Him and their stars

Chapter 1189: Put yourself to death and survive?

Yu Lian couldn't help but take a breath of the old knife and almost choked himself.

You know, those two lofty space city halls were invested by the two overlords. Leaving aside the Alliance's resort shopping mall, the Empire's eco-city pavilion is, in the final analysis, a villa area built on rails. Every street and house is surrounded by various gorgeous and comfortable gardens and precious flowers. The temperature and humidity have also been adjusted to the most suitable environment for human beings and most carbon-based organisms to live. Under the expensive mirror dome, in addition to expensive commercial buildings, there are also many self-built buildings and manors by the imperial nobles.

To put it bluntly, they are all the property of the various empire lords!

...Speaking of which, remember that this villa city hall was jointly developed by King Wilente and King Bedo, right? Oh, that's no problem.

At this time, the other party was still saying seriously: "In order to ensure the humidity and light of the entire orbital garden, there is a heavy ion fusion reactor in the Canchuan Garden Villa. Adjust the direction of the anti-gravity interface and the energy washer. It is possible to launch the main body of the city hall out of the gravitational influence range of Planet 5, so that it may be able to disintegrate naturally without affecting the other space cities in orbit. As for the Millennium Square, I believe there are similar equipment."

Yu Lian took a closer look at the other person's facial features. He had a face that was not handsome, but very heroic and majestic. He looked like a very reliable elite soldier: "Colonel, have we met somewhere before? "

The other party was slightly startled, then quickly shook his head and said: "I have never had such an honor."

"I have heard of your name, from a good friend of the empire." Yu Lian changed his serious expression and said solemnly: "Colonel Urd Xora, whatever you use By some means, please ensure that all space cities and starports in this galaxy remain closed. No ship or person can be released. Is that okay?"

The Imperial Army colonel named Xora had no idea that such a big shot would even know his own name, and was stunned for several seconds. However, I don’t know what kind of psychological struggle he went through in his mind. He nodded vigorously and said decisively: "I understand, Your Excellency! I will not let His Highness down!"

That Your Highness, which Your Highness is it? Yu Lian chuckled in his heart and thought to himself, who said that in another timeline, the Imperial Marshal, who was the Director of the Imperial Military Police and the Commander of the Sky Defense, was a calm, diligent and honest man?

Isn’t there a lot of selfishness?

It stands to reason that the empire only has one advisory group in the Canchuan galaxy, with no soldiers or ships. But since the future marshal of the empire is so confident, Yu Lian decided to trust him. Anyway, if he does it, it's equivalent to winning the jackpot. If he doesn't, it's within the acceptable range. Therefore, he no longer paid attention to the opponent's operations, but continued to direct the entire fleet to move clockwise in the predetermined direction, and occasionally used long-distance artillery fire to fight back at the snake's lair.

Of course, conducting artillery battles at such ultra-long distances actually violates the basic principles of space warfare. If Yu Lian had done this in a simulated battle when he was a student, he would have failed the instructor...

Well, speaking of it, wasn't the old Captain Tovey next to me my instructor when I was a student? This old man is still commanding the battleship meticulously. Looking at the old captain's upright, serious and even somewhat high-spirited expression, it seemed that he was really ready to give the snake a hard blow or two.

However, the two sides engaged in an hour-long awkward shooting, but they could hardly cause any damage to the other party.

Of course, during this period, the two most expensive space equipment in the entire galaxy were really driven by the green-skinned magic modification project and began to climb. After breaking away from the gravitational influence of Planet 5, the luxurious space cities belonging to the two overlords quickly disintegrated in the process.

However, it can be seen that the disintegration process is still orderly and controllable. Various parts and exterior wall facilities of the space city are separated from the main body during the process of climbing and moving, but it does not look like a collapse, but more like a minelayer. It's like he's using his own body to make a mine.

When the main bodies of the two space cities collided, a sparkling space debris defense belt was really formed.

This process lasted about 40 minutes. When it was completely completed, the Snake Cave, which was like a giant A Piao, passed through the sky at a "close range" of less than 2 million kilometers from Planet No. 5.

It actually fired a few shots in the direction of the space city. By the time those powerful energy shells penetrated the space junk "shield group", they had almost no power.

Of course, there were also a few drones that took a few steps towards Planet 5, but they didn't know whether it was because of the obstruction of the space junk or orders from a higher level that they quickly moved back.

