Him and their stars

Chapter 1193 Thank you for your hard work, substitute.

Of course, Charlie knew that the other party was mocking her, but she just said expressionlessly: "Madam, who do you think I am? I have plenty of time. In the past year or so, apart from running away and growing up, I have just been working hard. Let’s study this relic of the Enlightened One.”

She waved, and four purple crystal insect pupae floated up behind her. Compared to the one placed in the nano coffin by "Ms. Now", these four are much smaller, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that they are definitely the same thing.

"I haven't fully mastered their power yet, but I have sensed the existence of the mother body through them, and even completed communication with the mother body. Perhaps, at that time, your senses have been interfered with."

The lady was now silent for a moment. Of course, the girl-like insect swarm master couldn't see the other party's expression, but she also felt a certain sense of satisfaction in having the upper hand. She held her hands and let the octopus limbs behind her grab the Leviathan's lair crystal, looking down at the "Ms. Now", the powerful psyker who once made her unattainable.

In the past, even if I encountered one of the thirteen faces, or even a more powerful executor, I could only run away. But until now, she is by no means an enemy of the opponent based on her individual strength. However, that's just me as a "human" psyker. When she was the master of the insect swarm, she had already occupied the high point.

All of this was brought about by the insect swarm. Then, Leviathan's mother nest is the only sacred object that allows the insect swarm to evolve again.

Her originally unfolded bone wings that looked like demons and the organs that looked like spider limbs began to slowly turn into crystal words against the backdrop of the purple light of Leviathan's Nest.

"Do you understand? Madam, this treasure is destined to me, and it should belong to me." Charlie said loudly: "We do not have any personal grudges with you, and we even have the prospect of cooperation. So madam, As long as you're willing to give that thing to me, I'll let you go."

"But, I didn't see your attitude. My ship has been demolished." Now the lady spread her hands and her voice was very sad.

"I'm really sorry! When the hunter and the great dramatist were chasing me, they drove a boat like this. I was a little psychologically affected." There was mockery in Charlie's voice: "If you are willing to cooperate, I will send you to the Bemode system. It is the entrance to the Spiral Cross Nebula, and there are merchant ships and autonomous settlements established by merchants. I have an intelligence station there, where you can hide from everything Let’s talk after the dust settles.”

"You even have an intelligence station?" Now the lady was quite dumb: "I didn't know that your insect swarm had such a function. Now that you have an intelligence station, will the next step be to control the chamber of commerce or even the government?"

"In this regard, I still have a lot to learn from you. If everyone can survive this difficulty, let's engage in more cultural exchanges."

Ms. "Now" paused for a few seconds, seemingly patiently considering the other party's proposal. After a moment, she stood up directly from the metal cabinet: "You are so thoughtful... But, my little master, big sister, I, it seems true, the most annoying thing is to be looked down upon by you younger generations. ! The times haven’t even changed yet, and you’re thinking of beating me to death? How brave you are!”

Charlie's mind trembled for a moment, and then she immediately caught a huge sense of crisis. Without any hesitation, she stepped back on the giant flying crab under her feet.

Beside her, hundreds of thousands of dragon insects suddenly and violently gathered together like a colony of ants that had received orders, forming an impenetrable line of defense in front of her.

The dragon bugs spit out corrosive and penetrating blade bugs at "Ms. Now" wrapped in nano armor. This insect, which is only the size of an adult's fist, can be regarded as a small-caliber rail artillery shell of the insect swarm. It can complete the process of mass acceleration through the strange organs in the body of the dragon insect. Moreover, the insect body contains powerful poison that corrodes metal, and its skin also has Six to ten sharp blades.

Therefore, each blade insect can be regarded as a smart cannonball with cutting function.

At the same moment, the gap in the side carapace of the Leviathan insect ship closest to itself suddenly opened, spitting out countless blazing energy beams. This thing clearly looks like a living organism, but it seems to contain a fusion reactor that will never go out. It can actually fire energy bombardments like a battleship made of steel.

Charlie's "vision" has been obscured by the defense line formed by countless dragon insects. But similarly, all dragon worms and those Leviathan worms can be her "eyes".

She saw "with her own eyes" that the "Ms. Now" wearing nano armor and the mechanical cabinet at her feet had been completely submerged by her own artillery fire.

Such violent artillery fire can level half of a continent, or completely tear a majestic steel giant ship into pieces. Even the leader of the World Serpent must not be able to survive, right?

If I had had such power a few years ago, I wouldn't have bullied Earl Black Moon like that, right? Charlie couldn't help but have a suspicion, and then subconsciously reached out and touched her neck.

There is also the snake head disguised as an earthling hero, the earthling who should one day become the true leader of the "Snake of the World"... Compared to Earl Black Moon, who beat himself to half a head, That made him even more afraid.

After all, the former's harm to him was physical, but the latter seemed to know himself very well and was full of malicious obsession with himself. He could also really invade his own insect swarm network and cause a direct attack on his spirit.

She felt that if she could get more knowledge from the mother nest and upgrade the insect swarm again, she would be confident to take revenge on that person.

...Of course, before that, the first thing is revenge against the "Snake of the World".

This thought just flashed through her mind, but then, after the blazing light explosion in the sky that was obscured by the artillery fire, a glowing figure suddenly flashed out. It escaped from the dense artillery fire unscathed, as if it had turned into an arrow made of photons, flashing straight towards its own direction.

In an instant, the strong light drew a light trail in the starry sky, like a trajectory pierced by a sharp sword, piercing the protective wall made of tens of thousands of dragon insects. Wherever it went, the dragon insect seemed to have been penetrated by invisible cannonballs through the core of its body. The nodes that constituted the balance of its body and energy were suddenly broken, turning into continuous explosions.

