Him and their stars

Chapter 1199 Maybe it’s my second time?

Count Tatier placed his body in a sturdy heraldic machine and stood on the ground of the fortress like a gorgeous sculpture.

With the current strength of the Knight Commander, the heraldry machine can no longer add combat effectiveness. At most, it can provide certain protection and survival effects. However, Count Tatier was, after all, a knight and a model soldier. For him, the heraldic machine served as a uniform. More importantly, when the entire Panzer Grenadier battalion was wiped out and the four Astral Knights died without any corpses, he needed to let the ordinary soldiers who were still alive see: the Knight Commander with the power of a god. , are acting together with them.

Therefore, Count Tatier not only put on the heraldic machine that he had not used for ten years, he even tattooed a very gorgeous ribbon on his armor, and used a gold fastener supported by a special material to fix an inlaid A long cloak with a personal coat of arms. A huge flag was erected on the back of the armor, with the logo of the Astral Knights and the military emblem of the empire painted on it.

The noble knight of the Astral Knights dresses himself up like an exaggerated mascot, but as long as he accepts this setting, the overall effect is still very good.

As soon as the soldiers of the stormtroopers saw the gorgeous and excessive appearance of the Knight Commander, they felt inspired. It was as if they couldn't feel any pain or fear, and they only knew how to move forward bravely. So, this time, although they paid more casualties, they still caused a lot of damage to the enemy.

As a result, the entire front finally began to slowly advance toward the interior of the fortress.

Count Tatier looked down at an enemy corpse lying in front of him. From the appearance, this seems to be a very ordinary Wulfling, wearing a space anti-Ghost suit and mask, and not even a decent power armor.

However, such a person just rushed in front of the grenadiers carrying dozens of rounds of bullets, and was then stabbed through by seven or eight melted bayonets.

But even so, before the Wulfling lost the ability to move, he still used a carbon tomahawk to chop off the helmet-covered head of a grenadier.

There is no psychic energy fluctuation in this guy's body. An ordinary Wulfling should not have such strong physical strength, let alone be hit by a bullet, but the god should have a metal-like collision.

"This is a prosthetic man. We were fighting this thing just now." An officer wearing power armor squatted down next to the corpse and used a small laser cutter protruding from the arm armor to cut open the Wulfling's body. The fur revealed a layer of armor plate, and then the torso was torn open, and a large string of mechanical parts that smelled of blood were taken out from behind the broken organs.

This man's name is Lieutenant Colonel Ernst Metig, a young and promising young officer, a very insightful military engineer, and currently serving as the assistant to the Knight Commander's adjutant.

Count Tatier pondered for a moment: "The Snakes of the World are a group of evil people who act recklessly, so it is not surprising to commit such blasphemous acts. But Ernst, I don't know that there can be so many cyborgs. Can be turned into cannon fodder.”

"...There are two types of prosthetic people, those who still regard themselves as human beings, and those who are about to become robots. These people are the latter."

He took out a chip about the size of a fingernail from the mechanical component: "This kind of neural chip is the important connection between limbs and organs and mechanical dynamics. There are not many countries and organizations with this kind of technical capabilities."

"So, you don't think this chip is directly produced by World Serpent?"

"Of course we can't rule this out. However, the process conditions for this thing are relatively complex, and the materials and production environment are also very demanding. Even if the World Snake has mastered many secret factories and secret strongholds, there should be something more important. Production must be prioritized.”

Count Tatier nodded: "So, it is the Iron Army Complex?"

"...Actually, the Alliance and the Empire are also fine."

The Earl thought: "So, the data for coordinating the robot factory was completely taken over by Feilin Laboratory. Moreover, they have always had business dealings with Tiejun in this area..."

Lieutenant Colonel Maytig hurriedly said: "More evidence is needed. There must be relevant information in this fortress."

He opened another holographic fortress structure diagram and reported: "Your Excellency, we have occupied the intersection of the A72 area. The 3rd Grenadier Company is conducting a search with a drone. The terrain environment here and what was obtained during the meeting The information does not match.”

The lieutenant colonel almost made it clear that "this was an intelligence error by the alliance." However, he didn't say it out loud after all, and he looked like a very polite and fastidious person.

"What's the situation with the Alliance and the Community?" the knight asked.

