Him and their stars

Chapter 1118 Who told you to have a baby face?

The two paper figures are waxy yellow in color and are only about the size of an adult's thumb, but their heads, bodies, and facial features are complete, especially those on their faces. Although it is just a simple drawing drawn with vermilion paint, the details of the appearance are very vivid, as if the entire face has been copied on it. Take a closer look, but don't they look like Deputy Director Dai Lun and Miss Wenna?

Killian suddenly shuddered and began to wonder if there was something wrong with his life choices. As a psyker, it is naturally a great honor to join the Spiritual Research Society, the most powerful psionic sect on earth. However, our Spiritual Research Association... is a reliable righteous sect, right? He is really a formal, upright and positive person, right?

"What's your expression?" Jique asked angrily.

"Elder brother, why do I feel that you have imprisoned their souls?"

"Please don't make your sect look like the villain in a martial arts novel, okay?"

Actually, I am talking about the demon king in mythical novels. Killian thought.

"Besides, although we psychics admit the existence of the soul, it is unclear whether it is part of matter, energy, or somewhere in between. At present, there are no examples to prove it. The soul can exist apart from the body."

"...Well, isn't there that kind of illusion technique that traps souls?"

"That's when consciousness information is confused by interference. The principle is actually not much different from electromagnetic interference or hacker intrusion." Juque said seriously: "At this time, your soul has not left the body."

"Then, what about the virtual realm?"

"Well, I don't dare to go to that kind of place. But I know that when a master enters the virtual realm, his body goes with him. However, according to the uncles, in the virtual realm, the body can be sensed The existence of the body, but I personally understand that in the virtual realm, the body should actually be in a quantum state. However, quantum should also be material."

Killian sighed. After all, he studied medicine, not physics, so he couldn't refute it. However, didn’t the elder brother study financial management and actuarial science?

"To sum up, this is just a copy of their memory, and it can only last for 72 hours. Of course, if the foolish man and woman saw it, they would probably think that I had captured one soul and one soul from his three souls and seven souls. Soul." The senior brother put the paper man into Killian's hand and shrugged: "I can't help it. After I used the big memory recovery technique just now to blast them, they have fallen into a deep sleep. When they wake up, Memory and concentration will be slightly affected."

Then don’t use paper figures that are so easy to misunderstand.

"You will go back to the mountain tomorrow and tell me that you have used three pieces of the Alchemy Flying Blade and are going back to the sect to replenish supplies. Master and Uncle Jin should both be here, and they will take care of it." Juque said again.

Killian nodded: "What about Deputy Director Darren and that Wenna Shane?"

"Of course we should hand them over all in one piece. Anyway, we didn't beat anyone to death, and we tried our best to preserve their dignity in front of reporters. President Nikita and Chairman Shona are political figures, so they Naturally, he will be bound by the cause and effect of the political arena. After coming out of the gene therapy cabin in a few months, Deputy Director Dai Lun may be reinstated." Juque said in a matter-of-fact tone: "Junior brother, President Nishita and Chairman Xiaona has treated us well and we cannot make things difficult for them."

Killian once again felt the impact of the rules of adult society. He closed his mouth slightly, but didn't know what to say.

"But, little junior brother, we are psychics after all, and we are seconded by the Spiritual Research Society. In a sense, the influence of the cause and effect in the officialdom is very small. So, like us doing this excellent work of loving each other You have to do something."

Killian always felt that Senior Brother's words seemed familiar, but for a moment he couldn't remember where he heard it: "So, Senior Brother, when workers like us do this kind of thing, we need to inform the President and Chairman Shona?”

"I said, don't make it difficult for elders like them."

Killian was silent for a while, then shook his head and sighed: "Elder brother, aren't you as comfortable as a fish in water?"

"What did you say?"

"Serious psychics like us, rounding things off, we should be considered scholars in the field of occult science, right? I originally thought that my future life would be more academic and peaceful. How did I end up becoming the leader of the secret police?"

Yang Mingzhao almost cried when he heard this, but as a senior brother, he still put away his bitter face and consoled him kindly: "This is not called the leader of the secret police. I understand that the reputation of being a royal guard is not very good. But Our current official position is that of secretary to the Presidential Palace, so we can only ask the imperial envoy to mobilize the hawks and dogs. You should comfort yourself."

