Him and their stars

Chapter 121 Judgment

The thousand-foot giant above the clouds raised his finger and slowly pressed down on Yu Lian, who was smaller than ants and dust below the clouds.

His fingers turned into light and he pressed hard. In that light that is colorless and formless, but so dazzling that even the spirit body cannot look directly, everything seems to be invisible.

In the ocean of consciousness, when this light of judgment comes, all life and death of oneself will be invisible.

However, this is the world of souls, this is the world of spirit, and this is the world where consciousness determines energy. As a materialist, he still cannot understand how the material concept of the ocean of consciousness exists.

Maybe some sort of quantum Dirac sea?

However, this is not important. At least it doesn't matter now.

What Yu Lian firmly believes is that actions must abide by public order and good customs, but the will belongs to oneself. Everyone has the right to rely on his or her free will to pursue the right course of action. This is not only the meaning he could understand as a "Freedom Rider" in his previous life, but also because there was someone who taught him this way in his previous life.

Before the light of judgment came to him, Yu Lian used the words of enlightenment and chanted deep in his soul: "The place where my will is is my world!"

The writings left by ancient enlightened beings have their own spiritual power in a mystical sense. However, this is not something ordinary people and low-level psychics can produce with their vocal cords.

However, this is a virtual realm, a world of spiritual energy. This is the sea of ​​consciousness, a world built by "spirit" that does not even exist in the physical body. If he has such memory, he has the spirit, and he has the possibility to directly realize these things.

"Soul judgment? Ring crushing? Consciousness control?" Yu Lian looked up at the giant above the clouds, facing the light of judgment pressing towards him.

my will! No one, no one who claims to be a higher being, is qualified to judge!

in his consciousness. His spirit body also began to expand, supporting the light that covered him. Just like that lawless monkey, he still stands proudly under the heavy pressure of the sky.

Then, the cold and piercing light of judgment began to disperse. After the halo, surprise, astonishment and obvious relief appeared, and finally turned into ecstasy.

"Judgment! Soul of Wu Gu!" Behind the light, a faint voice sounded, like a bell.

Immediately afterwards, a series of syllables were injected directly into Yu Lian's brain like a magical sound.

Fortunately, those syllables are very rhythmic and dynamic. Even if they are poured in directly, they will not be offensive. Instead, they have a fairy sound that makes people intoxicated.

More importantly, Yu Lian had even heard of those "immortal sounds"...

The light faded, and Yu Lian quickly regained consciousness in a moment of trance. He found that he had returned to the real world again. Still in the cemetery on the outskirts of Jincheng. Feifei was still behind him, and even continued to be pulled behind him, with a hint of doubt on his face.

Yu Lian quickly looked inside his star ring, and finally managed not to laugh on the spot.

Sure enough, in the realm of psykers, the fastest way to level up is either to leapfrog the level and beat the boss, or to be beaten by the boss but not killed.

However, "Uncle Wang" over there was much more happy than Yu Lian. The high-spirited manner just a moment ago was gone once again, and his face was full of undisguised surprise, as if he saw his son, who had always been on the passing line, pass the 985 exam.

"Xiao Yulian, how much of the last thing I told you have you remembered?"

The other party's thinking and speech were really a bit jumpy, but Yu Lian had already vaguely guessed the other party's identity, and immediately read a long string of words in a series of arrogant language.

Feifei next to her was confused after hearing this, and couldn't help but look at a child with schizophrenia.

"I actually memorized it all! Both memory and mental strength are top-notch! Such talent! Such talent!" The joy in Lao Wang's eyes became more and more obvious. The last time it was 985, this time it was Qingbei .

Seeing how moved he was, Yu Lian decided not to tell him about this "Spiritual Vein Breathing Technique" that he had memorized in his previous life and had been practicing since his awakening.

"Qiluo, Lao Yu... have you seen it? This is your son!" He wiped his eyes in the direction of the tombstone, stepped forward and grabbed Yu Lian's hand, and said loudly: "Little Yu Lian, Come and practice with me!"

"..." No matter which path the other party took, Yu Lian felt that he would not be able to shake off the hand of a six-ring+ boss, so he could only respond with a smile.

"No, you shouldn't go to practice with me! You should go to practice with my teacher, so that we are in the same discipline! I guarantee that you will be promoted in one year, three rings in two years, and maybe you will be at my level before you are thirty years old. ah!"

"...So, you said you came to me specifically, is this the matter?" Yu Lian asked with a smile.

"...I'm sorry, Xiao Yu, Yu Lian! I was a little too excited just now." He took a deep breath, and finally turned the ecstasy that could easily make people think wrong into the kind smile of a loyal elder.

"I guess you have forgotten me, so let me introduce myself again. My name is Wang Jingyang, your parents' good friend! I have been living next door to you. Of course, at that time, I was away from home all year round because of my spiritual practice. Well, it’s your parents who help me look after the house.”

Feifei's hand strength seemed to be a little stronger, she must have heard of this name. Yu Lian, who had already made some guesses, breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart.

"As you can see, I am also a psyker." He added.

However, he is not just "a psyker", but a "judge" who "judges" the sixth ring of the star ring. He can already be called a "saint" and is a top transcendent in the field of psychic energy. What he learned from them was the two Blue Star Community’s “human-shaped important weapons for ruling the country.”

The two community's "humanoid weapons of national control" are now quite old. Yu Lian had already withdrawn from the stage of history when he became active in his previous life, but this cannot be ignored. They have made great contributions to the mysticism and supernatural power of people on earth.

