Him and their stars

Chapter 1160 Master and apprentice smile away their grudges

Yu Lian looked at Miss Bei across from her, wearing a poker face that showed no emotion. At this time, he really didn't know what expression he should use.

"Hahahaha, isn't it also very virtuous to use a destroyed snake pit as a memorial to witness human friendship? Student Yu Lian, is your expression so happy?" Yani looked at Yu Lian's face, A bright laugh erupted.

"No, I just think that such a big thing happened too suddenly, and I need to spend a little time to sort out my mood." Yu Lian bared his teeth and said quietly: "After all, it is the world's snake, the world's history The longest established villain association. But from the way you talk, it sounds like you are going to raid some illegal small casino on the outskirts of the city."

"Hey, haven't you been saying that the snake is our black glove?" Princess Rainbow Rose showed an elegant and indifferent arrogant smile: "Does it take a lot of effort for the master to burn the black glove?"

The girl's faulty memory is that she always uses her previous casual remarks as a verbal weapon, which is very embarrassing. Yu Lian smiled awkwardly but politely.

By this time, besides smiling, he no longer knew what expression he could use.

Miss Bei continued: "And, since it is Black Gloves, we must be aware of Black Gloves. Moreover, since the year before last, the empire has been inviting us to participate in the joint operation to suppress snakes, but there is a saying, only here In fact, our response was a bit slow. Now there are all kinds of weird rumors out there, which are really damaging to our country's image. Even if it is to prove our innocence, we have to do something."

Yu Lian suddenly showed a shocked look: "Are you possessed by some strange dirty thing? The Princess Hongqiangwei I know actually has the fearless (zi) spirit of a C-section fan. ?"

"Anyway, it wasn't me who was cut open, it was a snake." Yani smiled.

What should I do if I suddenly feel a little pitiful for the snake?

"After the previous expedition to the New World, it is basically confirmed that the snake is also one of the culprits of this catastrophe. For the sake of peace and stability in the entire galaxy, it is of course necessary for us, the Free Galaxy Alliance, to shoulder the responsibilities of a big country."

"You sound like a great commander when you say this." Yu Lian sneered.

"I am just repeating what Commander Tatos said!" Princess Rainbow Rose smiled.

Then, she showed an impeccable diplomat-like smile, and said with an unprecedented formal attitude that Yu Lian had ever seen: "Then, let me introduce myself again here. Major General Yu Lian, Special Inspector of the Extraordinary Administration The officer, Yamida Senge Berenkeist, officially resumed active duty before last month. I will serve as the alliance commander of this 'Snake Killing' operation and be responsible for all early intelligence and military and political affairs. Now , officially invite you and the dreadnought Fuxi to participate in this operation!"


"Just give me a normal reaction. I'm actually under a lot of psychological pressure when I talk to you in such a pretentious tone." Yani said angrily.

"The personnel system of your Extraordinary Management Bureau sounds quite lively."

It is now April 20, 833. After the Yagomi Award in March, Yu Lian said goodbye to Feifei and took the Fuxi, which had completed basic testing, to the ow-72 system near the Tuckers sector, which the alliance military called The space fleet training center of the "Fire Galaxy".

This is an unremarkably stable prime-life star system with seven planets and two relatively dense asteroid belts, but no naturally habitable planets. Of course, there are some mineral resources in the galaxy, but they are not so abundant that they are worth a high glance from capitalists and governments.

After the time entered this century, the alliance designated this place as a training ground for the navy's main battleships.

This is probably due to the relatively diverse natural environment of this galaxy, which can simulate most battlefields. Or maybe it's because, after all, this place is located at the junction of the Lothar Sector and the Tagus Sector, and its geographical location is quite important. Let those giant ships that can cross the galaxy fight their bayonets here, which should be able to scare the rebels.

In addition, if there is a major incident that cannot be solved by the local security forces, the fleet in the exercise can be immediately replaced with live ammunition and fly over any planet in the Lothar star field in minutes.

Of course, this place can be regarded as the alliance border for the time being.

Starting from here, the high-speed cruiser can reach the border of the Alliance within 24 hours, and can reach the Corridor of Heroes in 72 hours to enjoy the magnificent scene of the Spiral Grand Cross Nebula.

