Him and their stars

Chapter 1196 At least he’s not the protagonist now

If this dialogue continues, it may turn into a key political discussion between capitalism and imperial enlightened monarchy. Fortunately, neither of these two people like to go off topic. Seeing that Yu Lian was already changing the subject with a smile on her face, Yani pretended that she had calmed down, and then said: "The success rate of the Shibao Ship Group is less than 50%."

Yu Liandao: "Ten years ago, the empire would not have thought that the Shibao Ship Group would dare to rob Emperor Elisael's birthday plan, and even succeed in doing so. Yani, it is impossible for the temple to fully grasp all the information about the war. There is always an opportunity, there is always a divine hand, and there is always a miracle.”

Miss Bei felt that what the other party said was reasonable, but she added: "Even if they succeed, they will lose at least 30% of their troops."

"They have this awareness. What's more, isn't this what everyone wants to see?"

Yani smiled: "Such a decisive, ruthless and united pirate group is no longer an ordinary pirate group."

Therefore, it took ten years for them to become a perfect warlord, and they were only one step away from establishing a government in the Spiral Nebula.

Yu Lian smiled and said: "So, are you ready to punch hard?"

"I'm reminding you to be careful of heavy punches." Yani said with a serious and sincere tone: "I heard that you have accepted the members of the Shibao Ship Group and settled them in New China. You have also applied for the Star Territory of our country. Right of way?”

"It's not me, it's the central government of the Earth. I just made some suggestions."

"Haha, after all, it was you who agreed to the conditions of the Shibao Ship Group. Moreover, who would believe that nearly half a million pirates are good and unarmed people?" Yani said with a smile: "According to you Earthlings According to the previous statement, your behavior should be called recruiting refugees to wait for the right time, your disobedience is clearly revealed!"

"However, they are indeed unarmed in the literal sense! All ships are unarmed and only have some basic protective weapons. The heaviest weapons are some rail rifles whose capacitors are almost worn out by friction. Of course, they may be unruly. They have grown a little, so they were placed in New China. The land there is vast and sparsely populated, so people are needed to open up wasteland." Yu Liandao.

"Then when we get to New China, we will be reorganized by your minions. From the 500,000 unarmed old, weak, sick and disabled, 50,000 to 60,000 experienced sailors will be selected, right?"

Yu Lian scratched his head and looked at the other party with some confusion: "You know this is impossible. The old sailors who can fight are on those ships now, and they will be recruited by the empire after this battle."

Yani finally showed a smile: "I am thinking from the perspective of the Gonggun princes of your earth. Student Yu Liang, you must admit that, regardless of the facts, they do think this way. "

Yu Lian smiled and said: "Yani, I never expected that I would have a perfect image among the Gonggun princes in the center of the earth. Even if the Gonggun princes in the center suspected that I had ulterior motives, they would at most just wait and wait. I brought the main god-level people back to the country and found them in positions that were rich and prestigious but without real power. As for New China, the community is also a federal system. The district governor needs to be elected. Since the center of the earth handles If we can’t deal with the turmoil in Lone Night City in New Atlantis, we naturally won’t be able to deal with the hundreds of thousands more lawless people in New China.”

Princess Rainbow Rose sighed with regret: "It seems you have thought it through. What a pity. I originally wanted to do a business with you."


"Yes, I will accept these members of the Ten Treasures Ship Group and place them in the Losa Star District. Then I will give you 52 billion."

I have to admit that at that moment, Yu Lian was really a little tempted.

However, thinking of his nephew's big face that looked like a bulldog, Yu Lian said angrily: "The members of the Shibao Ship Group are all top-notch heroes! Don't use such external things to humiliate heroes!"

"Tsk, that's not how you reacted when the Rainbow Rose Foundation provided loans to New China." Yani rolled her eyes.

"That's for the people of New China, not for me." Yu Liandao.

Miss Bei snorted coldly, and then said: "I have asked the Gentian Flower to meet you. If your strategy goes well, they can follow up after the Community's marine troops and psykers land. Supported."

The Gendan Flower is a special cruiser of the Alliance, and it is also a support battleship directly affiliated with the Extraordinary Administration. Now, there are also eight inspectors on this ship with psychic weapons and preparation teams on standby. Yu Lian has seen these people before, and their strength can only be regarded as average, but after all, they are warriors with heraldry machines and specially trained, even if they are used to fill in the lines, they are excellent.

Moreover, they also said that they planned to come over to support them after their own landing, and they said that they would never compete with the people on Earth for the merit of landing first. Their attitude has been corrected to this point, and it seems that they are sincerely here to help.

"I will let them bury the space beacon in a safe place, and then send you the coordinates." Yani added: "Then, I will go and prepare. See you at the fortress later."

"Are you planning to land in person?" Yu Lianqi asked.

"It's really sad. I thought we had this kind of relationship, and you should know me very well." Miss Bei pretended to touch the corners of her eyes, looking like she was about to cry: "The battle has been fought. For this reason, if I don’t go and see for myself, I will definitely die of my own curiosity, right? Oh, oh, oh, don’t you even understand me about this kind of thing? "

"Well, I understand, I understand. Even if it's to avoid surprise, it's worth taking a little risk. So just go ahead. I'll be here waiting for your good news."

