Him and their stars

Chapter 1201 Acrobatic talent?

After hearing Major Dutch's order, the commandos behind them pulled the triggers without any hesitation. However, before the guns in their hands could unleash their power, the three sentry guns had already been activated. The deadly fire net composed of live ammunition and energy beams completely covered the body of the golden-armored giant who had advanced a few steps further. Under the energy-filled smoke.

However, when those densely packed bullets were completely submerged in the smoke and dust, there was no scene of the body being torn apart and blood and flesh flying everywhere. There was not even a sound. It was as if it had sunk into an abyss and lost any potential energy.

He was on the communication channel again: "The target is attacking us! Requesting support! Requesting support! Colonel Walter?"

But then, Colonel Mina Walter's furious voice also sounded from the channel: "Walt's team encountered the enemy! Repeat, Walter's team encountered the enemy! A battle broke out... Bah, what is this? thing!"

"Such a big thing can actually sneak, and has the ability to neutralize energy? Isn't this too common sense?" This was the exclamation of another psyker A in Walter's team.

"How new, we are all psykers, when did we have to pay attention to common sense? You are a big man of 300 kilograms, but you are a driver who can't fill the line. Is it okay?" Psychic B exhaled heavily, while You scoffed.

"I'm a 300-pound master, so I'm really sorry for you."

"Everyone, stop arguing. We still have to defeat the enemy first!" Psyker C advised.

"Fuck, this isn't stealth at all! It's clearly a kind of environmental fusion! It's so disrespectful of martial ethics!" Psyker A said loudly.

"How fresh. When did you talk about martial ethics during the war? It's not Jianghu... Bah, you can't defeat the enemy like this, you will only hurt your own people." Psyker B said.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Form a formation! Hold on!" Colonel Walter roared. Her voice alone drowned out the chatter of all her teammates.

Major Dutch wanted to ask whether Walter's team encountered the enemy at the drone warehouse that served as the landing site for the army, or in which passage they were intercepted by the enemy after setting off again.

However, looking at it like this, the other party probably has no time to answer his own question.

Immediately afterwards, the communication channel was quickly filled with noisy and strange sound waves, and almost no human voice could be heard anymore. Of course the major didn't know that it was actually the energy generated when the psychic technique was activated, which would naturally cause interference to electromagnetic communications. At this time, he also saw that the purple-skinned giant wearing golden armor had already strode past the dense mine interception.

It was clearly nearly three meters tall, a giant with a stout build, as if it were made of rock and steel, and weighed at least half a ton by visual inspection. However, it did not elicit any violent reaction at all when it stepped on such a sensitive group of actively induced mines. It was just like an overly fat ghost floating over.

You know, under normal circumstances, even if a mouse comes over, these mines will explode for you to see.

But now, it is no longer time to worry about this. The giant in golden armor is still advancing against the firepower of the sentry cannon. He didn't even wait for the Marines to bombard them with heavy firepower such as missiles and artillery shells. He just seemed to shrink to an inch and flew across a distance of several hundred meters in a few steps, waving a huge door-panel. The sword slashed down on the head.

Before his sword edge fell, the boiling storm suddenly rushed over.

Even with a thick set of power armor on his body, Major Dutch still felt insecure. As an ordinary human being, he could still feel the murderous oppression. In an instant, he felt like he was wrapped in a thin layer of paper and could be torn into pieces at any time.

This may be the instinct that a normal creature would have to face a real life-threatening crisis.

But then, the heart-stopping wind pressure finally did not rush in front of him. At some point, a figure appeared in front of everyone, blocking the roaring golden-armored giant. A spiritual energy field that was almost invisible to the naked eye had been deployed on his side, neutralizing the storm-like sword on the spot.

Major Dutch could only see layer after layer of ripples rippling in the passage, as if the air had condensed from gas to liquid, and the liquid had formed a pool of water with constant waves.

But for some reason, looking at the ripples in the air, he suddenly felt a sense of security, and he didn't even want to run.

It was a figure wearing a Community Guardian MK2 heraldry machine. It is a special war mecha specially designed for psykers. It is more of an alchemical weapon than a scientific creation. It is at least a head taller than the power armor of ordinary warriors. Looking at it this way, it turns out that he is an opponent of the same size as the giant in golden armor.

