes a national policy and tradition. It cannot be changed day and night just because of changes in political power. Our backwaters in New China have no merits, and most of the people are rude pioneers. . However, just because everyone is poor, it makes sense. Moreover, stability is the only aspect that is worthy of pride."

"That's why many media say that New China is an independent kingdom of the Bai family." Jessica smiled.

"It doesn't matter, I never read news other than the entertainment and sports sections." Mr. Bai waved his hand: "If you can't hear the flies buzzing, rounding it off means there are no flies. This plan of yours, even if it's just in New China If you try it out, you will definitely be attacked by the media, but you have to have a good attitude like me."

On the other side, Chairman of the National Defense Committee Maxell and Chairman of the Internal Affairs Public Relations and Security Committee Xiaona have already met at the "secret base" where they often go. This is a tavern located in the downtown business district, five kilometers away from the Presidential Palace in a straight line. It is hidden in the back alley of the bustling commercial pedestrian street, and it has a quiet charm amidst movement. Of course, it also has the atmosphere of a behind-the-scenes political conspiracy.

Of course, these two senior cabinet officials were not thinking about any political conspiracy at this time, but were discussing the world affairs of saving the country and the people.

The age gap between the two is equivalent to two generations. One is a military boss who was attracted by the Communist Party of China right after taking off his uniform, and the other is a rising political star from a political ally and the president's think tank. Logically speaking, they should be mortal enemies. But in fact, perhaps because they all feel that they are the most responsible members of this government, their private relationship is actually pretty good.

Because of this, they can conduct some off-the-desk transactions in such a "private place".

For them, this kind of transaction is also part of the world's political affairs.

While shaking the mediocre rum in the glass, Maxell said: "I just called Mr. Mao. He will try his best to quell the objections in Congress. He also entrusted you to convey this to the President. , those discussions in Congress are not his opinions."

"Of course I believe it." Edward Shoner said while peeling the salt-boiled edamame beans in Xiaojiu: "However, what Mr. President wants to know is what Mr. Mao's attitude is on the issue of globalization."

Maxer, however, shook his head with an inscrutable expression, as if "Young man, you are not moral enough": "The world is not so good because our Co-Prosperity Party is the remnants of the empire, a daughter of Mr. Mao." He and his two granddaughters are now imperial nobles. But in fact..."


"In fact, of course!" Maxer laughed: "Mr. Mao's family has served the Imperial Governor-General for so many years, and many political families in the Co-Prosperity Party are of the same nature. In any case, it is not as good as the Imperial General Manager There is still a bit of love."

Incense love? It’s really a statement of high emotional intelligence. Xiaona's eyes were wandering and he wanted to sneer.

"However, in this matter, what is important is not his old man's attitude." Maxell added: "When this matter is exposed by the alliance, what matters is the opinion of the public."

"Public opinion is very important in many cases," said Shauna.

This is actually also a statement of high emotional intelligence. The precise meaning is that public opinion (sometimes) is very important, most of the time it is not. The last half of the sentence is the key point.

"But, it's very important now." Maxell shrugged: "Who said we are the third largest military power in the galaxy? How could a powerful country after the Empire and the Alliance exchange precious enlightenment so simply? How about offering his relics?"

"...aren't we?"

This time it was Maxel’s eyes that were wandering. He was really not sure whether the other party was really stupid or pretending to be stupid.

Councilor Shauna added: "Your Excellency, Chairman, we are indeed, right?"

"At least on paper, yes."

Literally yes means actually no. Although Edward Shona did not understand military affairs, he still understood the meaning. However, he was not surprised at all. He just sighed slightly and said: "Your Excellency, the President still means balance. Balance is for existence, and existence is everything."

Maxell nodded: "Our national defense force will try its best to maintain a limited deterrence posture. Then it depends on diplomatic means. However, I personally feel that even if things reach the worst point, we must retain some communication channels.”

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone agrees with your appointment as Chairman of the Internal Affairs and Public Security Committee and is responsible for homeland security work. Although you are young, you have proven your ability. We are very pleased that you will be responsible for military intelligence and everyone's security." Don't worry. It's good to be young, only when you are young will you be full of energy." Maxer continued to cover up the clouds.

"Old senior, you might as well speak more clearly." Xiaona said helplessly. He said that he really didn't understand this time.

"I know that you are currently reorganizing the military intelligence and internal support departments."

Shona nodded.

"I also know that within a month of taking office, you have already changed the top management of the Security Bureau, and arrested many people from the National Unification and Internal Affairs Bureau?"

Xiaona asked suspiciously: "Are there any acquaintances of yours among them?"

He has obviously already investigated it. Those without a backing will naturally be dismissed from their posts, while those with a backing will still be given some dignity and transferred to a noble position.

"No, no. How can I, an innocent veteran, have acquaintances in the Internal Security Department?" Maxer shook his head quickly, and then said: "I just heard that you already have the treason evidence of Deputy Director of the Internal Affairs Bureau Dai Lun. .”

Shauna continued to nod.

"It's better to stop. Deputy Director Dai Lun is actually a retainer of King Wilent of the Empire."

Xiaona suddenly understood, but then he smiled bitterly: "Why didn't you say it for two hours earlier? Now, you have already taken action! You are still a master of the spiritual seminar..."

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