"Hehehe, Student Yu Lian, Teacher Yani dare to promise the spirit of the universe that you will definitely follow when the time comes."

Generally speaking, once a girl starts to freely realize her feelings, it is best not to go around in circles with the other person on the same topic, so he can only respond with a smile and silence.

After communicating with Miss Bei, Yu Lian drank the herbal tea sent by Colonel Singer all at once, and then ate half a dozen ice cream, three energy bars, two bags of dried meat and a bucket of ice cream. , and immediately felt that his energy had returned again.

At this time, the chief of staff brought new information.

"Your Excellency, the assault fleet of the Shibao Ship Group has broken through the outer shield and defense network of the Snake Cave, and our fighter squadron has also followed up!"

...Speaking of which, Colonel Singer, a supervisor, acted as an orderly, and you, the chief of staff, acted as a guest adjutant? This is all done, right?

"Get all assault landing craft ready! Have the Marines boarded the ship in armor?"

"Everything is ready. The 12 assault landing craft carried by the D regiment and the special battalion are warming up the engines and disintegrating the collision angle."

"Very good." Feeling that he had fully recovered, Yu Lian jumped up and looked at the bridge behind him. Then, all he saw was the serious face of the chief of staff.

...If it's time for Feifei to play the role of adjutant, my heraldic machine has already been waxed and waiting for me. Yu Lian couldn't help but feel a little sad.

But then again, I have six rings, so the heraldic machine seems to be of little use anymore, right?

"Your Excellency, you have said that if it is not necessary, your post should be here." Chief of Staff Mkawa looked straight ahead and said in a smooth voice.

"Yes, my post is indeed here. Don't worry, Chief of Staff. I am a steady general, and the most important thing is to be immovable." Yu Lian said seriously.

Brigadier General Mkawa was shocked speechless by the shamelessness of this commander who was less than half his age, and a flash of ashen flashed across his face. He subconsciously closed the corners of his mouth, but finally maintained his composure.

At this time, the communications officers on the bridge were also providing real-time feedback on various news from the front line.

"The first wave of aircraft of the Shibao Fleet is fighting with the enemy aircraft. The Thunder Blade attack aircraft team is close to the target!"

"The Thunder Blade attack aircraft was shot down by anti-aircraft fire, and all units fell silent."

"The second wave of the Shibao Fleet has arrived. Chief Gong Ao, enemy reinforcements have arrived at your three o'clock direction."

"The blue team led by Lieutenant Colonel Calrissian began to intercept! Be sure to cover the flanks of friendly forces!" Colonel Goniff also sent a notification from the front line.

Very good. Although it was the first time for the two armies to cooperate in combat, and the cooperation was definitely not that skillful, at least their attitudes were quite upright and they did not undermine each other.

"...It's not a drone! I repeat, it's not a drone!" Lieutenant Colonel Calrissian's report also came over.

"The blue team was hit hard and is returning. The green team takes over the front."

"The enemy aircraft has the ability to remain invisible when maneuvering highly! Repeat, the opponent has the ability to remain invisible during high maneuverability!"

"Prepare strong photon interference bombs immediately!"

"All pilots of the green team, be prepared for full manual operation! Switch to the mechanical navigator!"

Well, the battle ahead is still very intense.

Yu Lian's little heart was inevitably a little nervous after hearing this, but he did not want to directly seize the command of the former enemy commander, so he smiled and said: "Speaking of which, the adaptability of our psychics should be pretty good. I I have flown airships, cruise ships, and fighter jets before. At least I have flown them in a simulation cabin, so it should be no problem. Chief of Staff, how about giving me a fighter plane?"

Speaking of which, the operation of flying a fighter plane and throwing proton bombs through the heat exhaust port is very cool no matter how you think about it. I have really wanted to try it for a long time.

"..." The chief of staff looked at Yu Lian expressionlessly, and then looked forward.

"Okay, I'm joking. After all, I'm the commander of an army, and I haven't stooped to the point of running to the front lines to seize the merits of beheading my subordinates first!"

You also know that you are the commander of the first army! Chief of Staff Mkawa sighed: "Your Excellency, if the attack is disrespectful, the four Tigers and Leopards in our cabin..."

"Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, don't move!" Yu Lian said seriously.

At least it must not be done at this time.

"Your Majesty understands!" If nothing else, the Chief of Staff, after all, a veteran of his age, still knows how to read the air, but he suggested: "Then, this ship has been undergoing repairs for half an hour, do you want to re-enter the battle? Maintain the firepower attack on the enemy fortress? This way, we can also cover our cruisers to go to reinforcements."

Yu Lian was really surprised by the other party's proposal.

However, just when the fighters in front were about to fall into a bitter battle, and when Yu Lian was really preparing to command the Fuxi to make another extreme horizontal jump, a piece of good news also came through.

"Fighter U001 hit the target! Repeat, fighter plane U001 hit the target!"

"That's the fighter plane piloted by Gong Ao himself." The chief of staff whispered.

Yu Lian nodded slightly. At least in this stage of the strategy for the fortress, the one who plays the leading role is indeed the great pirate king. However, thinking of his bulldog-like appearance, Yu Lian always felt a little sorry for Lu Zhongtian, who had red lips, white teeth, blond hair and blue eyes.

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