"Wouldn't that sound even worse? In "The Legend of the Galaxy", the court hawks and dogs are at best minions, and in the end the villains are all imperial envoys."

"At least one of them has a positive role."

"That's just the fourth part of "Shadow Iron Rooster Fights Black Centipede", right?"

"That's not a regular series, right? Except for the protagonist, all the actors have changed, and even the director and production company are different."

"Who says it's not a legitimate series? As long as the protagonist is still Miss Chen Yuxia, she will always be the god of martial arts movies in my heart!"

At this point, both of them felt that if they continued, the relationship between the brothers would be affected, so they quickly returned to the topic.

Juque said: "President Nishita needs the support of our spiritual seminar, and according to Master, we will be more directly involved in the secular world in the future. This forms the basis for cooperation between the two parties."

"So, why is this?" Killian asked. In his mind, Taishifu was simply a man among the gods who could see the beginning but not the end. Master Tantai Jing is a little more down-to-earth, but the other uncles are also...well, very otherworldly.

No matter how you look at it, the Spiritual Research Society looks like a traditional spiritual practice organization, and even has a bit of a reclusive sect in East Asian legends.

Juque said: "Hahaha, junior brother, I have also read a book. Historically, whether it is a reclusive person or an organization, there has always been only one reason for leaving the world, which is to be disappointed with the world."

So, not disappointed now? Or do you have other thoughts?

"Don't look at me like that. Although I am the eldest in the third generation, my master and uncles will not tell me everything." Juque shrugged, then showed a mysterious expression, lowered his voice and said: "Say Maybe you have seen hope and are ready to choose the emperor on behalf of heaven?"

Yes, this time the villain-like one has directly become a spiritual seminarian. Killian once again has doubts about his future.

"Hahaha, of course that's a joke." The senior brother laughed.

Killian also forced out a dry laugh. There was no way, if he didn't smile at this time, he wouldn't know how it would end.

Juque added: "Of course, if we just want to be a happy mascot in the Presidential Palace, we will have accomplished our mission. But we are psychics after all. Since we can no longer adopt orthodox cultivation methods, perhaps we can only use extensive Only by participating in social and production activities can it be regarded as spiritual practice."

"Uh, yes, this is what Uncle Master said in the open letter "To the Extraordinary", right?"

"That's right. But since it's an open letter, I think it should be more of a thesis. For those of us with less talented psychics, there might be another path. Junior brother, now you know what it means to do what you do and love what you do. Are you ready?" Yang Mingzhao showed a very upright and serious face.

Killian feels that the senior brother's Versailles is about to break through the realm of transformation.

Although he had not seen too many psykers, he always felt that they were much more advanced than the few astral knights he had seen in the past. Even though he usually has a smile that makes people feel like they are having a spring breeze, but when he puts it on his face at critical moments, Yuan Ting Yue Zhi shows off his domineering aura, and his aura alone can intimidate most girls.

Looking at the action just now, the attack was decisive and ruthless, and the use of combat skills can be regarded as smooth and easy. That scene was much better than the masters in "The Legend of the Galaxy".

"Look, junior brother, you performed very well today." Yang Mingzhao: "It shows that you are also very adaptable to this job."

If Killian hadn't known what the other person was like, he would have felt that the other person was mocking him, so he smiled bitterly and said, "Good performance? But those special service members treat me like a ghost now."

"If they don't regard you as a ghost, then our work today will be in vain. Who told you to have such a harmless baby face?" The senior brother left these words and drank the beer in one gulp. Then he walked toward the special service team members who were still washing the floor with a step of disowning them.

He pulled over a team leader and ordered: "Okay, tell the brothers to clean up and call it a day. No one is allowed to leave today. I'm treating everyone from the Pearl Dongcheng Longmen Hotel!"

The squad leader had a look of gratitude on his face and nodded vigorously with a flattering smile.

"Also, let me compile the action summary report. Remember to ask the brothers to write their reports in more detail."

The team leader was startled for a moment, and then he seemed to understand something. He stood at attention and saluted Yang Mingzhao with an extremely upright and sincere attitude, and then left quickly. After a while, some small cheers burst out from the scene.

Isn't this a lot of fun? Killian looked at his senior brother's back with ease and was in awe again.