"The Alliance is also trying to land, but three consecutive attacks have failed. It is said that 500 people were killed, as well as two inspectors." The young adjutant's voice was a bit sad, and he did not mean to gloat at all.

Of course, although the losses on the Empire's side were actually more than twice that of the Alliance, with four of the two Astral Knights dying, they were still killed inside the fortress anyway, which was higher than the death of the other side on the outer layer of the armor plate. Do you know where it went? From this perspective, the Empire is indeed qualified to laugh at the Alliance.

"...As for the community, I heard that even the temporary maintenance sheds for armored vehicles have been repaired. People from the Grand Marshal's Palace said that the troops under the Dragon of Dawn, the God's Chosen Champion, may not be good at fighting, but they must be good at civil engineering. .This is truly a well-deserved reputation.”

The knight commander could tell that although the adjutant's words seemed to be a joke, there was a hint of doubt and solemnity in his tone, but there was no trace of ridicule or contempt.

Count Tatier was quite surprised. You must know that although his adjutant is young, he is also a top student at the Royal Naval Academy, and majors in staff planning and strategic research. He is not so much his adjutant as he is the chief staff officer. The Count himself held his non-psyker subordinate in high regard.

"It seems that the civil engineering work is very useful?" the knight commander asked.

"Yes. Snake's attempts to regain the beachhead were beaten back several times, but it lost a lot of strength. This is indeed due to the fact that after the Earthlings landed, they did not advance rashly, but chose to defend on the spot, and even Start constructing conservative tactics for civil work." Lieutenant Colonel Mei Physique's tone contained a hint of regret.

"When you don't know the situation between ourselves and the enemy, perhaps you should choose more conservative tactics."

Count Tatiere grinned: "Ernst, are you preparing to accuse me of trespassing?"

"If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself. When our first batch of landing troops marched into the important snake cave, the subordinate did not give any advice."

"This is the job of the chief of staff, not the adjutant. However, Ernst, I remember that when you were in school, you were a very offensive type! You have always believed that the best defense is offense." Tati Earl Ai continued to move forward while chatting with his adjutant in the headset.

"Xiaguan was too young and ignorant at that time." The adjutant said sheepishly.

"You are still very young now." The count said with a smile.

"Fortunately, after serving in the army, Xianguan has access to all the cutting-edge military theories in the universe, including the work that has just been completed. As an imperial soldier, Xianguan has to point out that "The Theory of Defense Omnipotence" is a great military revolutionary work . The Generalissimo's Office should not designate it as an internal magazine that only a few people can read, but use it as a new textbook and send it to the military academy."

"The Theory of Defense Almighty? I have also read that book, and I just feel that the earth has really won people. That young man is indeed a genius, but he has never thought that the unbridled military theory can be seamlessly used in actual combat so quickly. "The knight commander pondered: "Then what we say..."

"The conditions are different. The Earthlings tore off the outer wall of the snake lair by bombing the weak points, and logged in directly to occupy the entire hangar. The width of the battlefield they control is not comparable to ours. Now if we consider retreating to defend, there is no room. Let us use it." The adjutant paused: "Perhaps, we should not use the traditional way of attacking the fortress from the beginning."

"Very well, young man." Count Tatieri smiled: "I know now that you are indeed accusing me of rashly advancing."

"Your Excellency, if we don't dare to take the time, there is no need to worry too much." The adjutant said with a smile.

"I really want to take a leisurely stroll at any time, but now I can only do my best." The knight commander thought for a while, and then added: "Also, what actions does King Valente take?"

"He has prepared his heraldic machine, is with his retainers and palace guards, and is also on standby in the stormtrooper camp. In fact, to tell you the truth, Your Excellency, I originally thought that King Wei was a pure scientist and Civil servant. However, the eliteness of his palace guards exceeded my expectations."

"I know, and his two retainers are also experts." The Earl nodded: "Okay, then tell him that in 30 minutes, he can land with the fourth batch of troops. Just stay here, Coordinate all subsequent landing units."

Lieutenant Colonel Ernst Metig knew that he was not the type to follow his superiors and charge into battle, so he said "Follow the order", and then said: "However, Your Excellency, if we proceed according to our current strategy, after 30 minutes , not even enough for the planned second batch of troops to deploy. Not to mention the subsequent third and fourth batches."

