Him and their stars

Chapter 1185 The snake's lair is coming

Yu Lian had imagined many possible beginnings, but he never expected that the first person to express his support would be Colonel Xinda.

This is a middle-aged man of medium height and thin build. Perhaps because of his gloomy aura, he always gives people a short and rickety feeling. He does not look like a soldier, and certainly does not look like a glamorous politician, but a senior old bureaucrat, the kind who has little ability but considerable ability. The type who is good at office politics.

His job is as a section chief in the Secretariat of the National Defense Commission. Although he is dressed as a soldier, he is part of the internal affairs force. Even his uniform is black. In essence, he is more like an informant arranged by professional politicians in the military. Now he is a member of the frontline supervisory team, which is the so-called supervisory army to put it bluntly.

Engaged in such a special job, Colonel Xinda naturally became the most disliked person on the entire Fuxi dreadnought.

Fortunately, he himself was very self-aware. After arriving with the follow-up fleet, he completely treated himself and a few assistants as furniture. He would not take the initiative to express his opinion on any matter. Even if someone asked him intentionally, he would only respond with onomatopoeia. Even the meal time would be staggered with other senior officers as much as possible.

Speaking of which, apart from the occasional pleasantries, Yu Lian had never even heard of this voice.

Now it sounds like Colonel Xinda's voice is quite loud even though his body looks very thin.

Sure enough, everyone was shocked except himself. The officers present looked at each other, as if they were sizing up a piece of furniture that suddenly spoke.

However, Colonel Xinda waved his hand vigorously and said loudly: "Gentlemen, our comrades have achieved brilliant victories in the past year. Now, the 'Dragon of Dawn' in the New World is here with us. ! He has led us to a victory, it is time to move towards another victory!"

So this "Dragon of Dawn" is the nickname given by which chuunibyou originates from it? Yu Lian closed the corners of his mouth. For a moment, I had the idea of ​​beating Colonel Xinda to death.

As for the others, they all had obviously disgusted expressions. Yu Lian even heard clearly that Colonel Mina Walter had sneered.

But I have to admit that Colonel Sinda's tone and accent are still very contagious and provocative, and the content is generally very politically correct. As soon as these words came out, not to mention the reaction of the senior officers, at least the middle and lower-level officers who were taking notes next to them all showed expressions as if they had been beaten to death.

One of the young officers, who seemed to be showing signs of bipolar disorder, also jumped up. He was about to clench his fists and shout a few slogans, but Captain Tovey glanced at him coldly, and then he quickly sat back angrily.

At this time, Brigadier Zuo and Chief of Staff Mkawa had already made eye contact. The latter pondered for a moment, coughed slightly, and then said: "Your Excellency, if this battle plan is implemented, even if Gong Ao is really trustworthy, he has successfully completed the bombing and covered our successful landing. Then, we What is the combat goal?"

"Your Excellency, we don't know the size of the target fortress yet, but since it is a super terrorist organization with a long history, the size of the base should not be too small at least, right?" Colonel Mina Walter asked.

"Consider it the size of half the Qingtian Castle." Yu Lian smiled.

"Then we can't rely on our own strength to execute our tactical objectives." Although Brigadier Zuo looked like a martial artist, he was unusually calm and said in deep thought: "There are four subordinates under the command. A mechanized infantry regiment, a heavy armored regiment, and a support regiment, totaling 8,000 people including various auxiliary personnel."

Your brigade is almost as good as someone else's division. Yu Lian thought.

"But if we carry out a landing operation, we can only use the four infantry regiments, and the total number of combatants is only 4,500. It is impossible to completely occupy the fortress."

"Also, since it is Snake's base, there should be quite powerful psychics. If you enter an unfamiliar space station rashly, the casualties will be very heavy." Colonel Mina Walter added.

"What you all said makes sense! But I believe that the Commander has already considered everything." Colonel Singh said.

If it weren't for the emotional expression on this guy's face, Yu Lian couldn't help but suspect that he was trying to set himself up on purpose.

"After landing, use the penetrated hangar as the preset position to formulate a defense circle." Yu Lian pulled out the structural diagram of the snake lair and marked the location of the drone hangar: "Then, use our morning Hui's omnics take the lead and occupy the fortress gun control room and the drone control room."

At present, the fleet's landing combat strength, in addition to a reinforced brigade of marines, also has 5,000 sets of intelligent combat robots, officially labeled as "Chenhui Intelligent Combat Robots." To put it bluntly, it is a copycat version of the Gray Mist Omnic at the Navy Festival.

...Well, unknowingly, the Blue Star Community has become a little bit like a copycat country.