From here, we can at least see that Snake Lair does not regard killing civilians and civilian facilities as its first goal.

"...But, since it was not the first target, why did we fire those shots? Why did we have to get close to this distance when we could?" Yu Lian thought about this, and suddenly had some guesses, feeling that he seemed to be Got some blind spots.

At this time, the bridge of the Fuxi finally received new good news, but it was a friendly signal from reinforcements. However, something unexpected happened to Yu Lian. The reinforcements that first arrived on the battlefield were not the alliance fleet as Yu Lian had guessed, nor were they the main force of the "Shibao Ship Group", but another very famous pirate group called "Storm". "Son" - its number of battleships is not large, only about twenty in total, but its flagship Fengshen was modified from an old battle cruiser.

Their big boss is Aiqisa, a Naga woman and the only woman among the Four Kings of the Galaxy Pirate World.

Then, in the communication sent by the Fengshen, Captain Aiqisa, who had sea-blue scaly skin, clasped his fists respectfully and said: "Your Excellency, the little girl is floating half of her body because she has not met her master. Now, the little girl is willing to take care of her. Brothers, bring order to the chaos and completely eradicate this evil cave that has brought harm to the galaxy for thousands of years!"

You do look like a purine half body. Yu Lian couldn't help but think so as he looked at the upper half of the opponent's human-shaped body and the lower half of his snake-shaped body.

"So, it seems that you have found the Ming Master?" Yu Lian said with a smile.

"Hey hey hey, well, at least I think it's better to eat the imperial food for comfort. As for which royal food to eat, we can discuss it later. However, after the Snake Den invasion was confirmed, the Alliance and the Empire have jointly requested all automatic defenses on the Nebula Channel The facilities were closed, and an omen order was issued to the Spiral Cross Nebula again, saying that as long as those who participated in the attack on the Snake Lair, they would be able to... uh, get a certain degree of mitigation. Since it is a red-letter document written in black and white between the Alliance and the Empire, If we continue to be coy, won’t we be too ignorant?”

Yu Lian couldn't help but sigh again. The world of Jianghu is indeed not about fighting and killing, but about worldliness. It's hard to say whether a person who can become a pirate king will be able to do so, but his ability to climb along the pole will naturally be very strong.

"So, General, do you have any orders?" She said sincerely again, as if she was bowing down to listen to my orders.

"On the premise of protecting yourself, let's go and rescue the guard fleet."

"Huh?" The female captain of the Naga tribe showed a confused look. After all, she was a pirate, and she had many interactions with the joint guard fleet on the Nebula Channel. Even if the relationship between the two parties could not be called mutual hostility, it could at least be regarded as a deep hatred.

"It's enough to stand on the street in friendship. The real master hasn't arrived yet, so why risk your life?" Yu Liandao said.

Captain Aiqisa was startled for a moment, and there was a hint of sincerity on his face: "You are a respectable general, and I am willing to obey your orders."

The Sons of the Storm fleet then changed its target and headed towards the guard fleet, which was still fighting a small number of drones. The guard fleet had already lost 60% of its combat power, and it still needed to free up manpower to rescue teammates in the wreckage of the battleship. Even though more than half of the enemy aircraft it needed to face had been reduced, it was still a bit stretched. However, all the above crises began to resolve after the "Son of the Storm" arrived.

Let the pirates rescue people. They are definitely not professionals, but as long as they completely attract the attention of the enemy plane, the rescue effect will be objectively achieved.

This move allowed the remaining officers of the guard fleet to dig out tens of thousands of comrades who could still be salvaged from the wreckage of the sunken battleship. And this scene was indeed photographed by a nearby reporter's interview boat.

Of course, the above issues are not important at least for now.

What's important is that the second batch of reinforcements also arrived soon after, but it was still not the alliance or the empire's fleet, but the core assistant of the "Ten Treasure Ship Group" led by King Gong Ao, which was composed of more than sixty green ships. A group of pirate ships composed of second-hand and third-hand small warships and armed merchant ships that are very playful.

The ships are not big, and they don't have the magically modified N-hand battle cruiser of "Son of the Storm", but it can be guessed that the people on board must be ruthless bandits.

"... You pirates are all coming faster than the regular army. I always feel that you are all deliberately preparing to jump left and right. If we are unlucky in the battle with Snake Lair, you will be more righteous than Snake?" Yu Lian asked with a smile.