If they continue their forced march, they can even reach the Feimo Nebula within a week and go to the other side's empire for a cup of tea or something.

In short, considering the geographical issues, this galaxy can be regarded as a battleground for military strategists. In addition to serving as a training ground, the alliance has also built facilities such as dry docks, maintenance platforms, energy and ammunition processing plants, and even two medium-sized fortresses that can house tens of thousands of people.

When the Fuxi arrived in the Huoyuan Galaxy, Yu Lian and his comrades discovered that there were already three dreadnoughts and a Titan ship, plus nearly thirty warships of various types, waiting for them here.

If the Qingqiu ship owned by the white-haired fox was not present, he would have thought that the alliance was preparing to encircle and suppress him.

Then, a large and round supply ship came up and brought the supplies consumed along the way to the Fuxi, as well as high-end ingredients, tobacco and alcohol, and even a batch of submersible terminal plug-ins for universal entertainment. The captain of the supply ship, a fat and big-headed Angba man, also said that this was the latest product of their Afilot company, and the alliance military had already ordered a large number of it. These are the latest samples, and they are completely free. I just hope that General Yu Lian can help the company put in a few good words to the top military leaders of the community, and I will be very grateful.

Yu Lian remembered that this so-called Aferoto company should be a company that sells pornographic films and adult games, right? How did you get involved in the military business?

After carefully considering this so-called universal entertainment terminal plug-in, Yu Lian immediately understood it.

Having said that, current stealth holographic games have been adhering to the legal red line of 90% realism. It seems that they are only missing 10%, but if you really experience it, you will understand that the gap is still huge. . Does using this thing to replace playing mahjong really have the experience it deserves?

…Well, it’s always better than nothing. What's more, a simulated virtual game in Evil Spiny Salamander 18 is better than a three-dimensional army.

"Oh, by the way, the club on the fortress has also opened. You are welcome to go and enjoy the scenery during your break. All officers and soldiers of your country will enjoy a 50% discount." He showed a smile that all adult men would understand: "As for the generals, Well, as long as you are willing to lower your dignity, it is our greatest support! I will prepare the best service to make you feel at home."

Okay, co-author Junji...ah, the club filled with fruit plates has already been built, right? As expected, we cannot expect too much from the conduct of the imperialist army.

Of course, whether it was entertainment plug-ins or club invitations, they were all bluntly rejected by Brigadier General Andrew Tovey. This old sailor is now the official captain of the dreadnought ship Fuxi, and has always placed himself in the position of deputy and military disciplinary officer. As a result, the crew members on the ship were all afraid of him, but they also respected him.

However, no matter how upright and serious a person is, after rejecting the entertainment invitation, he will naturally be unable to refuse the other condolences sent by the other party. At this time, the opposing alliance military even proposed that before the exercise begins, everyone should hold a party or something together to praise the friendship between the two countries that has lasted from the War of Independence to today.

"Don't worry, the Alliance army won't get us drunk and just grab the ship." Yu Lian said with a smile: "Moreover, this time we marched in a hurry the whole time, and it only took a month to get to the Alliance from Turank Border. Everyone's performance throughout the whole process was perfect. After working hard for so long, you should still enjoy it."

Brigadier General Tovey was worried that the military appearance, which he had finally put in order through this rush march, would be relaxed due to an indulgent feast, and he might suffer a big loss on the training ground.

Yu Lian smiled: "It is better to lose face on the training ground than to lose your life on the battlefield. Moreover, even the iron army composed of saints pays attention to the combination of work and rest. If you really relax because of a banquet, you will just It shows that you haven’t practiced enough.”

"This is a subordinate who is too lazy. Sorry, sir." Brigadier General Tovey bowed his head and apologized. In the first two months, Yu Lian had to worry about "technical" and "foreign affairs" work. As his deputy, he was responsible for the training and discipline of the entire army.

"I have never meant to be responsible for you. Old instructor. Some time ago, it was my problem to push all the complicated work to you." Yu Lian smiled and said: "So, in the days to come, let us work together Let’s build a new hell for the officers and soldiers.”

Having said that, before this hell is set up, Yu Lian, as the supreme commander, still has his own "diplomatic work" to do. So, while other officers and soldiers began to play music and dance under the supervision of Brigadier General Tovey, he had to accept the invitation of Princess Rainbow Rose and board the Qingqiu.