Charlie saw this scene with her own eyes. The dragon insect defense line in front of her started to melt and disintegrate at a heart-stopping speed, like frozen butter meeting a red-hot sharp knife.

At this time, although Charlie no longer had any heart, she still subconsciously took a breath of the entropy that didn't exist in the universe. The arthropods behind her spread out, as if opening a circle. The front end of the arthropods held the crystal of Leviathan's Nest and kept sliding, allowing the alluring purple light to form a mysterious orbit behind her.

Charlie's body shrunk into the ring of purple light, and then she jumped tens of thousands of meters away.

She looked at the giant flying crab in the distance that was lightly cut in half, and almost broke into a cold sweat. If for a second or two at night, he was split along the central axis, wouldn't he become himself?

"This is a bit of a new trick, my little master." The strong light dispersed, and "Ms. Now" was still stepping on the rectangular metal coffin like a skateboard. She let out a murderous laugh: "But, I am still very disappointed in you! Little Master, it is obvious that not only the 'Past Master', but also the 'Future Master' are full of expectations for you."

Her figure flickered, as if she had stepped across tens of thousands of meters of void in one step, and suddenly appeared behind Charlie. The invisible sharp blade formed by the psychic energy field struck the opponent's back.

However, the Bone Wings holding the Leviathan's Nest seemed to have a will of their own, automatically blocking the direction of the force field blade's attack.

The purple light and the invisible psychic energy field collided together, creating a violent earthquake in the void.

The young master snorted coldly, and took advantage of the air to jump hundreds of meters. Then he ignored the other party and flew towards the Leviathan insect ship in the distance. At the same moment, all the dragon insects, including many giant crabs and scorpion-like individuals, rushed towards the "now".

Charlie didn't feel like she was invincible at all. All swarm individuals are derivatives of her cells and will, and are of course part of her power.

"Ms. Now" spread out her steel wings, and a dozen orbs of energy condensed around her, spinning rapidly like an activated shield. Whether it is the limbs of flying insects, or the blade insects and energy beams they launch, once they are hit by these powerful energy balls compressed into a ball, they will disintegrate on the spot.

She chased after him while hanging an absolute defensive circle that water could not penetrate.

"Charlie, little Charlie, you should live up to these expectations. Isn't it so difficult that you shouldn't do better?"

I will do better. If you have the ability, let me run into the battleship. Then I will experience what tonnage crushing is. Charlie thought so.

Although she was being chased, she didn't feel much of a sense of crisis. With the addition of Leviathan's Nest, her current cruising speed is not higher than that of the "Present Lady" who is as fast as a light shuttle. However, no matter how powerful the other party is, maintaining such a state always requires physical strength, but he does not need it. As long as the insect swarm is still there, your physical strength and vitality will be endless.

As long as I drag it on, the advantage will definitely be mine.

But at this time, the lady's voice came into my mind again: "Speaking of it, Charlie, do you really want this brood nest? Are you sure this thing is really a gift from your father?" For you?"

The Lord also responded with crazy laughter: "You are sorry for him. He really thought that you were trustworthy companions who could carry on his legacy. However, your reward for him really makes me happy. What an eye-opener!”

"You are wrong, Xiao Xia Li. Not only me, but also the past father-in-law have not sorry for your father." Now the lady stopped chasing, with a look of nostalgia in her tone: "The past father-in-law is An eredar elf, an immortal species whose natural lifespan is more than four times that of humans. When your father was the father of the past, he was already the 'Thirteen Faces' of that generation. Little Master, he is your father's disciple, He is the one who understands your father best."

Charlie snorted coldly, thinking how could I be swayed by the words of you people? When I return to the battleship, I will use biological energy to use the positron muzzle to kill your eloquent little mouth.

But at this moment, now the lady has stopped flying. Under the cover of the flying energy balls, he slowly opened the mechanical cabinet at his feet.

The nanomachines receded like a tide and merged directly into her armor.

Then, the amethyst crystal that was as tall as a person had already bloomed with a dark cold light. Of course, the light was far from bright, but it still shone tens of thousands of meters into the sky.

Charlie finally stopped and looked there coldly.

More dragon worms came over and slowly approached the "Ms. Now" who was surrounded in the center and the Leviathan nest beside her. Through their vision, Xia Li could easily see the entire purple crystal, and even all the lines and spectral patterns on it were clearly visible.

Just by feeling the deep purple light, Charlie felt that she had been injected with surging spirit and knowledge, and her control over the insect swarm had taken a big step forward. Even the spiritual energy belonging to humans had increased considerably. breakthrough to a certain extent.

At that moment, she even felt that she was only one step away from the truth.

She let out a sigh of satisfaction and extended her perception through the medium of dragon insects, wanting to go deeper into the crystal.

Then, in her perception, the amethyst that was still glowing suddenly became transparent, like a turbid bean seed and a clear glass seed. And in its transparent light package, there is still another human body.

The master of the insect swarm finally felt a huge shake, and his spirit fluctuated involuntarily. At that moment, she felt that she was about to fall into the abyss, almost losing the control of the insect cells.

Within that crystal, there is clearly another sleeping version of myself wrapped in it.

No...or rather, it was me when I was only twelve years old, my last moment as a human being.

But at that time, the sleeping self suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of eyes that seemed to be fused with mercury, a pair of eyes that had no human emotions and were so cold that it made people shudder.

Those are not my own eyes.

"Thank you. Substitute." Another voice of hers rang in Charlie's ears.

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