Gong Ao hurriedly shook his head: "Look what you said, when you go out to hang out, you must pay attention to the worldly manners, and you must also pay attention to the morality of the world. If you jump into the back and stab in the back, you will be despised by the brothers. Without credibility, there is no prestige. How can you convince the public? Only Only nobles and politicians can do such things without being punished."

In a sense, what this guy said makes sense.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. A week ago, I convened everyone in Nebula for an industry meeting and decided to swear to fight against the snake!" Gong Ao raised his fist high: "We have no relationship with this guy who is destroying the industry ecology. We live together!"

Well, because of the crazy operation of Snake (?), it greatly offended the empire, and because of its alliance with the Predator, it even stood on the opposite side of all countries in the galaxy, so it directly became the largest villain organization in the universe. As a result, the combined fleets of the three countries besieged the Spiral Cross Nebula, and the pirate kings who gathered in the mountains and forests here were forced to go out to "find a clear master."

From this perspective, it is right to say that they are destroying the industry ecology.

Yu Lian smiled and said: "So, Chief Gong Da, have you ever thought that a snake den would appear in this place?"

"It's not surprising that it appears from anywhere, but I really didn't expect it." The big pirate king also showed a distressed expression: "Well, actually, from Black Abyss 008, and then through the Tiange 017 galaxy, there is actually a The hidden channel can jump directly to Canchuan."

"Hey, hidden channel? Or jump directly from an unmanned galaxy in the nebula to the middle of the channel? You pirates are really good at hiding! You must be waiting for the opportunity to make a big fortune, right?"

"This, this... this is also a star map that us old seafarers dug out from an old ruins in the Spiral Cross Nebula. But with the spirit of the universe above, we really don't want to take advantage of Canchuan. There is too much here. The interests of many gentlemen are involved. If there really is a big fuss, we will be surrounded and suppressed by the army, and the business of catching the sea will be impossible! Only a few of us and our navigator know the information about this channel. Everyone does it It’s a good deal, don’t try to take advantage of Canchuan.”

Very good. As a promising pirate king, Mr. Gong Ao understands the principle of sustainable fishing.

"However, you all know that it is easy for the snake to understand." Yu Liandao.

"But, that channel is a dotted line. Even the Mermaid Lady's Fengshen can't travel, so why would the Void Fortress... Oh, yes, that Void Fortress can travel within the nebula. It seems that the rumors are true. They have the technology to expand the waterway." Leader Gong Da suddenly understood: "But is this necessary? Isn't a place like Canchuan just a big bellows? It's easy to get in, but it's difficult to get out."

"Perhaps you are risking your life to survive?" Yu Lian shrugged.

"No matter what, as long as it appears, we will have won half the battle." Gong Ao saluted seriously: "Then, let's get ready for the fighter planes to take off."

Yu Lian also nodded: "Wait for the opportunity and follow my instructions."

Then, more than half an hour later, that is, 1 hour and 57 minutes after Yu Company arrived on the battlefield, the alliance's main fleet also entered the battlefield aggressively.

The first to enter the battlefield were two extremely fast battle cruisers. They broke away from the large fleet formation and quickly moved towards the Earth Fleet. Yu Lian recognized it as the Alliance's "Norda-class battlecruiser." The main gun firepower of this type of warship is not fierce, but while ensuring speed and endurance, it also carries a high-power wide-area shield, intensive protective firepower, and even a hangar and sailor room. To put it bluntly, this is the most perfect sword-carrying guard beside a battleship.

This is also understandable. For other countries, battle cruisers are first-class battleships, and they must use firepower in such decisive battles. But for the Empire and the Alliance, this is only a second-level battleship, and more emphasis is placed on functionality.

The Alliance was probably worried about something happening to the Fuxi and sent reinforcements here.

At the same time, the alliance's main fleet also formed an artillery formation. Twelve heavy arsenal ships that looked like warhammers began to move forward under the cover of various auxiliary battleships.

This was also the first time the human fleet took the initiative to approach the snake lair when the war started.

The silver-white snake cave finally stopped chasing and began to slowly move towards Planet No. 4.

At this time, Yu Lian also received a message from Miss Bei.

"Flying the kite is hard work. Just calm down and wait until I take off the turtle shell of this thing! There will always be a time when you are in the limelight."

After her words, the front of the twelve "warhammer"-like arsenal ships had simultaneously sprayed out crimson light beams surrounded by cold light, like sharp swords, towards the snake lair at least half an astronomical unit away. Whistling away over there.

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