Him and their stars

Chapter 1154 I am leading the recovery

Of course, the dialogue at the space station headquarters did not affect the workers in the Tianshu galaxy at all. They still work hard to complete today's work with an enthusiastic and hopeful attitude.

At this moment, the number of workers, soldiers and civilians from all walks of life gathered in the Tianshu galaxy was already nearly 300,000. Half of them are distributed to several "naturally" habitable planets that have restored their atmospheres, and preliminary reclamation and exploration have begun.

The other half, with all the heavy-duty orbital operation equipment currently available, are working around the planet Tianshu 7, which reflects the metallic luster, as if they were a group of diligent worker bees.

This planet is the gas giant that once hatched the Star Planters. But now, with the resurgence of the sun in the Tianshu Galaxy, the three terrestrial planets have directly become habitable planets, and the same magical changes have also occurred on Planet No. 7. This blue gaseous planet is several times larger than Jupiter. The gas bound by gravity seems to be dissipating and melting little by little under the sunlight that has restored its vitality. What was then displayed in front of everyone was a solid planet with a metallic halo flowing through it.

This is a manifestation of the existence of a large number of high-purity open-pit metal mines on the planet's surface, and there may even be a considerable scale of zero-element mines. This is like a huge open-pit gold mine dropped from the sky. I feel that if I don't dig it, I will be sorry for the gift of the spirit of the universe.

In addition, the strong magnetic field phenomenon near the planet still exists, but it is stable within a controllable range. It will not affect the gravity and shipping of this galaxy, but there is still an objective environment for building a high-energy orbiting laboratory.

In short, all changes are developing in a good direction.

Therefore, after a brief safety inspection, the hard-working New China workers quickly established a rough processing site and a mining landing platform on the orbit and began orbital operations.

Yes, considering that this planet seems to be made of various heavy metals and does not actually have an atmosphere, orbital mining operations are the most cost-effective option.

In the following more than two months, no unexpected danger occurred. And the hard work has also given everyone generous rewards. At present, various rough-processed ores have piled up in the mining platform. The sector government made some estimates and found that if these roughly processed ores were sold directly, even at the lowest market price in the past five years, it would be able to fully cover all the military expenses of this Star Planter crusade. This includes ammunition and energy losses, wear and tear on ship equipment and subsequent repairs, as well as compensation for all casualties.

Therefore, with the tacit approval of Mr. Qi, Mr. Bernard, the political secretary of the district government, waved his hand and demanded that all workers involved in the development of the Tianshu system be given three times the bonus.

The morale of the workers was naturally high and their enthusiasm for work expanded.

Even if a few development companies and mining heads are dissatisfied, they dare not show it in the mainstream atmosphere. Of course, this may also be because New China has always been a remote area with no big companies settling in. Agricultural reclamation companies and mining teams are small businesses run by locals, and most of them rely on the unified planning of the district government to find jobs. The boss and employees are all from the countryside, so they still have to pay attention to how they eat.

Then, on this day, when the semi-automatic mining ship belonging to the Master Wheelman knocked on the copper mountain in the mining area it was responsible for, it seemed to capture a very complex gravitational signal.

"Will it be element zero?" The crew members suddenly became excited. Their limited knowledge told them that unscientific data fluctuations occurred in this mineral detector, which naturally meant that unscientific knowledge was discovered.

"Just now, the drill bit of Xiaojin No. 3 was damaged and could not go deeper. I have sent it back early." The vice captain said to the old captain.

"The drill bit is broken? This means that it is not an unstable and dangerous element. Maybe it is a hard sacred metal?" The experienced old captain breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Holy metal? Mithril? Fine gold? Osteel? Shadow iron? The crew members suddenly became excited as these names that made their blood boil flashed through their minds.

According to the rules, although the zero element mineral veins discovered will be directly nationalized, the bonuses will be quite generous. One thing to say is that in this regard, the New China Government has indeed never treated those of them badly.

Not to mention, you always need to dig a few shovels when exploring, right? Isn't it reasonable for some of the edges to accidentally roll into the ditch and disappear?

The accountant on the ship said: "If it is a sacred metal, our drill bit cannot penetrate it. However, the collection of zero-element ore is still very delicate. If it is not placed properly, it will affect the final quality."

