Him and their stars

Chapter 114: Actual Ship Combat Exercises

Yu Lian really didn't expect that "psionic mind control", the most basic psychic skill, would have such a miraculous effect on a dignified moon man, an officer of the country's elite bureaucratic group, and the adjutant of the chief of staff.

Does this mean that the former president of the famous Blue Blood Brotherhood, a confidential officer in a key position, has a level of will similar to that of a wild animal?

...Hmm, but considering that guy’s past virtues, it doesn’t seem strange.

In short, on the first day of the National Day in 2010, we encountered such a bad thing, and everything was really unhappy! I'm afraid only my uncle's pickled fish and aunt's dumplings can cure me.

When he thought of this, Yu Lian quickly returned to the dormitory to pack his luggage.

However, what did Mr. Zhou, who had never appeared in this world online, say? By the way, bad luck does not exist. But being unlucky once means that you will be unlucky many times in the near future.

Just when he had packed a few changes of clothes and gifts for his family, and was about to wait for Feifei at the school gate, he called her first.

"Yu'er, there's something going on now. I just got the news from the principal and General Schwartz... Of course, if you don't agree, you don't have to accept it."

"You put it like that, but I don't want to accept it because I didn't listen!" Yu Lian said helplessly.

"...Actually, it's not a big deal. July 12th this year, when we graduate, is the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Community Space Fleet. You know that, right?"

Yu Lian thought to himself that if you didn't remind me, I would have really forgotten this incident.

"So, the school has convinced the National Defense Commission and the central government to put together our graduation ceremony and the Navy Day celebration. We are preparing to hold a large-scale celebration."

Yu Lian thought about it carefully, but he had no memory of this.

Compared with so many major events that will happen in the next few years related to the rise and fall of the community and the fate of galactic civilization, no matter how grand the celebration is, it is not a historical event that needs to be remembered.

"Well, this sounds quite interesting. What, do you want us students to perform a show? Do you want me to go on stage? First of all, I must not be able to accept the preparation of the show!" Yu Lian said that he also had the same problem. Dignified, I was a sea warrior in my previous life, but I am a soldier in this life. You can’t become an idol just to save the community, right?

"You don't need to prepare a program. This has nothing to do with us. The National Defense Committee has invited a large number of celebrities to come and will organize a grand party. However, there is still a finale, and we are needed. . After all, it’s Navy Day, and soldiers still need to be present.”

"You're not going to ask us to perform a skit, right?"

"What are you talking about? Since you are a soldier, you must choose the soldier's way. So..."

"So, it can't be that one, right?"

"Well, Yu'er guessed it right, it's just a ship combat exercise."

Yu Lian breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it was lucky that he didn't choose a group of people to form a team to compete in the ring or something.

After all, this is a galaxy full of martial virtues. Individuals with brute strength are always respected, especially in the military. This kind of thing might actually happen.

In comparison, the custom of monitoring actual combat exercises of ships, which has been circulated at the Central Defense University for at least a hundred years, sounds much more normal.

The best students from recent graduates are selected to serve as trainee captains. The crew on the ship, except for a small number of necessary safety, damage control and supervisory personnel, are all students.

Their opponents were elite crews led by a senior captain.

This probably symbolizes the spirit of passing down the fire between soldiers. In addition, it also gives these elite students who have high self-esteem a chance to show off their power and let them understand that the world is not that simple.

Of course, such activities do not happen every year. It depends purely on the quality of the students that year and whether the school has the budget for this. In fact, this meaningful event has not been held for ten years.

...However, an exercise is an exercise. What does the military affairs have to do with the so-called finale performance?

"Because our actual combat exercise is the last program of the Navy Day celebration!" Feifei emphasized the word program, with a hint of distress in her smile, and then continued to explain.

In short, the duel between the two warships will not only be watched live by big shots, but will also be broadcast live on national television and the Internet. By then, hundreds of billions of people may be watching.

Of course this can also be understood as an exhibition match.

Of course, just like all actual combat exercises, except for the weapons, everything is real! "

"...I probably guessed that the captain must be Horatio Wayne, right?"

"No, Mr. Venn is one of the captains."


"The rules have changed this year! It's not students against veterans, but students against each other. It's said to let young people show off their talents. Wayne is the captain of the blue team, and as for the red team's... fish Son, the celebration organizers and the school have already made a decision, you guessed it, right?"

I already guessed it without reading the poem!

"But, is this unscientific? My grades are not very good, and now my average score is only 3.5. I'm not being modest. How can I, an ordinary student who is struggling to pass, become a student representative? ?”