In later generations, even in the most miserable and tragic times, the people of Earth have never shown timidity in front of the Alliance and the Empire in terms of extraordinary power. This is largely due to the disciples and grandsons of the two old masters who are still alive today.

There are a total of seven so-called direct "true disciples" of the two old men, and all of them are big bosses in Gao Huan. And Wang Jingyang is exactly the name of one of them.

"When your parents had an accident, I was being taken by my teacher to practice in the spirit world... By the time I came out, you had already moved back to the earth. Fortunately, I saw that you were doing well, so I never bothered you again. ." He showed a guilty look and looked at the pavilions and pavilions in Jincheng at the foot of the mountain, seeming to be nostalgic.

So, the mental ruling just now? Are you testing my abilities, my talents, or are you testing whether I am who I am? Yu Lian was still thinking about this issue when he heard the other party say: "I have been receiving reports from Colonel Chaimen and Major Nani, and I know that you have grown into such an outstanding young man now. However, according to some reports, in After you fell into coma and awakened your psychic powers, you acted too...well, outstanding, so this mental judgment was made."

Feifei's expression remained unchanged, but her hands nervously grabbed Yu Lian's sleeves.

Wang Jingyang looked at Yu Lian, who also had an expression on his face, with a look of relief on his face as if he was about to cry because he was about to cry. This time, he had been directly upgraded to a direct PhD program in Qingbei with a full scholarship.

He thought for a moment, then changed to a more formal title and said: "Yu Lian, I'm sorry. Whether it's from my standpoint as an old friend of your parents or from the standpoint of this uniform, a verdict must be made. .You may not know it yet, but there is indeed such a hidden danger in the concepts of psychic energy and occultism."

No, I know it all too well. Yu Lian thought, isn't it just the will-possession and soul-control that the big guys do to the transparent little ones? Of course, according to the memory of later generations, there are actually many restrictions on this ability. After all, there are too many unsolved mysteries about the concept and composition of the soul. The necessary connection between spirit and psychic energy is also a subject that existing mystics have been studying for thousands of years and still cannot reach a consensus.

There is a saying that when you are staring into the abyss, the abyss is also staring into you. In the same way, when you are peeking into and controlling other people's souls, you are also opening up your own soul to them.

The bosses may have easy control over ordinary people, but when it comes to psychics, even sensitive ones who have not yet awakened, they must be careful to prevent backlash.

This is probably why Wang Jingyang is very confident in his "spiritual judgment".

He had long established a soul fortress of his own in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Once he pulled Yu Lian's spirit body into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, it would be equivalent to a home battle.

If Yu Lian's soul is really controlled by some unknown entity, even the top power of the Nine Rings will never be able to leak any clues in the soul city built by him. Of course, considering that the great power of the Nine Rings cannot project all of his will on a small ring, at most it is just a spiritual clone of the opponent. If you are well prepared, you may be able to make the opponent eat one. What a big loss.

In the history of the realm of extraordinary beings, there have been precedents of powerful beings who had too much fun, projecting clones of their will everywhere, only to be defeated by their opponents, suffering mental trauma from multiple people in a short period of time, and falling instantly. .

Wang Jingyang himself once used this method to beat a seven-ring master until he escaped, and he still doesn't dare to show his face. This is also the battle he is most proud of.

However, Wang Jingyang was very pleased. In the soul fortress he constructed, he saw a clean soul, a brave soul, a soul that was still fighting unyieldingly even under the pressure of his own six-ring ruling.

"Yulian, your parents will be proud of you!" He said proudly.

Yu Lian always felt that something was wrong, and he was not too sure how the ruling was passed just now, but since it was passed, it would naturally be a happy event.

"So, the reason why you met me here by chance instead of visiting my home directly is because you wanted to complete this appraisal in front of my parents?"

"Well... this is probably one of them. And, hehe, I was actually a little bit embarrassed going downstairs with Rong." Wang Jingyang showed an embarrassed expression.

Is this guy too candid, or is he just being rude in front of a unique junior like me?

"Okay, I'm sorry for scaring you, Miss Li. Haha, that was the way a psyker would say hello. I don't have any ill intentions towards Yu Lian."

"Since you are Yu'er's elder, you can call me Fina." Feifei smiled nonchalantly and said to Yu Lian: "Since you want to talk about something, I'd better take my leave first..."

As soon as she said this, she found that her hand had been clenched tightly by Yu Lian.

"A real man has nothing to hide from others, don't you think so?"

"Yes, your mother is like that! Your father is more careless than her! But they are all such upright people, that's why I can become good friends with them." Wang Jingyang continued to be pleased.

It seems that no matter what Yu Lian does now, he will be satisfied.

At this point, Wang Jingyang seemed to have thought of something again, and complained in a low voice: "... Damn it, if I hadn't been going to practice at that time, and your grandpa thought I was an unreliable little gangster and beat him up, I should have been beaten out by now. I laughed at your dad!"

The amount of information was really too much, and Yu Lian no longer knew how to answer it.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic. Now, I put on my uniform and become a court eagle dog." He pointed to his collar badge and said in a tone of helplessness or distress, "With your intelligence, you should guess Are you here? I am indeed responsible for the formation of the same psyker force that belongs to the Community government. Now, this force has been officially named the Blue Guard, or the 'Community Guardian'. Everyone chose it just by a name. For more than half a year, I couldn't find one that everyone recognized, so I had to choose the one that was least hated by everyone."

Based on the number of likes and my personal taste, the Source Wave is pretty good and I like it very much. No problem, let’s just use this one. Thanks Lix-chan, I’ll reward you with this

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