"Everyone, we have completed this test. Let's have a celebration banquet at Wanle Palace! I'm treating you!" Yu Lian stood on the highest floor of the Fuxi bridge and shouted to the testers in the audience.

The whole audience suddenly burst into cheers and even whistles, and the one who whistled the loudest was Claire Belmont.

...Well, everyone has been working very hard during this period. However, after a month of overtime work, all the equipment of the Fuxi dreadnought was finally installed. This second dreadnought in the history of the community has finally reached its 12th power test and its first sea test.

If all goes well, it's time for everyone to play music and dance again.

Yu Lian glanced at the magnificent bridge, and what he saw was an extremely elegant and gorgeous visual style. Because so many elements flooded into his field of vision at once, he couldn't even see clearly what was happening outside the window for a moment.

...What the hell, it’s clearly optical pollution, the space battleship version of cyberpunk. Yu Lian thought.

As a dreadnought ship, of course it also needs to assume command functions, so the bridge is divided into four levels. The top level is the command position specially set up for the fleet commander and command level. It is divided into the commander's podium, staff chairs, conference room, security room, etc. However, Yu Lian always felt that the decoration style of the four-story bridge was actually quite a bit like the classical style of the Nephi monarchy. It was less like a battleship and more like a luxury cruise ship decorated in a palace style.

To be honest, this kind of decoration method is not alliance at all, and certainly not a community, but it is very imperial.

Regarding this issue, Claire Belmont explained this: "Actually, if we talk about the elegance of the palace in the royal era, the foundation of our alliance is no less than that of the empire. Recently, the decoration of domestic ships has also been popular in the Renaissance. , and use it on your new ship."

Before Yu Lian showed his anger, "What on earth did you do to my ship?", the other party quickly added: "This is not my brother, I am playing you! Brother Yu Lian, as early as laying the main shaft of the battleship, and even the structural design draft The decoration of the bridge has already been ordered before it comes out. This is directly decided by your National Defense Committee."

The God-level contract was signed the year before last, when the chairman of the National Defense Council was President Nishita. Yes, this is really in line with his style.

Needless to say, the president must be looking forward to one day riding such a warship to participate in a ship review.

"Anyway, the decoration style of the bridge does not affect the combat effectiveness." Krell said.

But it will definitely affect morale. Although Yu Lian wanted to say this, the deal was already done, so he could only hold his nose and admit it.

Yu Lian sat down in the commander's position at the highest level of the bridge, which looked like a throne, and began to give orders: "Fuxi Dreadnought Ship, the 12th power test is ready to begin."

His orders quickly reached the front row. The battleship control post located on the second floor of the bridge has already been occupied by more than forty technicians, half of whom are Yulian's subordinates, and the other half are testers from Taita Shipyard.

This small number of personnel can only meet the basic tactical operations of a dreadnought ship. However, the power test they conducted was not a tactical test, so they could at least drive the ship out of the port.

"The neutrino reactor is operating normally."

"The engine is running smoothly."

The password that everything was normal was quickly fed back to Yu Lian. Immediately afterwards, the management post at Slip No. 4 also gave the decision to approve the departure.

This majestic giant ship with a total length of more than 45,000 meters slowly began to levitate and broke away from the docking lock on the slipway. Directly in front of them, the hatch slowly opened.

"Constant speed, forward 1." Yu Lianda said.

"Constant speed, forward 1!" Krell shouted loudly.

Have you become my adjutant? Yu Lian glanced sideways at the other party.

Creel grinned with a simple and honest smile, and his eyes flashed with excitement that was almost touching: "Well, actually, I think the commander and the loud-voiced adjutant next to the captain are the most handsome characters. I have thought about it a long time ago. Let’s try this.”

The God-class dreadnought quickly passed through the corridor of the entire dock, and the whole process was in a stable state. If you close your eyes, you can hardly feel that you are on a boat.

"The simulated gravity system and life support system are operating normally." An Earth officer A reported.

"The bearing load is 0.15, and the interval fluctuation is stable." Another Earth officer B reported so, and casually sighed with admiration: "It is indeed a battleship of the Alliance!"

To put it bluntly, the level of shipbuilding between the two countries is really reflected through these details. From this perspective, there is indeed a huge gap between the Community, the Alliance, and the opposite empire.

However, this is actually not an insurmountable barrier.

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