"Including the internship score, it has risen to 3.8. Moreover, you are the first one of us to receive the Silver Crown and Sword Medal. Who dares to say that you are not excellent? Admiral Schwartz just told Nixi to the school The Chairman of the Tower Committee commends you."

"Which one?"

"Keith Nichta, Chairman of the National Defense Council!"

The Chairman of the National Defense Commission is the third-highest figure in the community's administrative system, after the President and Prime Minister. He is also the theoretically highest military and political officer. Naturally, he is an extremely important figure.

It stands to reason that for a mere student's name to have fallen into the ears of such a big shot, others would have been flattered and ecstatic, but Yu Lian curled his lips, not even bothering to hide his physical disgust. .

"..." Why are the names of the people I don't want to hear today kept coming out like potatoes? Also, how did that guy notice me?

Feifei looked at Yu Lian, without asking any more questions, and continued: "Your Excellency, Chairman, has carefully reviewed the whole story of the West End Galaxy Battle, and has repeatedly praised you as a pillar of talent who can lead the community's army and protect our country in the future. Junjie also said that our 830 world has produced a group of upright, noble and brave knights who protect the country, and the most suitable person to be the leader of this knighthood is you."

Yu Lian really wanted to find a broom to brush the goose bumps off his body.

"It is said that his praise made many people restless."

Yeah, I'm one of them. However, Vice Principal Robnan must be one of them, and I suddenly looked forward to his expression.

"But that's not scientific! If we want to represent the outstanding students, don't we have you Feifei? You will be the captain, and I will be the charge captain for you."

Do I need you to be my stormtrooper? Since you were a child, when have you defeated me? Feifei's eyes smiled like two crescent moons. Although she didn't speak, she expressed the above meaning with a standard healing smile.

Yu Lian, who was a little proud because he became a psyker, suddenly didn't dare to continue to expand.

"I can't do it. On the day of the celebration, as one of the student representatives, I have to accompany the leaders to watch the ceremony and be responsible for explaining and hosting."


"That's right. Since it's a grand celebration of Navy Day, the hosts can't all be civilians. In the end, of course, I have to be the one. So, I will collaborate with my idol, Ms. Lola, congratulations to me. , fish!”

Ms. Laura seems to be a very famous TV host in the community, and Feifei vaguely admires her.

"...So, you are not planning to take this opportunity to enter the television industry, are you? However, if Feifei becomes a female news anchor, the major media will compete for her head."

"I don't know, I haven't thought about it yet. Life is not so easy to decide. But fortunately, we are still young and have the right to waste and take detours." Feifei pursed her lips and smiled, naturally Changing the topic: "Anyway, Yu'er, think about it carefully. Again, if Yu'er doesn't want to do it, just don't do it. Anyway, there are people like Kent, Qiu Mingshan and others who can take the lead."

Yu Lian pondered for a moment and asked: "So, what does Feifei think?"


"Does Feifei want me to go?"

"...What I say may interfere with the fish's judgment."

"But I need someone right now who can interfere with my judgment and even strengthen my determination."

Feifei covered her mouth and laughed for a long time, and then said: "Yu'er said this, which means that he already has the answer in his heart. But, if you ask me, I really hope you go. Ha, who are those people in Wayne? Yu'er should let everyone see who is the real king of the 830 world! You don't need to hide your clumsiness, you should show your due domineering power! I have never heard that a 21-year-old still needs to hide his clumsiness. .”

"In addition, apart from the performance nature of this exercise, it is indeed a real thing. Just treat the big people watching as tomatoes and potatoes! If you become the captain, except for the temporary command at that time, all the crew members will You need to win over and match up by yourself, and you can only choose from college students. In addition to your command ability, it can also test your organizational skills, your ability to win over, and even your connections. How about it, does it sound real?"

It’s just an imaginary “reality”. On a real battlefield, how extreme conditions would have to occur before a single-ship duel would occur? It felt worse than two captains holding spears and riding horses against each other.

Even so, Yu Lian still noticed the key point in Feifei's words.

"Students at school, that is to say, not just our school, but any school, right?"

Feifei was startled for a moment, then nodded and said: "That should be the case, but I still have to confirm... What do you mean, are you ready to accept it?"

Yu Lian thought about it carefully and felt that before July, apart from completing papers, drawing pictures, making plans, and working with the black (cat) intelligence organization, there was nothing serious to do.

Besides, this seems to be a good opportunity to build relationships with future SRs and SSRs!

"Well, it seems that you can give it a try..."

"Then, that's my answer." Feifei smiled: "According to Chairman Nicita, this is the most important battle to decide which of you is the leader of the Knights!"

"I want to find a place to hide in. How can that person say such a thing at that age?"

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