Then it will also affect everyone's income.

"So, Captain, do you want to request support from the command center?"

However, the captain, boss and chief engineer snorted with confidence: "Who do you think I am? Move the ship over!"

For a small mining company like this, a ship and crew are the entire company. The old captain has been engaged in mineral exploration and initial collection work in the New China star area for more than ten years. He has never been in trouble and is still very prestigious among the ordinary crew members.

Under his order, the mining ship attacked directly.

At this time, the captain told everyone that he had graduated from a serious mining college, had worked as an engineer in the military's prospecting team, had mined zero elements, and even had a military rank and the rank of second-level sergeant major.

If it hadn't been for the founding fathers' era, and all the military's mining departments were later handed over to civilian operations, he would now be a first-class sergeant major, and he could be a leader in front of less senior generals.

Then, the captain carefully selected a few experienced crew members, equipped the ship with mining power armor, carried relatively light tools, attached tractor beams and composite traction locks, and gradually entered the deep hole formed by the cracking of the copper mountain. In the ditch. That's where the gravity signal breaks down.

At that moment, they seemed as if they were about to be swallowed by the gate of hell that appeared on the earth. However, everyone involved was very excited and felt that the golden coins were waving to them.

However, when the miners actually reached the end of the crack, they only saw a little smooth cross section exposed from under the cover of rock mixed with high-quality copper ore.

Smooth as a mirror.

"Captain, this is..."

The miners had never seen this scene before and were shocked.

The captain said that he had never seen it, but when everyone is panicking, as a leader, he must calm down.

"It doesn't matter, brothers, we have experienced hundreds of battles, what situation can't we withstand?" the captain said seriously: "It's nothing more than finding a relic. Relics, think about it carefully, isn't this more valuable than the zero element mineral vein? The above The master, as well as the extraordinary masters, will give us a large bonus!"

When the miners thought about it carefully, it seemed that this was the case. They still feel terrible, but they finally managed to put on a stiff smile.

Of course, as outstanding miners who have experienced hundreds of battles, they did not stay where they were, knocking here and there to die. Instead, they quickly sent a signal to the headquarters and signaled the tractor beam to pull everyone up.

Of course, the crew of the Old Whitman did not know that just when they were pulled away from the cracks in the mine by the tractor beam, the mirror at the bottom of the valley where they were just now was already glowing with a warm silver light, and occasionally there were patterns or patterns that they did not know. The golden light symbols of the words flowed behind the silver mirror.

And this scene was sent to the command center of Tianshu 1 Space Station three hours later.

"I see, that young star planter also has the responsibility of guarding it!" Mr. Jin said with a smile: "It's like the ancient dragon guarding the treasure of the gods."

Professor Zinov always felt that he had seen the silver light and golden runes on the image somewhere. At this time, he also received an energy message from Aisen and others who rushed to the scene.

He glanced at the data in the report and then thought of what Gray Lady had said before. He suddenly thought of something, but then he showed an expression of disbelief.

"Madam, as an ancient leader, wouldn't it violate your code of conduct to deviate like this?" Professor Zinov asked: "Of course, as a beneficiary, I am not qualified to accuse you at all. At most, I am not qualified to accuse you. I just hope it can satisfy my curiosity.”

Gray Feng smiled and said: "I am just trying to revive the legacies of the previous era one by one and achieve the desired effect. This is of course also a kind of leadership."

She paused and then said: "Besides, Professor, the universe is very mysterious and vast. Even if it is discovered, it does not mean that it can be activated. Even if it can be activated, it does not mean that it can be used. Even if it can be used, it does not mean that it can only be used. You use it yourself. Perhaps in the end, your power will be nothing more than an empty game that wastes time and energy."

In the early years, Yang Xiyi actually had no interest in the mysterious and magnificent universe. After his father, who was engaged in interstellar cargo transportation, died in an interstellar accident, he no longer had any romantic feelings for this vast, dark space.

Therefore, he could put his hand on his beloved Twenty-Four History and swear that the reason why he embarked on the road of joining the army was indeed because of free college tuition and good treatment from the elite bureaucratic group.

