Him and their stars

Chapter 1129 What I want to see is this feeling

At this time, more than 30,000 people crowded into the square. And as this provocative death heavy metal song sounded, everyone's emotions became more agitated, and they were having fun while thinking about the crowded stage. At this moment, anyone who wants to move a little may have to use all his strength.

At this moment, the psychic node closest to Yu Lian should be more than twenty meters away from him. For an ordinary person, even at such a distance, it would take at least half an hour just to squeeze through. However, Yu Lian has already entered the etheric body state. At this time, his body is actually between illusion and matter. In theory, he can pass through everyone like a quantum ghost. But in fact, when he quickened his pace, it was more like a strong wind than a ghost. When he passed by the crowd, it really made several people stand unsteadily.

However, the benefits of having more people are vividly reflected here. Although they suddenly lost their footing, they just bumped into other spectators. There was a slight commotion in the crowd, but fortunately it quickly dissipated in the boiling atmosphere, and finally no major conflict occurred.

Yu Lian apologized silently, and without stopping, he passed through the gap in the crowd. He felt that the environment he was facing now was extremely cramped and rugged. Think about the past, no, think about the future. This is how I felt when I was a suicide squad and charged against the barrage of the Imperial Army.

What's more important is that when you get closer to the core of spiritual energy fluctuations, your physical state will inevitably be spiritually disturbed. The psychic fluctuations that were in a secret state just now were so secretive, but now, with the addition of the death heavy metal songs, they were like a whirlpool formed on a rough sea.

If you are still a newbie and are using techniques such as force field jumping, you may have been mentally disturbed and lost control of your ability, jumping directly to the floor and becoming embedded in it. However, even when he was close to this position, Yu Lian didn't even feel the slightest bit of manic depression.

He saw an Obo man in simple clothes. His stocky and wide body took up an area of ​​two people. He looked like a typical working class man, and he relied on heavy physical strength to make ends meet. He might be used as a consumable at any time. kind of. He and the surrounding audience seemed to have been immersed in the scene created by the singing.

Yu Lian had silently appeared behind the other person and pressed his hand on the back of his neck. At first glance, the Obo people's body shape seems to be square, as if they have no neck, but after all, this race is also a typical four-legged carbon-based creature that walks upright, and naturally has a very important spinal cord.

Like most humans, this is the necessary route for the mind's central instructions to the body. Even if you are a psyker, if you don't strengthen yourself to the point where you no longer look like a serious carbon-based creature, this is still the most important body point.

When the spiritual energy explored by Yu Lian's fingers had broken through the opponent's rough skin, he finally reacted. His whole body trembled subconsciously, and he reached for his waist.

Yes, he is a well-trained warrior. If it were an ordinary person, he might not be able to react even if Yu Lian cuts off his brain stem.

Then, there was nothing more. What Yu Lian used was the interception hand, which was a psychic martial skill named "Zhengyang interception hand" by his master. Such exquisite martial arts are used to cut off and disrupt the flow of spiritual veins on the enemy. Even a psychic shield placed outside the body can have the effect of breaking the surface. It is enough to cope with the situation when used by masters to compete with each other. It is of course even more pleasant to use it to bully the small ones... of course.

In an instant, the nervous system on the opponent's spine had been directly deprived of all sensory functions, and even the channel for transmitting spiritual energy was cut off.

What Yu Lian did was deprivation rather than destruction. The opponent is equivalent to turning into a statue with the ability to think, unable to move anywhere except his eyeballs. But other than that, all his vital reactions are normal, and his sphincter failure will not cause incontinence to attract the attention of those around him.

Having said that, with the extreme high-fat eating habits of the Ob people, if the sphincter really fails, the smell will be very strong. Even the onlookers who are having a blast playing death heavy metal will react, right?

This method is not impossible. Yu Lian thought, he stretched out his hand and took out the source of spirituality. It was a sign made of unknown wood, with six zero-element crystals about the size of mung beans inlaid on it, and the patterns on the wooden sign. It just constitutes a very design graphic.

An intermediary for psychic transmission. Although it is a one-time use, it is still very well made.