Of course, if the Xiaguang-class cruisers and Saratoga-class aircraft carriers are just imitations of 70 to 80 percent of their original performance, half of the Blue Label omnics would be pretty good. After all, the first two are products of previous generations, and the latter can afford a blueprint for war weapons for the time being.

However, after all, it is a combat omnimachine, and it is always better than nothing.

"...Use a robot as a leader?" Brigadier Zuo had some doubts.

"It's a robot anyway, and it's suitable for exploring new terrains," Yu Liandao said.

This probably doesn't matter for the Chenhui Type A used for line filling, but the cost of the B Type used for assault and the C Type used for fire suppression is much higher than the pension of half the Marines. Brigadier Zuo really wanted to say this, but seeing Yu Lian's attitude, he was somewhat moved.

"However, I heard that this terrorist organization is a secret society with a long history and possesses many dark technologies of the Enlightened Ones. Is it possible for us to use robot assault to be counter-charged?" Chief of Staff Mkawa asked.

Although Brigadier Zuo knew that what the other party said made sense, he still couldn't help but cast a dissatisfied look.

Yu Lian shook his head and said, "They can't do it."

There is a golden whistle, let the snakes come and take a look.

"Why do you see it?" Brigadier General Mkawa asked.

Yu Lian had always felt that Brigadier General Mkawa, who was fifty-five years old, was an old-school officer who lacked personality, but now he was a little impressed.

He straightened his sitting posture and said seriously (nonsense): "The central control port of the Chenhui system is actually directly bound to the shipboard AI on the Fuxi. The frontline commander's control terminal can only command his own It's just a unit. The World Serpent may be able to use special interference methods to peel off the control lines, but if you want to seize control, you have to hack our flagship from a long distance."

"When that time comes, I will physically turn off the ship's AI. The tens of thousands of elite sailors on the ship can't even manually control the ship, so they might as well just fall into the reactor." Commodore Tovey said in a deep voice. This old sailor is a rigid and humble person, but he also has a confident side in his professional field.

Yu Lian smiled and nodded, and continued: "In addition, I will also bind the control port permissions to my personal tactical terminal. When the time comes, I will use psychic energy to protect the security of the central control."

"Can psychic power be achieved to this extent?" Brigadier General Mkawa was shocked and couldn't help but look at Colonel Mina Walter.

"I am just a third-level person. But you are already a saint." Colonel Mina said: "Chief of Staff, the number of saints in their early twenties is only in the double digits in the history of the entire galaxy. Completely. You can rest assured.”

Seeing that the chief of staff still had a doubtful expression on his face, Yu Lian decided to continue speaking seriously: "Actually, this principle comes from some concepts of the Communion Star Ring. They are a combination of spiritual energy and technology. Pioneers. First..."

Brigadier General Mkawa showed a suitably moved expression: "Your Excellency, even my subordinates don't understand what you said!"

Then you still ask? Are you looking for trouble?

"Theoretically, the commander has no obligation to explain these things to his subordinates. However, you are still willing to explain patiently." Brigadier General Mkawa paused: "Your Excellency, the commander's attitude often determines the combat effectiveness of an army. And the victory or defeat of a battle. Because of your attitude, we are all willing to follow you unconditionally."

Yu Lian was slightly startled, then stood in awe. It's not because of what the other person said, but the way and attitude of speaking. To be honest, at this point, the flattery already has some artistic conception.

Yu Lian used to think that Chief of Staff Mkawa was a personalityless bureaucrat, but now that he thinks about it, he is an outstanding person who turned his lack of personality into a personality!

In this way, Brigadier General Mkawa appears to be much smarter than Colonel Xinda's previous slogan-like praise.

Sure enough, Colonel Xinda next to him had a shocked expression, and there was a bit more scrutiny and hostility in his eyes, as if he saw his lifelong enemy.

In fact, it's really not necessary. All I know is that you are all crouching dragons and phoenixes with unique skills, and that is enough. Yu Lian thought.

At this time, Brigadier Zuo said: "If we can capture the central control of the fortress guns and drones, we can form a relatively safe breakthrough point. Reinforcements from the Empire and the Alliance should be swarming in. The official made some calculations. , we may only need to hold on for 60 minutes. In this way, at least the honor of being first is ours."

It can also be seen from these words that this veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles and is both rough and fine is perhaps one of the most reliable people in the entire fleet. He can definitely be called a Wolong in the literal sense with Captain Tovey. Feng Chu’s.

Colonel Mina Walter also nodded: "In this way, we will have priority in the subsequent negotiations for the spoils, right? At least this is the rule of adventurers."

"...It's impossible to tell. However, the diplomats will indeed have more leverage, and the adults on the other side of the earth will also feel that their faces are bright. Originally, many congressmen were unwilling to take action in this battle. We are soldiers, but if we have achieved glorious military exploits, the result will be another matter." Brigadier General Mkawa looked like a veteran.