Then, in the special psyker prison on the lowest floor of this luxury cruise ship, which was written as "Princess Yani's personal work ship", Yu Lian saw this "Pale Witch" who was also famous in the world.

Then, the previous conversation happened.

Speaking of which, the empire had been inviting the Alliance to join the all-out campaign against the "Snake of the World" since the year before last, but the latter's response, if not resolute, was simply dumbfounded. It would be unreasonable to say that there is no acting element, and it is understandable that there will be various gossips.

However, it is certainly not an objective statement to say that the alliance is not prepared at all. At the very least, their intelligence agencies are already tracking the snake's tentacles everywhere.

So, this year, when the alliance is really preparing to attack the snake, it is indeed a bit unpredictable and moving like thunder.

Miss Bei told Yu Lian that in the past year and a half, the empire had killed at least thirteen executioners and captured three in its frenzied actions regardless of the cost.

However, in just the past three months of action, the league has produced an almost equal record.

Among them, the most aggrieved one is the famous "Pale Witch". She possesses impeccable acting and cross-dressing skills, and in addition to being a master of psychic techniques, she is also a master of stealth and covert action, so it stands to reason that she can still hide. However, she never expected that the dozen or so identities she had in the past were actually already under the comprehensive surveillance of the alliance intelligence department. She herself was even arrested in an elementary school. At that time, she was even on stage giving a literary report on behalf of all the teachers in the school. What is needed is a suddenness.

Then, the reviewers from the Extraordinary Management Bureau and the Intelligence Department naturally used all their methods. The "Pale Witch" couldn't bear such humiliation and pain, so she naturally activated her own mental defense mechanism, and fell into the current state of squatting with her head in her hands.

"So, I still don't quite understand. What's the point of this method? If you really want to protect yourself, you need to fight."

"The Pale Witch, like the leader Flores Wanda, has his own religious order and military power. He is considered a prince and knows many secrets. The Time Lords of the World Serpent are in their heads. A little something was implanted and a little insurance was done. It’s not like you haven’t seen it before.” Yani smiled and tapped her temple.

Yu Lian immediately thought of Master Wanda, who had not even died like a serious human being. For a moment, he just felt sad, and he sincerely expressed his condolences for his only beloved relative and friend.

As for why Leader Wanda didn't know, his senior sister "Pale Witch" knew it. This must mention the century-old reconciliation between Thorn Witch and her disciple.

"With the help of her teacher, the Pale Witch officially developed this technique called 'Soul Substitution'. This technique is actually quite interesting. I made some improvements. In addition to forming a substitute defense against spiritual intrusion, it can also Construct a virtual spiritual avatar in your mind and turn defense into offense. This will be more flexible than the physical body. If you want to learn, I can teach you."

"No strings attached, right?"

"Who do you think I am? Since it was improved by me, it is naturally my property. If you want to share it with anyone, you only have to consider your current mood." Yani glanced at Yu Lian, Then he said: "It is better to simulate a personality to bear the mental attack on your behalf than to lose your mind and be turned into a virtual beast by the insurance left by the snake of the world."

For a moment, Yu Lian felt a little pitiful for the "little girl" squatting in the cell with her head in her arms.

Probably sensing Yu Lian's thoughts, Yani stretched out her little hand to hold the former: "Don't worry, she is not a demon after all, and she has no intention of torturing prisoners of war. Codenamed 'Pale Witch' Domina Pitt Ms. Luo, before activating the mental double, still explained some issues, including the surrounding astrological conditions she observed when she went to the snake lair for a meeting. This was enough to win a leniency for him. If she had After she regains consciousness, if she is willing to cooperate with us, I can also hand her over to the custody of the Thorn Witch."

At this point, Yani sighed: "I didn't expect that a young girl like me would have to mediate the family affairs of an old witch and her disciples. Is this some kind of life?"

"...So, what exactly did you get through this old witch?"

"This old witch is in the snake's den now." Yani opened a star map and traced her finger across the edge of the Spiral Cross Nebula, but she pointed her finger at the Red Maple Republic, which was squeezed by the nebula on the edge of the cantilever.

"She didn't know the exact location, but she was sure she was here."

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