At this time, the singing on the stage has changed to "Resurrect the dead! Withered bones, attack from the grave! Your soul will be frozen by fear, they want to enslave! The killing will not stop until the first ray of dawn! You all! I'm going to take you to hell!"

Come on! The intention of this lyric is too obvious. If the melody hadn't been too violent and uninhibited, Yu Lian would have felt aroused.

He looked at the members of the Black Sail Band who were roaring loudly and playing their instruments crazily on the stage, and suddenly felt that these crooked people suddenly became more solemn.

Well, "anti-social" emotional outbursts are not the correct way to resist, but at least you can shout out your voice. In a sense, this may be regarded as an improvement.

However, most of the time, the cry for progress may not have a positive effect.

Yu Lian had already guessed that with the addition of this psychic array, the destructive desires in the hearts of these viewers would be continuously amplified, and they would even lose their minds completely within a certain period of time.

Just like it was in the Big Apple back in the day.

No, if you consider that this is a municipal park, and there are ordinary citizens, even the elderly and children who come here to relax and take a walk nearby, the "sky" less than 200 meters above the ground is a dome made of transparent material. If it really happened, it would be the most unbearable thing to say. The situation will be much more miserable than the situation in the Big Apple.

Yu Lian is not sure who is the mastermind behind these things, but once things reach a deadlock, the final beneficiaries will definitely not be these workers who are holding back their anger.

My beloved relative and friend No. 1, you are really haunting me!

So, just when the spiritual fluctuations on the wooden sign were about to rise to an order of magnitude again, Yu Lian stretched out his hand and pinched it, and immediately pressed the spiritual energy crystals and array patterns on it into powder.

An instant later, the psychic energy fluctuations that had affected the entire square suddenly stopped, as if a vacuum had been drawn around the flames, and not even embers were left.

The general audience around them didn't seem to realize this, and were still dancing to the violent lyrics and overly "anti-social" lyrics. However, Yu Lian could clearly feel that this fiery emotion was indeed cooling down little by little. If it was about to turn into an erupting volcano, now at least it is just boiling water in a normal state.

Well, although boiling water is also very dangerous, the harm caused is much smaller after all. At this time, Yu Lian has done everything he can do.

At this time, the communication from the nine-man security team came to his ears again, this time it was replaced by the inspector's lady: "Your Excellency, we have arrested all suspects with weapons. Moreover, The spiritual fluctuations are stopping, our support..."

Yu Lian thought to himself, I already know, the golden whistle sent him a positive signal ten seconds ago.

He then ordered: "There is an Obo man here. He is a two-level adaptable person. He is wearing a gray-brown work vest, black bag trousers, and slippers. He is an insider. He will remain in a vegetative state within twelve hours. state."

"Ah, Your Excellency, we..."

Yu Lian ignored the other party's call and cut off the communication without explanation. The Obo psyker, who let his eyes move wildly, raised his hands in place like a statue, and slipped through the gaps in the crowd silently again. Go out, and soon there will be no trace.

Accompanied by increasingly passionate music, more and more inquiring audiences are gathering in the square of Municipal Park. Of course, death heavy metal is actually the legendary durian-type music. People who like it like it very much, but people who don't like it will be extremely disgusted. As a result, there were many tourists who couldn't accept this violent style, covering their ears and leaving the park in a manner that was almost like running away.

At this juncture, there were naturally some unremarkable figures mixed in with the crowd. One of them, a middle-aged human man wearing a cheap jacket, exchanged silent glances with his companions in the crowd and parted ways. He soon followed the flow of people across the street along the overpass, walking straight past the police cars parked on the side of the road and the riot police with live ammunition.

Police riot control drones and medical drones flew over the streets and entered the park.

Some passers-by had noticed something and stopped to watch. However, a bipedal security robot held up a loudspeaker and signaled: "Citizens, please return to your homes immediately. Please return to your homes immediately."