"Ordinary people are also welcome. Now there are more reporters on the cross channel than merchant ships. The people don't care who has suffered the most losses or who has done the most merit. They only care about who is the first to board." Colonel Xinda also added.

Yu Lian couldn't help but sigh. Although there were many sleeping dragons and phoenixes in this fleet, when it came to doing business, at least he could think about problems in a different way.

Yu Lian then said: "If the army lands in the ruins of the hangar we captured, the troops of World Snake may lose their will to fight and abandon the fortress. Escape from the opposite direction, be on guard and be prepared to intercept and kill."

"So that's it! Is this the legendary Woodpecker Tactics?" Colonel Xinda once again issued an exaggerated praise: "He is truly worthy of being called the Dragon of Dawn!"

Yu Lian was so restless when he was photographed that he really wanted to throw this guy out of the conference room.

You know, if the war really comes, the fleets from the Three Kingdoms will definitely surround the snake hole. There is no need to strengthen the defense in any aspect. He just mentioned it casually.

As a leader, you always have to say some correct nonsense from time to time, so that your subordinates can use it.

However, I let you develop your abilities, and I didn’t let you expand to that point!

Yu Lian bared his teeth rather sadly and said with a straight face: "Please make a landing plan. Chief Gong Ao will make the same proposal to the empire and the alliance. We need to come up with a plan before then."

Overall, this should be considered a correct meeting, a successful meeting, at least no one objected. So everyone saluted and left, getting busy.

Of course, Yu Lian did not rest, but took out his notebook and began to sort out all the clues he knew about the snake's lair.

Speaking of which, in another timeline, the location of the snake den was discovered, but that time was already 872 years ago in the common calendar. At that time, community was already out of reach. The leaders of the empire and the alliance have been replaced by the two ambitious queens. The Shibao Ship Group led by Gong Da has become the largest warlord group in the Spiral Cross Nebula, and is attracted by the two major powers.

However, at the same time, Xia Li also continued to cause insect plagues in the hot spots of the galaxy where the forces are intertwined.

The Great Khan Tomiteli led a mighty fleet of predators to break out of the center of the galaxy, spreading blood and fire to every corner of the universe.

Compared with the above situation, the World Snake will become a has-been villain.

What's more, the snake lair that was discovered was just an empty city that had been abandoned for a long time. Only through the products left above did we know that this desolate ghost city was actually the headquarters of the snake.

However, in the previous timeline, the snake lair was discovered in the Abyss Nebula, where the environment was even harsher. But I don't know how such a mobile fortress can pass through so many dense shipping routes and escape the surveillance networks of various countries.

This was one of the reasons that surprised Yu Lian.

But even so, the investigation of the snake lair was led by various officials. Naturally, wanted criminals like Yu Lian could not climb up. However, as an excellent sea...ranger, he always has his own channels to understand the progress of the work, and he still has some understanding of some settings inside the snake lair.

There is a saying that as a psyker, he is still very interested in snake treasures. But now he is a commander first, and his priority is how to maximize the interests of the soldiers and the country while ensuring minimal casualties.

"...So, in the B6 area here, the Alliance Supernatural Management Bureau said in the 14th inspection report that there is an alchemy laboratory. Although the equipment has been moved away, the spiritual residue is still obvious. Let me see, the distance Our landing point is not too far away in a straight line, so it is indeed necessary to explore it. However, safety must come first."

"But I don't know if the space shuttle of the Heavenly Jade can be used inside the snake lair... But this must be when the main battle has stopped. As a commander, you can't leave your post without permission."

Yu Lian made an assessment of possible situations and formulated several sets of plans. Logically speaking, this should be the responsibility of the staff department, but the candidate he really valued most as chief of staff, Akinayama Hachiman, was not there after all. Even the second choices, Mihir and Luo Ze, were not here, so they had no choice but to come in person.

Just when he had just drawn up some preliminary plans, it was Yani's call that woke him up from his heavy work.

Considering that Miss Bei was looking for him at this time, it probably wouldn't be a private matter, so Yu Lian still answered the phone.

"They are coming." said the eldest lady of the Berenkeist family.

"Oh, the snake is here? Where is it?" Yu Lian found that the other party's expression should be calm, but there was displeasure hidden in his eyes.

"In the Canchuan Galaxy...he jumped in directly."

"That free trade port?"

"Yes, that's the free trade port."

"That free trade port where you invested in the orbital business district and the empire built a cluster of space villas, which can be called the Pearl of the Galaxy?"

"Yes, that's it...wait a minute, why do you look so gloating? Please pay attention to your expression management!"

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