Then, the golden-armored and purple-skinned man showed a solemn expression for the first time. He took the initiative to step back and create a distance, then raised his swords above his head and struck a posture.

"Ah ha, the young champion chosen by God, the Dragon of Dawn in the New World, the star of hope for the people on earth." The purple-skinned man sighed with satisfaction: "You are here."

Yu Lian felt goosebumps when he heard it, and then looked at the opponent's posture. It was clearly the starting position of the spiritual martial arts "Double Ridge Sword", which is an entry-level spiritual martial art of the Spirit Research Institute. He suddenly felt that the opponent was mocking him, and he turned coldly. Said: "Yes, I'm coming."

"You're late." The other party smiled.

"It's never too late."

"I'm late, the wine is cold, won't the blood be cold?"

"Wine won't be cold if it goes down the throat. Blood won't be cold if it's wiped on a knife."

Major Dutch felt that the dialogue between these two people was really interesting, as if they were watching a pretentious stream-of-consciousness martial arts movie. However, considering that the opponent had two shining general stars on his shoulder armor, it was hard for me, a small major, to remind the commander that he should be more serious.

Yu Lian also felt that maybe he should be more serious, but the eredar elf opposite seemed to be a little bit seriously ill. However, he is most likely one of the leaders of the World Serpent, the Time Lord of the Snake named "Past". So, whether he is really sick or fake, you should still be cautious.

Yes, this is indeed an eredar elf, the same race as the old eggplant elder in the Ethereal Temple, an immortal race that is very rare in the universe, but it looks much taller and stronger than that one.

This must be the legendary "past man"? This Eredar elf is said to be a true combatant psyker with dual cultivation of magic and martial arts. Not only does he master the psionic skills gifted by the Eredar elf to perfection, he is also a master of combat and martial arts who is familiar with the secrets of almost all schools in the galaxy. At the same time, he is also an unpredictable master of illusions, and can even silently set mental suggestions and depraved traps for psychic masters like the "Executor".

All in all, a hexagon with no shortcomings.

Oh, by the way, it is said that the "Past Master" also has an armor handed down from the Snake Ancestor of the World. It is made of legendary virtual objects. It is indestructible in the sense of rules.

Speaking of which, my most beloved relative and friend, Flores Wanda, was assassinated by a single trick. He even died in an inhumane way, making him look like a truly miserable person.

So, as a true hero who serves the country and the people with upright values, doesn't he have the obligation to seek justice for his beloved relatives and friends?

Thinking of this, Yu Lian turned the light spear in his hand into a windmill, then pinched the end of the spear handle with his hand and slowly leaned it an inch above his chest, and started a "submachine gunnery" stance.

"This spear is called Linguang. It was given by Emperor Elisir. The handle is 1.13 meters long. It is made of shadow iron and eighty-one fast energy-gathering crystal. It was forged by His Majesty himself!"

The "past man" on the opposite side nodded, and the two machetes were set up one after another. This time, they switched to the "twisting sword style", which is the entry-level swordsmanship of the Guerrilla Association.

"What the sword holds is destiny, and destiny is indestructible." His words were meaningful and domineering.

This guy is really difficult to deal with! Yu Lian secretly thought. However, this is not surprising. A veteran martial arts psychic who has a long life, rich combat experience, solid basic abilities and is very good at fighting should be difficult to deal with, and it is very likely to be more difficult to deal with than "the current lady" .

I remember that just half a year ago, when Yu Lian was still a newbie with five rings, he couldn't even take three rounds of "Ms. Now". This is when the opponent is merciful and does not use psychic energy to crush him physically.

But now, he is already a saint of the "sixth ring". If nothing else happens, you can at least fight the "past man" for ten rounds, right? perhaps……

Speaking of which, it is also a good thing that the other party does not launch an attack immediately, but is willing to stay here and chat with me.

At this time, his communication channel seemed to be a little clearer, and Colonel Mina Walter's voice could finally be recognized among the noisy sound waves.

"Your Excellency, Brigadier General Zuo Wanhu just reported that you escaped from everyone?"

"...I have indeed arrived at Major Dutch's side now. This should be the transportation hub leading to the inside of the fortress." Yu Lian replied smoothly while confronting "the past".

"...In other words, the light that passed in front of us just now is indeed you?"