The voice of the security robot uses a synthesized clip sound of a young lady. It sounds quite sweet. It should be to increase the affinity as much as possible. However, with this kind of appearance that is more than three meters tall, with two hydraulic mechanical legs like a steel ostrich, with ferocious Vulcan cannons, stun dispersers and gas nozzles hanging on the weapon racks on both sides, it is really friendly. Can't get up.

Then, I saw a bulletproof limousine stopped at the entrance of the park, and a few well-dressed "big shots" who looked like dogs got out and hurried into the park.

There were alert passers-by at the scene and recognized them as the mayor and executives from several large local factories.

"Ah ha ha ha ha! Black Sails' new song has poked their butts out, right?"

"I knew those boys would never forget their roots."

"Yes! The Black Sails Band is our own after all."

"You're talking nonsense, didn't you just say that they were here for a cross talk show?"

The onlookers laughed cheerfully.

This ordinary man wearing a cheap jacket also laughed and laughed with everyone, and then quietly watched the melon-eating queue and continued to march towards the interior of the park. His pace was fast, but he didn't look flustered at all. Inconspicuous in the endless flow of people.

Soon, he had passed through several streets and entered a dense residential area.

Green Locust City is one of the earliest orbiting space cities in the Alliance, and it has a history of more than a thousand years since its construction.

We all know that it is a bit difficult to expand this early space city. A large amount of mass must be allocated to ports, docks, warehouses, and various factories. The space allocated to the residential area (for ordinary workers) is naturally very limited, and the layout is naturally different from the pancake spread in the surface city. It is built according to the bearing surface of the main structure of the space station. Its surface is not flat, but presents a curved surface.

Then, those houses were expanded step by step according to space requirements. The appearance is not suitable for living. It looks more like a large series of cubes pressed together, like a building block toy with a very late modern art style.

The passages in these buildings are complicated and erratic. If there are no street signs and terminals, even old residents may get lost. Of course, in areas where street signs are damaged and terminals are down, sin and secrets form a scarlet area, a city shadow that seems to swallow up all light.

Green Locust City is always full of warnings to naughty children such as "Don't go near those shadow areas, you will be eaten."

Of course, this seems to be a common legend for all big cities in the universe.

The ordinary man followed the maze-like complex passage and entered the shadowy area of ​​​​the city with street signs and terminal damage. This is already the sixth underground level of the space city, and the starlight spilling from the transparent dome in the upper space is no longer visible.

He walked at a very fast speed in the passage that was only two meters high and more than one meter wide, but he did not look around furtively. The tramps and homeless people lying and sitting in the tunnel hid their malicious eyes behind their flattering faces and observed everything around them, but it seemed that they really did not see his presence.

In this way, he came to a narrow fork in the passage that was hidden by a pile of debris and two abandoned robots. He ducked in and walked for a while before he saw a large closed iron door with a heavy rudder hanging on it. The plate looks like an ancient hatch with a sense of age.

The ordinary man looked at the old robot doll lying on the side of the passage next to the big iron door. This simulated humanoid is lying on the ground, sticking out its lower body in a rather bad posture.

The man was suddenly startled and wanted to leave immediately, but inexplicably he felt that his lower abdomen was hit by an unbearable pain. His steps staggered on the spot, and his whole body almost collapsed. His body even twitched uncontrollably. He let out a miserable roar.

Immediately afterwards, the door suddenly burst open from the inside. A figure had already leapt out and knocked the ordinary middle-aged man down on the spot with a knee.

"Hey! Where to escape!" It wasn't until the blow was completed that the figure let out a scream.

A closer look revealed that the attacker was a beauty in her early twenties, with a slim figure but also a fit and agile body. She was wearing a body-hugging power soft armor that showed off her figure, and a camouflage cloak that had not yet activated its function. She was the goddess. Gongsun Qing, who had been hiding for a while, is also dead.

The man's facial features were beaten into a ball, and his whole body started to wail, but his hand still reached towards the inside of his jacket. But then, Gongsun Qing pierced his wrist with a dagger, making him unable to move, and the girl pressed her knee against his throat, and he could no longer make a sound.

"It's so cool! This is what I want to see!" Yu Lian, who was hiding aside in an elemental body and observing secretly, almost jumped up with excitement.

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