"If I can hide in the Institute of Military History and do some knowledge, and wait until I get a little more qualifications, I can resign. I can find a way to find a teaching position or research position in a certain history in a certain university. My life will be complete." Yang Xiyi looked at the cold and deep universe outside the porthole, sighed heavily, sipped a cup of black tea mixed with brandy, and said helplessly: "I really never thought that my thirty-fifth birthday would be wasted. In a big iron cabinet floating in space. And this time is still far away by visual inspection. I never thought that I would be promoted at this time!"

Lieutenant Colonel Micheel Kent, who was sitting opposite him, shrugged: "Teacher Yang, you should have said this in front of Commander Conneris and Chief of Staff Tivington. We have known each other for so long, this kind of Words can no longer arouse hatred.”

Yes. Just the day before yesterday, April 3, 833 in the Common Calendar, Minister Peker, who regarded himself as the Imperial Envoy, led members of the Central Supervision Group to "inspect" the Dawn Star Territory, where law and order was gradually restored. After that, he finally returned to the Unity Fortress at Dawn Pass with great satisfaction.

According to the original plan, the "supervision team" composed of parliamentarians and senior bureaucrats of the central government should officially return to the country.

However, at this moment, his mother also received the latest communication from the central government of the earth, granting the deputy chief of staff of the expeditionary force, Major General Yang Xiyi, the position of commander of the Unity Fortress garrison, and at the same time being promoted to the rank of lieutenant general.

Of course, the position of deputy chief of staff of the expeditionary force is also concurrent.

As a result, Mr. Pecker postponed his return trip and instead prepared a promotion ceremony with great interest. This chubby politician seemed to like this kind of joyful celebration ceremony very much. Not only did he personally conduct the ceremony, he also invited many Allied generals and even senior "Allied forces" from the other half of the fortress to watch the ceremony.

During the ceremony, Pekel wore a sanctimonious smile and presented Yang Xiyi with the third general star and the top-level precious medal of merit.

In addition to Yang Xiyi, dozens of officers have been promoted and thousands of people have received medals.

But in any case, at least according to the atmosphere at that time, it can be said that the guests and hosts were enjoying themselves and everyone was happy.

Even Yang Xiyi, a hard-core anti-system element, has to admit that recognition from the home front is very important to these soldiers who have been fighting on the front line for nearly a year.

"It's just that those who have been promoted to the front of the line are all officers who graduated from top military academies. To put it bluntly, they are members of the elite bureaucratic group. Eighty percent of those who have received medals are also officers." Yang Xiyi sighed: "In this promotion After the ceremony, we have to appease the emotions of ordinary soldiers, but it will be more laborious. If I hadn't been sure that Minister Peker didn't have the courage, I couldn't help but suspect that this guy was a spy for the empire."

Kent, who was also promoted to a level, said helplessly: "But, Teacher Yang, we are the 'lunar people' and we have always been the biggest beneficiaries."

Yang Xiyi was noncommittal and poured himself another glass of brandy.

"So, the Earth side actually wants to appease you and is willing to acknowledge your great achievements in previous wars." Mihir Kent said: "They know that you were the one who captured this fortress. They I also know that you were left here because of the selfish motives of the Commander and Madam Chief of Staff. Since Commander Conneris and Chief of Staff Tivington cannot be dismissed, of course we can only promote you."

Kent smiled again and said: "Furthermore, I heard that Congressman Pecker himself will be appointed as the Minister of Heavy Industry Development and Planning after returning to China. A big fat job! But to make this job stable, you need to work with the military. Cooperate well. He actually hopes to have a good relationship with you."

"No, they just saw that I had taken down this demon's throat, and they hoped that I could keep it." Yang Xiyi sighed, "This is such a good city! Even if it is just used as a research sample, it is enough for us stupid modern people. It has been studied for centuries. Moreover, it is also the gateway to the Dawn Star Territory and the logistics transit and maintenance center for all fleets in the Star Territory, so naturally it cannot be missed."

This is indeed the truth. Kent heard a different emotion from the other party and couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "So, what are your plans..."

Yang Xiyi blinked his eyes, then changed to a lazy sitting posture, and said in a chatting tone: "Speaking of which, Mr. Marklov and Miss Bonaparte and their Thirteenth Fleet will go back to Xinyumen to accept Where are the new ships and new recruits now?”

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