"Haha, I hope I can make the situation a little better."

The knight commander and his adjutant passed by and chatted through the headset, while continuing to move forward, and soon came to a crossroads. At this time, his field of vision seemed to be wider, but only relatively speaking.

In fact, the three forks that separated in front of him were only five or six meters wide, and their height would never exceed four meters. Even if you enter it wearing a heraldry machine, you will feel extremely cramped and cramped.

It was in the small square inside the fortress formed by this fork that Count Tatier found Count Hronchi, who was over seventy years old, and two other elite knights with five rings.

"The two companies have begun exploratory attacks, but because the battlefield is too narrow, the troops cannot be deployed for the time being."

To put it bluntly, the attack was not going very smoothly.

He had heard countless times today from various subordinates about the problem of being unable to deploy troops due to the narrow battlefield. By this time, even the knight commander would start to feel a little regretful. However, Count Tatier also knew that the biggest taboo among military strategists was not mistakes in judgment or recklessness, but regrets after doing things halfway.

The potential risk of losing ground between snake and mouse is far higher than executing wrong tactics.

Count Tatier asked: "Where is the front passage?"

"It is full of violent toxins and unstable high-explosive particles. We are temporarily unable to use heavy weapons and energy weapons. Moreover, you can also feel a very obvious spiritual reaction deep in the corridor, which is much stronger than me." The veteran said With a worried expression: "In my opinion, Your Excellency, this is actually a very obvious challenge to the honor of a psyker."

Count Tatier couldn't help but sneered: "Very good, quite clean. Do you know who it is?"

"An eredar elf." Knight A, who had eagle eyes and spiritual body detection, replied: "Wearing alchemy armor and a double-headed machete. As for his strength... it is indeed unfathomable."

Knight B, who was holding the shield, added: "But, to us, you are also unfathomable."

"I never thought I could hear flattery here." Knight Commander Tatier laughed loudly: "But gentlemen, does an upright snake who wants to issue an honorary challenge conform to the habits of a snake?"

"Maybe he doesn't want to win the battle, my squad leader. Maybe he just wants to divert attention." Count Heronqi said. This 78-year-old veteran previously served as Count Taae's instructor. Of course, even if it doesn't matter, with his age, strength and qualifications, there is really no need to always use honorifics.

"Diversion of attention?" Tatier pondered: "What kind of diversion should this be?"

"I can't guess what the snake is thinking. However, the other party's unreasonable postures are all to confuse the audience. This should be common sense in the art of war." The veteran pondered for a moment and then said:

"Perhaps, such a powerful snake head needs to divert all our attention to him. This way, his companions can launch a counterattack through other paths... Yes, if they counterattack on the flagship, it will still be very dangerous. .In our time, only King Valente, his two retainers, and the navigator are psykers. As long as there is a master like the 'Hunter' who appeared in the New World Campaign or even 'now' , the flagship will be very dangerous."

What the knight commander said to the other party was quite reasonable. If the operational issues were put aside, Snake might be able to reverse the situation by doing this, so he said to the two knights.

"What do you think about being here?"

"The robot is removing highly sensitive particles and poisonous gas, but it will take at least half an hour." Knight A said.

"Xiaguan has considered using high-explosive energy to detonate the passage directly. It is impossible to collapse a passage and cause the structure of such a large fortress to become unbalanced. However, the opponent's snake head must have ulterior motives for adopting such a posture."

"So?" the knight captain asked.

"Either blow up the corridor and see what happens. Or we can wait for the results of the other two attacks. We can also go into battle."

The knight commander nodded and ordered: "Okay, in that case, you stay here and don't move around."

The three knights looked at each other and seemed to have guessed this. They stood at attention and tapped their chests with their fists.

Then, under the fascinated gazes of the Astral Knights and the Grenadier, the Knight Commander strode into the narrow corridor. After walking less than fifty meters, the built-in AI of the heraldry machine issued a reminder that the air did contain a large number of toxic chemicals and high-explosive particles that were fatal to the human body, and then pulled out a long list of red data.

I don’t have a fever, but since yesterday my throat hurts as if a knife was pulling my throat, and it’s hard to concentrate. Could it be Er Yang?

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