Yu Lian felt that the other party's description was too shameful, so he said: "It's you, didn't it sound like you should be in a hard fight just now?"

"It's a tough fight now... to be exact, none of us can do anything to the other for a while." Colonel Mina Walter's words were full of distress.

Then, psyker B, whose name was not very important in Walter's team, explained the current battle situation clearly in ten seconds at a speaking speed comparable to that of the host.

All in all, their team encountered an enemy psyker. He seemed to be a huge and powerful guy, but he was also a master of stealth, as if he could blend directly into the environment. Whether it is indoor armor plates and pipes, or even air and electromagnetic waves, they are all places where you can hide.

However, this guy's attack method seems to be a little more simple. It is nothing more than throwing a hidden weapon from a hiding place or suddenly flashing and doing a close stab. Once the four-person team from the Blue Guard formed a formation to guard each other's juniors, they would be able to neutralize all sneak attacks with greater ease.

In this way, the scene fell into a stalemate.

"You're doing well, keep persisting. Oh, by the way, be careful to use oxygen sparingly." Yu Liandao: "When Major Rimbaud can successfully take the central control room all the way, close your cabin door and evacuate the air. That’s when the winner will be decided.”

"Ah this..." Just as Colonel Walter wanted to express his dissatisfaction, Yu Lian had already turned off the headset, deployed a gravitational field composed of psychic energy, and blocked dozens of pulse impacts composed of psychic energy. Dial to the surrounding passage walls.

Those energy bombs sank into the mirror-like passage wall. Some seemed like light fused into the mirror, while others seemed like rocks hitting the water, causing waves of explosions.

"Why don't you find an opponent with the same specifications as you?" Yu Lian said to the Eredar Elf: "I actually don't want to see your style drop suddenly."

This series of pulse energy bombs was released by him. The target was not himself, but the Marines behind him.

"Hahaha, I just want to see how true the rumors are." The eredar elf laughed in agreement: "Also, shouldn't you be grateful that I gave you the opportunity to prove your determination and character? Me?"

His figure suddenly swayed, and in the blink of an eye he appeared in front of Yu Lian again, but the two knives had already swept towards the latter's throat and waist.

If it were anyone else, this ghostly movement would be enough to blind someone. However, Yu Lian inside the heraldry machine did not pay attention to the opponent's movement at all, and even his counterattack movements looked like pajamas. However, his eyes always looked directly into the other person's eyes.

They were a pair of glowing red eyes, very lively, but always lacked the depth that the old devil should have.

Is this the "past public"?

Feeling the intensity of the opponent's attack, Yu Lian almost showed a bored expression.

It's obviously very ordinary, right? While he was thinking about it, he unfolded his light spear, one point on each side, and easily intercepted the opponent's two swords. At the same moment, the Dawn Sword suspended behind him also released the invisible dimensional blade at the same moment, continuously hitting the huge body wearing golden armor.

The shape of this golden armor is indeed too exaggerated. It doesn't look like a serious armor belonging to this era, but more like a prop in some B-level hero movie. But at this time, it does show what a "virtual product" should have. Effect. Those penetrating attacks that can tear apart space cannot tear apart this golden armor with the same skill.

The other party still seemed to feel a hint of danger and took a few strategic steps back. His retreating steps seemed very agile and mysterious. While retreating, he avoided several attacks from Yu Lian like a spring breeze. It looked like he was using very high-end psychic martial arts footwork, which made Yu Lian feel a little confused for a moment. Hunting Heart was happy.

However, retreat is still retreat. The majestic leader of the Ringed Snake, the master of hexagonal psychic combat, dare not confront a mere six-ringed man head-on?

"It's too much!" Yu Lian shouted loudly.

"Oh hahaha, impatient young man, don't you think this is really interesting?"

Then its body instantly lost its color and seemed to turn directly into a transparent shadow.

Immediately afterwards, the transparent shadow transformed into countless overlapping clones in an instant, surrounding itself with water, and launched an attack at the same moment. In an instant, he seemed to be attacked from all directions, pointing at all his vital points and blocking all possible directions for dodge and block.

However, Yu Lian still found it difficult to understand, and felt boring again.

Did the so-called leader of the World Serpent rely on his acrobatic skills to become the leader?

My throat still hurts, but it's lessened a bit, and luckily I don't have a fever. However, the condition is still not good, everyone apologizes

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